Ostia, Port and Mirror of Rome PDF

Title Ostia, Port and Mirror of Rome
Course Art of the Roman Empire
Institution University of Texas at El Paso
Pages 3
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Dr. Max Grossman...


Ostia, Port and Mirror of Rome  Ostia, Italy, founded late- fourth century BC  First Roman colony  Tiber navigated by barges upstream to Rome  Plan of original colony of Ostia  Castrum- Roman military capm/ always shaped like a rectangle  Cardo  Decamanus  Forum  Black represents structures during the Republic  Gray represents structures built during the Imperial era  General Sulla- responsible for expanding and de-,militarizing Ostia  Portus Augusti- built by Claudius/ naval port  Portus Traiani Felicis- extension of Claudian port/ a perfect hexagon  Forum and Capitolium, Ostia, Italy, ca. 120-130  Hadrianic buildings  SG #1  Hexastyle Corinthian temple  Unusually high podium/ visible from above rooftops  SG #2  Theater built by Marcus Agrippa  Expanded by Commodus (upper tier of cavea and 60 more rooms)  The “plaza of corporations”  Imitates theater of Pompey  Scanea fons  Mosaic floor in the portico, Piazzale della Corporazioni, Ostia, Italy ca. 190  Usually symbols that represented the corporation  Mosaic floor, statio of the merchant of Sabratha, Piazzale della Corporazioni, Ostia, Italy, ca. 190  Belonged to a company head-quarted in Libya  Most likely an ivory company  Neptune and the creatures of the sea floor mosaic, room 8, Baths of Neptune, Ostia, Italy, ca. 139  Nereids- female sea creatures  Tritons- male sea creatures  Dolphins  Started by Hadrian and completed by Antoninus Pius  Quadriga has no chariot  Tesserae- bits of stone and glass  Water is implied  SG #3  Dates from the time of Antoninus Pius  Grain storage facility  Stored primarily grain but also olive oil and wine  Owned by Greek liberti  Plan of the Horrea Epagathiana, Ostia, Italy, ca. 145-150  Tabernea present  Two doors had to be passed in order ro get to the courtyard  Closed off for security

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 Reconstruction of the elevation of the Horrea Epagathiana, Ostia, ca. 145-150  Utilitarian structure  Made out of brick (exposed and dichromatic)  Became fashion in the reign of Amtoninus Pius Model of an insula, Ostia, Italy, second century  Insula/ insulae- apartment block  Cenaculum/ cenacula- apartment / room  Smallest rooms in the upper floor/ least desirable place to live in  Larger rooms in the lower floors/ more expensive to rent  Shared cooking facilities in the hallway  Unisex restrooms in the courtyard  Whole family shared a room SG #4  Occupies an entire city block  Reign of Antoninus Pius  Only ground- level survives  More prestigious and expensive (close to the center of the city)  Typically courtyards had a fountain and a cistern (underground place where reserved water was kept)  Reconstruction drawing of the Insula of Diana, Ostia, Italy, ca. 150  5 stories high  First two floor were commercial Isola Sacra- funerary precinct  Tombs of Isola Sacra, Ostia  Above ground  Plebian tombs (mausoleum)  Each tom belonged to a family/ clan  Housed cinerary remains  Slaves, liberti, and owners buried together  SG #5  Tomb 78  Decorated with plaques that announced occupation  Funerary relief of a vegetable vendor, from Isola Sacra necropolis. Ostia, Italy, ca. 150-200. Terracotta, 1’5” high  Plebian style  A glimpse into the Roman ordinary life  Funerary relief of a midwife from 100, Isola Sacra necropolis, Ostia, Italy, ca. 150. Terracotta, 11” high Roman tombs, Catacomb of Saint Sebastian, Via Appia, Rome, ca. 150-175  Underground tunnels Vatican Necropolis  SG #6  Cinerary urn  Sarcophagus/ sarcophagi- burial coffin/ body  Arcosolium/ arcosolia- arches for sarcophagi  Around 150 inhumation started to become popular  Represents transitional time- cremation to inhumation Burial chamber of Tomb of the Pancratii, Via Latina, Rome, ca. 160-170

 Stucco survives intact...

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