OBE102-1 PDF

Title OBE102-1
Author Thư Anh
Course Organizational Behavior
Institution FPT University
Pages 53
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Question 1 A start-up business owner is considering different options for choosing the brand name, and eventually comes up with the idea of using an animal name, calling the business "Cheetah". Which of the following applies to this statement? Check only one optionA. This is an example of a "Fabrica...


Question 1 A start-up business owner is considering different options for choosing the brand name, and eventually comes up with the idea of using an animal name, calling the business "Cheetah". Which of the following applies to this statement? Check only one option A. This is an example of a "Fabricated" brand name B. The business owner has adopted the 'Metaphor" option for the brand name C. Such brand name strategy is called "Descriptive" and explicitly conveys the purpose of Business D. This is an example of "Creative spelling" B Imagine you are a brand manager for a fast-food business with an unhealthy image. You've decided to launch a new brand positioning it as an organic and healthy option. You name the new brand "Healganic". Which brand name strategy has the manager applied? Check only one option A. Acronym B. Fabricated C. Metaphor D. Founder B Question 3 Research shows that incomplete letter and word marks can be resulted in a different perception and meaning compared to a complete mark. Check all options that apply A. Incomplete marks can be resulted in perceptions of more innovativeness meaning B. Incomplete marks can be resulted in perceptions of less trustworthy meaning C. Incomplete marks can be resulted in perceptions of energetic meaning D. Incomplete marks can be resulted in perceptions of boring meaning AB Question 4 Lan is an experienced brand manager, recently tasked to boost the organisation's brand meaning. Conducting market analysis, Lan has decided to form the organisation meaning around agility, activity, and being fast. Lan has several options in communicating such a meaning using brand elements, which of the following are among the most effective tactics that could be implemented: Check all options that apply A. Lan used an italic font

B. Lan used a tagline: "born to run" C. Lan adopted a Crocodile as the new brand character to communicate agility and being fast D. Lan adopted a pictorial logo design, using a horse as the logo A B D Research finds that circular logos may convey different meanings compared to angular logos Check all options that apply A. Circular logo can convey softness B. Angular logo can convey comfortableness C. Circular logo can convey comfortableness D. Angular logo can signal durability A C D A brand's tagline/slogan is "lowest prices, every day". This is an example of Check only one option A. Motivational Tagline B. Descriptive Tagline C. Competitive Tagline D. Provocative taglineB Which of the following best describes the logo design of brands like Unilever, Westinghouse, and Tesla Check only one option A. Abstract Design B. Pictorial Design C. Word Marks D. Letter Marks D Which of the following best describes the logo design of brands like Apple, Lacoste, and Twitter Check only one option A. Letter Marks B. Word Marks C. Abstract Design D. Pictorial Design D A brand has adopted a simple abstract mark for its logo, in which the logo can be interpreted in several ways, the sun, a wheel, or a ball. Such an abstract logo may suffer from... Check only one option A. Visual Complexity B. Both Conceptual and Visual Complexity C. Conceptual Complexity D. Neither of Visual or Conceptual Complexity Question 10


In order to boost the engagement and conversation, a car manufacturer has used a beauty influencer to endorse its brand. Which of the following is the main challenge of such an endorsement? Check only one option A. The integration of such partnership and endorsement B. The exclusivity of such partnership and endorsement C. The duration of such partnership and endorsement D. The level of fit between the brand and the endorser D Question 1 Which of the following brand elements is/are not a visual element? Check only one option A. Character B. Logo C. Typeface D. Tagline/Slogan D Which of the following are among the options to choose a brand name? Check all options that apply A. Fabricated B. Metaphor C. Creative Spelling D. Pictorial Mark ABC Question 3 In designing a brand logo, which of the following are among the four typology of logo design? Check all options that apply A. Founder B. Abstract Marks C. Word Marks D. Letter Marks BCD Which of the following are among the considerations in crafting brand tagline/slogan? Check all options that apply A. Provocative B. Competitive C. Imperative and Motivational D. Not stimulating ABC We discussed several meanings that can be communicated via italic fonts, among them were: A. Not serious and funny B. Active C. Fast, Agile D. Luxury and Exclusive


Which of the following are among the benefits of having higher purpose values? Check all that apply A. Over the long-term it also reduces costs. B. It will enable employees to show a greater level of commitment C. Employees will be proud of working for the organization D. Consumers also will be proud of supporting such organizations A B C D Question 2 Phil is a brand manager in a medium size organisation in the FMCG sector. In launching a new brand of a soft drink, Phil has been focusing on promoting the features such as the ingredients, flavours, and the amount of caffeine. Which of the following benefits Phil has been focusing on? A. Self-expressive benefits B. Functional benefits C. Higher purpose values D. Social benefits B Consumers may use brands for several benefits. Check all that apply. A. Consumers use brands to better express the self B. Consumers brand choice can enable them to be a part of a social group they feel they share identities C. Consumers use brands to fill the gap between their actual personality and ideal personality. D. Brands may give customers a different experiential vibe. Which of the following are among the key strategies Lyft (the ride sharing brand) implemented to distinguish itself from competitors? Check all that apply. A. Positioning itself as a red car service B. Positioning the itself based on mission-based values C. Building consumer goodwill through being a brand activist D. Focusing on building a more environmentally and socially responsible business BCD Hamdi Ulukaya, the founder of Chobani yogurt brand, has implemented different strategies focusing on purposeful branding. Which of the following are among the strategies implemented at Chobani? Check all that apply. A. Pursue purpose-focused collaborations B. Shape culture around purpose C. Encourage employee ownership D. Extending product line range ABC Question 6 Values like affordability, customer service, quality and innovation belong to which level of brand vision? A. Such values are extended values B. Such values are core values C. Such values are emotional values D. Such values are higher-purpose values


Schweppes, the soft drink brand, which ran the campaign "Dress to Respect", is an example of a brand that focuses on which of the following options? Check all that apply. A. Motivational vision B. Extended features C. Functional benefits D. Higher purpose values AD Jennifer Aaker conceptualised brand personality proposed 5 categories of personalities. Which of the following represents those 5 categories? A. Joker, Dreamer, Mother, Sexy, and Adventurous B. Sincerity, Excitement, Competence, Sophistication and Ruggedness C. Sincerity, Excitement, Joker, Dreamer, and ruggedness D. Adventurous, Rebellious, Desirable, Playful, and Creative B In the example of Walmart, which of the following helped Walmart to repair its damaged reputation and regain consumers trust? A. Walmart's CEO, giving interviews to all the major TV channels, bringing investors back to the company B. Delivering on its core promise, delivering cheap variety products C. Full page ads in more than 100 newspapers, depicting happy employees and customers D. Using its supply chain distribution channels, providing aids to victims of Hurricane Katrina D Nespresso coffee is a premium coffee brand (www.nespresso.com). A consumer buys Nespresso coffee from Nespresso boutique stores because the consumer feels that she belongs to a club that offers accessible luxury coffee experience. This is an example of which of the following types of brand meaning benefits? Check all that apply. A. Emotional benefits B. Functional benefits C. Social benefits D. Self-expressive benefits A C D Which of the following is the motivation of going beyond functional benefits in building meaningful brands? A. Consumer choice of a brand is based on emotional associations B. Customer want quality products at low prices. C. Customers are rational in their product decisions. D. Creating meaning based on functional benefits is often ineffective A Question 2 In developing a brand vision framework, which of the following are important considerations? Check all options that apply

A. Identify a higher purpose as the overall theme for your brand vision B. Defining core brand vision elements C. Keep the brand vision aspirational and motivational D. Select common and broad brand vision dimensions ABC Consumers who use brands to improve their personality are? Check only one option A. Implicit self theorist B. Entity theorist C. Explicit self theorist D. Incremental theorist B Question 4 Which of the following are the key contributions of building brand personality and meaning? Check all that apply A. Brand personality provides energy B. Brand personality represents and communicates benefits C. Brand personality guides brand-building programs D. Brand personality dilutes brand meaning A B C According to consumer psychology of brand model, the consumers are engaged with brands in three levels Check all that apply A. Social engagement B. Functionally-driven engagement C. Typical engagement D. Consumer's self-centered engagement ABD In the video 'the neuroscience of meaning making' the instructor discussed research from the aviation and advertising industry. What similar conclusions do both industries draw in regards to decision-making? Check only one option A. People always make decisions entirely based off facts and statistics B. People always make good decisions if there is a financial reward C. People make emotional decisions D. People make better decisions if they work in pairs C According to the instructor what is the most common feature found in the most viral TED Talks? Check only one option A. The speaker's resume and qualifications

B. The speaker's accent C. Personal stories C. The speaker's height C A lot of of Shakespeare's work was written based on the iambic pentameter, using five strong beats and five weak beats. Why did he use this technique? Check only one option A. Because holding your breath for five seconds makes you better at geometry B. Because playing an instrument is easier if you use five strong beats and five weak beats C. Because five seconds was considered the average length of a human breath D. Because five was Shakespeare's favorite number C According to Professor Albert Mehrabian what element is most crucial in building rapport? Check only one option A. Average height B. Words C. Body language D. Parental similarity C The instructor refers to a speech by President Obama and claims that there are a number of key elements present in his storytelling. What are they? Check all options that apply. A. The set-up B. The obstacle C. The solution D. The villain A B C As outlined by the instructor which of these options best describes the term 'framing'? Check only one option A. Framing is the process of defining a purpose or a set of goals in a particular, meaningful way B. Framing is a term you can use to describe when a computer's mainframe doesn't work C. Framing is a current moment of experience D. Framing is the process of putting a window up at your house


The instructor claims that symbols are important due to two main reasons. What are the reasons she outlines? Check all options that apply A. Symbols are important because they will always improve our ability to give presentations at work B. Symbols are important because they have an effect on our cognition (our thinking) C. Symbols are important because they will definitely help us to become better cooks at home D.Symbols are important because they have an effect on our affect (our feelings) B D The instructor claims that when people have an affective or emotional response to one object or event, they tend to assign the same meaning and response to a surrounding or related theme. So if people are positive about a symbol, they will tend to be positive about the associated theme. Consider this statement. Rebecca is a leader with a proven record of accomplishments and she often uses symbols at work to effectively create meaning. What might best explain Rebecca's success? Check only one option A. Rebecca has an accomplished leadership reputation and this helps her to use symbols effectively B. Rebecca can draw symbols really well and this helps them to be more effective C. Rebecca knows that she can use symbols to manipulate and trick people D. Rebecca has been known to get really lucky with her choice of symbols and that's why people like them A Studies from social psychology tell us that metaphors and analogies are meaningful and persuasive because they: Check only one option A. Make the works of William Shakespeare more interesting B. Remind us of our early childhood C. Trigger a state of active thinking as the listener puzzles over the meaning and makes sense of it D. Help build up a person's physical stamina C Question 5 Which of these best describes the term 'social identity'? Check only one option A. How a person defines themselves in terms of a social group and our emotional attachment to that group B. How a person decides what clothes they should wear when they are with their friends

C. How a person communicates in social settings such as going to a football game or out clubbing D. How a person talks differently is social situations when they are with their friends than with their family A Which of the following best describes the phrase 'vision trap'? Check only one option A. When an employee can't see what they are doing at work B. When a manager doesn't see a dangerous situation at work and an employee gets hurt C. When an employee does not complete the task given to them by their manager D. When there is a disconnect between the tasks that employees do and the bigger organizational purpose D Why was it good strategy by NASA to provide its employees with the 'concrete objective' of "putting a man on the moon and returning him safely to earth"? Check only one option A. Concrete objectives are easier for employees to connect with rather than abstract goals B. Concrete objectives can stop an organisation from reaching its ultimate vision C. Concrete objectives are useful in the building and construction industry only D. Putting a man on the moon is an impossible objective A When day-to-day activities are meaningful for organizational members, what are they able to better deal with at work? Check all options that apply A. Low wages B. Challenging tasks C. Finding the meaning of life D. Dirty and stigmatized work ABD While working on a project, a manager encourages one of their employees to utilize multiple skills to complete a task. What job characteristic has the manager used to create meaningful work for their employee? Check only one option A. Part-time work B. Skill variety

C. Autonomy D. Conflict avoidance B When is meaningful feedback most effective? Check only one option A. When it is delivered by an angry manager B. When it is generic and does not link directly to the employee's work C. When it comes directly from the work itself, such as a satisfied customer D. When it occurs a long time after the work is completed. C Why shouldn't a manager always override an employee's better judgement? Check only one option A. Because it will always lead to bullying B. This makes an employee's work feel meaningless because the employee always knows best C. Because it wastes valuable time D. This makes an employee's work feel meaningless because it removes their sense of autonomy D Billy was given a work task by his manager. In this task Billy was asked to sit at the front desk and wait to see if a visitor might come through the door. Billy didn't like to do this job and he thought the job was meaningless. From the options below why do you think Billy thought this job was meaningless? Check only one option A. Meaninglessness brought on by disconnecting someone from their parents' values B. Meaninglessness brought on by pointless work C. Meaninglessness brought on by putting a person at risk of physical or emotional task D. Meaninglessness brought on by treating someone unfairly B Question 8 Lan is an experienced pilot in the Air Force. Lan was asked to fly a fighter jet towards a dangerous situation by her leader and she agreed to take on the mission. Often meaninglessness can happen at work when you put people at risk of physical or emotional harm. Why is Lan's situation not an example of meaninglessness at work? Check only one option A. Lan has made an informed choice and understands the risks associated with being a pilot in the Air Force

B. Lan doesn't think that this is unfair treatment by her leader and therefore thinks her work is meaningful C. Lan may have the opportunity for part-time work if this mission is successful D. Lan is an experienced pilot and probably won't get hurt while she is on her mission A Imagine you are a manager and you are developing a position description for a new role at your organisation. You want your new employee to be a 'close fit' that aligns with your organisation's principles and work. As you develop your new position description which of the options below is an important consideration? Check only one option A. Considering the congruence between work and the employee in terms of their ability to care for the environment B. Considering the congruence between work and the employee in terms of their ability to work late at night time C. Considering the congruence between work and the employee in terms of their ability to undertake part-time work D. Considering the congruence between work and the employee in terms of their attributes and values D Amer likes to work with other people. Amer's manager encourages him to talk to his colleagues about new ideas and innovations. Amer feels as though his colleagues respect his work contributions and he believes he is a valuable member of the team. What type of 'job crafting' has Amer's manager implemented in this example? Check only one option A. Task conflict B. Cognitive crafting C. Relational crafting D. Collegial bonding C Which of the following are negative consequences of meaningless work? Check options that apply A. Staff absenteeism B. Poor work performance C. High staff turnover D. Greater employee self-expression A, B ,C A study of over 10,000 young people found what characteristic as being the most important in looking for a good job? Check only one option A. Interesting work

B. Job security C. Part-time work opportunities D. Superannuation A According to the Job Characteristics model what three core job characteristics bring meaningfulness to work? Check options that apply A. Task significance B. Part-time work C. Task identity D. Skill variety ACD From the list of answers select three examples related to the term 'job crafting'. Check options that apply A. Changing the content of work B. Changing the quality and amount of interaction with others while working C. Changing the way we think about our work D. Changing the way we approach arts and crafts activities A B C A number of studies suggest that a sense of meaning is increased when there is a 'close fit' between an individual's self-concept and their work role. Why might this be the case? Please select the most correct option. Check only one option A. A 'close fit' is when a manager allows their employees to go to the gym during work hours so that they can remain fit and healthy B. A 'close fit' allows employees to reduce an organisation's waste, pollution and environmental impact C. A 'close fit' allows employees to express themselves, their values, their beliefs and their perspectives through work D. A 'close fit' allows employees to fit into their work clothes more easily C Why should we be sceptical about ...

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