Nusrat Uddin- Macbeth Essay PDF

Title Nusrat Uddin- Macbeth Essay
Author Shyama Debnath
Course English
Institution Queens College CUNY
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Nusrat Uddin Professor Dan Jacobson ENGL 220 8 October 2017 “Macbeth” is a play by William Shakespeare that utilized various characters, such as Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, and the witches, to push forward the plot. As per the plot, one critical point in the play is when Macbeth murders King Duncan. Though, Macbeth might be the direct murderer of King Duncan, arguably he does not hold full responsibility for the crime. The witches and Lady Macbeth hold a significant role in contributing to the murder of King Duncan despite the fact that they did not commit the actual crime by hand. The three witches in the beginning of the play prophesying the rise of Macbeth as a king is a contributing factor to his murder of King Duncan because the prophecy affected Macbeth’s mentality as he rose as king and took on the role of power. The prophecy itself came true because of the fact that Macbeth got the idea in his own mind that he was fated to become king. On the other hand, Lady Macbeth contributed to the murder by encouraging Macbeth in his sleep to kill Duncan. She challenges his masculinity and power, which works in a subtle manner to persuade Macbeth to go through with the murder. Despite the shared responsibility of the murder with Lady Macbeth and the witches, it is ultimately Macbeth who is at fault for the murder of not only Duncan but Banquo and Fleance as well. Though there were influences and emotional factors that contributed to the murder, it is through his own free will that Macbeth goes through with the murders in the play. The play starts off in Scotland, where three witches were waiting to meet Macbeth in the thunder and lightning (1.1.1-2). The Scottish army and the Norwegian army were at war with each other. Duncan, the king of Scotland was fighting against the king of Norway. Duncan

received reports that had to do with the death of Macdonald who was also known as the rebel. Later on, the three witches curse the sailor that foreshadows the fate that is in store for Macbeth. You could then see the tension that Macbeth has towards his claim of the kingdom. The reason why the three witches in the beginning mentioning that Macbeth will be king confused and triggered Macbeth because he did not know that he was having the chance of becoming king until these witches came out of nowhere and say “ All hail, Macbeth Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! All hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee , Thane of Cawdor! All hail, Macbeth, that should be king hereafter!’ (1.3.51-53). As he hears them saying this he is wondering that he actually has a chance of being king but, not if Duncan is around. This goes to show that the witches prophesying of Macbeth’s kingship heavily influenced his striving to attain the position, and ultimately killing King Duncan. Lady Macbeth was encouraging Macbeth to kill Duncan so he can be king of the kingdom and she can be queen of the kingdom. Lady Macbeth utilizes heavy manipulation in order to achieve the royal status that she desired. Macbeth at first did not want to kill Duncan even though Duncan was in the way of Macbeth becoming King. However, Lady Macbeth was furious and started harassing him and being manipulative and questioning his “manhood” if he did not kill Duncan. “When you durst do it,” she says, “then you were a man” (1.7.49). Macbeth was having second thoughts and he was wondering what might happen if they fail. she says “We fail? But screw your courage to the sticking-place, and we’ll not fail” (1.7.69-71). This basically encouraged Macbeth due to the challenge that was being placed on his masculinity and he ended up killing Duncan. Afterwards, Macbeth did not feel happy with his decision and was scared. “These deeds must not be thought after these ways. So, it will make us mad”(2.2.45-46). Lady Macbeth was telling him not to think about it or feel bad because if he does then his thoughts

will drive him and her both crazy. After the murder was committed, Lady Macbeth told Macbeth to put the daggers that he used to kill Duncan in a specific place but he had not done so. He was too scared to go back and put them where they were supposed to so, Lady Macbeth did it herself. When she came back she said that she was involved in the murder of Duncan as much as he is.“My hands are of your colour, but I shame to wear a heart so white” (2.2.82-83). This goes to show that Lady Macbeth had a hand in the murder in terms of contributing to Macbeth’s mental state before and after the murder. The witches and Lady Macbeth both have their parts in the murder of Duncan but, Macbeth is to blame as well because at the end he is the one that murdered Duncan. He not only murdered Duncan but, he also murdered Fleance and Banquo. He believed that they were threats to him becoming king of the kingdom so, he hired two murderers to kill Banquo and Fleance. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth came to the idea of hosting a dinner and invited Banquo and Fleance as a plan to have them attacked and killed. Because Macbeth killed Duncan, he thinks that it is okay for him to murder Banquo and Fleance as well. Lady Macbeth had no idea about this plan to kill Banquo and Fleance until Macbeth told her that the killing of Duncan is not over that their are still threats to his throne. Then he told his wife about the whole plan for Banquo and Fleance and asked for her to be extra nice to Banquo at the dinner so they can lure him into fake security. The murders that were hired had wooden park outside. When Banquo and Fleance came the murderers lit the torch and killed Banquo. Banquo was telling Fleance to run away. One of the murderers blew out the torch and in the darkness Fleance escaped. When the murders went back to tell Macbeth that Fleance escaped and he was furious.

This whole play goes to say that fate, destiny, and the power of free will have the

capability of getting to one’s head. The witches in the play you may say have started the whole “Macbeth is King” and triggered him into realizing that he might be. Lady Macbeth was very awed to the imagination of her being queen and wanted it to be reality so she tried to do whatever she could to become queen, she manipulated Macbeth. However, at the end Macbeth is held responsible for his own responsibilities and in this cause it would be the murder of Duncan and Banquo. Fate is something you are not able to control, destiny is what is in store for you and free will is what you do....

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