Norse-Myth - Summary of Norse mythology book PDF

Title Norse-Myth - Summary of Norse mythology book
Author Shahroz Khan
Course Readings in Indo-European Myth
Institution McMaster University
Pages 26
File Size 224.1 KB
File Type PDF
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Summary of Norse mythology book...


Norse Myth

The Creation -







Muspell - no one can endure it except those born into it Niflheim is realm packed with ice and covered with sweeps of snow Hvergelmir is source of 11 rivers named “the Elivagar” - Cool: Svol, Gnthra - Defiant: Fjorm - Bubbling: Fimbulthul - Fearsome: Slid - Storming: Hrid, Sylg, Ylg - Broad: Vid - Streaks like lightning: Leipt - Freezing: Gjoll Ymir - Frost giant - Evil from the first - Sweat while he sleeps and man and woman grew from his left armpit, one of his legs fathered a son on the other leg - Forefather of all the frost giants and they called him Aurgelmir As ice melted in Ginnungagap, the fluid took the form of a cow, she was called Audumla - She continued to lick the ice and slowly a person began to appear, by the third day evening, a whole man had came named Buri Buri - Tall, strong, good looking - Son called Bor - Bor married the daughter of Bolthor (one of the frost giants) - Her name was Bestla, they had 3 kids (all sons): Odin, Vili and Ve Three sons did not like Ymir and eventually killed him - Wounds like springs; so much blood and fast - Flood drowned all frost giants except Bergelmir and his wife - Embarked in their boat made from hollowed tree trunk and rode on tide of gore Odin, Vili and Ve hoisted the body of dead first giant on their shoulders and carted it to the middle of Ginningagap Made the world from his body - Shaped the Earth from Ymir’s flesh and mountains from his unbroken bones - Blood to make landlocked lakes and sea - After they made the Earth, they laid the rocking ocean in a ring right around it - Very wide so most men would not cross it - His skull made the sky, set a dwarf under each corner (north south east west) - His brain was used as clouds Sons of Bor marked out tracts of land and gave them to the frost giants





The giants settled and remained there 3 brother’s built an enclosure further inland around a vast area of the earth, shaped out of Ymir’s eyebrows and called it Midgard 3 sons came across 2 fallen trees - Ash and elm - Raised them and made them the first man and woman - Odin breathed into them spirit of life - Vili offered them sharp wits and feeling hearts - Ve gave them the gift of hearing and sight - Man- Ask; Women- Embla - Given Midgard to live in - All families and nations and races of men are descended from them Night - Daughter of one of the giants named Narvi - Dark features; married 3 times - First husband: Naglfari (had son named Aud) - Second husband: Annar (had daughter named Earth) - Third husband: Delling (related to the sons of bor); (had son named Day) - Day was radiant and fair Oden took Night and Day, sat them in horse chariots and set them in the sky to ride round the world every 2 half days - Night’s horse is frosty maned Hrimfaxi - Day’s horse: Skinfaxi; gleaming mane that lights up sky and earth alike Mundilfari - Lives in Midgard - 2 children - Son: moon - Daughter: sun - Sun married man named Glen - Odin and his brothers were mad and snatched away both children and placed them in the sky to guide the chariots of the sun and moon - Constellations made by the sons of Bor to light the world out of the sparks from Muspell - Moon leads way; decides when he will wax and wane, doesn’t travel alone - Plucked 2 kids from Midgard: Bil and Hjuki, their father is Vidfinn - Sun follows behind - 2 horses: Avak (bc he rises early) and Alsvid (bc he is strong) - Son is always in a hurry thats why she is chased by Skoll (wolf who is always snapping and growling behind her) - Wolf that races in front of Sun is called Hati - He is chasing after Moon and will run him down in the end - Both wolves are sons of an aged giantess who lived in the iron wood, east of Midgard



3 sons remembered the maggots that had squirmed in Ymir’s flesh and crawled out over earth - Gave them wits and the shape of men - Live under the hills and mountains in rocky chambers and grottoes and caverns - Man like maggots are called Dwarfs - Modsognir is their leader and his deputy is Durin - Sons then built their own realm of Asgard - A stronghold place of green plains and shining palaces high over Midgard - 2 regions were linked by Bifrost (flaming rainbow bridge) - Made of 3 colours and is strong - All Aesir; the guardians of men, crossed over and settled in Asgard Odin, Allfather is the oldest and greatest of them all 23 devine gods and 12 goddesses Great assembly of other Aesir All regions of the world, lie under branches of the ash Yggdrasill, greatest and best of trees - 3 roots delve into Asgard and Jotunheim and Niflheim - Spring under each - Hawk and eagle sit in it, squirrel scurries up and down it, deer leap within it and nibble at it, dragon devours it and is sprinkled with dew - Gives life to itself, gives life to the unborn - Winds whirl around it and Yggdrasill vroons or groans - Yggdrasill always was and will be

The War of Aesir and Vanir -


Odin did not give friendly welcome to witch Gullveig when she came to visit him Aesir listened as she talked about only her love and lust for gold Thought that the world would be better off without her - so they tortured her and riddled her body with spears - Aesir hurled Gullveig on to the fire in the middle of the hall; burned her to death - BUT she stepped whole out of the flame and was reborn - Burned her 3 times but she lived 3 times again - She was now given the name Heid - The gleaming one, she was a seer - Enchanted wands of wood and went into trances and cast spells - Mistress of evil magic, delight of every evil women When the Vanir heard how they welcomed Gullveig, they were incensed (angry) as Aesir had been by her gold lust and began to prepare for war for revenge Gods moved against each other and Odin cast his spear into the host of Vanir - Beginning of the first war in the world - First Vanir gained ground - Used spells and reduced towering of walls of Asgard to tubble








Assir fought back and surged forward and caused damage as well in Vanaheim (the world of Vanir) - As battle continued, it was clear that neither side was likely to win Gods on both sides grew weary of war Leaders of Aesir and Vanir met to discuss terms - Argued about war’s origins and if Aesir alone was guilty of causing the war of if both sides were at fault Aesir and Vanir swore to live side by side in peace and agreed to exchange letters as proof of their intentions Vanir, Njord and his son Freyer made their way to Asgard - Njord’s daughter (Freyja) journeyed with them and so did Kvasir (the wisest of the Vanir) Aesir welcomed them, much as they disliked the fact that Freyr and Freyja were the children of Njord by his own sister - Appointed Njord and Freyr as high priests to preside over sacrifices - Freyjs was consecrated a sacrificial priestess - She taught the Aesir the witchcraft that was well known and in common use Vanaheim Aesir sent long-legged Honir and wise Mimir to live in Vanaheim - Honir was well built and handsome - The Aesir thought he’s make an enviable leader in war and peace - Mimar was held to be second to none in his understanding and wisdom Vanir welcome and accepted them - Appointed Honir to be one of their leaders, and Mimir stood at his right hand, always ready with advice - When Honir was separated from Mimir, things were different - Honir’s said they’ll let others decide which was always the same The Vanir had begun to suspect that the Aesir had tricked them and that they had got very much the worse in the exchange of leaders - Their suspicion turned into anger, and thoughts of revenge - Seized wise Mimir and threw him to the ground and hacked off his head - Told one of the messengers to take it back to those who has send it (Odin and the Aesir) - Odin took Mimir’s head and cradled it - Smeared it with herbs to preserve it - High One sang charms over it and gave back to Mimir’s head the power of speech - It’s wisdom became Odin’s wisdom- many truths unknown to any other being

The Building of Asgard’s Wall -






After the war, the wall around Asgard that the Vanir had razed with their battle magic remained a ring of rubble, deserted, the home of eagles and ravens Gods said wall should be rebuilt so Asgard would be safe from evil but no one wanted to build it One day a solitary figure on horseback was stopped by the watchman Heimdall - He had a plan to put to the gods - Gods and goddesses gathered in Gladsheim - He was surrounded by Odin and the 12 leading gods - He said he would rebuild the wall around Asgard - Wall was going to be higher and stronger than before but he needed 18 months but he wanted Freyja as his wife to do it, as well as the Sun and Moon Loki said to give the man’s demands thought and will think about it Freyja cried tears of gold but Loki said he would never be able to build it in time so there was nothing to lose - They said 6 months and if any part of the wall is unfinished on the first day of summer, he doesn’t get anything - He agreed but was allied using his horse Svadilfari for help He was almost done building the wall and everyone was so nervous - They said it was up to Loki to fix it or else they would punish him since he started it At the same time Svadilfari started after the mare with such thrust that it broke the rein - He then knew he would not longer be able to complete his task in time - He got angry and burst- he was in a costume the whole time! He was in fact a giant and they sent for Thor - Thor paid mason his wages and they were not the sun and moon - A single blow from the hammer Mjollnir shattered the giant’s skull into a thousand fragments and dispatched him into the endless dark of Niflheim Months passed before Loki the “shape changer” was seen in Asgard again - When he returned, he had a colt in tow - Horse was unusual bc it had 8 legs and was grey - Loki called the horse Sleipnir When Odin saw Sleipnir, he admired him and Loki told him to keep the horse as he could help bear him Odin thanked Loki again and looked at the horse thoughtfully

Lord of the Gallows ● ● ● ●

The axis of the world was Yggdrasill Many creatures prayed off the living tree A second root curled into Asgard and flowed the well of Urd, the spring destiny where gods gathered each day and held a court of justice 3 Norns lived near by ○ Fate, Being and Necessity ○ They shaped the life of each man from his first day to his last ○ Sprinkled water on the branches of Yggdrasil and nourished the suffering tree Third root burrowed into that part of Jotunheim held by frost giants ○ Under the root bubbled the spring guarded by wise Mimir and the water in that well gave insight to those who tasted it ○ Heimdall the god left his shrieking horn there until the day he would need it so summon every living creature to Ragnarok ○ Odin had given one eye for a single fraught from it ○ He won immense knowledge there and with it, the thirst for greater wisdom Terrible one approached Yggdrasill alone ○ Odin said how he hung from the tree for 9 long night alone with a spear and no one came to comfort him He learned 9 powerful songs from Bolthor’s famous son, Bestla’s father and his wisdom grew ○ First is called “help” ■ Because it can comfort grief and lessen pain and cure sickness ■ Pg. 129; 18 sayings from Odin before there were men ■ Were his words after death, when he rose again

The Song of Rig ● ● ● ●

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Heimdall can hear the sound of growing Needs less sleep than a bird Eagle- eyed, that by night he can see the least movement a hundred leagues away At night, Heimdall approached a decrepit trufed hut ○ Heimdall knocked and swung open the door ○ In the middle of the room was Edda, great grandfather and great grandmother facing each other across the fire ○ Heimdall said his name was Rig and he was then welcomed ○ He stayed for 3 nights Every day the 2 stallions Arvak and Alsvid dragged the chariot of the sun across the sky Night tightened the reins of her mount, Hrimfaxi and each morning the face of the Earth was dewy with foam from his bit

9 months passed and edda gave birth to a son ○ Ai and Edda called him Thrall ○ Skin was wrinkled, hands were chapped and knockled were knotted and he was ugly ○ He however, was strong and made good use of his strength by gathering wood for burning ○ An ugly girl came to their hut, her name was Thir the Drudge and they had fallen for each other ○ Had 10 children named Fjosnir the Cattle Man and Course Klur; Hreim and Kreggi etc ○ Shored up the structure and repaired the fabric of the hut ○ Also had daughters ○ These were the offspring of Ai and Edda and from these children stem the race of thralls Heimfall went to the next farm and saw Afi and Amma, grandma and grandpa and was welcomed there too ○ 9 months passed and Amma gave birth to a son ○ His name was karl and he was quick to grow and strong ○ When karl was young man, his parents found him a wife, a air daughter of a freeman living near by ○ Her name was Snor ■ Karl and her equipped their farm and arranged things to their liking ■ Had 10 daughters and many sons ■ From these children stem the race of peasants Heimdall continued his journey and entered a house and saw father and mother ○ He was welcomed ○ Mother gave birth to a son name was Jarl ○ Rig found jarl and told him how he was the father and said to win the land so he could become king Jarl slew warriors and won land ○ Owned no less than 18 halls already and was generous to his retainers ○ He gave them finger rings and armbands, both of gold, precious stones Jarl asked for the hand of Hersir’s daughter named Erna ○ Got married and lived happily ○ Had a lot of kids, and they all learned to play and swim and as they grew older they tamed beasts and made circular shields shaped shafts and shook spears Kon and Rig shared their understanding of the runes and Kon was as even more subtle and wise than his father ○ Crow sat on a branch and asked kon why he spends his time seducing birds to talk to you, he would do better to set out on your stallion and show daring in battle ○ Crow talked about how Dan and Danp were better at many things compared to him

The Mead of Poetry ●

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When the Aseir and Vanir made a truce, every single god spat into a jar to seal friendship ○ They carried the jar out of the spittle they fashioned a man ○ Name was Kvasir ○ No god or man ever regretted putting him a question or asking his opinion ○ Wherever he went, news of his comings went before him ○ Listen to problems and sorrows with kind blank face and offered suggestions and answered questions with questions ○ Made people feel that they had been helped to answer their own question Kvasir’s wisdom reached the unpleasant ears of a pair of brothers, the dwarfs called Fjalar and Galar ○ Turned into envy ○ Asked Kvsir to feast with them and had knives hidden in their sleeves ○ Blood spurted out of his body and Fajar and galar caught it in 2 large jars ○ He died Assir sent a messenger to ask after Kvasir and the 2 dwarfs said he choked on his own learning ○ Poured honey in the jars of blood and it formed a sublime mead ○ Whoever drank it became a poet or a wise man ○ No one tasted it or knew about it except them 2 dwarfs had guests; giant Gilling and his wife ○ Began to quarrel and took a boat and rowed it far out in the ocean surrounding Midgard ○ Rammed their boat to a slimy half rock ○ Gilling was not able to swim and he died and they dwarfs went back happy ○ Said it was an accident to the wife ○ Dropped a millstone on wife’s head bc she kept crying and it was annoying Sutting, the son of the husband and wife went searching for his parents ○ He seized both of the dwarfs by their necks ○ Went to sea and dumpt the dwarfs on a sopping rock standing clear of water ○ Dwarfs offered him the treasure of the blood Sutting told his daughter, Gunnlod to guard it day and night ○ Gods learned about the jars bc he was not quiet about it Odin elected Jotunheim and bring the mead back to Asgard ○ Disguised himself as a giant of a man and called himself Bolverk, worker of evil ○ Baugi was the master who guards Kvsir’s blood (aka Suttung’s brother) ○ He slit everyone’s throats ○ He went to Baugi’s farm and explained he had been walking all day and asked for a meal and to stay overnight ○ Baugi said how all of his workers had died and Bolverk said he would do all the work in exchange for sip of blood ○ He said to work for him over the summer and he would tell his brother to suggest it, so he did wok all day and night

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End of summer Bolverk asked for his wage and he told his brother about it but his brother said he won’t let him drink it ○ Bolverk pulled auger (rati) our of his belt and told the giant that with it, he might be able to drill a hole in the mountain and thats the least u can do for return of my work ○ Rock chippings blew into his his face and the giant continued to drill and the second time he blew the loose chippings were carried forward on the tide of air ○ Bolverk knew that the giant had bored right into the room of the heart of Himinbjorg and he turned himself into a snake and shrithed into the aunger hole ○ Baugi stabbed Bolverk with the point of the auger but he wasn’t quick enough, snake was already half-way down the passage on his way to Gunnlod ○ When he reached the stronghold, Bolverk changed himself back into a giant of a man and stood in front of Suttung’s daughter Gunnlod was sitting on a stool of solid gold and suttung’s earning that she should guard forgot ○ They slept together ○ Gunnlod took his hand and lead him to the mead ○ First draught: Bolverk emptied Odrorir, second: Bodn, third: Son ○ Father of gods held all the divine mead in his mouth Odin turned himself into an eagle, flapped down and headed for Asgard The Aesir quickly brought out jars and bowls and laid them side by side so that they covered the whole courtyard inside the great wall of Asgard Watched as Suttung came closer to Odin Eagle Odin dived in over the wall and spat the mead into the crooks assembled beneath him Odin spilt some mead outside the wall but it was so little that gods were not worried about it ○ They said anyone who wants it can have it and it became poetaster’s potion Suttung shrieked and lost through cunning what he had won through force and there was nothing he could do Gods had lost Kvasir ○ Because of the cunning of Allfather, they had won back his blood Odin drank some and sometimes offered to one of the Aesir or to a man or 2 in Midgard the gift of poetry

Loki’s Child and the Binding of Fenrir ●

Mother of Sleipnir was also the father of 3 children ○ Loki sometimes took off for Jotunheim

○ Spend days and nights with giantess angrboda ○ He wasn’t faithful to his wife Sigyn Loki and Angrboda had 3 kids ○ Wolf Fenrir ○ Jormungand ○ Hel (daughter) ■ Was pink but from her hips down she looked decayed and greenish black ■ Always gloomy and grin Gods agreed that Loki’s children must be captured ○ Group of gods busted into Angrboda’s hall and kidnapped her children and carried them back to Asgard ○ Odin picked up Jormungand and hurled him into the ocean surrounding Midgard, the world of men… sank to the sea bottom ○ He lived and grew there ○ Jormungand grew so long and he encircled the whole world and bit his own tail Odin took Hel and hurled her out of Asgard too ○ Threw her into the most and darkness of Niflhiem ○ She would now look after the dead ○ She should share whatever food she had with whoever came to her Hel made herself at home ○ He...

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