P.A Unit 7 - Programming Assignment Unit 7 PDF

Title P.A Unit 7 - Programming Assignment Unit 7
Course Programming Fundamentals
Institution University of the People
Pages 2
File Size 33 KB
File Type PDF
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Programming Assignment Unit 7...


def histogram(s): d = dict() for c in s:

# this function iterates through an iterable

if c not in d: #if the element is not in the dictionary it adds to the empty dictionary d as a key and assignes a value of 1 d[c] = 1 else:

# if it does exits as a key then it increments its correponding value by 1

d[c] += 1 return d # after going through all the elements is returns a completed dictionary. Which most of less has the elements # of the iterable been passed as argument as keys and frequency of their apearance as their corresponding values

#PART:1 # here is the duplicates() function that take a list as an argument. def has_duplicates(s): h=histogram(s) easy to read)

# use histogram() function above. (variable h is used to keep code short and

for key,value in h.items(): if value>1: return True # This condition checks if return value of the key of the dictinary returned by histogram function is more than # 1 and return True otherwise it returns false as the element occurs only once. return False

for s in test_dups:

# iterates through each element of test_dump

if has_duplicates(s): #if this conditional is met we execute the print statement" has duplicates" otherwise the else block is run. print(s,"has duplicates")

else: print(s, "has no duplicates")


def missing_letters(s): missings=[]

# an empty list called missings


for e in alphabet: if e not in h: missings.append(e) return " ".join(missings) easier to read.

#the empty string adds space between the appended elements making it

#We join each element to the empty list m

# test_miss is a global variable for s in test_miss: missings=missing_letters(s) if len(missings):

# this simply counts the number of elements present in list m.

print(s,"is missing letters",missings) else: print(s,"uses all the letters")...

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