Origin of sociology and its generalities PDF

Title Origin of sociology and its generalities
Course Sociology
Institution Ulster University
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In Germany sociology was formally recognized as an academic discipline thanks to the efforts of Max Weber and Georg Simmel, German sociology was Based In a broad historical erudition modulated by the influence of Marxism. In Britain, More On the contrary, it underwent a slow evolution; The British s...


Origin of sociology and its generalities Sociology can be understood as the science that studies the development, structure and function of society. Sociologists analyze the ways in which social structures, institutions (class, family, community and power) and social problems (offences) Influence society. Sociology is based on the idea that human beings do not act according to their own individual decisions, but under cultural and historical influences and according to the desires and expectations of the community in which they live. Therefore, the basic concept of sociology is social interaction as a starting point for any relationship in a society. Sociology that studies the details of the interactions of everyday life is called microsociology and which deals with the patterns of relationship between social sectors More Broad (the state, the economy and even international relations) is called Macro sociology. Origins. The first definition of sociology was proposed by the Philosopher French Augusto Comte, en 1938, coined Este Term To describe his concept of a new science that would discover laws for society similar to those of nature, applying the same methods of research as the physical sciences. Within the considered founders of this discipline can be noticed; Hebert Spencer, Karl Marx, the Earl of Saint - Simon, Alexis de Tocqueville and John Stuart Mill. Development. Until the end of the nineteenth century sociology did not begin to be recognised as an academic discipline. In France, Émile Durkheim, the intellectual heir of Saint-Simon And Comte, began to teach sociology at the universities of Bordeaux and Paris. Durkheim, founder of the first school of Sociological thought, emphasized the reality independently of the social facts (independent of the psychological attributes of the people) and tried to discover the relations between them. Durkheim and his followers studied largely non-industrialized societies in a similar way as, More Go ahead, social anthropologists would. In Germany sociology was formally recognized as an academic discipline thanks to the efforts of Max Weber and Georg Simmel, German sociology was Based In a broad historical erudition modulated by the influence of Marxism. In Britain, More On the contrary, it underwent a slow evolution; The British school combined interest in large-scale evolutionary social change (welfare state).

In the second half of the twentieth century, sociology began to study certain social phenomena such as crime, marital disagreements and the acculturation of immigrants. The Centre More Important part of the study of sociology before World War II was the University of Chicago; There the Philosopher George Hebert Mead, emphasizes in its works the influence of the mind, the self and the society in the actions and human interactions (approach of the symbolic interactionism). The sociologist Talcott Parsons focuses on the study of Social action. At Columbia University, sociologist Robert Merton attempted to link theory with rigorous empirical research into data collection. Areas of sociology. Sociology encompasses different and varied fields or areas, within which we can mention: Marriage and the family Social inequality Social stratification Urban communities Formal organizations Gerontology The Sociology of Sex Sexual stereotypes Sociology of law Administrative sociology of religion of education of the Army Occupations and professions The medicine Biology of the media of sports

Etc. In short, sociology is responsible for the study of almost all strata formed by society and its social interaction in them, taking samples of each sector for the subdivision of its matter. Research methods. Direct observation.-Information through the participant observation, that is to say, being part of the group studied or relying on selected informants of the group. Quantitative methods.-includes the compilation of large volumes of descriptive statistical data and the use of sampling techniques, advanced mathematical models and computer simulations of social processes. Surveys.-Involves the collection and analysis of the responses of large groups of people, through surveys and questionnaires designed to know their opinions, attitudes and feelings towards a particular topic. New trends. Since the decade of the 60, sociology has popularized considerably in Europe and the United States. In addition to the diversification of theories, new subareas emerged, such as the sociology of Gender Or sexual stereotypes, especially promoted by feminist movements and which includes the analysis of role and social inequalities according to sex, the study of emotions and ageing. were revitalized Sub. Areas More Old as historical and compared sociology, applied sociology and political sociology. Sociologists apply their knowledge in their work as assistants, planners, educators, researchers and managers in local and national administration, in non-profit organizations and in private companies, especially in the areas of marketing, Publicity, insurance, human resources and organisational analysis. Sociologists interested in the study of social phenomena have intensified the use of both traditional research methods associated with other disciplines (analysis of historical material, for example), and the More Sophisticated mathematical and statistical techniques. The development of computers and other devices to manage information storage has today facilitated the processing of sociological data. I.-Nature and concept of human society The nature of Man's SOCIAL Man is a social being and biologically it is impossible a human being outside of society. Learning, customs, behaviors or relationships lead man to life that we understand as human, importance that contrasts with the little attention that has

been given to the reality of this analysis. In principle it occurs when civil society and State are contemplated in a different way, although during something More Of the century its existence has not yet been sufficiently clarified the social with varied explanations on its changes. The primary groups constitute the fundamental network of social and social networks constitutes the true core substance of our science, so the problems of sociology refer to the nature of the Link Social. The mystery faced by sociologists is the nature of the social. The different ways of approaching this solution in the development of two large fields: Social static. Social Dynamics. And you can deepen the link of the social through the bonds that compose it. The role of the SOCIAL in human development. Human life is social life. Evolution is a step from the simple to the complex, from the only to the plural, a tendency to the aggregation inscribed in the logic of life. This aggregation plays an adaptor role that increases the chances of surviving and multiplying. Some surviving species have achieved it through their sociability which increases as we approach the man who needs learning or socialization for a normal ideological deployment. Wilson sees in kinship the main generating force of society and the phenomenon of altruism, so the greater the coefficient of kinship is the disposition to altruism. This culture can even lead to the transformation of certain physical traits. Man has been remodeled as a social species, as "being of Praxis" (Marx) Another basic aspect is the communication between human beings. The social conformation of men ends up influencing their own evolution as a species, the social part of human nature. Wilson also exposes the second step in man's cultural expansion Based On the hunt. Culture is the one that conforms the human personality allowing man to survive and develop. Human and animal associations Etiology and Sociology.

Our way of being sociable has been wanted to see as a barrier between us and animals but the reality is that we belong to the global logic of the social, which was demonstrating the ethology with the large amount of research contributed by biologists on the Social life of several animal species along with the attempt to train some individuals. The impact of the new analytical orientations on the social reality of man was joined. Most have used the methodologies of the Ethology To reach a better understanding of the social reality of man with the Search Of the conductive thread of certain animal societies with human societies. Debate on the social continuum. Spencer opened the splice line with the biological perspectives blocked More Forward by the negative connotations Sociopoliticas That they assumed Darwin's theories of psychological resistance and human narcissism that led to biological offense. The hunter's hypothesis provokes a repugnance to society Bienpensante Since the hypothesis promulgates that the Practice Of the hunt juice an important role in the process of hominisation that together with the progressive defense of the territory gesture an aggressive and violent social component. This known hypothesis of man has been marked by a heavy burden of violence and this perhaps explains how man could survive. Many comparative studies highlight differences rather than equality that fails in the attempt to compare by not thinking of old societies. Homo sapiens has 100,000 years and traces of hominids can date back to 41 years. As Slater Raises the primates live in society since they do not survive outside the group. The interruption of socialization prevents the performance of an adult behavior which is also limited by other members of the group. The development of these studies Etologicos They allow to deepen in the different types of social relations, the functions that can fulfill the sociability, etc. Animal societies. Insect societies are static where there is no room for the behavior of individuals and the roles are biologically defined with a mechanical social behavior and precise societies. has points in common with human as: Hierarchies. Division of Labor. Classes.

Community constructions. This gives rise to convergences between the two types of societies referring to the automatic and the organic and another to the psychic. The mound has been represented as a kind of vision of the future of the human societies but instead the societies of monkeys developed where the hierarchies are not marked by the morphological traits but by the social experience where the domination has To be affirmed and can be answered. These societies of primates are varied and complex like the baboons where the tribe shares a marked social tradition with a clearly marked territory and a family security so its activities are always coordinated. This type of society has determined the disappearance of the less gregarious members. Melotti a Distinguished among seven degrees of social life: Maternal group. Biparental Group. Simple promiscuous group. Multiple male mono group. Complex group coercive. Group Plurimasculino Ordained by age. Open Complex Group. The four basic groups of society: Tree primates of the forest. Terrestrial primates of the savannas. Terrestrial primates of arid zones. Great anthropoids. It is possible to observe feelings of territoriality since each society develops in specific geographical areas and these territories serve as a source of obtaining food. This territorial sentiment influences the internal organization of the group and also as mechanisms regulatory in the Dimension Of the group, this territory can also be taken as an economic space. One also observes a demographic self-regulation and a differentiation in the social bonds where one sees a general hierarchies of domination, ties between mothers and children and between males and females observing sporadic and permanent consortia. It has been possible to observe relationships between members of the same sex as cronies or cliques.

There are differences between roles by sex and age. There is a dynamism and even a certain disorder in these societies, a society that produces itself incessantly because it continually This Putin destructing. One of the effects produced is the change and the social innovation as those produced in Koshima. Man and the Human The primordial need of any being, is the survival of Yes Same and of its equals, that is why man has had no other remedy to humanize, that is to say become human, to mention becoming human, is Why Millions of years ago it was more like an irrational animal. With the passage of time, the man began to understand and have to evolve in order to gather in societies, that with everything and their variables were successful, because we can appreciate it today, because despite the wars, diseases, deadly viruses, and conflicts of Social, religious, ethnic interests, etc. Man today, is still concerned about the subsistence of his fellows, yet man is not human because he wants to be, if not Why is forced to be, the laws are a clear evidence that man is not good, so it is, that there must be rules and parameters that govern the external behavior of man, and society, because otherwise there would be a total anarchy and would put at risk the E Xistencia of societies, and of man, since a series of conflicts has led man himself on several occasions, to be worse than an animal, since an animal kills to feed and feed its offspring, never by conflicts of thought or ideologies , however, being supposedly "human" every time, and day by day, invents and uses its technical, scientific and intellectual capacities for the Destruction of Yes Same and there we wonder, if the human being means to worry or sympathize with the misfortunes of others. The current man far from sympathizing, destroying and killing, exterminatesing thousands of his fellows in a few seconds, and that is where we ask who is more human, animals or man?. That is why I believe that the word "human being" should be the ideal to achieve, but we are very far from that this is a reality, and while this happens there must be people who enforce the laws, so that the existence of society and humanity This Guaranteed. Conception of man as a SOCIAL being. Aristotle already defined man as ZOON POLITIKON; Political animal by nature. The It referred to the polis as a paradigm of society, a system of life, not an aggregate of individuals, so this definition contains an important nuance; "Its cultural dimension". The development of Darwin's theory proposed two fundamental ideas:

Equilibrium Idea to be alive-nature. Evolutionary process by adaptations and disadaptations. The mutations fit the man in a certain territory where the decisive thing is the adaptation to the environment and the man is a result of innovations and autorregulaciones adaptive by the social condition of the man, so this is the process of a biological evolution and Social coevolution. Man as a species is weak in itself and has survived by virtue of its social character developing and transmitting a culture that was progressing. Thus culture is the artificial environment created by man. This hominisation takes the man as such. Characteristic traits of the human. In the history of evolution human development implies a principle of selfregulation and an autonomous production of artificial environments and this should be explained in relation to What Point influences or is a condition for human development. All this complemented with the ability of the language itself, creativity, solidarity willingness to cooperate and work with tools. In primate societies there are certain very elementary proto cultures that develop in group behaviors which can be observed with compared anthropology. With this you can find a certain line of continuity towards us. Man throughout his cultural evolution has made society his ecological niche within which not only creates but It also manufactures in a more complex way than the other species by means of its brain and its hands. Hand-brain. This fabrication is a group task whose culture is transmitted from generation to generation, which makes it possible to improve the tools. Discernment The word discernment, means to distinguish one thing from another, appreciating its differences understand, differentiate. This is another unique and exclusive feature of the human being, as other beings do not have this ability. Transcendence Transcendence means penetration, insight, acuity and insight. Penetration of wit, understanding. result, consequence. II. Culture and Society Culture is the distinctive feature of the human. In the proto-cultures there are already a series of socialization traits that make up a learning process. Thus culture is the true ecological niche of man who is not born with social instinct

and yes with a strongly dependent psychomotor structure. Thus our social life is merged into learning, which enables the individual to perform social roles and culture is what is learned in the socialization process by which: Individuals develop a capacity as a result of learning a culture where: A culture is passed down from generation to generation. Through the socialization process individuals are taught to behave through cultural patterns, being the individuals molded by the contexts where these cultures develop. Culture determines Which one Of the many ways of conduct chooses an individual of a certain capacities and the culture can be a basis of prediction of the daily behavior of the individual and is sought the execution of the social routines. Culture is a tool that allows to situate and clarify the true social content and thus the concept of culture has been considered as the most important for sociology. "Man," said Aristotle more than two billion years ago, is by nature a political animal, and which by nature and not artificially does not This Apt to live in society must be inferior or superior to man. The few recorded cases of the so-called wild men, or humans who somehow were able to survive without human care, and of the children isolated for one reason or another of the company of the humans provide clear evidence that without such an association the animal Human shows few of the characteristics normally attributed to man. If I try to account for and explain the apparent regularities of human actions and the fact of collective life sociologists have developed two concepts, culture and society. Despite considerable variations in the precise way of using them. These concepts define a general mode of the nature and the purposes of the object of the sociological analysis these phenomena cannot exist one independently of the other, the society cannot exist without culture and the culture exists only in the society. Culture is identified at least by a structural partner component, a behavioral benchmark and a material basis. Society and culture are imbricated terms but they are not the same. Its differentiating matrix is analytical. Meanings of the term culture But in a sense of the Term Culture refers to the totality of what individuals learn as members of a society; It is a way of life thought, action and sentiment, the definition of EDWARD TYLOR indicates its scope "culture is the complex totality that includes knowledge, belief, art, moral, law, custom and all other skills and

habits acquired by man as Member of a society. "The way we brush our teeth, the Ten Commandments, the way we elect president, are part of the culture. The regularities of human behavior are not in themselves pampered cultures. They take place because men have culture, because they have common patterns about good and evil, right and wrong, appropriate and inappropriate. Culture, as GEORGE MURDECK has pointed out in large measure "ideational": it refers to the norms beliefs and attitudes according to which people act. Because our culture is largely part of us, we give it as established, often assuming that it is a normal, inevitable and inherent characteristic of all humanity. Culture is learned and shared: such are the fundamental facts that we must leave. We have warned that men do not inherit most of their usual modes of compartment; They acquire them in the course of their lives. The things they learn are mainly due to the groups in which they are born and live. The habits acquired by the child follow the guidelines of children, parents and others responsible for the education and preparation of the new Membe...

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