Pangea Terres Agricole PDF

Title Pangea Terres Agricole
Author Joseph Rajakone
Course Contemporary Business Thinking
Institution Concordia University
Pages 2
File Size 34.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
Total Views 135




‘’Pangea Terres Agricole” wants to establish a business partnership with Quebec’s farmers to financialize Quebec’s underused agricultural land to be more efficient and productive. In that way, it allows a small number of farmers to make more income. They’re ideal is that ‘’bigger is better’’ Farmers are poor entrepreneurs, so Serge Fortin wants to change that. Pangea faces many negative criticisms from entrepreneurs that they are so called ‘’land-grabbers’ . And are accused to make more profit instead of practicing agriculture for the people.

Strength: Pa ngeahasi nk edsi xj oi ntv ent ur eswi t hpl ansf ort womor et hi sy earand

amov ei nt oOnt ar i o.Tot al l andv ol umeundermanagementi sex pect edt ot ot al 12, 000t o15, 000acr esbyt heendof2014. Thecompanyi sal soai mi ngt ost ar tpr i mar yt r ansf or mat i onwor ksoonatsome si t es ,l aunchi ngflour maki ngoper at i onsf orex ampl e,t oboostt hei ncomeoft he smal l numberoff ar mer sgr owi ngwheat .


Asi nmanyot hercor ner soft hewor l d,f ar mi ngi si ndecl i nei nQuebec.Fewer f ar mer sar ewor ki nganev er di mi ni shi ngnumberofagr i cul t ur al oper at i ons.And whi l et hei rav er ageannual r ev enuecl i mbed19% bet ween2007and2011and t heval ueoft hei rasset sgr ew24% dur i ngt hesamet i me,accor di ngt oSt at i st i cs Canadafigur es,t heyr emai naheavi l y i ndebt edbunch.


Threat: Criticisms: “ Theyar ecompet i ngwi t hf ar mer swi t hfinanci al meanst hat

pr oducer swi l l nev erbeabl et or i v al .Andt hei rpr i mar yobj ect i vei snotatal l t o pr act i ceagr i cul t ur eandl i v ef r om i tandf eedpeopl ebutr at hert omak eapr ofit . ” “ We think they’re land-grabbers,” said Charles-Félix Ross, economist with l’Union des producteurs agricoles....

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