Ownership of learning PDF

Title Ownership of learning
Author Fatmata Gbla
Course Online Education Strategies
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
File Size 88.4 KB
File Type PDF
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1.Ownership of learning. Ownership of learning means that a learner is motivated engaged, and self-directed. Learners can monitor their own progress and be able to reflect on their learning based on the mastery of the content (Mc Claskey.2018. In addition, learners have the skills, knowledge and dispositions to independently direct and design their own learning experience and skilled in selecting and using tools resources strategies. I think in ownership of learning, learners take control of their own learning with active involvement. It also helps learners use the best form of approach towards their research and learning process. *The difference between active and passive learning lies mainly on how the teacher transfer the information to the learner, and the method he chooses to use. Active learning is the method that involves students and the environment and is not teacher centered. It facilitates frequent feedback between the teacher and learner. It increases student’s participation through case studies discussion forums, group work, peer assessments and other methods where the learner can actively participate. Passive learning is the traditional method of teaching that is typically teacher centered. Passive learning assumes that the teacher is the master of the subject and the student’s role is only to receive that knowledge without active participation. Passive learning is seen as a transfer of ideas from teacher to student. * In active learning, students are actively involved in the learning process whereas in passive learning students only listen and internalize. * In active learning, teachers are facilitators and co-learners whereas in passive learning they are masters of the subject. * In active learning, the environment is student centered whereas in passive learning it is teacher centered. 2.The course Instructor play vital roles in the learning process for students to be successful. It is the role of role of course Instructors to provide timely and accurate information about the course to students and relevant members of the University community. The course Instructor acts as a mentor that give support and guidance to the students. They also evaluate assignments, exams and gives feedback to students to enhance their learning experience. 3.Peer assessment is an active learning method wherein students assess, gives feedback and rate their peer’s work and as such, of great relevance to learning development. By assessing each other’s work students learn from their peers, and identify their strengths, weaknesses and areas that requires improvement. Students can use that knowledge to influence their future work and increases their ability to learn more deeply. Peer assessment also enhances students’ active engagement with their studies and augment their learning, as peer assessment requires explanation and justification. References Brown, g. (2020, January 6). Difference Between Active Learning and Passive Learning. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. Read more: Difference Between Active Learning and Passive Learning | Difference Between http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/career-education/difference-between-active-learning-andpassive-learning/#ixzz78RK2A4MJ

H. Tillema, in International Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), 2010 Boud, D. (1995) Enhancing Learning through Self-Assessment; Kogan Page; London...

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