Author Nida Demir
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INTRODUCTION In this lesson, our task is to observe and find out how the teacher does openings and closures of the lesson. A common mistake is to fail to appreciate the importance of a lesson’s beginning and end (Pesce, 2013). Therefore; opening and closure are very significant for every lesson; esp...


INTRODUCTION In this lesson, our task is to observe and fnd out how the teacher does openings and closures of the lesson. A common mistake is to fail to appreciate the importance of a lesson's beginning and end (Pesce, 2013). Therefore; opening and closure are very signifcant for every lesson; especially opening. In the opening of lesson, the teacher should put the students' atennon and provide their monvanon. If the teacher comes angrily to the class, the students do not focus on their lessons, maybe they are afraid of her. The teacher should always be posinve and she should refect this on them. In addinon this, the teacher's entrance to the subject should be atracnve ; so that, students will be more curious about it. Brophy (2011) states, The lesson opening should clearly communicate what students are going to learn, why it is important, how it relates to what they already know, and how it is going to happen. You will also want to ensure that your opening engages your students and that it makes clear any behavioral expectanons unique to the parncular plan. Finally, you will want to assess your students' understanding of the lesson purpose and procedure by allowing them nme to ask clarifying quesnons about the purpose of the lesson or the fnal product, and /or by asking them to summarize what it is that you want them take away from the lesson opening (p.23). In the closure of lesson; frstly, the teacher should ask students whether they understand the subjects or not, whether they have any quesnons or not. Hence; the teacher behaves according to this. Pesce ( 2013) claims that new teacher ofen underesnmate the value of the lesson closing; lesson closing will make your teaching more efecnve by crystallizing students' understanding of each lesson's objecnve, and keeping you informed of students' progress toward your academic goal. In addinon; she should give creanve tasks which are related to subjects they have learned. The task should be interesnng which the students can do easily and lovely. She should try to fnish all the subjects on nme, she should use nme correctly. An efecnve lesson closing does not take much nme; in fact, your closing should usually take between fve and ten minutes (Pence, 2013). If the nme is over and she does not fnish the lesson, it will not be a good thing to postpone telling the subject to next week. Students may not understand, they may forget the important points. On the other hand, if the teacher fnishes the subjects before nme is over, she can repeat what she has thought or she prepares some games. Richards and Bohlke (2011) say that at the end of lesson; it is usually valuable to summarize what the lesson has tried to achieve, to reinforce the points of the lesson, to suggest follow-up work as appropriate, and to prepare students for what will follow. Taking into consideranon; opening and closure parts are an important point for both the teacher and the students. The teacher should use very efecnvely and producnvely....

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