NTU STARWAR 2020 Question and Answers PDF

Title NTU STARWAR 2020 Question and Answers
Author James Tan
Course Astronomy - Stars, Galaxies & Cosmology
Institution Nanyang Technological University
Pages 6
File Size 269.1 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 64
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NTU STARWAR 2020 Question and Answers...


NTU SBS STARs QnA 2020 General Queries 1

Question Will our lessons begin next week (11 August)?


Is there still the freshmen welcome week or will all lectures start on the 11 Aug week? Will all our lessons be conducted online for now? If so, how will they be conducted? Is it possible to change lecture classes?


Where do you watch lecture recordings?

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Answer yes, more info: http://www.sbs.ntu.edu.sg/timetable/Pages/H ome.aspx some of the modules will start the lectures on week 1, to know more check the link in qn 1 check question 1 link to see if its online. Online is conducted through zoom/Mteams it is possible to change tutorial classes (indexes) but lecture timeslots are fixed. NTULearn Blackboard => click on module => “recorded lectures” located on left side bar

Research Experiences 1 2

Question For BS9001 research experience, which part of the year is it held exactly?

Answer it will be held after year 2 sem 2 exams in the May-Aug break What kinds of research opportunities can For BS9001, you can research on the prof/Dr we find? specialisation or self source and get school to approve your research experience

Terminology 1

Question What is a Major PE?


What is the difference between categorising under GER-PE and GER-UE?


What is the purpose of index numbers?


Are the STARs planner and swapping index link different?

Answer Core modules you can choose from the different Tables (Table A/B/C/D) check your degree audit to see how many AUs you need to clear for GER-PE and GER-UE. certain modules can only be classified as GERPE OR GER-UE so check and plan ahead. to know which tutorial class you are under. Different index numbers may have different tutorial timings. They should be the same, check the NTU email for the add/drop period swapping of index for year 1 freshies

Course Registration 1 2

Question Will the school email me when it is our time to STARs? Is there a way to practice/ familiarize with STARS before the add/drop period/ bidding occurs?


For core and GER-core, is there a need for registration?


Will the school register the core modules for us only in year 1 semester 1?


Can we look at other lectures before registering, taking note that most lectures are online?


Is the economics module compulsory?


How do I know what other modules I am eligible for if I am going to drop economics?


Do we just add additional modules we wish to add on STARs, without the need to include already registered modules?


Is it advisable to register for modules which have back to back exams?


Am I allowed to take Year 1 Semester 2 modules in Year 1 Semester 1?


If I want to pull down the module from Year 2 Semester 1, do I do it during STARs or during the Add-Drop Period? What is the point of creating multiple plans?


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Is the first/second/third choice of UE all considered under 1 plan or is it considered 3 plans? My plan 1 and 2 has different PEs and UEs. If I submitted plan 1 and one of the PE/UEs are rejected, am I able to submit plan 2? Are we allowed to change modules we registered on our waitlist? How long will the waitlist be?

Answer yes the SBS email will notify you there is no way to practice, however you can arrange the mods to personalised your timetable and see if there is any clashes for core and GER-core there will be a need to register them through STARS for year 2 sem 2 onwards, do check your curriculum Yes. Thereafter you have to register them yourself. yes you can do so, find friends who are taking the lectures or email the prof who is teaching that lecture for the e-link to sit in and watch No it is not compulsory. You can drop it if you wish. most if not all electives do not have prerequisite modules. you are eligible to take anything you want. you have to firstly check your degree audit required AUs to know what additional modules you wish to add on STARS. It is fully up to you on how well you can cope. Do ask your seniors on the workload of the specific modules that you are looking to do this for. No. Mods are usually only offered in one semester. It likely will not be offered in both semesters. Specifically for year 1, you can do it during add/drop. After that you can do it both during STARs and add/drop. e.g. Plan 1: core modules Plan 2: core with gerpe/gerue during STAR wars, it is more important to get your CORE modules first. if you were to add in the electives, you would have to spend valuable time ranking the electives before submitting which may lead to you losing some CORE module slots. That’s up to you. The plan number is decided by you. You can choose not to use the different plans and put it all in one instead. Yes you are.

Yes. Waitlist can be as low as 1 or up to a few hundred. There is no limit to the size of the waitlist.

Indexes 1 2

Question How do you know which index number shows which timetable? Is the timetable already planned for that particular index? How do I know what is my index number?


Is changing index number and swapping index number the same?


Where can I find the list of index number?


Where do we check the index numbers for each course?


Are only able to change our index numbers during the Add/Drop Period?

Answer yes. click index and the timetable will refresh to show the respective time slot. check your courses registered. swapping index numbers means that you swap an index with another person (requires their matric no. to do this).(i.e. mutual swap) changing only occurs when there is vacancy. when you load your chosen module into STARS the list of index numbers available to you can be seen. check courses registered. yes correct



Question What is your general workflow when it comes to planning your timetable? Do you choose which GER-PE/UE to take first before planning your indexes? What are some examples of GER-PE-LA modules? Where can we see this?


Do I choose my first/second/third choice of UE during the Add/Drop Period? Can you add another PE before dropping the economics PE or must you drop it before adding?


How do I know if I got accepted or rejected upon addition of PE or UE?


Is there a way to prevent ourselves from having no PE ultimately if we drop the economics module and only got to the PE waitlist? If I’m offered URECA, since it is 4 AUs (UE), if I had already spent all my UE AUs, would that mean that I would be unable to participate in it?



Answer you normally settle your Core, Ger-Core, Major PE before your GER-PE and UE. because they are the die die must take mods. https://wish.wis.ntu.edu.sg/webexe/owa/aus_ subj_cont2.main here u go Yes. You can choose up to 5 choices. will only work if you are not overloaded (i.e. taking more modules than recommended in your curriculum). dont worry… econs v easy to add back one… just drop no worries ya You will only be informed when you are accepted. During add/drop, there will be an email every night at 10pm. Apply for as many mods as you can. you can always add back econs too...will have vacancy one. you still can participate in it, write in an email to the associate chair: [email protected] to request to take URECA.

Add/Drop Period Question



How do we get to the Add/Drop page?


For Add/Drop, is it by first come first serve basis?


If you add a course during the Add/Drop Period, what if the course already started lesson? Do you need to go for makeup lesson? If I wish to take a module with zero vacancies at the moment, is it possible to get it during the Add/Drop Period? What should we use to change indexes during the Add/Drop Period?

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Do both students need to swap index numbers in the system in order for the swap to occur?

either through a link from NTU email or through your STARS No. It is random. It is said that priority is given to the more senior students. No there will not be make up lessons.

Yes it is technically possible. There will be a waitlist. you will use STARS to change indexes. go to the “plan” page and scroll to the course registered where you will see a drop bar to click and change indexes yes. that’s what a swap means. you will also require the matric no. of the other student to do the swap.

Exemption 1 2 3 4 5 6


Question Will the AUs be credited to me if I am exempted from the module(s)? Will the exempted module be counted as a completed pre-requisite? How would an exempted module be counted towards the GPA? If we are exempted from a module, are we allowed to take another GER-PE or GER-UE in place of it? If I am exempted from a module, will I be able to view the lectures without taking the exams? Can I change my exemption or choose not to exempt that particular module? If I have module exemptions but my current timetable clashes with one of the Year 2 Semester 1 modules, I am interested in taking, is it advisable to swap index then bid for the core or will I be at a disadvantage?

Answer Yes, however graded AUs portion no. Yes. if this doesn’t happen to you just email course coordinator. It will not count towards GPA. Yes. We would encourage you. No. You can however ask for it from peers or seniors. Yes you can change if you have the choice to. You are also allowed to not exempt your modules but we would advise against it. Bidding will always be a disadvantage. We would advise that you do your year 1 mods first.

S/U or Pass/Fail Modules 1 2

Question Will the AUs be credited to me if I S/U the module(s)? Are there PE/UEs which are pass/fail modules? If yes, how do you check for those?

Answer Yes. haveeee. go to STARS planner => search for course code => click the course name (not the plus button near it)=> it will open up a window with all the info needed.

R U OK Mental Health is a pass-fail mod. 3

If it is a pass/fail module, will it count towards our GPA?

No GPA for pass/fail mods.


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Question Can you use MOOC to complete your AUs? Do you have to register the MOOC courses during STARS or is it based on own time own target? If I already registered for a Coursera course using my personal email, can I change it to my NTU email? If I only have to select UE/PEs, can I just take the relevant UE/PEs in MOOC? Does that mean I won’t need to bid for those modules during STARs?

Answer can. can clear max 12AUs from MOOCs, max of 8AUs of which can be used to clear MajorPE/Core mods. no, otot. after u complete course, save the cert and submit when sbs office asks for it. yes you can do it. click the link below and register with your NTU email. https://www.coursera.org/programs/courserafor-ntu-students-iasyo the modules offered in MOOC are NOT offered by NTU. whatever modules you take in MOOC doesn’t affect what you take or do not take in NTU.

Workload/ AUs Overloading 1 2

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Question Can I take more than the total AUs in one semester? Will it be advisable to take 20 AUs for year 1 semester 1?

Answer +3AUs of the recommended max without writing in to request. It is entirely up to you on whether you feel if you can cope with the extra AUs. other factors can also include wanting to have a more relaxed schedule in your later years or if you plan to do an accelerated programme (3.5 years) Will we be getting an email to notify us yes you will receive an email notifying you of the different timing for overloading our about it AUs? If I have an exempted module in Year 1 Total will not be removed. It will still remain as Semester 1, what is the total number of 17 regardless of exemptions. yes you still can AUs required then? If it is 17 AUs, will the overload if you want to. exempted AUs be removed from the total? Am I still able to overload?

Major/Minor 1

Question When can I declare a second major? Can I declare a second major in Year 2?


How do I register for a minor? Is it the same as UEs?

Answer declare before entering uni. if you diedie want to apply for one NOW, you can TRY to email school administrators but no guarantee. no u cannot declare a second major in Y2. for minor you will normally use all 15 AUs to do



To take on a minor, how do we know which UE modules to take on in order to get awarded the minor? To take a minor, do we have to declare it first or just take it as UE first?

the minor mods and then award the minor. for declaration of minor is just that you can have priority in your STARS Wars written under minor in xxxx in stars planner. can also google the minor and it will show u ya. both also can.

By when do I have to declare a minor in the 4 years? (Eg, Can I only declare in year 3? or is it too late)

you can declare in whichever year, it will not be too late

Can I drop my major/minor if I can’t cope with those modules?

yes you can

3.5 Years Curriculum 1

Question Is there a benefit to completing the course in 3.5 years?


Do many students complete in 3.5 years?

Answer You have an extra 6 months. You can use it to start work earlier, pay less school fees, extra time to think about what you want to do. Not many. Usually only students that have enough exemptions or have specially requested to do an accelerated programme. (especially polytechnic students) Even then, you likely have to overload every semester.

Specialisation 1



Question BSPY Year 1 students have a semester 1 timetable given by the school but the GER-PE-BM module has not been added. Do we have to add it ourselves? In BSMCP, my UEs have been split into specific tables (Table A, Table B etc.) Does that mean I MUST choose from those tables or is it just recommended? Also, can I use my MOOC to 'claim' AU for those UEs? I am not in the CN Yang Programme, however, am I allowed to take the CY1500 module?

Answer yes you have to add the GER-PE BM module yourself in the add/drop period through STARS recommended. for BSMCP, your second major modules are under Table C. you need to clear a certain number of AUs from Table C. check your degree audit. no you cannot. second major UEs are to be cleared in NTU and not in MOOC/exchange. nope you cannot, CY mods are only for CN Yang Students...

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