NUIP Lecture 11 19 - Thunder Jalili PDF

Title NUIP Lecture 11 19 - Thunder Jalili
Author Emma Kapteyn
Course Sci Fndtn Nutr & Health
Institution University of Utah
Pages 3
File Size 50.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 88
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Thunder Jalili...


Weight Control After dieting: weight cycling -weight loss is not maintained after diet -resuming normal diet/lifestyle after diet -only 5% of dieters keep the weight off!! -reduced thyroid hormone/lower metabolism -weight lost during diet vs. gain after diet -during diet wt. Loss from fat AND muscle -after diet weight gain is from accumulating fat -so diets can have a harmful effect on body composition -consequences of weight cycling: less muscle, slower metabolism, depression -need a lifestyle change because just diets don’t help-- once you go back to your old lifestyle you’re just going back to the habits that made you gain weight in the first place Common reasons for weight gain: -lifestyle changes after college: lower activity and time, sedentary jobs and careers, and eating changes: higher kcal, richer food -physiological changes: BMR goes down with age, lean body mass goes down with age and low activity, recovery period after working out is much longer when you’re older -prevention for obesity is much easier than treatment -keep a healthy lifestyle: -energy balance: intake and output -good food habits: less fast food and sweets -maintain physical activity, sports, hobbies, etc. -start good habits when they’re young! -minimal unhealthy foods for kids, emphasize what you can eat, not what you can’t, and encourage exercise (playing outside, sports) How to treat obesity -need lifestyle change: control food intake, behavior modification, physical activity -anything else is much harder to maintain Controlling food intake: -require negative energy balance for weight loss: reduce intake of simple, porcessed CHO, add protein, healthy fat, who grain CHOs, because it makes you feel fuller longer -watch out for low-fat foods- they contain extra sugar -promote healthy fasting periods daily Behavior modification: -address habits that lead to weight gain

-snacking in front of the tv, stress or anxiety snacking, change it so food is not a reward -take away temptation: don’t buy junk foods, keep snack foods out of sight, have fruits and veggies for snacks instead -practice moderation not elimination Physical activity: -best tool for weight control -make activity part of your lifestyle, like brushing your teeth -adds lean body mass (energy expensive tissue) -increase activity during your daily routine: walk, take stairs, park far away, etc Putting it all together: -reduce food intake (reduce sugar)- 200-300 kcal a day -increase physical activity- another 200-300 kcal a day -identify and correct weight promoting habits (feeding/fasting period) -1 pound stored fat is 3300 kcal: negative energy balance of 500 kcal a day equals about 1 pound a week Other ways Herbal supplements: metabolife, deatrim, etc -speed up metabolism or suppress appetite -usually don’t work, the ones that do are stimulants Prescription drugs: can suppress appetite (neurotransmitters), or block fat digestion (which you can see why that’s problematic) Overall supplements are a pretty bad idea, they can have lots of dangerous side effects, they’re expensive, and in the end no lifestyle change is just a temporary solution Fad diets: -promote quick weight loss: use testimonials, no permanent lifestyle changes are required, temporary weight loss -usual approaches: limited food selection, low calories, expensive supplements or pre-made meals -7th day adventist promote vegetarianism -paleo lol no bc you’re eliminating too many things that have health benefits, and eating more things (meat) that have detrimental effects To treat severe obesity: very low calorie diets (400-800 kcal), optifast; low CHO which causes ketosis; high quality protein spares lean body mass; physician involvement to insure health

(avoid illness)] surgery is also very popular now: gastric bypass surgery, basically make your stomach TINY by rerouting the top of the stomach to connect with the small intestine; lap band surgery, restricts esophagus or upper stomach, which makes it uncomfortable to eat; lots of disadvantages to these treatments (poor vitamin/mineral absorption, doesn’t address reason for weight gain, difficulty eating some food, post operation infections)...

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