Nutrition Notes - Simon Davies Class is a very complex and understanding class. It may be hard PDF

Title Nutrition Notes - Simon Davies Class is a very complex and understanding class. It may be hard
Author Christian Castro
Course Principles Of Nutrition
Institution Irvine Valley College
Pages 11
File Size 155.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Simon Davies Class is a very complex and understanding class. It may be hard but these notes are practically everything on the midterm and final. ...


8/22/19 -US ranks #43 in global expectancy (80 years old) while Monaco is 1st with 89.4 years Human health in decline -# of US medical schools are 125 -a heart attack strikes in US every 25 seconds - a heart attack kills in US every 45 seconds -risk of death from heart attack by average US man is 50% while a vegetarian man is 15% Healthy living can. -add 14 years to your life -health points 1. Not currently smoking 2. Moderate alcohol 1-14 units/week 3. .5 servings of fruit and veggies 4. Not being inactive 5.s subjects with 4 points< likely to have died -60 yr. old with zero same death risk as 75 with 4 Nutritional decisions Frequently based upon 1. Knowledge 2. Availability of food 3. Economics 4. Convenience 5. Time 6. Cultural influences Adequate Nutrition Needs -Balance -nutrients (including fiber) -moderation (saturated fats) Benefits ^ -reduced risk of deficiency diseases -increased bone mass -prevention of adult bone loss -fewer dental cavities 60% of Americans food are processed

8/27/19 Energy Uses Body transforms food into energy for: 1. Building new compounds

2. Performing muscular movements 3. Promoting nerve transmissions 4. Maintaining ion balance within cells Calories - Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram (gm) of water (H20) 1 degree Celsius - Used by nutritionists to describe energy producing potential in food - Food energy measured in kilocalories (1 kcal = 1000 calories) - Calorie intake of 2000 calories Energy sources Energy needed for bodily functions/work - Carbs - Fats - Proteins - Foods generally provide > 1 energy source - Fats have 2x the calories per gram Thermogenesis - Human ability to regulate body temperature - If body temp falls o Thermoregulation o Fidgeting Thermic Effect of Food - Metabolism during digestion, absorption, and nutrient metabolism - Value varies between foods o Protein (20-30%)> energy to metabolize AAs > fats o CHO (5-10A%) < energy to convert glucose>glycogen o Fat-rich (0-5%) < energy to send fat to adipose Caloric Needs and exercise - Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) o Minimum # calories needed to power body at rest o Energy expended to maintain normal functions o Usually accounts for about 60-70% of calories o Typically peaks at 20yrs (2% decrease per decade Input and Output - LOSE weight: reduce calories intake - GAIN weight: increase your calorie intake or combine calorie change w/ exercise Caloric need BMR= 66+(13.7 x Weight) + (5 x H) – (6.8 x Age) BMR= BMR x 2 Most calorie dense you can pick? How many calories per serving? Most calorie dense natural food?

9/26/19 Fiber Health Benefits - Absorbs and holds water - Softens stools - Larger stool promotes peristalsis - Promotes regularity - Lower cvd risk - Decrease hemorrhoids and diverticula - + decreased insulin release - -> emergency for allergic reactions Misleading and inaccurate - Manufacturers exploit govt regulations - Some “fat free” cooking sprays are 100% fat - Labels mislead What food labels must include - Ingredients - Nutrition facts panel - Truthful information for consumers - Common or usual name - Name and address: manufacturer, packer, distributor Claims that can be made for conventional foods and dietary supplements Three categories 1. Health claims a. Calcium and reduced risk of osteoporosis b. Sodium and reduced risk of hypertension c. Dietary sat fat and cholesterol and reduced risk of CHD d. Dietary fat and reduced risk of cancer 2. Structure/function claims Serving sizes for nutritional labels - Under regulation of FDA - Required on virtually all food labels since 1994 - Contain standardized serving sizes

Total carbohydrate - Grams of CHO in each serving and % of DV - = starches, complex CHO, dietary fiber, added sugar sweeteners, and non-digestible additives 10/24/19 Vitamins - Essential organic (carbon) substance - No energy (facilitate energy-yielding reactions) - Dietary absence -> deficiency signs and symptoms - Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K) - Water soluble vitamins (C, B) - Preservation of vitamins in foods Vitamin A - Most common cause of non-accidental blindness (Developing countries) - Preformed o Retinoids (retinol, retinal, retinoic acid) o Found in animals’ products - Proformed o Carotenoids o Found in plant products - Functions of Vitamin A o Night blindness: adjust to dark o Xerophthalmia o Cell health-> low vita A o Growth, development, reproduction Vitamin D - Prohormone or conditional vitamin -> converted to active form by enzymes in liver and kidneys - Derived from cholesterol - Synthesized from sun exposure - Few foods contain much - Fatty fish (salmon, herring) fortified milk - Some fortified cereal Vitamin E - Fat soluble antioxidant - Resides mostly on cell membranes - USA; 1 billion/ year on vit e Any ideas for helping end Vita D deficiency Average Sales of multivitamins vs singular vitamin most sales Food in my house that has vitamins added The Elephant man: name, condition he suffered from?

October 31,2019 Introduction to Minerals - Various functions; metabolic roles and components of body compounds - Trace minerals are more toxic - Presence of contaminants Sodium - Table salt (NaCl): 40% sodium, 60% chloride - USA consumption X2/X3 recommended amount - Not a major cause of hypertension - Body only needs 100 mg/day - Minimum requirement is 500 mg/day - Daily value is 2400 mg/day Potassium - Primary electrolyte - Functions in fluid balance and nerve impulse transmission - 90% of potassium consumed is absorbed -

Find how you can see that the fruits or vegetables are grown with high quality soil. Could you get seaweed straight from the ocean 11/5/19 Calcium - All cells need Ca - 99% is in bones and teeth - Constitutes 40% of all the minerals present in the body Calcium absorption - Amount in body dependent on amount absorbed - Requires a slightly acidic environment (> alkalinity as food descends GIT) - Upper part of the small intestine is the site of absorption - Availability of vitamin D Decreased calcium absorption - Rapid intestinal motility (flow) - High fiber intake (phytic acid from wheat bran) - Excess phosphorus - Vitamin D deficiency - Presence of polyphenols in tea Regulation of Blood Ca - Blood level is maintained at the price of bone calcium - Blood level will be maintained despite inadequate calcium intake - Setting stage for future bone fractures

Increasing bone mass (BM) - Total mineral substances in X-section - Requires o Adequate diet (Ca, Vita D) o Healthy body weight o Normal menses o Weight-bearing physical activity Osteoporosis - Calcium deficiency - “a pediatric disease with geriatric consequences - Leads to ~1.3 million fractures/year - 16 billion in direct health care costs/ year Bone growth and mass - Rapid and continual throughout adolescence - Peak bone mass - Bone loss begin around 30 yrs. Osteoporosis Diet - Eat fruits and veggies o Correlation between consumption and bone density o High acid diet can cause Ca loss: alkali buffers from fruit/veg o Increase vitamin D Iron - Found in minute amount in every cell - Total body content is 5g - 15% is absorbed - Heme ion (animal) vs. nonheme (plant) iron - Vitamin C enhances Dual Energy Xray Absorptiometry (dexa) bone scan cost ? Why are pine nuts so expensive? 11/15/19 Nutrition as adolescent - Avoids vegetables/fruit o Introduce one at a time and repeat o Raw or blanched may be better tolerated o Serve with nutritious dip o Make appetizing (shapes, characters) o Role model Healthy eating concerns - Compare to food guide pyramid - Vitamin and mineral supplements are not necessary - Focus on good food choices

- Use of fortified cereals - Foods with iron and zinc WIC (WOMEN,INFANTS,and CHILDREN) how much is spent on it? Fluoride in my water? Too much fluoride causes what? 11/21/19 Diets and Fads What is a diet? - Diet: is the sum of food and drink that a person usually consumes - Dieting: practice of attempting to achieve or maintain a certain weight through a diet - 70 million Americans spend $30 billion on controlling weight - 1:6 Americans maintain that they are on a diet all the time - Belief-based/religious diets - Vegetarian-vegan diets - Etc. - “Goals of most diets requires long-term lifestyle changes to have long-term benefits” Why diets fail? - Unrealistic goals (Feel a failure if goals not met) - Diet too rigid - Unprepared for post-diet situation THE NEW CABBAGE SOUP DIET HOW MUCH WOULD IT COST FEN PHEN DIET How many found it working 11/26/19 Vegetarianism & Veganism - Developed from necessity into option - Linked with religions and philosophies - A 2018 gallup poll found 5% of US adults as vegetarian and 2% as vegan - 16.4 million vegetarians - 9.6 million vegans - Rapid increase in V options - Meat free and meat alternatives MAD COW DISEASE OCCURRING IN THE US ? Cheese has Rennet or vegetarian rennet? IVC FARM GROWN ORGANIC/ORGANIC OPTION AND ITEMS ITEMS NEVER ATE BEFORE/WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO CALL IT ORGANIC UNREASONABLE RISKS EMERGENCY DECREES Reasonable certainty? with pesticides 12/3/19 Organic Issues - Organic food nutritionally “better” 4 us “?

- Organic food safer vs non-organic food Organic and natural food sales grew annually 25% $11 billion in 2004 to $27 billion in 2012 12/5/19 Six components to optimal health 1. Enzymes 2. pH balanced blood supply (alkaline vs acid) 3. oxygenated blood (-> systems, organs, brain) 4. healthy digestion and elimination 5. uncompromised immune system Fat in blood - blood sample: salad o 1 hr later: thick, red, clotted blood falls to test tube bottom  Yellowish serum rises to the top HIPPOCRATES INSTUTITE HOW DOES IT GRAB MY ATTENTION 12/10/19 The China Study Misconceptions Addressed - Synthetic chemicals (food and environment) dangerous but not the main cause of cancer - Genes not the most powerful determinant In contracting diseases - Reliance on future genetic research ignores more powerful solutions - Reliance on one nutrient detrimental to long term health - Vitamins and supplements do not provide long term health - Drug and surgery powerless vs. diseases that kill most Americans America’s failing health - Spends more $s per capita than any other country - 2/3rds overweight - 15 million have diabetes - CHD as prevalent as 30 years ago - 50 % have a health problem requiring a prescription drug Healthiest area of California of cancer and highest. Highest and Lowest in USA 12/12/19 Changes in food production Methods - 1950s witnessed a dramatic change in the methods and scale of food production - New ways consumers purchased their food -...

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