NGT Pioneer MCQs - mcq PDF

Title NGT Pioneer MCQs - mcq
Author Jisha Marathe
Course Bachelor of science
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 16
File Size 447.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 13
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NoSQL databases is used mainly for handling large volumes of ______________ data. A. unstructured B. structured C. semi-structured ANSWER: A

MongoDB supports fixed-size collections called ____________ collections. A. primary B. secondary C. capped ANSWER: C

__________ is a command-line utility to import content from a JSON, CSV, or TSV. A. mongorestore B. mongofiles C. mongosupport D. mongoimport ANSWER: D

Point out the correct statement. A. MongoDB is classified as a NoSQL database B. MongoDB favours XML format more than JSON C. MongoDB is column oriented database store D. MongoDB doesnot have databases ANSWER: A

Which of the following format is supported by MongoDB? A. SQL B. XML C. JSON D. C# ANSWER: C

MongoDB is a _________ database that provides high performance, high availability, and easy scalability. A. graph B. key value C. document D. columnar ANSWER: C

Dynamic schema in MongoDB makes ____________ easier for applications. A. inheritance B. polymorphism C. encapsulation D. Over-riding ANSWER: B

Which of the following is not a NoSQL database? A. SQL Server B. MongoDB C. Cassandra D. Vertica ANSWER: A

________ stores are used to store information about networks, such as social connections. A. Key-value B. Wide-column C. Document D. Graph ANSWER: D

Which of the following tool can be used to reload a database dump? A. mongorestore B. mongofiles C. mongosupport D. mongoimport ANSWER: A

__________ command display the list of databases. A. show db B. show dbs C. show data D. display dbs ANSWER: B

Which of the following operation is used to switch to new database mydb? A. use dbs B. use db C. use mydb D. use mydbs ANSWER: C

Command to check existence of collection is _____________ A. show collection B. show collections C. show collect D. display collections ANSWER: B

Which of the following method is used to query documents in collections? A. find B. move C. shell D. replace ANSWER: A

____________ method renders the document in a JSON-like format. A. displayjson B. print C. printjson D. printdoc ANSWER: C

Which of the following method corresponds to Order by clause in SQL? A. sort() B. order() C. orderby() D. group() ANSWER: A

The __________ method limits the number of documents in the result set. A. limit() B. limitOf() C. limitBy() D. limitTo() ANSWER: A

Which of the following line skips the first 5 documents in the school collection and returns all remaining documents? A. 5 ) B. 1 ) C. 5 ) D. 5 ) ANSWER: C

MongoDB stores all documents in _____________ A. tables B. collections C. rows D. columns ANSWER: B

Which of the following operation adds a new document to the users collection? A. add B. insert C. truncate D. drop ANSWER: B

Object_Id is similar to _________ key in Relational Databases. A. primary B. secondary C. composite D. complex ANSWER: A

Which of the field is reserved for use as a primary key? A. _id B. _uid C. _uuid D. uid ANSWER: A

The ______ field is always the first field in the document. A. id B. _id C. Ob_id D. _uid ANSWER: B

BSON is a binary representation of ________ documents. A. JSON B. XML C. JScript D. SQL ANSWER: A

The __________ JavaScript shell and the MongoDB language drivers translate between BSON and the language-specific document representation. A. mongod B. mongo C. iscript D. mongoscript ANSWER: B

A collection and a document in MongoDB is equivalent to............. concepts respectively. A. Table and Column B. Table and Row C. Column and Row D. Database and Table ANSWER: B

What is MongoDB? A. data growth B. document database C. adminCommand D. Combine objects ANSWER: B

A collection in MongoDB is a group of ...................... A. Databases B. Schema C. Related documents D. Rows ANSWER: C

Select the correct query to isplay user age in the descending order. A. db.users.find().sort({age:1}) B. db.users.find().limit() C. db.users.find() D. db.users.find().sort(age:1) ANSWER: D

Which of the following is not a valid NoSQL database? A. Cassandra B. Handhoop / Hbase C. PostgreSQL D. Scylla ANSWER: C

_______ represent a column in NoSQL. A. Database B. Field C. Collection D. Document ANSWER: B

Which of the following statements is true about the NoSQL databases? A. Cannot be used in conjunction with RDBMS. B. Are useful for supporting large distributed data sets. C. Are most commonly used databases of today. D. Do not support SQL functions. ANSWER: B

Which of the following is not a valid data structure for NoSQL db? A. Table based B. Column based C. Key / Value based D. Graph based ANSWER: A

Which of the following is not valid for NoSQL? A. Cross-platform B. High performance C. Less scalable D. Document oriented ANSWER: C

Which is the method that operates on the return value of $()? A. show() B. css() C. click() D. done() Answer: B

What does the min mean in the following JavaScript code? A. Minimised version B. Miniature C. Minimised parameters D. Minimum value ANSWER: A

Which of the following is an equivalent replacement of $(document).ready(f)? A. jQuery(f) B. $(f) C. #(f)

D. read(f) ANSWER: B

Which jQuery method is used to hide selected elements? A. hidden() B. hide() C. visible(false) D. display(none) ANSWER: B

In which year jQuery developed? A. 2001 B. 2004 C. 2005 D. 2006 ANSWER: A

In which year jQuery developed? A. 2001 B. 2004 C. 2005 D. 2006 ANSWER: A

Which of the following jQuery method can be used to attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request begins and there is none already active?

A. ajaxStart( callback )

B. ajaxComplete( callback )

C. ajaxSend( callback )

D. ajaxStop(callback)

Answer : A

Which of the following is a single global function defined in the jQuery library? A. jQuery() B. $() C. Queryanalysis() D. global() ANSWER: A

Which jQuery method should be used to deal with name conflicts? A. noNameConflict() B. noConflict() C. nameConflict() D. conflict() ANSWER: D

Which jQuery method is used to switch between adding/removing one or more classes (for CSS) from selected elements? A. toggleClass() B. switch() C. altClass() D. switchClass() Ans: D

Which statement best explains what "unobtrusive JavaScript" is? A. JavaScript that doesn't annoy users B. JavaScript that is separate from HTML C. JavaScript that does not affect a web page D. JavaScript that works even with scripting turned off Ans: B

jQuery is a... A. JavaScript library B. Ruby Gem C. PHP Framework D. None of the above Ans: A

Load remote data using HTTP GET A. $.get(url,data,callback,type) B. $.ajax(options) C. $.post(url,data,callback,type) D. $.getScript(url,callback) Ans: A

Triggers, or binds a function to the error event of selected elements. A. click() B. error() C. event.pageX D. click.error() Ans: B

The speed options can be applied to which jQuery functions? A. css and ajax B. show and fadeIn C. toggleCss D. All of the above Ans: B

If you want to stop your jQuery for a few milliseconds, which function do you use? A. stop() B. pause() C. slowdown()

D. delay() Ans: D

How many types of selectors available in jquery. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ANSWER : C

Jquery library is ____________ file. Options A. .html B. .XML C. .js D. .lib ANSWER: C

There are how many ways to check or unchecked the radio button. A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ANSWER : B

How many methods are available in jquery to give fade effect to the elements? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four ANSWER : C

.css(‘width’) and .width() are the two ways to change the width of _________. A. selector B. element C. fade effect D. radio button ANSWER : B

Using ________ function, we can hold or release the execution of jQuery’s ready event. A. jQuery.holdReady() B. jQuery.ready() C. jQuery.hold() D. jQuery.holdready() ANSWER : D

The ________ method works for accepting an array of DOM elements and pushes them into a stack. A. push() B. pop() C. pushStack() D. popStack() ANSWER : C

Which method is used by asynchronous HTTP request? Options A. .hover() B. .find() C. .ajax() D. .hold() ANSWER : C

Which of the following method is used to hide the selected elements? A. visible(false) B. hidden()

C. display(none) D. hide() ANSWER : D

Which of the following technology is not used by Ajax? A. JavaScript B. Document Object Model C. XMLHttpRequest D. Flash ANSWER : D

Which of the following are controls of Ajax except ? A. ScriptManager B. UpdateData C. ScriptManagerProxy D. UpdatePanel ANSWER : B

what is the ajax? A. ajax B. part code C. lavel D. opensource ANSWER : D

Which is the appropriate code to begin a HTTP GET request? A.“GET”,”data”); B.,”data.csv”); C.“GET”,”data.csv”); D.“GET”); ANSWER: c

What makes Ajax unique? A. It works as a stand-alone Web-development tool. B. It works the same with all Web browsers. C. It uses C++ as its programming language. D. It makes data requests asynchronously. Ans: D

Which property helps to initiate the HTTP requests? A. request B. location C. send D. write ANSWER: B...

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