NUSC1P10+Syllabus+Fall+2021-1 PDF

Title NUSC1P10+Syllabus+Fall+2021-1
Author Mr Ra
Course Professional and Therapeutic Communication
Institution Brock University
Pages 8
File Size 432.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 101
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Faculty of Applied Health Sciences Department of Nursing

Course Number: NUSC1P10 Term/Year/Duration: Fall 2021 Course Title: Professional and Therapeutic Communication

Instructor Name: Email: Office Location: Teaching Assistants: Liaison Librarian:

Elizabeth Orr [email protected] East Academic 321 See below Chelsea Humphries

Times and Locations: Classes: Section 1: Tuesdays 1100-1300 | STH204 – South Block Section 2: Wednesdays 1100-1300 | STH204 – South Block Communication Labs: Section1: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(SEM 1) Thursdays 1200-1400 | EA106 – East Academic | Tara Lundy (SEM 2) Mondays 1100-1300 | EA106 – East Academic | Kendra-Lee Dupuis (SEM 3) Fridays 1100-1300 | EA104 – East Academic | Brianna Blahut (SEM 4) Thursdays 0900-1100 | EA105 – East Academic | Tara Lundy (SEM 5) Mondays 0900-1100 | EA 101 – East Academic | Kendra-Lee Dupuis

Section 2: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

(SEM 1) Wednesdays 1500-1700 | GLB112 - International Centre | Breann Van Roon (SEM 2) Tuesdays 0900-1100 | EA106 – East Academic | Alyssia Silenzi (SEM 3) Fridays 0900-1100 | EA101 – East Academic | Jessie Greve (SEM 4) Thursdays 1500-1700 | GLB113 – International Centre | Robert Sicoli (SEM 5) Mondays 1500-1700 | GLB113 – International Centre | Alyssia Silenzi

Note: Labs begin week of September 13th – some exceptions apply – see course Sakai page for details Office Hours: Mondays 1130-1300, EA 321 (drop-in), or by appointment.

Course Calendar Description: This course provides the student the opportunity to examine and discuss the concepts, principles, and practice of professional and therapeutic communication. Factors influencing the perception and interpretation of communication, including the use of self, will also be included. Knowledge application and skill development is enhanced through practice, discussion, and self-reflection. Course Co-requisite: NUSC 1P12

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Learning Objectives/Outcomes: 1. Analyze the influence of personal beliefs, values, and experiences on communication 2. Demonstrate self-reflection to increase self-knowledge 3. Understand and demonstrate the principles and techniques required for: a. Therapeutic nurse-client relationships b. Communication with health professionals 4. Effectively provide and receive feedback 5. Describe selected group and collaboration skills 6. Explain how culture influences communication 7. Begin to conduct a cultural self-assessment 8. Apply principles of good essay writing and APA style in scholarly writing Required Readings or Texts: 1. Arnold, E.C. & Boggs, K.U. (2019). Interpersonal relationships: Professional communication skills for nurses (8th ed.) Elsevier. Additional readings: assigned and posted on Sakai. Recommended Readings or Texts: 1. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). Course Communications: A. Communication with the Instructor I am available to meet with students during office hours (drop-in) or by appointment. You are very welcome to approach me with comments, questions, or suggestions. All online communication should be through the course website (Sakai message function). I check my Sakai messages regularly. I try to respond to messages from students within 24 to 48 hours on weekdays. I will also monitor the general discussion forums throughout the week. B. Office Hours and Locations Instructor office hours are Mondays 1130-1300 (EA-321) C. Course Website The course website is accessible through Sakai. Students are expected to access the course website for: • Communication with Instructors/TAs • Course announcements • Weekly lesson plans and lab preparation activities • Links to supplementary resources • Submission of assignments • Online quizzes D. Inclement Weather Policy If the university closes for inclement weather, you should assume that class is cancelled. E. Cancellation of Class If, for any other reason, a class or lab is cancelled, a notice will be posted on the course web page. The instructors will also send an email to class members at their Brock email address as soon as they know that class is cancelled. NOTE: Due dates for assignments submitted online will not change in the event of cancelled classes unless otherwise posted. Page 2 of 8

Evaluation Components and Due Dates

Grade Weight

Evaluation Component

Due Date*

1. Lab Preparation, Participation, and Assignments The grade for this portion of the course is based on evidence of preparation for labs, participation/engagement in lab activities, and satisfactory completion of lab assignments. Students will be evaluated at midterm and final. Details about grading criteria are posted on the Sakai course web page. a. Midterm Evaluation b. Final Evaluation 2. Online Quizzes There will be four (4) online quizzes, each worth 5%. Question styles will include multiple choice, true/false, matching, and/or short answer. Quizzes will cover all materials included in weekly lessons prior to quiz (i.e., readings, lectures, lab activities) and are non-cumulative. Quizzes will be available on Sakai for 24-hours following class and students will have 45 minutes to complete each quiz. 3. Reflective Practice Students will submit weekly written reflections (10 total x 2% each) related to concepts/learning in this course. Weekly reflection topics and/or guided application exercises will be assigned each week on the Sakai course page and are to be submitted online Sundays at 8pm. 4. Standardized Patient Interview & Reflection Students will apply principles of interpersonal and therapeutic communication learned throughout the course in an interview with a Standardized Patient (SP). Interviews will be completed during lab time and students will be evaluated on their written critical reflection of the interview and feedback received. 5. ‘Talking with Older-adults’ – Analysis Paper Students are required to identify an older adult (~ age 65 or older) “stranger” through their family, friend, or community network. Students will engage in at least six (6) conversations with this older adult during the term and submit a written reflection and analysis of this learning experience.


Week 5


Week 12


Week 3 Week 6 Week 9 Week 12

Weekly 20%


Week 10


DEC 13


Total NOTES: * See Sakai for section/lab specific due dates/times Late Submission Policy:

The penalties for late submission of assigned coursework (e.g., papers, assignments, weekly reflections) are 10% per day, unless special considerations/accommodations are required. See below. Compassionate medical absences: If you require academic consideration because of an incapacitating medical condition, please inform your instructor(s), as soon as possible, of your inability to complete your work. Given our challenging times related to COVID-19, requests for extensions on assignments due to illness or caring for others with illness will be given case by case consideration for extensions. If you are unable to write a scheduled examination due to an incapacitating medical condition, you must follow the process set out in the Faculty Handbook III:9.4.1.

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Requiring a medical note: If you require academic consideration because of an incapacitating medical condition, please inform your instructor(s), as soon as possible, of your inability to complete your work. This should be done before the assignment deadline or exam date. You must also submit a copy of the virtual Brock University Student Medical Certificate. At the time of the appointment the health professional will provide you with the virtual medical certificate that you will need to forward to the instructor. Please note that Student Health Services appointments are limited at this time, therefore please forward this medical certificate within 7 days of the initial contact with the instructor. The University may, at its discretion, request more detailed documentation in certain cases. If you are unable to write a scheduled examination due to an incapacitating medical condition, you must follow the process set out in the Faculty Handbook III:9.4.1. Relationship between attendance and grades: Students are expected to complete all learning activities and must submit all assignments in order to pass this course. Students must pass the ‘Lab Preparation, Participation, and Assignments’ component to pass this course. Important dates: • • • • • •

September 8, 2021 is the first day of classes November 2, 2021 is the date for withdrawal from the course without academic penalty October 26, 2020 is the date you will be notified of at least 15% of your course grade October 11-15, 2020 is the scheduled reading week. December 8, 2020 is set aside for a designated reading day (may be used to cover missed/cancelled classes) December 9-22 is set aside for formal examination periods. Academic Policies

Academic Integrity: Statement for undergraduate courses Academic misconduct is a serious offence. The principle of academic integrity, particularly of doing one’s own work, documenting properly (including use of quotation marks, appropriate paraphrasing and referencing/citation), collaborating appropriately, and avoiding misrepresentation, is a core principle in university study. Students should consult Section VII, “Academic Misconduct”, in the “Academic Regulations and University Policies” entry in the Undergraduate Calendar, available at to view a fuller description of prohibited actions, and the procedures and penalties. Information on what constitutes academic integrity is available at

All students are expected to know and adhere to Brock University’s Student Code of Conduct and the Nursing Department’s Ethical and Professional Code of Conduct. In all matters of assessment within the nursing program, the determination of non-suitability may include up to removal from the nursing program. Plagiarism software: This course will use, phrase-matching software. If you object to uploading your assignments to for any reason, please notify the instructor to discuss alternative submissions. Intellectual Property Notice: All slides, presentations, handouts, tests, exams, and other course materials created by the instructor in this course are the intellectual property of the instructor. A student who publicly posts or sells an instructor’s work, without the instructor’s express consent, may be charged with misconduct under Brock’s Academic Integrity Policy and/or Code of Conduct, and may also face adverse legal consequences for infringement of intellectual property rights. Note: A Student may make or share an audio or video recording of a lecture, presentation, or lesson, only with the permission of the instructor.

Special Accommodation:

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The University is committed to fostering an inclusive and supportive environment for all students and will adhere to the Human Rights principles that ensure respect for dignity, individualized accommodation, inclusion and full participation. The University provides a wide range of resources to assist students, as follows: a) If you require academic accommodation because of a disability or an ongoing health or mental health condition, please contact Student Accessibility Services at [email protected] or 905 688 5550 ext. 3240. b) If you require academic accommodation because of an incapacitating medical condition, you must, as soon as practicable, inform your instructor(s) of your inability to complete your academic work. You must also submit a Brock University Student Medical Certificate (found at The University may, at its discretion, request more detailed documentation in certain cases. If you are unable to write a scheduled examination due to an incapacitating medical condition, you must follow the process set out in the Faculty Handbook III:9.4.1. c) If you are experiencing mental health concerns, contact the Student Wellness and Accessibility Centre. Good2Talk is a service specifically for post-secondary students, available 24/7, 365 days a year, and provides anonymous assistance: or call 1-866-925-5454. For information on wellness, coping and resiliency, visit: d) If you require academic accommodation on religious grounds, you should make a formal, written request to your instructor(s) for alternative dates and/or means of satisfying requirements. Such requests should be made during the first two weeks of any given academic term, or as soon as possible after a need for accommodation is known to exist. e) If you have been affected by sexual violence, the Human Rights & Equity Office offers support, information, reasonable accommodations, and resources through the Sexual Violence Support & Education Coordinator. For information on sexual violence, visit Brock's Sexual Assault and Harassment Policy or contact the Sexual Violence Support & Response Coordinator at [email protected] or 905 688 5550 ext. 4387. f) If you feel you have experienced discrimination or harassment on any of the above grounds, including racial, gender or other forms of discrimination, contact the Human Rights and Equity Office at [email protected].

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NUSC 1P10 – Weekly Overview

Week 1

Topic(s): • Introduction • Interpersonal Process Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships (textbook) – CH 1 • Interpersonal Process (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai

Week 2

Topic(s): • Communication and the Self • Assertive Communication Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 6 & 9 • Responsible, Assertive, Caring Communication in Nursing (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai

Week 3

Due Dates

Topic(s): • Communication and Culture • Inclusive Language Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 7 • How are Context and Culture Always Relevant in Nursing (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai • Words matter: Labelling, bias and stigma in nursing

Topic(s): Topic(s): • The Nurse-Client Relationship • The therapeutic nurse-client relationship Preparation: • Boundaries Reading(s): • Posted on Sakai • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 3 & 10 • Therapeutic Nurse-Client Relationship (CNO) • Therapeutic and Non-therapeutic Communication Techniques (PDF table) – posted on Sakai

Reflection 3

Week 4

Lab Topic(s)

Topic(s): • Interpersonal Skills: Mindfulness Reading(s): • Mindfulness [e-book chapter] • Being present: Mindfulness and nursing practice [Online article]

Reflection 4

Week 5

Dates* Class Topic(s) & Readings

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Topic(s): • Introductions, lab expectations & group norms • Self-sharing • Intro to reflective practice Preparation: • Weekly lab preparation activities will be posted on Sakai prior to lab date Topic(s): • Assertive communication Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Reflection 1

Topic(s): • Culture and diversity in communication Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Reflection 2

Topic(s): • Mindfulness • Attending & Listening Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Quiz 1

Lab Midterm Evaluation

Reflection 5

Week 6

Topic(s): • Listening (part 2) Preparation: • Posted on Sakai Topic(s): • Listening & Responding Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Reflection 6

Week 7

Topic(s): • Interpersonal Skills: Empathy, Warmth, Respect, and Genuineness Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 11 • Building meaning: understanding (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai

Topic(s): • Collecting Information Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Reflection 7

Week 8

Topic(s): • Asking Questions and Building Meaning • Relational Inquiry Reading(s): • Collecting information: exploring (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai • Asking questions (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai

Topic(s): • Practice Interviewing • Providing Feedback Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Reflection 8

Week 9

Topic(s): • Communication for Safety • Providing and Receiving Feedback Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 2 & 24 • Working with Feedback (PDF chapter) – posted on Sakai

Week 10

Topic(s): • Communication in Groups and Teams Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 8 & 23

Topic(s): • Standardized Patient Interviews Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Standardized Patient Interviews

Topic(s): • Safe Communication (SBAR) • Assertive Refusals • De-escalation Preparation: • Posted on Sakai

Reflection 9

Week 11

Topic(s): • Confrontation & Refusing • Communication in Difficult Situations Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 13, 16 & 20 Topic(s): • Advocacy & Allyship Reading(s): • The Role of Nurses as Allies Against Racism and Discrimination • Advocating for nurses and nursing • Nursing, advocacy and public policy

No lab either Week 1 or Week 12 depending on Section/Lab group – exact dates/times posted on Sakai

Reflection 10

Week 12

Topic(s): • Interpersonal Skills: Listening Reading(s): • Interpersonal Relationships – CH 5 • Listening [e-book chapter]

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Quiz 2

Quiz 3

Lab Final Evaluation Quiz 4

Exam Period

Analysis Paper – December 13

Notes: 1. 2. 3. 4.

See Sakai for section/lab specific due dates/times Labs begin week of September 13th – some exceptions apply – see course Sakai page for details Online quizzes are available on Sakai for 24-hours following end of class Reflections are due weekly – Sundays at 8 pm

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