Notes from Quizzes - Quiz questions and answers for all 20 lectures from Professor Merilee Larsen PDF

Title Notes from Quizzes - Quiz questions and answers for all 20 lectures from Professor Merilee Larsen
Author gracie hux
Course Human Sexuality
Institution Utah Valley University
Pages 14
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Quiz questions and answers for all 20 lectures from Professor Merilee Larsen...



1. The religion of which group of people believed that homosexuality and heterosexuality occurred because the original humans were double creatures with twice the normal number of limbs and organs? a. Ancient Greeks 2. An anthropologist who studied sexual behavior in other cultures was a. Margaret Mead 3. Which of the types of media influence refers to the notion that reporters select what to report and ignore and, within the stories that they report, what to emphasize? a. Agenda Setting 4. Lori is reading in her Human Sexuality textbook about the sexual practices of other cultures. She is “grossed out” by the variations in sexual behaviors that people around the world display. She wonders why everyone can't just be "normal" like she and her friends are. This is an example of: a. Ethnocentrism 5. Data on social class variations in sexuality in the United States indicate a. the percentage of people who have had two or more sex partners in the past 12 months is about the same at all education levels. 6. Which of the following statements is supported by cross-cultural research on

variations in sexual techniques? a. Kissing is common in most but not all societies 7. The marriage rate is LOWEST in which of the following American ethnic groups? a. African Americans 8. Asian Americans believe that open expression about sexuality represents a threat to their interdependent social structure. This belief is based on what value? a. Collectivism 9. Female primates engage in sexual signaling to males as a way of a. flirting with males to signal their interest 10. Positive sexual health is a broad concept that involves a. All of the above i. absence of disease ii. iii.

lack of dysfunction safe and respectful sexual experiences

August 31, 2018 Sexual Theories Matching Activity:

1. Psychoanalytic theory - Includes a basic assumption that what we think influences what we feel 2. Learning theory - including classical conditioning, operating conditioning, behavior modification, and social learning

3. Social exchange theory - based on the concept of reinforcement, that assumes that people will choose actions that maximize rewards and minimize costs. 4. Cognitive theory - Includes a basic assumption that part of human personality is unconscious 5. Feminist theory - includes the ideas of gender as a status an inequality, sexuality, gender roles and socialization, and intersectionality. 6. Queer theory - questions the social categorization os sexuality and gender

CHAPTER 2 QUIZ: 1. ______ focuses on psychological mechanisms that have been shaped by natural selection. a. Evolutionary psychology 2. Which of the theories is the application of evolutionary biology to understanding the social behavior of humans? a. Sociobiology 3. According to sexual selection, which is NOT one of the processes? a. Training a mate to behave in ways that fit cultural expectations 4. Which of the following was NOT part of Freud’s view of personality development and sexuality? a. Womb envy 5. The most important occurrence in the phallic stage of Freud’s psychosexual development is called a. Oedipus complex. 6. Which of the following is a basic assumption of learning theorists? a. Sexual behavior can be learned and changed at any time in one’s lifespan. 7. Olfactory aversion therapy is an example of a a. behavior modification technique for decreasing problematic sexual behaviors. 8. Coffee shops, bars, swingers clubs, dating websites ---- places where sexual intimacies may occur according to certain rules --- are known as a. sexual fields. 9. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to the legal system as an influence on sexuality? a. Laws are the basis for mechanisms of social control. 10. When Justin and Stephanie made love for the first time, they first kissed, then he caressed her breasts, she then manually stimulated his penis, they both then took turns orally stimulating each other, and then ended with intercourse where

both had orgasms. Justin and Stephanie’s experience is an example of… a. a sexual script. CHAPTER 3 QUIZ: 1. Which of the following types of research studies allow us to make conclusions about the causes of behavior? a. Experiments 2. Who began studying human sexual behavior in the laboratory in 1954? a. William Masters 3. Which of the following concerning the Masters and Johnson research is NOT true? a. None of these i. It avoided problems of self-reports. ii. iii.

It was costly and time consuming. Probability samples were impossible to obtain

4. A(n) _______ is a number that measures the relationship between two variables. 5.





a. Correlation A group of people a researcher wants to study and make inferences about is known as a. a population Ronald’s twin brother, David, was a participant in research on homosexuality. After the research was over, David gave Ronald the principal investigator’s number and told Ronald that he might want to participate in the study, too. The fact that Ronald was not recruited by the investigator, but rather by his brother who was a participant is an example of: a. a convenience sample. During a sex survey, Jimmy reports that he has sex, on average, three times a day with his girlfriend. This is most likely an example of...? a. purposeful distortion. In order to avoid memory problems in self-reports, researchers may ask participants to: a. use a daily diary, in which they record their sexual activity for a 24-hour period. When administering sex surveys to ethnic minorities, researchers should be sensitive to issues such as: a. All of these i. ii. iii.

the special sensitivity of some groups regarding certain topics. the language used in the questions. the ethnicity of the researcher

10. Lori has administered her research to five subjects. The subjects’ scores

regarding the premarital sexual permissiveness scale were: 80, 65, 25, 10, and

40. What is the mean of Lori’s sample’s data? a. 44

CHAPTER 4 QUIZ: 1. Cancer of the __________ is the second most common form of cancer in women. a. Breast 2. Approximately 95% of ___________ cancer cases are caused by Human Papillomavirus (HPV). a. Cervical 3. ____________ cancer may be suspected when a women has bleeding in times other than her menstrual cycle or after menopause. a. Endometrial 4. Symptoms of abdominal bloating or cramping, vomiting and diarrhea, can be indicative of which type of cancer? a. Ovarian 5. 16% of men who have mutations of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes develop which type of cancer? a. Prostate 6. ______% of breast lumps are cysts or fibroadenomas and are benign. a. 80% 7. Cancer of the __________ is the second leading cause of cancer in men. a. Prostate 8. The first sign of this type of cancer is a painless lump in the testes, followed by pain in the lower abdomen or groin. a. Testes. 9. Symptoms of this cancer include frequent urination, difficulty in urination, and difficulty emptying the bladder. a. Prostate 10. This type of cancer is most common in men ages 29-35. a. Testes

CHAPTER 5 QUIZ: quizlet- 1. The structures that function together and influence important sexual functions such as the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, changes of puberty, and sexual behavior are the… a. hypothalamus, pituitary, and gonads. 2. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to the sex hormone systems in the

female? a. The hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries form a negative feedback loop. 3. During prenatal sexual differentiation…

a. the Y chromosome, because it is smaller, carries less information than the X. 4. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to prenatal sexual differentiation? a. The Müllerian ducts turn into the fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the upper part of the vagina in the female. 5. The ovaries and testes are…

a. both homologous and analogous organs. 6. Chromosomal gender, gonadal gender, and external genital appearance are all examples of a. variables of gender. 7. In congenital adrenal hyperplasia a. an excess amount of androgens results in external genitals that are partly or completely male in appearance in a genetic female. 8. Societies in which 5-alpha reductase syndrome occurs tend to be

a. three-gender societies. 9. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to adolescence?

a. Adolescence is a socially defined period of development that bears some relationship to puberty. 10. The first sign of puberty in the female is typically

a. breast development.

CHAPTER 6 QUIZ: 1. Depressed mood, insomnia, tearfulness, feelings of inadequacy, and fatigue are

2. 3. 4.

5. 6.

symptoms of which postpartum psychological change? a. Postpartum depression In the first few days after delivery, the breast secretes a. Colostrum What is a “misplaced pregnancy”? a. Ectopic Which of the following is a reproductive technology in which sperm and eggs are fertilized in a laboratory dish and then placed in the female’s fallopian tubes in the hope that natural implantation will occur? a. ZIFT The Micro-Sort method seeks to collect sperm that will decide a. Gender A zygote is a(n)

a. Fertilized egg 7. Which of the following statements about sex during pregnancy is TRUE? a. While a woman’s shape during the third trimester may make intercourse awkward, intercourse can occur safely throughout all stages of pregnancy if a woman is healthy. 8. The most common cause of infertility in men is infections caused by ______.

a. STI - sexual transmitted infections 9. Muscle cramps, nerve pains, uterine ligament pains, and sleeplessness are all symptoms of a. Calcium deficiency 10. Dobra was born with a small brain, small eye openings, joint and heart malformations, and mental retardation. It is most likely that Dobra was exposed to ______ prenatally. a. Alcohol

CHAPTER 7 QUIZ 1. With combination birth control pills a. progestin keeps the cervical mucus thick so that it is difficult for sperm to penetrate. b. relatively high levels of estrogen prevent ovulation by inhibiting FSH production. c. progestin changes the lining of the uterus so that implantation of a fertilized egg is unlikely. 2. Advantages of combination birth control pill use include

a. Nearly 100% effective, if used properly 3. Which of the following is a health risk for women taking the pill? a. Higher chances of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia and gonorrhea b. Benign liver tumors that can eventually be fatal c. Increased vaginal discharge and susceptibility to vaginitis 4. Which type of contraceptive pill is considered acceptable while breast-feeding

after the first six weeks subsequent to birth? a. Progestin-only pills 5. Emergency contraception a. is most effective if it is taken within 12 to 24 hours after intercourse. 6. Depo-Provera (DMPA) is administered a. By injection 7. Which of the following is TRUE of the IUD? a. It must be inserted by a doctor or nurse practitioner. 8. Which of the following is accurate with regard to the proper use of the male


a. Combined with a contraceptive foam or cream or a diaphragm, male condoms are close to 100% effective. 9. Which of the fertility awareness methods only determines “safe” days after

ovulation? a. Basal body temperature method 10. Vasectomies a. Make it possible for sperm to move beyond the vas

CHAPTER 8 QUIZ 1. Vasocongestion occurs a. when blood flows into the blood vessels in the genitals’ region 2. During the excitement phase of the sexual response cycle

a. vasocongestion results in erection in the male and in vaginal lubrication in the female.

b. a sex flush may appear on the skin of both men and women. c. a “ballooning” response occurs in the upper two-thirds of the vagina. 3. Orgasm

a. consists of a series of rhythmic contractions at about 0.8-second intervals in both males and females. 4. The refractory period in women

a. Do not exist 5. With regard to the distinction between vaginal and clitoral orgasms a. Freud believed vaginal orgasms were more mature than clitoral ones 6. The Sexual Excitation-Inhibition Model

a. proposes that sexual excitation and sexual inhibition vary widely from one person to the next. 7. Which of the following is TRUE with regard to female ejaculation and the G-spot?

a. The G-spot is located on the top side of the vagina about halfway between the pubic bone and the cervix. 8. Genital stimulation creates activity in which parts of the brain?

a. Motor cortex and somatosensory cortex 9. The organizing effects of hormones

a. typically occur during “critical periods” of development.

10. How do levels of testosterone correlate with sexual behavior in boys around the

time of puberty? a. Boys with higher levels of testosterone are more likely to have masturbated than boys with lower levels of testosterone.

CHAPTER 9&10 QUIZ 1. Attachment in infancy is facilitated by

a. Cuddling and other forms of contact 2. A study of gay, lesbian, and bisexual youth found that the participants reported their first experience of same-gender sexual attraction, on average, at age _______. a. 10 or 11 3. Which of the following methods are being used to counteract the sexualization of children? a. Comprehensive sexuality education b. Media literacy programs c. Broader range of athletic opportunities 4. Experts agree that sex at age ______ or earlier is “early” sex and that it carries a

number of risks. a. 15 5. Variable(s) that were associated with engaging in early sexual activity include a. Poor relationship with parents 6. Physical symptoms of menopause may include a. Vaginal dryness b. Hot flashes c. Night sweats 7. Major changes in the typical sexual functioning of males with age include a. Better control over orgasm 8. Masters and Johnson identified which factor as being critical in maintaining sexual capacity in old age? a. Maintaining good physical and mental health 9. When negotiating sex, partners may communicate using a. Behavioral scripts b. Verbal statements c. Indirect language 10. Which of the following statements about swingers is TRUE? a. Swingers tend to be Caucasian, and representation among ethnic minorities is rare.

QUIZLET for Chapter 11 - QUIZ 11 1. Which chemical may contribute to long-term relationships by playing a role in

pair-bonding? a. Oxytocin 2. Which of the following is TRUE of research done on the two-component theory of love? a. In one study, men who engaged in physical exercise expressed more liking for an attractive, female confederate than men who had not exercised. 3. In which country would a person be MOST LIKELY to marry even if she or he

4. 5.



didn’t love the intended spouse? a. India What is the tendency to have contact with people equal in social status? a. Homophily When confronted with a potentially destructive behavior by one’s partner, which attachment style is most likely to respond with efforts to discuss and resolve the problem? a. Secure ______ is a state of intense longing for union with the other person and of intense physiological arousal. a. Passionate love Compared to sexual desire, love is associated with reduced activity in which areas of the brain? a. All of the above i. Somatosensory cortex ii. iii.

Hypothalamus Amygdala

8. Tone of voice, expression on your face, positioning of the body, and whether you

touch the other person are all examples of a. Nonverbal communication 9. ______ involves censoring things that would be deliberately hurtful to your partner or that would be irrelevant to your current discussion. a. Editing 10. Telling your partner what you are feeling by stating your thoughts clearly, simply, and honestly is known as a. Leveling

Quiz 12 1. What can create a gender-role problem for Black men?

a. Unemployment rate 2. A female-to-male transsexual who is sexually attracted to women would be a. Gynephilic 3. The first step before medical treatments for transsexuals is a. Assessment and referral from a mental health professional 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE with regard to causes of transsexualism? a. Science does not know the exact causes 5. In terms of body image, which of the following is TRUE? a. Women feel more dissatisfied with their bodies than men 6. Which of the following statements about aggressive behavior is NOT true? a. Girls become more aggressive than boys after junior high 7. For both males and females, the top motive for using Facebook was to a. Maintain relationships 8. Which of the following terms is preferred by Native peoples for “third” gender individuals? a. Two-spirits 9. Sal’s parents praise him at the doctor when he doesn ’t cry after getting a shot. His father exclaims: “That’s right son…big boys don’t cry. Good job!” This is an example of a. Socialization 10. Adolescent male sexuality is a. Body-centered and the person-centered isn’t added until later

QUIZ 13 & 14 1. What event cemented the gay community together as it had never been before? a. HIV/AIDS crisis of the 1980s 2. Which theory of sexual orientation is the most correct? a. Several theroies have strong support, but none account for all cases i. Such as: 1. Learning theory 2. Biological theory 3. Sociological theory 3. Women are more likely to be _____ and less likely to be exclusively ____, than

men are. a. Bisexual; homosexual 4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of concealing one's sexual identity? a. Concealing one’s sexual identity exacts a psychological toll. 5. Peer harassment of homosexual adolescents has been linked to a. Suicide attempts

6. Which of the following statements about frotteurism is TRUE? a. The target is often in crowded, public place and is unaware of the activity. 7. Most men and women into bondage and discipline fantasies prefer to be _______. a. “Bottoms” 8. With _______, feces are involved in sexual satisfaction. a. Coprophilia 9. Men who identified themselves as “zoophiles” a. All of these: i. said this identity included a concern for the animal’s welfare. ii. iii.

compared themselves favorably with “bestialists.” reported that a desire for affection and pleasurable sex were common reasons for zoophilia.

10. Another term for satyriasis is a. Don Juanism.

QUIZ 15 & 16 1. The typical definition of rape, following current laws in many states, includes

a. oral, anal, or vaginal penetration obtained by force or when the victim is incapable of giving consent. 2. What is believed to be the MOST common form of incest?

a. Siblings 3. Pedophiles tend to a. be repeat offenders, and their patterns of preference tend to be stable over time. 4. According to the theory proposed by Fiske and Glick (1995), which type of harassment may be particularly insidious because the man thinks of himself as acting benevolently toward the woman? a. Paternalistic-ambivalent harassment 5. Which of the following is NOT an example of an intimate partner rape? a. All of these are examples of intimate partner rape. i. ii. iii.

A husband rapes his wife. Cohabiting couples are involved in a rape. A former spouse rapes his ex-wife

6. Which theory would support the idea that rape is the product of the eroticization

of violence in our society? a. Feminist 7. What percentage of men in prison were the objects of sexual coercio...

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