OB - organizational behaviour put forward by Ben in the movie Intern PDF

Title OB - organizational behaviour put forward by Ben in the movie Intern
Author salini sasi
Course Master in Business administration
Institution Mahatma Gandhi University
Pages 3
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Describe the personality of Ben? In the movie, The Intern, Ben serves as a kind of Mr. Fix-It, who with quiet confidence, paternal competence and a driver’s license, helps Jules get on track at work and home. The personality trait of Ben’s character is Extraversion who is likely to be outgoing, soci...



Describe the personality of Ben?

• In the movie, The Intern, Ben serves as a kind of Mr. Fix-It, who with quiet confidence, paternal competence and a driver’s license, helps Jules get on track at work and home. • The personality trait of Ben’s character is Extraversion who is likely to be outgoing, social, and the centre of attention. They enjoy being with people, participating in social gatherings, and are full of energy. They basically tend to be sociable, assertive, merry, energetic, affectionate and socially confident. • Ben has also a high personality trait of Conscientiousness which can be seen by Ben being efficient and organised. They have the tendency to be dependable show self – discipline, act dutifully and aim for achievement. • People with this trait tend to be leaders, energetic, reliable, ambitious, persistent, hardworking and resourceful.

2.. What is the leadership style adopted by Jules? The movie introduces Jules, the founder of fashion e-commerce website about the fit. Jules follows the democratic style of leadership i.e., the leader makes the decisions based on the input of each team member. She is incredibly smart and is brilliant and does everything from a genuine place of passion and vision. Jules is the product of generation that makes snap decisions thereby she puts a lot of pressure on herself. She makes the efforts to do everything, to pack boxes and receive customer service calls. The democratic way of leadership enables the lower-level employees to exercise authority they’ll need to use wisely in future positions they might hold. Jules also follows a transactional leadership as they reward their employees for precisely the work they do.

3. what is the kind of motivational techniques used by Ben and Jules used by coworkers? The Intern is a cute film about a successful business woman who gets talked into hosting a “senior” program with interns over the age of 70. From the opening onwards he has been a very enthusiastic and joyful person. Even at the age of 70 he applied for the job and worked hard to help others. Being an experienced age-old person, he has always helped and motivated his fellow co-workers’. “I spend a lot of time reading and talking about millennial in the workforce and the differences between various generations, so this “reverse” internship concept sparked my interest” is a quote by ben which shows his enthusiasm and his spirit towards the team work. The work environment in the office (benching) created a dynamic and close-knit culture, and joules was open to feedback which shows how she is open to the arguments and criticism which encourages her workers. The best example is when BEN asks joules to appreciate her secretary about the work, she is doing for her, then joules realizes her mistake and tries to appreciate the work.

4.what is the learning style adopted by Ben? The learning style adopted by Ben in this movie are visual socisl and logical. Visual: The occipital lobes at the back of the brain manage the visual sense both the occipital and parietal lobes mange spatial orientation. Social: The frontal and temporal lobes handle much of our social activities. The limbic system also influences system also influences both the social and solitary styles. The limbic system has a lot to do with emotions, moods and aggression. Logical: The parietal lobes, especially the left side , drive our logical thinking.

5. Specify minimum five life lessons from the movie.

• Its never too late to learn something new: - Robert De Niro aka Ben in the movie is a 70-year-old retiree who is full of life and is always exploring new things. Like ben we should be willing to change with changing times and should be willing to come out of our comfort zone to explore the wonder of new age world. • Experience always counts: - The average age of CEOs is going down. While it’s great to see the young crowd taking the world by storm, we cannot disregard the wisdom, experience and balance that the elderly people bring into the frenetic workplace of a young company. • Healthy habits are key to success: - Ben goes to bed by 10pm and wakes up at a regular time. He also exercises regularly, his favourite being Tai Chi. Healthy habits are very important to the success of an entrepreneur. • Role reversal can be great: - The female protagonist, Anne Hathaway aka Jules is the owner of the booming online fashion store. She embodies the Millennial enthusiasm, works odd hours, often forgets to eat and is a doting mother. Her husband, a stay at home father is her big support and helps her manage the house hold chores. It is important to understand that both men and women have equal responsibility towards the upbringing of a family, a society and that might mean women taking over the traditional men roles and vice versa. • No one can understand your dream better than you: - Jules company at 18 months old has already achieved its five-year goals, but the investors are concerned about her ability to scale and recommend hiring a CEO. No entrepreneur is perfect and needs to learn from their own mistakes. So instead of giving up on your dreams, its best to believe in magic and have an undying faith in your dreams and your goals. 6. What is your learning from the movie “the intern”?

The Intern is a film ostensibly about gendered and generational role reversal that quickly turns into a treatise about how much even successful young women still have to learn. Described as “too observant”, Ben can seemingly see what no one else can see, and even do everything better than anyone else. His vast experience, from both the phone book business and a longer life, imbues him with a Yoda-like wisdom for everything from business to romance, from fashion to tidying desks. It is Ben who must teach Jules how to be a good boss, even as he teaches his young male co-workers how to be men. 7. Work – life balance of Jules? The intern is a 2015 film and Jules Ostin, a rising star in the internet fashion world. Her company, About the fit, has taken off in the last eighteen months. Jules uses her power to receive personal favours from her employees. She is smart and is brilliant. At first, she was unable to manage the work and the life in balance as she depicts a person of workaholic mode of character. Besides she tries to find time to spend with her family. Later, she went to know that her husband is cheating her and all made her so distress and cannot concentrate on the work. That time she cannot manage her work and the company came into recession. Being inspired by ben, she was able to cope up with all the situations and handle everything and brought back the company and life to the normal situation....

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