NTA UGC NET One ward and Short Summary notes for Library and Information Science PDF

Title NTA UGC NET One ward and Short Summary notes for Library and Information Science
Author S Sudhakar
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NTA UGC NET One ward and Short Summary notes for Library and Information Science By Sudhakar S M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. Librarian M/s. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Insitute Thirurporur, Ammapettai, Thiruporur Email:[email protected] Mobile:-9841164577 1 Table of Contents I. Abbrev...



One ward and Short Summary notes for Library and Information Science

By Sudhakar S M.A., M.Sc., M.Phil. Librarian M/s. Shri Sathya Sai Medical College & Research Insitute Thirurporur, Ammapettai, Thiruporur Email:[email protected] Mobile:-9841164577


Table of Contents I.

Abbreviations in Library and Information Science

3 -5

Onewards Answer Breif & Short Summary

6 - 110


Short Notes

111 - 115


Assertion and Reason Q & A

116 - 118

Software related to Library and Information Science

119 - 119

Delhi Events for Memories

120 -120

Firsts In Library Science

121- 121

Dr. Ranganathan List of Publication

121 - 121

Commites Ammended

122- 123

Library Quotes

123 - 124

Importat Library, location and year of established


Cataloge Code and Year of Established



Classification Code

126 - 129


Author and Area Personality

130 - 132




I - Frequently Used Abbreviations in Library and Information Science AACR: Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules. ALCTS : The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services AJAX : Asynchronous JavaScript and XML ANSI : American National Standards Institute API : Application Programming Interface. ARL : Association of Research Libraries. ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network. ASIS: American Society for Information Science. ASLIB: Association for Information Management, previously, the Association of Special Libraries and Information Bureau. ASTINFO : Regional Network for the exchange of information and experience in science and technology in Asia and the Pacific BLAISE : British Library’s Automated Information Service BIS : Bureau of Indian Standards CALIBER: Convention on Automation of LIBraries in Education and Research Institutions. CAS: Current Awareness Service CCF: Common Communication Format CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals. CMS: Content Management System. COPSAT : Current Online Patent in Science and Technology COUNTER : Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources CPM : Critical Path Method DCMI: Dublin Core Metadata Initiative. DDS: Document Delivery Service DELNET: Developing Library NETwork. DLF: Digital Library Federation. DMAIC: Define, Measure, Access, Improve and Control DNS: Domain Naming System. DRTC: Documentation Research and Training Centre. 3

ENIAC : Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator ESS : Electronic Spread Sheet EUAL : End User License Agreement FAIFE : Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression FRAD: Functional Requirements for Authority Data. FRBR: Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records. FSF: Free Software Foundation. FTE : Full-Time equivalent FTP: File Transfer Protocol. GPRS: General Packet Radio Service. GSDL: Green Stone Digital Library Software. GUI : Graphic User Interface HTML: Hyper Text Mark Up Language. HTTP: Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. IASLIC: Indian Association of Special Libraries and Information Centers. IATLIS: Indian Association of Teachers of Library and Information Science. ICOLC : International Coalition of Library Consortia IFLA: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. ILL: Inter Library Loan INDEST: Indian National Digital library in Engineering Sciences and Technology INFLIBNET : INFormation and LIBrary NETwork IP: Internet Protocol. ISBD: International Standard Bibliographic Description. ISO: International Organization for Standardization. ISP: Internet Service Provider. ISSN : International Standard Serial Number. JANET: Joint Academic NETwork. JOCLAI : Joint Council of Library Associations of India LAN: Local Area Network. LCSH – Library of Congress Subject Heading LIPHIS - Linked Phrase Indexing System) was developed by LOCKSS : Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe MALI: Medical Library Association of India. MAN: Metropolitan Area Network. MARC : MAchine Readable Catalogue. MEDLARS : Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System METS : Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard MIPS : Million Instructions Per Second NCP: Network Control Protocol. NISCAIR: National Institute of Science Communication and Information Resources. NSF: National Science Foundation. OAI-PMH: Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. OCLC: Online Computer Library Centre. OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue

OWL : Web Ontology Language PCM : Pulse Code Modulation PERT : Program Evaluation and Review Techniqu PLANNER: Promotion of Library Automation and Networking in North Eastern Region. RDA: Resource Description and Access. RFID : Radio Frequency IDentification 4

RRRLF: Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation SCONUL : The Standing Conference on National and University Libraries SDI: Selective Dissemination of Information SIS: Society for Information Science. SOUL : Software for University Libraries SRU : Search / Retrieval via URL SYNTOL : Syntagmatic Organisation Language TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. UNIMARC: Universal Machine Readable Catalogue URL: Uniform Resource Locator. UTF : Unicode Transformation Format (16 bit Unicode to 7/8 bit character conversion) VDU : Visual Display Unit VGA : Video Graphic Adopter VLSI : Very Large Sale Integration WADEX : Word and Author Index WAN: Wide Area Network. WCDMA : Wideband Code Division Multiple Access WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization. WORM : Write Once Ready Many WPI : World Patents Index WWW: World Wide Web. YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle ZBB : Zeor Base Budgeting


II Onewards Answers Breif & Short Summary 1. Information is Organised Data 2. ‘Fair use’ is a term most relevant to Copy right. 'Fair use' is the norm for determining the legality of Photocopying an entire book 3. WIPO stands for World Intellectual Property Organization 4. Handling of Information in the sense of production is called Information Industry 5. The term Information science came into exist in this year 1959 6. BERN CONVENTION (1886) is concerned with copy rights 7. Communication Barrier is noise 8. Communication Medium is Radio 9. In communication mode Shannon and weaver information is BIT, (Sender, Channel, Message, Receiver and feedback) in 1948. 10. Communication channel Formal & Informal 11. Informal communication among knowledgeable person is known as Invisible College 12. Document is physical carrier of information 13. Entropy is not associated with the communication system, degree of Uncertainty in Information. Unavailable information for doing useful work 14. Logical sequence of the following Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom 15. The invisible web refers to that part of the internet, which is hidden from the search 16. Who was the chairman of National Library Committee of India. B.S. Jha 17. Which organization applied Library and Information Policy in India at national level. RRRLF 18. The head quarter of Patent Information System in Nagpur, India 19. The act enacted in India in 1856 on Intellectual Property Right was based on British Patent Law 1852 20. Whether intellectual property can be sold. Sale is possible 21. The term communication came from which language Latin 22. Who is the propounded of the term information transfer Beesman 23. To which country the credit is given to coin the term information society Japan by MaSuda Second by Tom Stonier, and Daniel Bell (1980), Alvin Toffler and John Naisbitt USA 1970 24. Today information is regarded as which of the following Wealth, Commodity, and Products 25. Now a day’s what is a most important vital resource for societal development of a country Information 6

26. The unit of information called Byte 27. Dr.S. R. Ranganathan was appointed as a National research professor of Library science 1962 28. Delhi University first started M.Lib.Sc. & M.Phil courses 29. Which Commission recommended 10% of the total college budget for development of Libraries Kothari committee 30. Where did Dr. S. R. Ranganathan put forth his five laws of library science? Meenakshi college, Annamalainagar in 1931 31. When ILA did became the member of IFLA? 1957 32. In which year Aslib was acquired by MCB group, the holding company for emerald group publishing? 2010 33. Which association`s tagline is “Managing Information”? ASLIB 34. Which association`s tagline is “connecting people and information” SLA 35. Where is the headquarter of SLA? located at Viginia established 1909 36. Which organization has introduced the concept of “Sister libraries” for children`s and young adults reading? IFLA 37. ISBN allocation office in India shifted from Kolkatta to Delhi in 2011 38. Which two organizations jointly published survey on digitization and preservation? IFLA + UNESCO 39. Who said that “Librarianship is not a profession”? Madden, Moon, Moore, Mc Pheron 40. Which organization was joined with Library Association to form CILIP in 2002? Institute of Information Scientists 41. In which year International Institute of Documentation changed to International Federation of Documentation? 1937 42. In which year headquarter of FID was shifted from Brussels to The Hague? 1934 43. Who gave the sixth law of library science “Every reader his/her freedom”? James R. Rettig 44. Where was the first library noticed in India? Sarasvathi 45. When was the curriculum development committee on LIS instituted? 1990-93 46. Who published the Journal International Classification? ISKO 47. When was Information Science added to Librarianship? 1950 48. Which association in India awards teachers in LIS? IATLIS 49. Which law of library Science relates to the growth of libraries 5th law 50. UAP stands for Universal Availability of Publications, The IFLA Universal Availability of Publications Core Activity (UAP) and Office for International Lending (OIL), which has been hosted by the British Library at Boston Spa, United Kingdom, since the late 1970s, closed on 31st March 2003. 51. Resource sharing is a part of Library cooperation 52. The five laws of Library Science published in the book from in the year 1931 53. Library Technology Report is a publication of ALA 54. ABGILA is a quarterly publication of (ILA) Indian Library Association 55. American Library Association established - 1876 56. The Canadian Library Association -1946 57. Special Libraries Association - 1909 58. The Association of Research Libraries -1932 59. Dr.S.R.Ranganathan coined the term for mobile libraries is Library on Wheels 60. Forms of Extension service are Library Websites, Library Orientation, Book fair and Exhibition 61. The first library school was started by Melvin Dewey (1851 to 1931) 62. Ubuntu is built on Debian's architecture and infrastructure, to provide Linux server, desktop, phone, tablet and TV operating systems, first released oct 2004 63. The secondary source of information comprised of Indexing and Abstracting periodicals 64. Dr. S. R. Ranganthan categorized information source into conventional, non conventional, neo conventional and micro documents 65. Article published in research journal are Primary sources 7

66. The Thesaurus is a collection of selected terminology, synonymous terms and list of words 67. Patent is an agreement between the inventor and the Government 68. Word of learning is a Secondary source of information and Published by Europa publication (London) 69. Indian books in Print are published from New Delhi 70. Statesman year book is published from London MacMillan, Annually published, since 1864 71. Library Herald edited by Krishan Kumar from Delhi library Association since 1958 published quarterly. 72. Web-scale service at Punjab University’s (PU) APRIL 2015 Facility will provide access to around eight lakh books and journals as well as provide unique ways for users to connect with librarians 73. ILA 60 year diamond jubilee celebrated at chandigar april 2015 74. First editor of “Modern Librarian” F.Monbrary Volte 75. Who is the author of “Dictionary of anonymous and pseudonymous literature” S. Halkett & J. Laing 76. Indian National Bibliographical first appeared in 1957 77. Compton year book contains outstanding events 78. Online Europa year book has a coverage since 1985 79. The Renardus is a multi-subject gateway and academic subject gateway service in Europe was launched in April 2002. 80. Reference sources are those which used to obtain particular information 81. Encyclopedia of Library and information science published by M.Dekker 82. Retrospective search service is a type of Responsive service 83. New encyclopedia Britannica is useful for ready references Propaedia 84. Year book are also known as Annual 85. What is India: A reference annual? Year Book 86. What is Trade bibliography? List of books in print or for sale compiled by a publisher 87. Who publishes INIS Atom Index? INIS (Viena) 88. What is the meaning of E-Documents? In electronic form such as Cassettes, CD-ROMs, etc. 89. Inscription is not the documents 90. Generally the information sources are divided mainly into following categories? Documentary and non-documentary 91. What are non- documentary sources? Which are in not printed form 92. Today which type of information sources is most useful? Non- Documentary source 93. Cumulative book index is published from USA by H. W. Wilson Company's first original reference title was the Cumulative Book Index, first published in 1898. This was followed by the Readers' Guide to Periodical Literature in 1901. 94. Bibliographies and Abstracts are the example of information consolidation 98. Free software movement done by Richard Stallman 99. In an empirical research on the "Impact of user education on Library use Patterns", 'Library Use' is : An Dependent variable 100. BIS was previously known as ISI. 101. Cover to cover translation is treated as Current awareness services 102. What is the suitable reference sources to know about the information of a particular place? Gazetteer, in India it was First published by Ministry of Home Affairs 103. Guide book suitable reference sources to find out the list of historical monuments of Delhi. 104. What do you call a collection of maps, tables, charts, etc.? Atlas 105. Encyclopedia Americana consists of 30 Volumes 106. The Encyclopædia Britannic it was first published between 1768 and 1771 in Edinburgh, Scotland as three volumes.15th edition contained 32 volumes 1985 to 2010. Micro- and Macropædia, which encompass 12 and 17 volumes, respectively, each volume having roughly one thousand pages. The two-volume index of 1995 has 2350 pages. There is also the Propædia with topical organization of the contents. And there are some versions for children. After 244 Years, Encyclopædia Britannica Stops the Presses". New York Times. Retrieved 13 March 2012. 8

107. Thesis is a Primary sources of information 108. What is the publication frequency of Books in print? Annually Published by R.R. Bowker 109. What is National bibliography? List of books published in a particular Nation 110. World of learning is a Secondary source of information published by Europa Year book, It’s a Directory 111. INB (Indian National Bibliographical) First Published in 1957 and Published by Sakithiya Akademi, frequency of publication monthly. 112. The author of Introduction to Librarianship is: J.K. GATE 113. The term “Information Service” is an improvised name Reference service 114. Abstracting service provides whole bibliographic description along with abstracts of article. 115. Which service demands the creation of a ‘user’ profile and Feedback mechanism is a part of which service? SDI 116. Reference service is the contact between the Right Reader and the Right Book in the Right Personal Way” was stated by Dr.S.R. Ranganathan 117. CAS is defined as a process of dissemination of current information 118. Mobile library is a kind of which service? Extension service 119. Reading centre, story hours, exhibition and reading to literature are form of Extension service 120. Peter F. Drucker defined M.B.O. (Management by Objectives in 1954) 121. Who said the demand and supply theory of books? Mc Colvin moors 122. To provide the best books to the maximum readers at the least cost" said by Melvil Dewey, 1876 123. Who is the father of Classical School Henri Fayol 124. Who is the father of Scientific Management and 14 principle F.W. Taylor 125. PERT was developed in the late 1950's for the U.S. Navy's Polaris project is management tool using statistical techniques for System Analysis. Planning, Scheudling and Controlling are the different phase of PERT Study. PEART approach is a device developed to better utilize of time in a series of activities 126. CPM - Critical Path Method, In 1957, DuPont developed as a network model for project management method Designed 127. PPBS relates to Budgeting, developed by Rand Corporation 128. Herzberg’s theory deals with Theory of Motivation & Theory X and Theory Y 129. Who coined the word POSDCORB Luther Gulick , it related to Library administration 130. Old and fragile book can be preserved by Microfilming, Re-binding, Digesting. 131. Peer review is a Pre-publication articles scrutiny 132. Posting the right person at the right place is called Recruitment 133. Financial support given to libraries are of two types - Recurring and Non- Recuring / Endowments 134. Recuring expenses Reading material & Staff salary expenses 135. Non-Recuring expenses are capital expenses like Library Building, Furniture and fittings, computer etc. 136. Principle of maximum aggregate benefit is concerned with Library service 137. Library Budget takes items of expenditure for libraries as the working data for allocation of funds. 138. A budget which mainly covers items of current revenue and expenditure is called Capital budget 139. The library budget of a university is passed by the Executive Counseling 140. In fund accounting, Recurring fund can not be used for other purposes. 141. Scrutiny of financial transactions is called Auditing 142. What are the two parts of the annual report of the library Descriptive and Statistical 143. Who is the pioneer of open access system in British libraries James Duff Brown 144. When was Browne charging system started? 1895 145. Who started New york Charging system? John Cotton Dana 146. When did electrically operated book charging system introduced first? 1932 147. How many columns are there in the accession register? 14 colums, Size 16” x 13” 148. First time efforts for the development of libraries in India were made by Dr. S.R. Ranganathan 149. “Introduction to Reference source” was written by W.A. Katz. 150. Three card system introduced by S. R. Ranganathan 1) Register card, 2)Check Card, 9

3) Classified Index card 151. A good library building is an outcome of librarian and Architect 152. Stacks are the storage areas for the various types of documents kept in a library 153. Study carrels are exclusive areas meant for Researchers 154. Library catalogue cards are filed in specially designed drawers called Catalogue cabinet A standard size of a unit cabinet is size 23" * 28". It can hold 48000 catalogue cards. 155. Information Gatekeepers come under Documentary sources 156. Grogan categorizes documents into three types such as primary, secondary and tertiary. 157. Specification a legal document and can be used as a source of industrial information. 158. In Encyclopedia Britannica Micropaedia acts as an index to macropaedia 159. Payments for the books purchased can be made only after accessioning 160. Technical section performs mainly two functions namely classification and cataloguing 161. PRECIS was developed by Derek Austin for use in the BNB published weekly, PRECIS adopted 2 line entry formats for all Entries. In PRECIS Main line operators, Interposed operators and Differencing cooperators are th...

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