NSTP Law and Its Significance to Adamson University’s Vision-Mission and Nation Building PDF

Title NSTP Law and Its Significance to Adamson University’s Vision-Mission and Nation Building
Author Minseok Kim
Course Civil Welfare Training and Services 1
Institution Adamson University
Pages 6
File Size 298.6 KB
File Type PDF
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 R.A. 9163
 Legal Basis and History
 Declaration of Policy
 Components
 Vital Provisions of the law
 Adamson University’s
 Adamson University in
 St. Vincent De Paul...


Civic Welfare Training Services 1 1

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TOPIC OUTLINE NSTP Law and Its Significance to Adamson University’s Vision-Mission and Nation Building Self-Awareness, Personality Development and Values Formation Gender and Development, and Bullying

Module 1: NSTP Law and Its Significance to Adamson University’s Vision Vision-Mission -Mission and Nation Building


a. Legal Basis and History

INTRODUCTION  R.A. 9163  Legal Basis and History  Declaration of Policy  Components  Vital Provisions of the law  Adamson University’s Mission-Vision  Adamson University in Nation-Building  St. Vincent De Paul

RA 9163  Commonwealth Act No. 1 mandates that the preservation of the state as an obligation of every citizen;  To supervise the conduct of pre-military training section 35 of the National Defense Act mandates the establishment of Reserve Officers Training Corps and the first ROTC Unit was established in the University of the Philippines in 1935;  After World War II, the establishment of ROTC units was thru the issuance of orders from

Armed Forces of the Philippines until school year 2001-2002; Presidential Decree no. 1706 otherwise known as the National Service Law which took effect on September 8, 1980 mandates the compulsory national service for every Filipino citizen. Its implementation was suspended and the old ROTC implementing rules was followed; Section 4 of Article 2 of the 1987 Philippine Constitution defines the power of the state to call to render personal or military service and that the state should maintain a regular force to maintain the security of the state; RA 7077 otherwise known as the Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act makes clear the duty of the state to maintain standing or regular armed force in section 2 and citizens must be provided maximum opportunity to participate in national defense in section 3. The law also provides clear provisions in the definition, establishment and acceptance of advance Reserve Officers Training Corps, organizations and staffing, maintenance



Civic Welfare Training Services 1 

b. RA 9163 or  National Service Training Program Act of 2001

and operation and scholarships; In 1995 the Department of National Defense, Department of Education and new implementing rules and regulation for RA 7077 adopted the idea of making the ROTC program as “purely voluntary endeavor;” The death of Mark Chua during the 1st semester of led to numerous student demonstrations for the abolition of ROTC and the legislation of RA 9163. It affirms the prime duty of the government to serve and protect its people, yet, it is also the responsibility of all citizens to defend the security of the state and maybe required by the government to render personal or military service; It affirms the vital role of youth in nation-building by promoting civic consciousness and to develop their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual and social well-being. And also, inculcates patriotism, nationalism and involve them in public and civic affairs; It also affirms the need to motivate, train, organize and mobilize the youth in military

training, literacy, civic welfare and other similar endeavors in the service of the nation. c. Components

d. Vital  Provisions of the

Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC) – is designed to provide military training to tertiary students in order to motivate, train organize and mobilize them for national defense preparedness; Civic Welfare Training Service (CWT (CWTS) S) - refers to the program component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and moral of the citizenry and other social welfare services; Literacy Training Service (LTS) - refers to the program component designed to train the students to become teachers of literacy and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school youth and other segments of society in need of their services. Who should take NSTP? o Students, male and female, of any



Civic Welfare Training Services 1 Implementing Rules and Regulation

baccalaureate degree course or at least two (2)-year technical vocational course in public and private educational institutions are required to complete one (1) NSTP components as a requisite for graduation. How long should I take NSTP course? o Each of the aforementioned NSTP course must be completed or undertaken for an academic period of two (2) semesters; o One-Summer program may be designed by the Department of National Defense (DND), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Why should I take NSTP program in Adamson? o All higher and technical-vocational institutions, public and private, must offer at least one of the program components. How much do I need to pay for my NSTP program? o Schools shall not collect any fee for

any of the NSTP components except basic tuition fees which shall not be more than fifty percent (50%) of what is currently charged by schools per unit in their academic subjects. Is ther ther e scholarship grant in NSTP? o There is hereby created Special Scholarship Program for qualified students taking the NSTP which shall be administered by the Commission on higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA). Who man manages ages and designs AdU NSTP program? o The school authorities shall exercise academic and administrative supervision over the design, formulation, adoption and implementation of the different NSTP components in their respective schools; o In Adamson University, NSTP is being implemented by Office for Student Affairs (OSA), Integrated Community



Civic Welfare Training Services 1 Extension Services (ICES) and by the Office of the Associate VicePresident for Academic Affairs.  What is the National Service Reserve Corps? o It is composed of all graduates of nonROTC components of NSTP or the CWTS and LTS program. Member of this corps shall be tapped by the state for literacy and civic welfare activities through the joint effort of Department of National Defense (DND), Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA); o Graduates of ROTC, however, shall form the Citizen’s Armed Force pursuant to RA 7077.

a. Vision

Adamson University  Adamson University, a Catholic, Vincentian educational institution, is a recognized leading center for quality education particularly for the socially disadvantaged.

b. Mission

c. Core Values  (5s)     d. Attributes of  an  Adamsonian 

As a Catholic university, we diligently pursue truth and knowledge, inspired by Gospel values and guided by the teaching of the Church. As a Vincentian community, we inspire others to follow the examples of St. Vincent de Paul, who led and organized his contemporaries in creatively responding to those who are in need. As an institution of learning, we assist in the formation of competent, creative, and socially responsible leaders through our commitment to excellence in discovery, learning and service. As a catalyst of social transformation, we provide quality services that empower others to become agents of change. Search for Excellence Spirit of Saint Vincent de Paul Solidarity Social Responsibility Sustained Integral Development Competence Character Charity

Adamson University in NationNation-Building Building a. Education at Adamson aims at developing social responsibility among its students. It is a mark of authentic Christian faith, CIVIC WELFARE TRAINING SERVICE 1


Civic Welfare Training Services 1 social responsibility that leads to empower marginalized and disenfranchised sectors of the society. This is at the heart of Vincentian education to build a community and society of peace, justice, respect for human dignity and integrity of creation. Thus, Adamson University affirms its role in nation-building and contributes to the sustainable development and progress of our country thru education and community service. The Man Whose Spirit Lives On: ST. VINCENT DE PAUL  Saint Vincent de Paul was born at Pouy in Gascony, Southern France in 1581. He came from a poor family of peasants and spent his early years taking care of swine. A rich benefactor sent him to school. At the age of 19 he was ordained priest.  He had a rather self-seeking start in the priesthood. Under the influence of his spiritual directors he underwent a striking conversation in which he gave his life over to God in service of the poor. For a few years he was pastor of a parish and then a chaplain to the galley slaves in Paris. But it was in preaching missions and teaching the peasants in the countryside that he

found his special calling. He gathered a group of priests who assisted him in conducting missions. The group subsequently became the Congregation of the Mission (1625), a community of priests and brothers whose end is "to preach the good news to the poor." Eager to reform the life and training of the clergy, he and his community also organized retreats and established seminaries. In 1633 he gathered together a group of simple girls to minister to the sick poor with the assistance of St. Louise de Marillac. Today this community is known as the Daughters of Charity. He also established the Confraternities of Charity and the Ladies of Charity (lay organizations) to assist the poor. When he died on September 27, 1660, all of Paris mourned for him. The Church honors St. Vincent on this day. He is known throughout the world today as the patron of all charitable associations. His spirituality lives on in hundreds of thousands of laymen and women, priests, sisters and brothers who follow in his footsteps. On August 3, 1728, Pope Benedict XIII declared Vincent “Blessed”. Pope Leo XII constituted him “Universal Patron of Charity” on April 16, 1885.



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His life-size statue stands in St. Peters Basilica in Rome. St. Vincent de Paul is the Patron Saint of Adamson University. Inspired by his example, the Vincentian community at Adamson University is committed to provide education particularly to the socially disadvantaged. They believe that education is one of the best ways to develop the human person and to uplift the social condition of the marginalized sectors of society.



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