Nutrion & Wellness : The Weight of the Nation Questions PDF

Title Nutrion & Wellness : The Weight of the Nation Questions
Course  Nutrition and Performance
Institution California State University East Bay
Pages 4
File Size 33.1 KB
File Type PDF
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The Weight of the Nation: Part 1 Consequences ...


TheWei ghtoft heNat i on:Par t1Consequences ht t p: / / www. y out ube. com/ wat ch?v=pEk CbqN4uo Cl i ckont hel i nkabov eandwat c ht hev i deo“ TheWei ghtoft heNat i on:Par t1” .Then r espondt oeachoft hequest i onsbel ow.Theans wer st oeachques t i oncanbef ound af t erwat c hi ngt hedocument ar y .Pl eas ebeconci seandusecompl et esent ences .I fy ou cannotopent hev i deof r om t hel i nk ,y oucandoaGoogl esear c hf or“ TheWei ghtoft he Nat i on:Par t1Consequences( HBO Docs ) Wei ghtoft heNat i on( 30poi nt s) Whati st heequat i onf orBMI ?Whatar es omeofi t sl i mi t at i ons ?

• ( 2pt s ) BMI=Mass / Wei ght ABMImeas ur esbodymas sandnotbodyf at ,sot hi swor ksbestt odet er mi nei f ani ndi v i duali sunder wei ght . •

Whatpar t sofCi ndy’ ss t or ys t oodoutf ory ou?( 1pt )

Whatst oodoutt omewasCi ndy’ ss t or yabouthows hemetherhusbandshe wei ghedabout90l bs,butaf t er ki dss hegai nedal otofwei ght .Shement i oned howshet r i edv ar i ousmet hodsbutnot hi ngwor k ed,andhow s hel ostouton hope. • Expl ai nwhatt heBogal us aHear tSt udyi s.Whywasi tst ar t ed? Whati si tl ooki ngf or / at ?( 2pt s) I ti sas t udyofcar di ov ascul ardi s ease,car di ol ogi stGer al dBer r ens ondi scov er ed hear tdi s easebegi nsi near l y s t agesofl i f e,hewant edt ol ookatc hi l dhoodheal t h andt hecausesofunheal t hyeat i ng.

• Whatper centofobes ec hi l dr enf ol l owedi nt heBogal usaHear t St udyr emai nedobes easadul t s ?Namet wocompl i cat i onst hatbei ngov er wei ght asachi l dc anl eadt o.( 3pt s ) 77% whower eobeseasc hi l dr enr emai nedobeseasadul t s.Onecompl i c at i on t hatbei ngov er wei ghtasachi l d c anl eadt oheal t hpr obl emssuc hasdi abet esandhi gh bl oodpr essur e.Butanot herpr obl em c anbesoci al ,y ou maynotbeabl et o par t i c i pat ei nact i vi t i eswi t hy ourpeer sbecaus eofheal t hi ssuesy oumayenduphav i ng. •

HowmanyU. S.adul t sar eov er wei ghtorobese ?( 1pt )

Ov er1/ 3ofmenandwomeni nt heUni t edSt at esar eobes e.

Whydoy out hi nkt heobesi t yepi demi chasi ncr easedov ert hel ast

t hr eedecades ?Whathaschangedi nourcommuni t i esandourcount r yt o cont r i but et ot hi si nc r eas e?( 2pt s ) It hi nki nt hel astt hr eedecadest heobes i t yepi demi chasi ncr easedv as t l y bec ausewehav ebeenl oosi ngour mi ddl ecl ass .Mostofourpopul at i oni nt heU. S. i sei t heruppercl assorl owercl as s.Nowourl oweri ncome popul at i onc an’ t affor dt owi neanddi net hems el v es.Theyar eourev er ydayav er agewor k er swho pr obabl y gr abf ast f oodont hei rwayt owor korhome.Ther ear emor ef as t f oodpl acesbei ngbui l t ,al ongwi t ht hata s al adcost satl eastmaybe$5 wher easaMc Chi ck encost s$1.Bot hpr i cesbei ngbef or et ax ,butr egar dl es sour count r yi smaki ngourunheal t hyf oodcheeperwhi chj ustdr awspeopl et o pur c haset hos ei t emsi ns t ead.Al s o onbi l l boar dsy ouwi l l seebur ger sandt acosnot s al adsandf r ui t ,whi cheffect speopl eps y c hol ogi cal l yaswel l .

• Whatpar tofDr .Al t s hul er ’ sdi s c ussi ons t uckwi t hy oumost ?Why ? Gi v es peci ficex ampl esf r om t hefil m.( 1pt ) Ofhi sdi sc ussi on,whats t uckwast hef actt hati ti snotj us tonegenet i cgene,i t canbemul t i pl epasseddownt o us.Ev ent houghi ti sget t i ngst r ongeri nourgenes ,we canc hanget hatf orf ut ur ey ear st ocome.Butt heway ours oc i et yi snowaday s , t hi sc hangedoes n’ ts eem t obeanywher ei nt henearf ut ur e.

• Oft het ens t at eswi t ht hehi ghes tobes i t yr at es ,howmanyr ank amongournat i on’ spoor es t ?( 1pt ) Oft het ens t at eswi t ht hehi ghes tobes i t yr at es ,ni ner ankamongournat i on’ s poor est .

• Whatper centofobes ec hi l dr eni nt heBogal us aHear tSt udyhav e t woormor er i s kf act or sf orhear tdi seas e ?Bei ngov er wei ghtorobes ei ncr eas es ac hi l d’ sr i skofdev el opi ngas t hmabywhatper cent ?( 2pt s)

• Whatwasy ourr eact i ont ot hei magesanddi scus si onoft henor mal andunheal t hyhear t s ?Why ?Bes peci fic .( 1pt ) If oundi tv er yi nt er es t i ng,Iwantt ogoi nt ocar di ov asc ul arsur ger ysoseei ngt he i mageswasal i t t l el ooki nt o whatImayopenupandv i ewatonepoi nt .Idi d fi ndi tsadathowt heheal t hyhear twasi nsuchabet t erst age ofheal t h,wher eas t heunheal t hyonewasnot .I twasmuc hbi ggerandj ustbyl ooki ngati tIc oul ds eewhyi t woul dhav emor eheal t hr i sk sandl eadt oc l oggedar t er i es .

Whatar et hes ev enpoi nt sf ori deal car di ov ascul arheal t h?( 3pt s)

1.Opt i mal Lev elofTot alChol est er ol 2.Nor mal Bl oodPr es sur e 3.NotHav i ngDi abet es 4.LeanBodyMassI ndex 5.NotBei ngaSmok er 6.Phy s i c al Ac t i v i t y 7.Heal t hyDi et

• Di dy oul ear nanyt hi ngnewaboutt heeffect sex cessf athasonour bodi es ?Whi c hpi eceofi nf or mat i onst uckoutf ory ou?( 1pt ) Il ear nedaboutt hemanyeffect sex cessf athasonouror gansandbodyi n gener al .Somenegat i v eeffec t si t hasar ei tc anl eadt obl oodcl ot s ,and bl ock edar t er i esbec auseoft hechol es t er ol .Somet hi ngt hats t uckouti s anot herr i s ki t haswhi chi sr i s kofs t r ok eorhear tat t ack .

• Gi v ea2par agr aphsr eact i ont ot hev i deo.Gi v es peci ficex ampl es andexpl anat i ons .( 10pt s ) It hi nkt hi svi deoi sar eal ey eopener ,ands houl dbewat chedbyal l Amer i c ans ,obes eornot .Thi s count r yi snotawar eofhowunheal t hyev er y one i sr eal l yeat i ng,andhownoonei sr eal l ydoi nganyt hi ngabout i t .Wek eepsayi ng wear et r yi ngt omak et hi ngsbet t er ,buti tgoesdeepert hanj ustt el l i ngpeopl ei ti san i ss ue.Wet el l peopl et hei ss ueswehav ebutt henopenf as t f oodr est aur ant snat i onwi de ev er y day .Whati magedoes t hatsendt ot hepubl i c ?Ps y c hol ogi cal l yt hatmak esme t hi nkwel l weobv i ousl ydon’ thav ear eal pr obl em i fal l t hesef as t f oodpl acesar e cont i nui ngt os t ayopenandc ont i nuet oopenmor eal lt het i me.Notonl ydoadul t s not i cet hes et hi ngs ,butwhatar ewes howi ngt henewgener at i onsofchi l dr en bei ngr ai sedi nt heU. S. ?They s eeadsev er y wher eaboutgr eas ybur ger s,f r i es , bur r i t os ,nachos ,andal l t hesef r i edf oods.Andi nt heseadsar ef amousact or sand model swhoar ewel l known.Youdon’ tseeanadwi t hanobesec hi l dsi t t i ngata Mc Donal d’ st abl eeat i ngt hatj ui cybur gerwi t hf r i esandami l k shak enowdoy ou? No.Thati sbec auseweal so ar eal l owi ngt hes ecor por at i onst oadv er t i sesuc h appeal i ngphot osandvi deos . Ial sof oundsomet hi ngsv er yupset t i ng.Li k eCi ndy’ ss t or y ,s hewasn’ t al way sov er wei ghtanddi dnot hav econst anti ss ueswi t hherwei ghtand

heal t h.Shewasheal t hyandwei ghtatabout90l bsmaybeal i t t l e mor e,Ic an’ t r ememberex act l ywhati twas.Butt henaf t erhavi ngki dst hi ngsj ustspi r al eddownwar d f orher . Anot hert hi ngwast hest udi esdoneonc hi l dr en,andhowt hey want edbr i ngpeopl e’ sat t ent i ont ot hef actt hatobesi t yst ar t satay oungageand c hi l dr enneedt ost ayact i v eandeatheal t hi er .I ti st r ul ys adathowour nat i on i sdoi ngsuc hahor r i bl ej obt oi mpr ov eanyt hi ng.Ot hercount r i esar edoi ngmuc hbet t er , t heyhav el ower obesi t yr at esandt heydon’ tnecessar i l yhav ef ewerf as t f ood r est aur ant s .Nowwhyi st hat ?It hi nkanot her as pectt hatpl ay sahuger ol ei s ourav er agei ncome.Fi ndi ngoutt hatoft het ens t at eswi t ht hehi ghes tobes i t y r at es , ni neoft hem ar ewi t hi nt heUni t edSt at espoor es t .Asanat i onwear ef ai l i ngourf ut ur e gener at i onst o comebynotmaki nganydr ast i cc hanges ,bynotr eal l y wor k i ngt ochanget hei ssuewehav eathand.Weneed t owor kt oget herandwewi l l i mpr ov et oget her .Bei nganat hl et eIhav eal way shadt owor kwi t hmyt eammat es t osucc eed.Whenwewor k edt oget herwewonourgames.Whenwehadi ss ues anddi dn’ tpl ayasat eam we l ost .Si mi l arpr i nc i pl esappl yt ot hi s ....

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