N.Phipps - Personality Research PDF

Title N.Phipps - Personality Research
Author Nevaeh Phipps
Course Personality Psychology
Institution Grand Canyon University
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Personality Research; Sam Little

Nevaeh Phipps College of Humanities and Social Sciences: Grand Canyon University PSY-255 Introduction to Personality Psychology Professor Daniel Lovelace October 24, 2021

2 Personality Research; Sam Little Samuel Little the man who went on a killing spree for 35 years from 1970 – 2005 (FBI, 2019). He was a very sadistic, manipulative, sick man who preyed on woman to get his “fix”. With the number of crimes, he committed over his lifetime he was well known because he started committing crimes in his teenage years, so his rap sheet was very lengthy. His mom being a prostitute these are the victims he would target because they were under the radar, as well as homeless people (Pak, 2020). Literature Review My research citations are based on the serial killer Sam Little, everything about him from when he was little till, he was sentenced to life in prison without the chance of parole. These resources gave a lot of insight on Little and informed not only the police but people that were affected / investigating. Thesis on Sam Little – 125 words Sam Little grew up abandoned by his mother due to the fact she had him at such a young age (Pak, 2020). He then grew to be one of the most heinous serial killers there ever was. After his confession it was brough to light that he has killed the most people out of all the most known serial killers had combined (Pak, 2020). Although him being abandoned shouldn’t have affect him after he grew up to be his own person, his mother leaving him gave him mommy issues. Therefore, he targeted women and not men. The lack of mothering he had affected him heavily, although it is not an excuse for his actions. Ethical consideration on forensic analysis (topic) – 125 At first Little did not confess to all his murders because he thought he would get a shorter time or the possibility of parole but that was not the case. So, after being convicted to life in

3 prison he soon confessed to the rest of his murder that happened across multiple states and the span of 35 years (Pak, 2020). The FBI also has come to conclusion that he was involved in about 50 other cases, which would make his numbers jump even high then they thought. After confessing to the rest of the murders, there was no more sentencing that could take place because he already had life in prison Level 3 Subheading – concepts of personality research on (topic) -125 Due to his childhood mishaps with his mother, getting involved with the wrong group, and starting his rap sheet his life was almost set up for failure. Although he could have turned his life around after he got arrested as a teen, he was already heading down the wrong road. Conclusion– 90 words Sam little was no innocent man who did things out of anger towards his mom thinking it would be an excuse. After getting in trouble when he was younger, he knew what he was doing as he was getting older. Especially traveling across states to murder women and being able to not get caught due to people not missing those he was killing it was rather easy for him. His actions had no excuse to them, having a rough childhood was understandable but not everyone who has a rough childhood turns into one for the most heinous serial killers.

4 References – min of 10 American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). https://doi.org/10.1037/0000165-000

Fallon, K. (2021, April 18). Samuel Little says he killed 93 people. why don't you know his name? The Daily Beast. Retrieved November 1, 2021, from https://www.thedailybeast.com/samuel-little-says-he-killed-93-people-why-dont-youknow-his-name.

FBI. (2019, October 6). Samuel Little: Confessions of a killer. FBI. Retrieved October 31, 2021, from https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/samuel-little-most-prolific-serial-killer-in-ushistory-100619.

Pak, E. (2020, April 7). Samuel Little. Biography.com. Retrieved November 1, 2021, from https://www.biography.com/crime-figure/samuel-little....

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