online library management system project SRS format PDF

Title online library management system project SRS format
Author TE_44_Swati Parma
Course Sustainability And Csr II
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 17
File Size 402.4 KB
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this is an srs report on library management system ,its a report that describes external requirements for implementation of this project...


Experiment no. 3: - Preparation of software requirement specification (SRS) document in IEEE format

Topic: - Online Library Management System (SRS FORMAT)




INTRODUCTION With the increase in the number of readers, better management of libraries system is required. The Library management system focuses on improving the management of libraries in a city or town. “What If you can check whether a book is available in the library through your phone?” or “what if instead of having different library cards for different libraries you can just have one ?” or “you can reserve a book or issue a book from your phone sitting at your home!”. The Integrated Library Management system provides you the ease of issuing, renewing, or reserving a book from an library within your town through your phone. The Integrated Library Management system is developed on the android platform which basically focuses on issuing, renewing and reserving a book.

1.1 PURPOSE The purpose of the project is to maintain the details of books and library members of different libraries. The main purpose of this project is to maintain a easy circulation system between clients and the libraries, to issue books using single library card, also to search and reserve any book from different available libraries and to maintain details about the user (fine, address, phone number). Moreover, the user can check all these features from their home.

1.2 SCOPE Manually updating the library system into an android based application so that the user can know the details of the books available and maximum limit on borrowing from their computer and also through their phones. The System provides information's like details of the books, insertion of new books, deletion of lost books, limitation on issuing books, fine on keeping a book more than one month from the issued date. Also user can provide feedback for adding some new books to the library.

1.3 Overview The introduction of library management begins with master document such as book descriptions, library information, entering and updating. The latest books will be changed automatically by more transaction such as book issues, book return.

General Descriptions The proposed Library Management System will take care of the current book detail at any point of time. The book issue, book return will update the current book details automatically so that user will get the update current book details.


Java language

Net beans IDE 7.0.1

MS SQL server 2005


Android version 2.3 ginger bread (minimum, android user’s)


1.2 GHz processor

Intel i5

Windows 7/8/8.1/10

FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENT NORMAL USER USER LOGIN Description Of Feature This feature used by the user to login into system. They are required to enter user id and password before they are allowed to enter the system The user id and password will be verified and if invalid id is there user is allowed to not enter the system. Functional Requirements •

user id is provided when they register

The system must only allow user with valid id and password to enter the system

The system performs authorization process which decides what user level can acess to.

The user must be able to logout after they finished using system.

REGISTER NEW USER Description Of Feature This feature can be performed by all users to register new user to create account. Functional Requirements •

System must be able to verify information

System must be able to delete information if information is wrong

REGISTER NEW BOOK Description Of Feature This feature allows to add new books to the library Functional Requirements •

System must be able to verify information

System must be able to enter number of copies into table.

System must be able to not allow two books having same book id.

SEARCH BOOK Description Of Feature This feature is found in book maintenance part . we can search book based on book id , book name , publication or by author name. Functional Requirements •

System must be able to search the database based on select search type

System must be able to filter book based on keyword entered

System must be able to show the filtered book in table view

ISSUE BOOKS AND RETURN BOOKS Description Of Feature This feature allows to issue and return books and also view reports of book issued. Functional Requirements •

System must be able to enter issue information in database.

System must be able to update number of books.

System must be able to search if book is available or not before issuing books

System should be able to enter issue and return date information

EVENT ADDITION Description Of Feature This feature allows teacher and student to add information about various workshops being conducted in college and colleges nearby. Functional Requirements •

System should be able to add detailed information about events .

System should be able to display information on notice board available in the homepage of site

INTERFACE REQUIREMENT This section describes how the software interfaces with other software products or users for input or output.

User Interfaces Describes how this product interfaces with the user. GUI Describes the graphical user interface if present. This section should include a set of screen dumps or mockups to illustrate user interface features. 1. Description The user interface must be customizable by the administrator 2. Criticality This issue is essential to the overall system. All the modules provided with the software must fit into this graphical user interface and accomplish to the standard defined. 3. Technical issues In order to satisfy this requirement the design should be simple and all the different interfaces should follow a standard template. There will be the possibility of changing colors and images, plus 4. Risks To reduce the circumstances under which this requirement might not able to be satisfied, all the designers must have been developed web sites previously and they must be aware of html restriction and cross browsers implementations before starting the designing. In order to reduce the probability of this occurrence the entire design team will be trained in basic html development and macromedia fireworks; this tool will be used instead of Photoshop. 5. Dependencies with other requirements All user interfaces should be able to interact with the user management module and a part of the interface must be dedicated to the login/logout module

PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENT The computer’s capability depends on the software efficiency. Provided the database size is big enough the program will take any amount of inputs. This would be dependent on the memory space available.

DESIGN CONSTRAINTS Whenever a library member wants to take a book, the book issued by the library authority can check all the book information as well as the student details and store it in the library database. Each member will have an identification card that will be used for the library book issue, fine payment, etc. A great deal of human interference can be avoided in the event of book retrieval. Any update regarding the book from the library is to be recorded to have updated & correct values, and any fine on a member should be notified as soon as possible and should be correctly calculated. Any update regarding the book from the library is to be recorded to have update & correct values, and any fine on a member should be notified as soon as possible and should be correctly calculated.

System attributes: •

Maintainability: The device would not need any servicing. The database is created by the end user and is thus retained by the end user.

Portability: The device is built to be stable, so it can not be portable.

Availability: This system will only be usable until it operates on the system it is built on.

Scalability: Applicable.

6.1 Zero Level DFD

Zero Level Data Flow Diagram (0 Level DFD) Of Library Management System: This is the Zero Level DFD of Library Management System, where we have elaborated the highlevel process of Library Management. It’s a basic overview of the whole Library Management System or process being analysed or modelled. It’s designed to be an at-a-glance view of Publisher, Employee and Student showing the system as a single high-level process, with its relationship to external entities of Library, Book and Issue Book. It should be easily

understood by a wide audience, including Library, Issue Book and Publisher In zero level DFD of Library Management System, we have described the high level flow of the Library Management system.

High Level Entities and process flow of Library Management System: •

Managing all the Library

Managing all the Book

Managing all the Issue Book

Managing all the Authors

Managing all the Publisher

Managing all the Employee

Managing all the Student

6.1.1 Fig Zero Level DFD Diagram

First Level Data Flow Diagram (1st Level DFD) Of Library Management System: First Level DFD (1st Level) of Library Management System shows how the system is divided into sub-systems (processes), each of which deals with one or more of the data flows to or from an external agent, and which together provide all of the functionality of the Library Management System system as a whole. It also identifies internal data stores of Student, Employee, Publisher, Authors, Issue Book that must be present in order for the Library Management system to do its job, and shows the flow of data between the various parts of Library, Issue Book, Employee, Student, Publisher of the system. DFD Level 1 provides a more detailed breakout of pieces of the 1st level DFD. You will highlight the main functionalities of Library Management. Main entities and output of First Level DFD (1st Level DFD): •

Processing Library records and generate report of all Library

Processing Book records and generate report of all Book

Processing Issue Book records and generate report of all Issue Book

Processing Authors records and generate report of all Authors

Processing Publisher records and generate report of all Publisher

Processing Employee records and generate report of all Employee

Processing Student records and generate report of all Student

6.1.2 First Level DFD Diagram

Second Level Data Flow Diagram (2nd Level DFD) Of Library Management System: DFD Level 2 then goes one step deeper into parts of Level 1 of Library Management. It may require more functionalities of Library Management to reach the necessary level of detail about the Library Management functioning. First Level DFD (1st Level) of Library Management System shows how the system is divided into sub-systems (processes). The 2nd Level DFD contains more details of Student, Employee, Publisher, Authors, Issue Book, Book, Library. Low level functionalities of Library Management System •

Admin logins to the system and manage all the functionalities of Library Management System

Admin can add, edit, delete and view the records of Library, Issue Book, Publisher, Student

Admin can manage all the details of Book, Authors, Employee

Admin can also generate reports of Library, Book, Issue Book, Authors, Publisher, Employee

Admin can search the details of Book, Publisher, Employee

Admin can apply different level of filters on report of Library, Authors, Publisher

Admin can tracks the detailed information of Book, Issue Book, Authors, Publisher

6.1.3 Second Level DFD Diagram

6.2 Flow chart Library Management System Data flow diagram is often used as a preliminary step to create an overview of the Library Management without going into great detail, which can later be normally consists of overall application dataflow and processes of the Library Management process. It contains all of the user flow and their entities such all the flow of Library, Book, Issue Book, Authors, Publisher, Employee, Student. All of the below diagrams has been used for the visualization of data processing and structured design of the Library Management process and working flow.

6.2.1 Flow Chart

Non-Functional Requirements •

Usability Requirement

The system shall allow the users to access the system from the phone using android application. The system uses a android application as an interface. Since all users are familiar with the general usage of mobile app, no special training is required. The system is user friendly which makes the system easy. •

Availability Requirement

The system is available 100% for the user and is used 24 hrs a day and 365 days a year. The system shall be operational 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. •

Efficiency Requirement

Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) - Even if the system fails, the system will be recovered back up within an hour or less. •


The system should accurately provide real time information taking into consideration various concurrency issues. The system shall provide 100% access reliability. •

Performance Requirement

The information is refreshed depending upon whether some updates have occurred or not in the application. The system shall respond to the member in not less than two seconds from the time of the request submittal. The system shall be allowed to take more time when doing large processing jobs. Responses to view information shall take no longer than 5 seconds to appear on the screen. •

Reliability Requirement

The system has to be 100% reliable due to the importance of data and the damages that can be caused by incorrect or incomplete data. The system will run 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE AND BUDGET 8.1 Prepare Preliminary Estimate and Schedule General Description The Preliminary Cost Estimate is developed based on the best available information, considering that the project is typically at approximately 30% completion. Preliminary cost estimates should be conservative but realistic since they are typically used to determine project funding; therefore, in addition to calculating the preliminary construction costs (costs incurred by the contractor), the preliminary cost estimate should also include costs for items such as construction engineering, change orders, environmental mitigation and right-of-way (ROW) acquisitions including off-site land acquisition for mitigation. The Preliminary Construction Schedule is developed to ascertain an estimate for the construction duration, critical path items, and to identify major milestones. The Preliminary Construction Schedule portrays the construction project timeline, identifying the dates (absolute or relative to a start date) that a project task or activity will be started and completed. A schedule allows applicable resources to be identified and an anticipated timeframe to be established, and provides the basis for budgeting individual tasks and the project as a whole. The schedule identifies elements that are ahead, behind, and on-schedule and allows appropriate adjustments to reach a certain milestone.

8.2 What is included in the Preliminary Construction Schedule A construction schedule is a communication tool with different levels of accuracy for different phases of the project. At a minimum, the Preliminary Construction Schedule should include milestones demonstrating the start and completion of major tasks or activities. If the Subregion does not provide a construction schedule procedure, the NJDOT Construction Scheduling Manual may be used.

APPENDICES Appendix A: Glossary Define all the terms necessary to properly interpret the SRS, including acronyms and abbreviations. You may wish to build a separate glossary that spans multiple projects or the entire organization, and just include terms specific to a single project in each SRS.

Appendix B: Analysis Models Optionally, include any pertinent analysis models, such as data flow diagrams, class diagrams, state-transition diagrams, or entity-relationship diagrams.

Appendix C: issues list This is a dynamic list of the open requirements issues that remain to be resolved, including TBDs, pending decisions, information that is needed, conflicts awaiting resolution, and the like....

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