NURS 4314.01 Pathopharmacology 1.Eld PDF

Title NURS 4314.01 Pathopharmacology 1.Eld
Course Pathophysiology
Institution Houston Baptist University
Pages 11
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Download NURS 4314.01 Pathopharmacology 1.Eld PDF


NURS,4314,PATHOPHARMACOLOGY 1 Fal l2019 SchoolofNur si ngandAl l i edHeal t h

COURSE DESCRI PTI ON Thi scour sepr epar ess t udent st obecomei nt er pr of essi onalcar epr ovi der swhi l eadv ocat i ngf or pat i entsaf et ydur i ngvar i ousal t er at i onsi nheal t hacr osst hel i f espan.St udent swi l li nt egr at e t hepri nci pl esofpat hophysi ol ogy ,pharmacol ogy ,numer acycr i t i calt hi nki ng,andcl i ni cal j udgment . Pr er equi si t e( s) :Admi ssi oni nt ot henur si ngpr ogr am orappr ovalbySNAH Dean Cor equi si t e( s) :None SEQUENCE IN CURRICULUM Thi scour sei sr equi r edi nt hefir stsemest eroff ul l t i meenr ol l menti nt heBSN pr ogr am.Cour se mustbecompl et edpr i ort ot aki ngNURS4315. I NSTRUCTOR I NFORMATI ON Name:Mel ani eEl d Emai l :mel d@hbu. edu OfficePhone:2816493666 OfficeLocat i on:SCI139 OfficeHour s:Fr i daysandbyappoi nt menti nNavi gat e Day( s)andTi meCour seMee t s:R 10: 00Mabee DayandTi meofFi nalExam:12/12/2019( Tent at i v e) LEARNI NG RESOURCES Requi r edResour ces AssessmentTechnol ogi esI nst i t ut e,LLC.( 2016) .RN Phar mac ol ogyRevi ew Modul e( 7t hed. ) . AssessmentTechnol ogi esI ns t i t ut e,LLC.(2019) .Nur se’ sDr ugHandbook( 10t hed. ) .Bur l i ngt on, MA:Jones& Bart l e t tLear ni ng,LLC. Norris, T.L. (2019). Porth’s pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health status (10th ed.). Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Shadow Heal t h.( 2019) .Di gi t alCl i ni calExperi ence( Ver si on5. 0)[ Sof t war e] .( I SBN:9780989788830)Avai l abl ef r om ht t p: //www. shadowheal t h. com Theaf or ement i oned cour semat er i al smaybeor der ed t hr ough t heHBU Books t or ebyvi si t i ng ht t p: / /www. hbubookst or e. com/si t e_t ext _opt i ons. asp?.

TECHNOLOGY REQUI REMENTS Comput er St udent sar er equi r edt ohaveal apt opcomput eri nt hecl assr oom f orsecur et est i ngpur poses, aswel last o accessand compl et eonl i necl assr oom assi gnment s.St udent swi l lal so need t o havedai l yaccesst o a deskt op orl apt op comput erout si de oft he cl assr oom t o successf ul l y compl e t eonl i nehomewor kandr emot epr oct or edexams.Whi l et abl et sorsmar tphonesmaybe Page 1 of 11

used t oaccesssomecour secont ent ,notal lcont entcan bevi ewed on t hi st ypeofdevi ce.I n addi t i on,compl et i ngcour seassi gnment sont abl e t sorsmar tphonesi snotr ecommended. Mi ni mum Syst em Requi r ements •1. 6GHZorHi gherPr ocessor •2GB ofMemor y •150MB ofHar dDi skSpace •800x600orHi gherResol ut i onMoni t or ,16bi tcol or •Deskt oporLapt op( l apt opsar er equi r edi nt hecl assr oom f orcer t ai nassi gnment sorexams) •Webcam wi t hMi cr ophone •800x600orHi gherResol ut i onMoni t or ,16bi tcol or I nt er netAccess •Hi gh Speed I nt er netServi ce-DSLorcabl ewi t h atl east1 Mbpsconnect i on speed.Sat el l i t e i nt er netwi l lwor k,butmaynotbeopt i malduet ot hel at encyoft heconnect i on. •Webbr owser-Mozi l l aFi r ef oxorGoogl eChr ome.Ot herbr owser s( i . e.I nt ernetExpl or er )may al sowor k,butFi r ef oxandChr omear emostcompat i bl ewi t ht heHoust on Bapt i s tUni ver si t y' s l earni ngmanagementsyst em,Bl ackboar d.I n addi t i on,Fi r ef oxand Chr omear eal soavai l abl e f orMacuser s.I ti sr ecommendedt hatbot h Fi r ef oxandChr omebei ns t al l edonyourcomput er i nt heeventt hatt her ei sat echni calpr obl em wi t h onebr owser ,andyou havet ouset heot her t oaccessyourBl ackboar dcour se( s) . Addi t i onalSof t war eorPl ugI ns You shoul ddownl oadt hef ol l owi ngsof t war eorpl ugi nst oensur eopt i malper f or manceofyour onl i necour seexper i ence. •Mi cr osof tOfficef orWi ndowsorMac( Office365i savai l abl eFREE t oHBU st udent s)•Adobe Fl ash •AdobeReader•Java•ShockwavePl ayer•Qui ckTi me( vi deovi ewerf orbot h Wi ndows andMac) Shadow Heal thTechRequi r ement s ht t p: / /l i nk. shadowheal t h. com/Mi ni mumSyst emSpeci ficat i ons Compl et eBr owserCheck ht t ps: / /hel p. bl ackboar d. com/Lear n/St udent /Get t i ng_St ar t ed/Br owser _Suppor t /Br owser _Che cker El ec t r oni cResour c es t p: / /moody . hbu. eduorht t p: //www. hbu. edu Remot eaccesst oMoodyLi br aryDat abases:ht Thef ol l owi ngdat abasesandsear chengi nesar ewort hexpl or i ng:  Cochr anel i br ar y( f orsyst emat i cr evi ewsandmet aanal yses)  CI NAHL( Cumul at i veI ndexofNur si ngandAl l i edHeal t hLi t er at ur e)  MEDLI NE ( EBSCO & PubMed)  Nur si ngCol l ect i onandNur si ngCol l ect i onI I  Pr oQuestDi r ect COURSE OBJECTI VES 2. 1 Pat i ent Cent er ed-St udent swi l lbeabl et opr ovi dehol i st i c,pat i entcent er ed,saf enur si ng car ewi t hi ni ndi vi dual ,gr oupi nst i t ut i onal ,andsyst emwi decont ext s Expl or edi seasepr ocesses,pharmacot her apeut i cs,andot hert her api esandt r eat ment s andt hepr i nci pl esandr at i onal eunder l yi ngt heuse,admi ni s t r at i on,andi nt er act i onof phar macot her apeut i cagent s Hol i st i cal l yappr ai sechar act er i st i cs,concept s,pr ocesses,andt heor i esr el at edt opat i ent di agnosesandmedi ci nalmanagementofdi seaseacr osst hel i f es pan i ncl udi ngear l y , i nt er medi at e,andl at es t agesandpri mary ,secondary ,andt er t i aryi nt erv ent i ons Page 2 of 11

I nves t i gat euseandmi suseofpr escr i pt i on and nonpr escri pt i on medi cat i onsand ot her subst ances i nc l udi ng r ami ficat i ons,l i f et hr eat eni ng consequences,and i mpactacr oss al ldet er mi nant sofheal t h 3. 2. Leader shi p-St udent s wi l lbeabl et o ar t i cul at e and engage i ni nnovat i v e st r at egi est o di r ect ,r efine,andi mpr ovepr ocessesandservi ces Expl or ewor kpl acesaf et yi n accor dancewi t hf eder al ,st at e,and l ocalr egul at i onsand gui dancer egar di nga cul t ur eofsaf et yi ncl udi ng t hesaf edi sposalofmedi cat i onsand hazar dousmat er i al s RELATI ON TO DEPARTMENTALGOALSAND PURPOSES TheSchoolofNur si ngandAl l i edHeal t hi scommi t t edt opr ovi di ng“ hi gher ”educat i onr oot edi n t hecor eval uesofHonor ,I nt egri t y ,Gl ori ficat i onofGod,Humi l i t y ,Excel l ence,andRespect . Thi s cour se i nt egr at esf oundat i onalknowl edgeand t heofdemonst r at i on ofski l l sr e l at ed t o per sons,heal t h,envi r onment ,and nur si ngi n or dert opr ovi det hehi ghestqual i t yheal t h car e f orper sons,f ami l i es,popul at i ons,andcommuni t i es( PFPC) . RELATI ON TO COLLEGE GOALSAND PURPOSES Themi ssi on oft heSchoolofNur si ngand Al l i edHeal t hi st opr epar ei ndi vi dual st obel eader s wi t hi ni nt er pr of essi onalt eamsast heypr ovi dequal i t yservi cesi ndi ver seset t i ngsasar esul tof ourcent r alconf essi ont hat ,“ JesusChri sti sLor d. ” The under gr aduat e nur si ng cour ses r eflect t he School ’ s commi t ment t o deve l opi ng t he pr ofici enci esi n ar eassuch aspr of essi onal i sm,qual i t ycar e,pat i entcent er ed car e,t echnol ogy , l eader shi p,communi cat i on,andcol l abor at i on.Cour sear ei nt egr at edi n sequencewi t hl ear ni ng out comesi nf or medbyandi n al i gnmentt ot heTexasBoar dofNur si ngDi ffer ent i at edEssent i al Compet enci es( DECs)and Amer i can Associ at i on ofCol l egesofNur si ng( AACN)Baccal aur eat e Essent i al s. RELATI ON TO THE MI SSI ON OF THE UNI VERSI TY Themi ssi on ofHoust on Bapt i stUni ver si t yi st opr ovi deal ear ni ngexper i encet hati ns t i l l si n st udent s a passi on f or academi c,spi r i t ual ,and pr of essi onalexcel l ence as a r esul tofour cent r alconf essi on," JesusChr i sti sLor d. " Thi s cour se pr omot es dev el opment ofcompet ency i n pr epar at i on f or l i censur et o pr act i ce Regi s t er ed Nur si ngand serv esast hef oundat i on f orgr aduat est udi esi n pr of essi onalnur si ng and/ors peci al t ycer t i ficat i onpostl i censur e. TOPI CALOUTLI NE Week Dat e Readi ng 1 8/29 Ch.1 2


4 5



9/19 9/26



Assi gnment Exam Syl l abus Acknowl edgment Shadow Heal t hCal cs DrugCal cs ATICal cPr act i ce

Shadow Heal t hCal cs DrugCal cs ( at t empt2) ATICal csPr act i ce

Exam One

Wei ght i ng 1% 10% * Scor eof80% or hi gherf ors uccess i nt hecour se r equi r ed

10% * Scor eof90% or hi gherf ors uccess i nt hecour se r equi r ed


Ch.78 Page 3 of 11

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

10/3 10/10 10/17 10/24 10/31 11/7 11/14 11/21 11/28 12/5 12/12

Ch.910 Ch.1112 Exam Two


Exam Thr ee



24% 20%

Ch.1315 Ch.1618 Ch.1920 Ch.2122 Ch.2324 Cour seRevi ew

Chapt erQui z zes

ASSESSMENT OF LEARNI NG St udent swi l lnotbegi ven oppor t uni t i est or eat t emptanycont entexamsi mpr ovegr ades. A second at t emptatt he drug cal cul at i on exam i s per mi t t ed. St udent smustachi eve80% or hi gheront hei rfir stat t empt ,or90% orhi gheront hei rsecondat t emptoft hedrugcal cul at i ons exam t o succeed i nt hecour seand pr ogr essi nt hepr ogr am. Chapt erqui z zesar e mul t i pl e at t empt sandwi l lcl oseat23: 59onThur sdayDecember5th 2019. Exams:Examsmayconsi stofmul t i pl echoi ce,fil l i nt hebl ank,and/ormat chi ngi t ems. The i t emswi l li ncl udeappl i cat i onandanal ysi sl eveli t ems. Test i ngAver age:St udent smusthavea75% wei ght edt est i ngaver agebef or eanygr adescanbe aver aged t o det er mi ne t he finalcour se gr ade.The f ai l i ng gr ade i s det er mi ned by t he t est aver aget obeei t heraD orF.Qui z zesar eencour aged f ort hepur posesofi ncr easi ngr eadi ng, cl ass part i ci pat i on,and t est t aki ng pr ofici ency;however ,qui zscor es ar e excl uded f r om t he cal cul at i on oft het est i ng aver ageas t heyar enotst at i st i cal l y anal yzed gr ades.Addi t i onal l y , bonusquest i onsand/oraddedbonuspoi nt sar enotal l owedonanal yzedexamsast heyf al sel y i nflat et het est i ngaver age. Fai l i ng gr ades on an exami nat i on ar e assi gned when t her ei s consensus ofcour se f acul t y . Shoul dt her ebeonl yonef acul t ymemberi nt hecour se,t hati nst r uct ori sr equi r ed t oconsul t wi t hanot herf acul t ymemberbef or eassi gni ngf ai l i nggr ades. St udent swho havemor et han one gr ade ofD orF i n a nur si ng cour sear enotel i gi bl et o pr ogr essorcont i nuei nt hepr ogr am.St udent swhowi t hdr aw f r om acour seandr ecei veaWP f r om t heuni ver si t ywi l lr ecei v ea gr adei n nur si ngt hati st hewei ght ed aver ageofal lcour se gr adesassi gnedunt i lt hedat eofwi t hdr awal . GRADI NG STANDARDSFOR THE SCHOOLOF NURSI NG AND ALLI ED HEALTH LETTER GRADE NUMERI C EQUI VALENT OFLETTER GRADE A=ExceedsExpect at i ons 89. 50100 B =Mee t sExpect at i ons 79. 5089. 49 C =Sat i s f act or y 74. 5079. 49 D =NeedsI mpr ovement 64. 5074. 49 F=I nadequat e 74. 49 * WI THDAWALFAI LI NG ( WF) Aver ageofcour segr adesi s...

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