Osd project 2 - srs of an certificate verification software PDF

Title Osd project 2 - srs of an certificate verification software
Author Adarsh Tiwary
Course Software Engineering
Institution National Institute of Technology Rourkela
Pages 3
File Size 43.9 KB
File Type PDF
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srs of an certificate verification software...


Step 1: Register to the Certificate verification and Transcript Service (CVATS) system.(For the first time only) How to register? NAME :_________________________ EMAIL ID :_________________________ COLLEGE :_________________________ STUDENT ID:_________________________ ________________________ ___________________________ DEGREE :_________________________ | | | | |upload degree cerificate| |uoload provision marksheet | |________________________| | ___________________________| It will match the student ID given with that on the uploaded documents. Then the system will send the pasword to the fiven email ID. (It will check the email also)

Step 2: After getting the password by the email (Sent by the system), login to the system. How to login? STUDENT ID:________________________ password :________________________ _______ | | | login | |_______| Step 3: The admin will verify it. How? --> The admin will request for verification. --> Then the system asks for STUDENT ID :___________ CERTIFICATE SERIAL NO.:___________ INSTITUTE CODE :___________ --> Then a request will go to the official side for accessing the data base of that institute. --> To access the data base , Admin has to give some answers like What is the grade in COA? And the admin by looking to the marksheet will have to answer. If the answer is correct then the admin will get the access to data base. --> Then admin has verify each things by himself or by the help of OCR (Optical Charater Recognisation). Step 4: Admin will approve it (using digital signature). How? --> Licesence ID:______________ --> After giving the licesence ID a security code will be sent to the admin through email/text message.

--> Then by giving the correct security code,the digital signatur of the admin member will be added to the degree certificate and transcript. Step 5: Now anyone can make a request for a verified certificate and the transcript. How? --> Let the recruiter have your certificate serial no. (provided by you). --> They will request for the verified one from the system by giving CERTIFICATE SERIAL NO.:___________ EMAIL ID :___________ --> The system will send copy of the corresponding certificate to the provided email and a security code to the student email ID. --> The recruiter will ask you for the security code and by giving security code they can see the copy of the certificate and the transcript.

1.Registration 1.1 Open the applicatio.Use promted for registration if they are new users.Otherwise they are promted for login. 1.2 User registration using 1.2.1 Name 1.2.2 Valid email 1.2.3 College name has to be chosen from the list 1.2.4 Student ID 1.2.5 Degree 1.2.6 Upload degree Certificate 1.2.6 Upload marksheet 1.3 System does aunthentication. 1.4 System send system generated password to the corresponding email ID. 2. Login 2.1 User prompted for login 2.2 User login using student ID and password 2.3 System does aunthetication 2.4 Display homepage 3. Verify/Verification 3.1 Admin promted for verification. 3.2 Admin request for verification using 3.2.1 Student ID 3.2.2 Certificate serial number 3.2.3 Institute code 3.3 Toget access to the data base admin has to give answers to some question generated by OCR(Optical Character Recognisation). 3.4 System authentication. 3.5 Addition of student beheveriol certificate from institute official. 3.6 Admin verify whole certificate and marksheet by comparing the uploaded one with the copy got from institute data base with

the help of OCR. 4. Approve 4.1 Admin prompted to approve the verified documents. 4.2 Admin approve using his liscense ID. 4.3 System aythentication 4.4 A digital signatureof that admin member will be added to the degree certificate and the marksheet (transcript). 5. Update status 5.1 Admin updates the system on approval. 5.2 Email will be sent to the user email ID. 6. Access the certificate 6.1 Anyone (i.e. student or recruiter) can be prompted for accessing the certificate. 6.2 One has to request for verified certificate by giving the certificate serial number and a email ID where the copy of the cerficate and transcript will be send by the system. 6.3 System authentication. 6.4 System wil send a link of the copy of teh document to the provided email address and a security code to the user email ID. 6.5 By giving the security codeone can access the link sent by the system. 7. Help 7.1 The system must have a help function that adequetly provides a tutorial and documentation for the user. 7.2 There must be a controll on every screen other than a model window which can access the help desk. 7.3 The help menu must contain a feedback channel for alerting the system administrattors of any performance issue and other problems. 8. Monitor 8.1 There must be a due date monitoring system. 8.2 There must be a work flow monitering system. 8.3 The system must have a function for tracking due dates of specific tastes....

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