Ntres class notes PDF

Title Ntres class notes
Course Environmental Conversation
Institution Cornell University
Pages 10
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1.23! Natural Resources! Mercy Mercy Me!

the environmental movement! preservation, restoration, or improvement of the natural environment, especially the movement of control pollution! 1) Size of the human population! 2) Per capita energy use! have a firmer responsible citizenship and action on environmental issues! A new breed of environmentalists! Conserve! 1) to avoid wasting! 2) to protect from damage! 3) to use wisely! Environmentalism in 2019! A worldview! 1.25! Worldview! you used to understand the world! It is made up of mental frames, which are used to understand the situation you are in! When you hear here is the restaurant menu, you know you are in restaurant frame.!

belief! evidence! conceptual frame! Stages in development of an environment! 1) Innocence (ignorance is bliss!) ! 2) Knowledge leads to feelings of guilt! 3) Guilt leads to changes in lifestyle! 4) Activism and evangelism! 5) Reaping eternal rewards! do reading before class! teach you how to write research papers!

1.28! Environmental Philosophy! Control of Nature vs Nature in control! Worldview! Environmentalism! Anti-environmentalism! Nature in Control (hurricane)! Control of Nature! Who controls nature?! Wetland! Man against nature! Drain the swamp! Vitousek! We are changing the Earth faster than we are understanding it!

Three complementary directions for confronting and solving the environmental crisis! 1. reduce the scale of human enterprise! 2. increase scientific knowledge! 3. confront the challenge of planetary management! Stewardship: an ethic that embodies responsible planning and management of resources! A rational Approach to Humans & Natures! 1. Based on or in accordance with reason of logic! 2. The mental powers concerned with forming conclusions, judgements, or inferences! 3. Sound judgement; good sense! Case study: Flood Risk! Case study: Old Man River! Mississippi River! Flood! countries who cannot afford levee! flood worse! Hurricane Katrina! Wed quiz!

1.30! 1. Commons:! Resources that are needed by all but whose productivity is diffuse rather than concentrated, low or unpredictable in yield, and low in unit value tend to be kept as communal property!

water# 2. Carrying capacity:! the max number of animals that a habitat will support without degradation of the resource base! overgraze! Kaibab Plateau! deer for deer hunters! deer first go up! no food! Easter Island! monuments! 900 on easter island! 1722, Europeans found this island! found only 3000 people! 10000 people to build these monuments! max people! the once prosperous and noble people did not foresee! Tragedy of Commons! GJ Hardin:! allocation of resources! your share! When there are many people, too many animals on a plateau, finally two options: divide to private, a person manage and deicide! either socialism or private properties! American standard!

Freedom in a commons brings ruin to all ! collapse! Mayan Culture! Shifting cultivation!

Four principal factors! 1. Environmental degradation, usu linked with population! 2. Solutions to avoid environmental tragedy! 1. Privatize! 2. Government Regulation! 3. Guilt (change human behavior: consensus building), a

2.1! Essence of the Climate Problem! Climatic change! recurring themes in Environmental Conservation! 1) Nature vs. Humans! 2) Interactions between developed and developing countries! 3) Problems of scientific uncertainty! 4) Tragedy of the Commons! 5) Personal actions, responsibility! particles! clouds can be positive and negative feedback! airplanes are significant contributors to global warming!

2.4! Earth’s Climate System! 1. intensity of solar radiation! 2. Albedo; absorption / reflection of solar radiation, via aerosols and land use! 3. Trapping of long-wave radiation by greenhouse ! Earth’s Climate System! CO2 is the biggest contributor to human-intrigued! Global warming projections! Weather systems! predict the weather! Climate vs. Weather! Climate Change! Post Glacial Sea Level Rise!

2.6! Global warming! Deny reality! Food & Agriculture! USA corn yields!

2.11! CO2 removal!

discussion! Kade Skelton! counter statement and fight back! APA format! overfishing!

2.13! Population growth! 2.18! Introduction to Human Population Growth! The size of the human population the ultimate reason for environmental problems! 2.22! What explains decline in fertility rates# Cultural norms! Education! 2.27! Introduction to Agriculture & Environment! Neo Mal’thusian Dilemma! food growth rate! Neo Malthusian theory! 5 reasons of environmental degradation impacting crop! 1. soil erosion and degradation!

2. 3. 4. 5.

soil pollution, pesticides, herbivores! irrigation, groundwater depletion and salinization! air pollution impact of plants! global environmental change: climate, ozone layer!

Modern Food Production! the green evolution! 1. Crop breeding! 2. Catalysts! 3. Mechanization! 4. Infrastructure! 5. Education of farmers!

3.1! The challenge: Feed more people! Sustainable food system: A system that can indefinitely meet the demands for food at socially acceptable economic and environmental costs! Natural capital! Natural resource endowment# Deep fertile soil! Soil = minerals + organisms + climate + time + topography!

3.13! Energy! Energy system! Four reasons why free market can fail in the energy sector! 1. incorrect price signals! 2. problems of consumer behavior, including transaction cost! 3. disproportionate capital markets!

4. risk assessment! Environment Risk! Voluntary Risk: you know the risk,!

Introduction to Renewable Natural Resources! Johnson art museum! how exhibits occupy space! Principle issues in Management of Renewable Natural Resources! 1. Preservation vs. Conservation# 2. Sustainable Capture# maximum sustainable yield: the highest rate at which a renewable resource can be used without reducing the supply.# # maximum economic yield: the rate of resource use that maximizes the difference between production (revenue) and harvest costs.# # optimum yield: maximum sustainable yield as modified by any relevant economic, social or ecological factor.# 3. Rights of Nature!

3.27! 1. Rights of Nature# animal rights# land right# areas where the earth and its community of life are untrammeled by humans!

4.10! Mass extinction! 1. Stop developing undisturbed areas! 2. Reduce scale of human activities! Biodiversity provides services:! Biodiversity services are defined as the benefits provided by ecosystems to humans! Supporting! Provisioning! Regulating: Climate regulation, disease regulation, water regulation! Cultural: Spiritual and religious, recreation and ecotourism, aesthetic, inspirational!

4.17! Extinction is a natural process...

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