Pages 47, 50, 51 englishh PDF

Title Pages 47, 50, 51 englishh
Author Michi Michoacano
Course Ingles
Institution Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Pages 3
File Size 182.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 69
Total Views 151




Itzel Itzari Delgado Avila. M401

Desarrollo y evaluación de las actividades de aprendizaje EVALUACIÓN DIAGNÓSTICA Antes de comenzar este bloque realizarás una evaluación diagnóstica para saber que tanto conoces sobre el uso del presente perfecto en inglés. Instructions (Instrucciones): 1. Read the next sentences carefully and complete them in present perfect tense, write the verb and auxiliary on the lines. Lee cuidadosamente las siguientes oraciones y complétalas en presente perfecto. Escribe el verbo y el auxiliar sobre las líneas. 1. Peter seen (see) that movie two times. 2. My sisters answered (answer) the same question. 3. This boy saved (save) a lot of money. 4. The teachers Organized (organize) our party. 5. William Studied (study) many languages. 6. Doctors cured (cure) many deadly diseases. 7. She has (have) four difficult exams. 8. We worked (work) here since 2015. 9. Matt and Sophie won (win) the competition many times. 10. My dad forgotten (forget) his keys three times this week. 2. Check carefully the next group of verbs. Underline those in participle form and write them on the table. Observa cuidadosamente el siguiente grupo de verbos. Subraya aquellos que se encuentren escritos en participio y anótalos en el cuadro.



swumate dance washed wish

painted sing flew close

drove buy

drunk gotten forgiven

love stolen


hunt cooked












Si tienes dudas sobre el tema te recomendamos consultar el Anexo 2 – Bloque III. INGLÉS IV


Itzel Itzari Delgado Avila. M401 Activity 1. Great things that have been done Instructions (Instrucciones): Put the words in order to make affirmative sentences using the present perfect tense. Ordena las palabras y forma oraciones afirmativas en el tiempo presente perfecto. Nota: Te compartimos el primer reactivo resuelto para que puedas continuar. 1. buy /Lolita / a new computer. / has Lolita has bought a new computer. 2. to Japan. / have / My friends / travel My friends have traveled to Japan 3. many times. / Jesus / the marathon / run / has Jesus has run the marathon many times 4. participate / My classmates / in the school / have / contest. My classmates have participatein the school contest 5. has / an interesting letter. / write / This secretary This secretary has written an interesting letter 6. the /soccer championship/ have / The / twice. / win / boys / The boys have won twice soccer championship 7. write / has /love / She / letters. / three She has written three love letters 8. with / argue / This /has / teacher. / boy / the This teacher has argue with tha boy 9. have / go / We / camping / once this year. We have goes champion once this year

Activity 2. My life experiences Instructions (Instrucciones): Part 1. Unscramble the letters to form verbs then write them in past participle. Parte 1. Reordena las letras para formar verbos, después escríbelos en pasado participio. Nota: Te compartimos el primer reactivo resuelto para que puedas continuar. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


(eakt ) (e n c a d) (d a r e) (n e c l a) (v e r i d) t i a n p) (y u d s t) (k i n d r)

take - taken Dance - Danced Read - Read Clean - cleaned Drive- driven Paint – Painted Study - studied Drink - Drunk


Itzel Itzari Delgado Avila. M401 9. (r d w a) 10. (b l u i d) 11. (e t i w r)

Draw - Drawn Build – Built Write - Written

Part 2. Using personal information and the verbs from part 1, write present perfect sentences in affirmative form. Parte 2. Usando información personal y los verbos de la parte 1, escribe enunciados en presente perfecto en forma afirmativa. Nota: Te compartimos el primer reactivo resuelto para que puedas continuar. 1. Anthony has taken care of animals at his house. 2. Itzi has danced in the party 3. Juan has read in the classroom 4. Polo and Marty have cleaned their house 5. My father has driven all the morning 6. I have painted beautiful art 7. The students have studied for their test 8. My friends have drunk in the party 9. Maria has draw a beautiful paradise 10. The constructor has built a new house in the street 11. I have written a lots of homework

La siguiente forma gramatical es la negativa y su estructura es la siguiente:

Recuerda que cuando se expresa el presente perfecto en su forma negativa, el verbo niega algo sobre el sujeto. Ejemplos: Subject Anita The students

Auxiliary haven’t/hasn’t (contracción) has not (hasn't) have not

Verb Participle visited come

Complement this castle. to the classroom all day.

Nota: Es importante mencionar que en el sujeto no siempre utilizaremos un pronombre personal....

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