Overview PSYC3020 sem2 2018 v4 PDF

Title Overview PSYC3020 sem2 2018 v4
Course Measurement In Psychology
Institution University of Queensland
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Download Overview PSYC3020 sem2 2018 v4 PDF


Professor Mark Horswill, School of Psychology, The University of Queensland

Second Semester 2018


Thanks for enrolling in PSYC3020 – I hope you enjoy the course! My aim is to help you develop the skills to be able to measure human behaviour effectively and use these skills to increase your future success both in your career and any future education. The course is also designed to help you improve the general graduate skills that your future employers will want. I am also using a number of strategies to minimize the number of students who fail this course, without undermining the value of your degree.

To pass this course, you must submit a reasonable attempt at the written assignment, in addition to obtaining an overall course mark of at least 50%.

Your course mark will comprise of: 1. First submission of written assignment (25%). 2. Second submission of written assignment with cover letter (20%). 3. Best 8 out of 10 multiple-choice quizzes completed during the computer lab tutorials (30%). 4. 10 computer lab tutorial worksheets (15%). 5. Workshop participation points (10%).

Workshops (2 hours per week, starting Week 1) 

There will be 12 two-hour weekly lecture workshops. These will be presentations by Professor Mark Horswill (with one guest lecturer) with interactive learning activities.

Please bring a networked laptop to all the workshops, as we will be doing online activities (for which you can earn workshop participation points worth 10% of your course total). If you do not have access to a laptop, you can use a tablet or smartphone instead (there are charging points under every chair – bring a power cord). We will be using three software packages in this course that you should be able to access on your own laptop: 1. Qualtrics. Go to: https://research.psy.uq.edu.au/ and log in using your student ID and password when I tell you to. We’ll be giving all PSYC3020 students a Qualtrics account for this course. 2. Microsoft Excel. If you don’t have Excel, any spreadsheet package should do, such as Google Sheets (free): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/ 3. Jamovi: This software is free. Go to: https://www.jamovi.org/ and download it (Windows, Mac, or Linux), preferably before the first workshop. Note that the download may take a bit of time.

Please also bring a notepad and pen/pencil so I can still give you participation points if there are technical problems (or if you have no access to any suitable electronic device).

If you cannot make the workshop for a genuine reason (e.g. illness, Student Access Plan, timetable clash, unanticipated transport catastrophe, carer duties, or unavoidable work commitments) then you can submit an online alternative written assessment (within three days of the workshop) to make up your lost participation points. After your third missed workshop, we may start emailing you to ask for documentary evidence for further applications unless your reason for absence is inherently semester-long (e.g. you are on a Student Access Plan, have some chronic problem, or have a timetable clash).

Computer lab tutorials (2 hours per week, starting Week 2) including weekly quizzes 

Make sure you sign up for a computer lab tutorial on mySI-net (any problems, email Jenny English at [email protected]). Tutorials start in Week 2 and are 2 hours long.

Within each tutorial, you will be randomly assigned to a named 4 to 6 person team. You will be asked to look out for your fellow team members throughout semester (e.g. if someone doesn’t show up, the team should check if they’re okay). You can find out which team you are in and who your team members are on our Blackboard site from Week 1.

There are 10 supervised multiple choice quizzes to be completed in the computer lab tutorials. Make sure you’ve read the Quiz Briefing (see Blackboard site). You’ll need to bring your Student ID, a non-programmable calculator (though you can use the Windows calculator app), and notepaper and a pen/pencil to every tutorial. These quizzes replace the final examination for this course.

You can miss up to two quizzes without affecting your course mark because I will be using your 8 best scores from the 10 quizzes (see Quiz Briefing). If you miss more than two quizzes then you can apply to the course administrator to sit a deferred quiz in Week 13 (but you will need to provide documentation evidence such as medical notes).

In the tutorials, you will be completing group-based activities. You will complete 10 tutorial worksheets that will contribute to your course mark, and will usually reflect the outcomes of your group’s activities that week. The tutorials will take place in computer labs, so you do not need to bring a laptop to these sessions.

If you miss a computer lab tutorial for a genuine reason then you can complete an alternative online tutorial worksheet (to be submitted within three days) to make up for your missed tutorial activities and worksheet (this is different from the quizzes and different from the workshop alternative participation assessment). Note that completing the alternative worksheet will probably be more work than coming to the tutorial because you will not be provided with support from your tutor and you will have to do activities on your own that otherwise would be completed as part of your team.

Written assignment 

Written Assignment: This is a research proposal worth 25% of the final course grade. You will be given a briefing on this during the Week 2 workshop and there will be activities in the tutorials designed to help you with this assignment.

Revised Written Assignment and Cover letter: You will resubmit your assignment a second time after receiving feedback from your tutor. This time you will have the opportunity to improve your proposal by responding to any feedback that your marker raised with your first submission. You will also write a cover letter, detailing your responses to all the feedback to the marker (as if you were responding to reviewer feedback to a journal article submission).

Blackboard, Echo360, textbooks, and grade cut-offs 

Check our Blackboard website regularly (https://learn.uq.edu.au/). This contains access to all course announcements, information, and materials.

During Week 1, please go to the PSYC3020 Blackboard site (https://learn.uq.edu.au/)  Learning Resources  Week 1 to watch the online refresher presentation (which will be tested in Quiz 1 during your first tutorial in Week 2).

The workshops will be recorded using Echo360.

The course textbook is Kaplan, R. M. & Saccuzzo, D. P. (2018). Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues (9th edition). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. This is optional. You only need to buy it if you don’t understand what I’m going on about.

You’ll notice that the grade cut-offs for PSYC3020 are higher than is typical. However, don’t worry: it will also be easier to achieve higher scores in most assessments because this course is based on a mastery learning approach. For instance, I would expect most people to score close to 100% for their workshop participation points and for their computer lab tutorial worksheets. I would also expect most people to score around 80% or higher in the multiple-choice quizzes in the tutorials. While I would expect an average mark of about 72% for the first submission of the written assignment (based on previous years), I also expect much higher marks than this (around 82%, based on previous data) for the revised second submission of this assignment with cover letter (because people will have the opportunity to improve on their first assignment submission, using the feedback from their tutor). Grade 7: 93.00 - 100% Grade 6: 87.00 - 92.99% Grade 5: 77.00 - 86.99% Grade 4: 60.00 - 76.99% Grade 3: 40.00 - 59.99% Grade 2: 20.00 - 39.99% Grade 1: 0 - 19.99%

I hope you like the course!

Best wishes Professor Mark Horswill Course Co-ordinator and Lecturer

Course outline Week


Date of beginning of week: 23rd July


30th July


6th Aug


13th Aug

Two hour workshop (Monday 2pm to 4pm) and assignment deadlines 1. The Scope of Measurement and course briefing 2. Standardisation and assignment briefing 3. Reliability

4. Validity

  

20th Aug

5. How to create a test


27th Aug


3rd Sept


10th Sept

6.1 Individual score interpretation. 6.2 Controversies in intelligence. 7. Measuring intelligence 1st submission of assignment due FRIDAY 11pm 7th Sept 8. Personality


17th Sept

9. Test bias and test utility


24th Sept

No workshop


1st Oct


8th Oct

PUBLIC HOLIDAY - NO WORKSHOP Assignment feedback available TUESDAY 12pm 10. Extreme psychometrics


15th Oct

22nd Oct

No computer lab tutorial – BUT make sure you’ve watched the online refresher presentation (this will be tested in Quiz 1 in your first tutorial in Week 2).    



Two hour computer lab tutorial (go to My-Sinet to sign up for times)

11. Guest talk on assessment in clinical psychology (James Kirby) 2nd submission of assignment due FRIDAY 11pm 19th Oct 12. How to get a career. Assignment marks will be available 3 weeks after the deadline.

        

Quiz 1 (including Online Refresher Presentation & Presentation 1). Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 1. Quiz 2 (Presentation 2 – this quiz onwards may also include questions from any previous presentation). Team-based activities, including an assignment primer. Tutorial worksheet 2. PUBLIC HOLIDAY ON WEDNESDAY – no Wednesday tutorials but all other tutorials will run. Quiz 3 (Presentation 3) Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 3. Quiz 4 (Presentation 4) Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 4. Quiz 5 (Presentation 5) Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 5.

Quiz 6 (Presentation 6) Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 6. Quiz 7 (Presentation 7) Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 7. Quiz 8 (Presentation 8) Filling in 20 15-item questionnaires from other teams. About 300 items total (you will receive course points for completing 20 surveys).  Tutorial worksheet 8. No computer lab tutorial        

No tutorials this week EXCEPT Wednesday tutorials (who will catch up from their public holiday earlier in semester).

     

Quiz 9 (Presentation 9) Discussion of second submission of Assignment 2. Team-based activities. Tutorial worksheet 9. Quiz 10 (Presentation 10). Team-based activities, including discussion of questions on James Kirby presentation. Tutorial worksheet 10 (including pre-discussed questions on James Kirby’s presentation, given some groups will have no revision time). No tutorial. Instead the deferred quizzes session will take place in your usual tutorial slot (if you have missed more than 2 quizzes you can apply for a deferred quiz, citing relevant documentation – see Quiz Briefing for details).

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