NURS100 - APA Assignment PDF

Title NURS100 - APA Assignment
Author Emily Tonn
Course Survey of Professional Nursing
Institution Xavier University
Pages 4
File Size 218.2 KB
File Type PDF
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NURS 100 Survey of Professional Nursing APA Assignment Part I: APA Research Examples Name: Emily Tonn Instructions: Please refer to the 6th edition APA manual when completing this assignment. You can also utilize the following sources of APA formatting on the following reliable websites:   For this assignment, you will be providing examples of how you would reference sources. Provide an example for each of the following reference sources (please give one example for each task of how APA handles these sources). Use your required textbook for the class to complete most of this assignment (Professional nursing: Concepts and challenges). Use a journal article and website of your choice where indicated. TASK



Reference for a book (one author)

Black, B. P. (2017). Professional nursing: Concepts & challenges (8th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Elsevier.


Reference for a book (two or more authors)

Berman, A., Snyder, S., & Frandsen, G. (2016). Kozier & Erb’s fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, practice, and process (10th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.


Hofmeyer, A., Toffoli, L., Vernon, R., Taylor, R., Klopper, H. C., Coetzee, S. K., & Fontaine, D. (2018). Teaching


Reference for a scholarly journal article

compassionate care to nursing students in a digital learning and teaching environment. Collegian, 25(3), 307–312. doi: 10.1016/j.colegn.2017.08.001 Reference for a website for a government organization (ex. NIH, CDC).

Symptoms of Coronavirus. (2020, May 13). Retrieved May 29, 2020, from /2019-ncov/symptomstesting/symptoms.html


Citation for a work (one author).

(Black, 2017, p. 1)


NURS 100 Survey of Professional Nursing




Citation for a work (two or more authors).

(Berman, Snyder, & Frandsen, 2016, p. 1)


Direct quote (less than 40 words). Give an example using your Professional Nursing textbook.

“Overall, 7% of nurses are men” (Black, 2017, p. 21).


Direct quote (more than 40 words). Give an example using your Professional Nursing textbook.

It is interesting to note the wage growth in the field of nursing: Most of the wage growth for nurses


occurs early in their careers and tapers off as nurses near the top of the salary scale. This leads to a flattening of salaries for more experienced nurses in a phenomenon known as wage compression. Wage compression may account for nurses leaving patient care for additional education or other careers in nursing or outside the profession, an issue that must be addressed to improve retention of the most experienced nurses in the p profession. (Black, 2017, p. 58) What are the standard margins for a paper written using APA style?

1-inch margins


What is plagiarism?

Using information from someone else without giving credit to the who originated the ideas.




NURS 100 Survey of Professional Nursing Part II: Reference List Corrections Name: Emily Tonn Instructions: Identify the APA mistakes on the following reference list (50 points). References Daiski, I. (2004). Changing nurses’ dis-empowering relationship patterns. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 48(1), 43-50. The indentation was incorrect. Hess, R. (2004). From bedside to boardroom: Nursing shared governance. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 9(1), Manuscript 1. Retrieved from eofContents/Volume92004/No1Jan04/FromBedsidetoBoardroom.aspx Number 9 needed italicized; Manuscript 1 needs to be changed to page numbers; was missing “Retrieved from” Institute of Medicine. (2011). The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Washington, DC: National Academies Press. Only the first word of the title; first word after the colon needed capitalized. Laschinger, H. K., Finegan, J., & Wilk, P. (2009). The impact of unit leadership and empowerment on nurses’ organizational commitment. Journal of Nursing Administration, 39(5), 228-235. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0b013e3181a23d2b Credentials of the authors did not need to be used; number 39 needed italicized. Scott, L., & Caress, A. (2005). Shared governance and shared leadership: Meeting the challenges of implementation. Journal of Nursing Management, 13, 4-12. doi: 10.1111/j.13652834.2004.00455.x

NURS 100 Survey of Professional Nursing “Challenges” and “Of” needed to be lowercase; Journal of Nursing Management needed italicized; the number 13 also needed italicized. Spooner, S. H., Keenan, R., & Card, M. (1997). Determining if shared leadership is being practice: Evaluation methodology. Nursing Administration Quarterly, 22(1). Comma was missing after Keenan, R.; number 22 needed italicized; missing page numbers....

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