Paper Sociology - Grade: B+ PDF

Title Paper Sociology - Grade: B+
Author Nicole Castro
Course Fundamentals of Physics
Institution San Diego State University
Pages 6
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Essay based on structural functionalism ...


1 Structural Functionalism The study of how people act towards each other starts in Greek history, where Aristotle developed the early scientific way of doing things. He concentrated his thoughts on his private feelings and emotions instead of focusing on reality (Owlcation, 2018). Sociology is not a survey of animal conduct and space communication, but scientific research. Over time, the term ' sociology ' has been "officially coined in the 1800s by a field pioneer, August Comte" (Owlcation, 2018). Most sociologists regard sociology as varied topics that promote a stronger cultural knowledge of life in harmonies with a multitude of social elements and interaction. Sociologists see the world of society evolving through a multitude of distinct lenses as the field of sociology. First, sociologist’s study and classify occurrences as macro and micro levels. According to Professor Keurich, macro-level evaluation means "engages whole systems" like viewing the "big picture" (Keurich, 2018). She suggests also that the analytical micro level “begins with the smallest unit of study – social interaction” The micro analytical level of studies “issues that affect the individual and how the individual responds socially” (Keurich, 2018). In addition to the macro and micro levels of assessment, sociologists use three primary views to view the world. CliffsNotes said: "these outlooks give theoretical paradigms that sociologists can use to explain how society affects individuals, and vice versa." (, 2018). Each view provides the social world its distinctive significance and why people act and communicate. Social opinions include symbolic (macro), conflict (macro) theory and symbolic (micro), communication. Interaction Sociological perspectives. Structural features believe that society consists of many harmonious elements, such as how the human body consists of many components, but is active in keeping it alive (Keurich, 2018). Some main structures and functions in this respect include policy, religion, education,

2 family and economics, and all of them have distinct roles to operate in the higher good. Like democracy, structural functionalism relies heavily on consensus. Structural functionality is strongly based on consensus, as is a democracy. This is an extremely adaptive view to make it workable. Robert Merton is an important advocate in promoting this viewpoint. He used "tasks" and "dysfunctions" terms. One characteristic is that activities or structures have helpful impacts while dysfunctional impacts are the harmful impacts of actions or structures (Keurich 2018). In different phrases, there can be expressed latent features and dysfunctions, that means and unintended meaning. Conflict theory is another sociological point of view. The theory of conflict thinks that groups of individuals fight each other constantly for authority, prestige and financial resources. This view sees the whole of society and regards individuals as competing and fighting for dominance. Karl Marx, who is a significant advocate of conflict theory "thought that the key to human history is a class conflict," (Keurich, 2018). Take the bourgeoisie against the proletariat, for instance. Over time Marx noticed the (bourgeois) state was taking advantage of the proletariats’ (employees) without mercy. Take, as an instance, the bourgeoisie against the proletariat. Marx thought that the proletariat (the employees) was a merciless capitalist (bourgeois) exploitation. The proletariat's job provides the bourgeoisie important riches. Much better than the real work, the products produced in the manufacture were sold, but the employees gained the minimum. Marx thought that this method "contained the seeds of his own destruction in capitalism" (, 2018). He also thought that the wealth of the bourgeoisie strongly depended on the proletariat's job. Because of continuing struggles and struggles among society, conflict theory can never preserve stability. At the cost of others, one

3 cultural group lead to inequality of systems. Symbolic interaction is the last element of theoretical views. Symbolic communication views the community as a community of people with shared significance and significance in collaboration. Symbols are the main objective of sensory help and communication to understand and to understand the environment. Symbols may be physical items, phrases, or abstract ideas we see all our life. “The use of symbolic communication distinguishes humans and animals in the PowerPoint of Professor Keurich. We can live with a past and a future in an abstract world” (Keurich, 2018). In this theory, people in the world are regarded as thinkers instead of mortals. Whenever an issue is created, the participants are described. For instance, "beings behave towards things based on the meanings they attribute to those things"(Keurich, 2018). Having a wedding is an appropriate illustration for this view because the wedding ceremony is a sign of the men and women willing to spend together the rest of their life. This is symbolic because of the outward manifestation of an internal shift, along with a new-believer being baptized. "Internationalist view of social life in terms of a stage with roles" in this field of symbolic interaction (Keurich, 2018). In this view, some said roles may be: educators, students, and doctors, along with empathy. If people don't pursue their roles, the entire system can be messed up. Erving Goffman, “a sociologist who sought significant in everyday life's routine operations"(Dicke, 2018). Also, due to its distinct phases, he thought that social existence is sort of an overall performance. My perception of the globe is structural functionalism from a sociological perspective. Some main considerations in helping to select a viewpoint are: consensus and equilibrium, like a democracy, components work together to function, and explaining authority and social change. For example, take a family. A family greatly promotes its members and helps society. Male and

4 female have a shared love with the man who gives the woman safety, financial support and status, as seen in a marriage. The woman, along with descendants of children, offers the male with mental and sexual help. It is depicted as male and female and children to have a family. Some developments differ from family to families, such as single-parent families or women's head household households. An excellent example of historical structural functionality and trafficking in people up to now. From the point of perspective of structural functionality, “would explain human trafficking in terms of the structures that create vulnerable people and situations as well as the functions that trafficking fulfills” (Human Trafficking: Modern Slavery, 2018). Trafficking in human beings was put on the back burner as societies required individuals to be perpetrators. Human trafficking has the purpose of offering employment to those who want it or a constant revenue in structural functionalism. Although trafficking in natural beings is not consensual, it offers a cause of employment for locations that need it. People were unwilling during smuggling in human beings to locate job to sustain their households through a permanent stream of revenue. When smuggling in natural beings is unstable, political institutions and misery become unstable, allowing individuals to leave work, relocate or operate under severe circumstances. When a chance came up for a better life, individuals sprang up to a constant revenue, desperate enough not to look at future precautions. People accepted employment and weddings from overseas nations in their disparity, even when they did not understand the language or were properly identified. “The government and legal institutions in the destination country may be designed in a way that hinder trafficked individuals from exiting their situation” (Human Trafficking: Modern Slavery, 2018). Social structures have begun to develop, encourage individuals to blame each other, making it hard for individuals to receive help.

5 I have chosen structural functionality because it is very comparable to my convictions. There are many elements, but they arrive together for greater intent. I don't believe about conflict theory because culture always struggles to see who should be at the bottom and who should be at the expense of it. Symbolic communication is only a great old game with a society which changes continuously and does not stick to one item. Structural functionality, as written in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, is very comparable to my faith, “for just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For the body does not consist of one member but of many” (, 2018). God provides us various components with distinct tasks to unite the components and to be in unity.

6 References (n.d.). BibleGateway. Retrieved from :12-27&version=NIV (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from sociology/v1.1/#/chapter/5 Dicke, W. (1982, November 22) ERVING GOFFMAN, SOCIOLOGIST WHO STUDIED EVERY DAY LIFE. Retrieved from /erving-goffman-sociologist-who-studied-every-day-life.html (2006, April10). The communist Manifesto- Bourgeoisie and proletariat. Retrieved from Html (2015, September 16). Sociological Perspective. Retrieved from /analysis-2/sociological-perspective/ Pattygayle. (2019, February 7). Analysis of How Sociology Developed as an Academic Discipline. Retrieved from Sociology-Developed-as-an-Academic-Discipline...

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