PCOM - asadsadsad PDF

Title PCOM - asadsadsad
Author Remanelo Domasing
Course Anglais C1
Institution Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris
Pages 5
File Size 59.1 KB
File Type PDF
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1. Dananjaya Hettiarachchi – World Champion Public Speaking 2014 Full Speech A. The quality of voice that Dananjaya Hettiarachchi has is resonant, because he has a strong and deep voice and his words are powerful and meaningful though he pronounces the words clearly so that the audience can clearly understand what he is saying. His vocal variety is perfect because maximize the use of vocal variety to keep the audience interested and engaged just like when he is being sarcastic he is changing his voice and he imitates the voice of other people of the part of his story. B. Dananjaya Hettiarachchi is an intelligent speaker because he does not pause between thought phrases so that he can speak the words properly, and I noticed that before he speaks he inhales air and let it out slowly while speaking the words of his speech and when his sentence is ending the volume of his voice are not going down instead only his tone are decreasing slowly. C. In terms of rate he depends upon the meaning and purpose of his words so that his audiences will clearly understand the words that he is saying. When he speaks a serious situation or a serious manner his voice became slower so that his audiences will understand that he is serious while when he is being sarcastic or telling a live action his voice became faster resulting for the audiences to become more interested in him. He knows that quantity and pause because the length of time of his words are depending on the meaning of it and he pauses at the right time and at the right moment just like when he is telling a story he pauses a little bit to create suspense because the audiences are eagerly waiting for him to say the next words to make his story more interesting.

In terms of force he is using his force in an appropriate way, when he is speaking his voice is not so soft and not so loud so that the listeners can hear him clearly and they will not get distracted. He put more force on the most important or meaningful words, just like when he said “I see something in you, but I don’t know what it is” for me this phrase is very meaningful so that he put a lot of force to say it. He used and understands the three kinds of force which is very clearly to understand in that video.

In terms of pitch I noticed that his pitch is wider than the normal maybe because he practices a lot below his average pitch. His voice has more substance and he

draw the listeners attention to words or phrases that are more important than others. When he is speaking he naturally use a range of pitches to convey different meanings. He changes his pitch depending on the words that he is saying and depending on his purpose. D. He is very good in terms of articulation because he utters every vowels and consonants perfectly but I noticed he mumble sometimes but it is not noticeable. He can adjust his syllable enunciation by his surroundings like the number of audiences and the noise interference so that he can be heard clearly and understandable. He distinctly spoken words and he used all of his articulators so that the articulated sound does not come out in a mumbled manner. E. In terms of blockings on stage and bodily behavior for me he aced it because when he do not walk unnecessarily and his hands are in his side of his body when he is not using hand gestures, he moves with proper motivation and that is good but I noticed when he entered or walks up in the platform he rushes and I think that is not good because you are in a formal public speaking and you must walk slowly but naturally. F. He often uses facial expression because facial expression is the key determinant of the meaning behind the message and when you speak, your face tells more clearly than any other part of your body about your attitudes, feelings, and emotions. He also looks at individual members of the audience straight in the eye so that the audience can feel him talking to them personally. He maintains eye contact so that the audience can feel the feelings and emotions of the story he is telling to them. G. In terms of hand gestures, he used all the basic hand gestures like the palms-up gesture, palms-down gesture, index-finger gesture and the clenched fist gesture. He uses all the basic hand gestures because it can help people form clearer thoughts, speak in tighter sentences and use more declarative language. H. Physical appearance involves speaker's gestures, postures, gait, hand movements, body language, and clothing, hairdo or hairstyles, time management, before and during and after the speaking event. His physical appearance is perfect because he is confident when speaking and his posture is great, he communicates confidence, knowledge, pleasantness, and competence, all of which add to his physical appearance as a comfortable speaker and the audience as willing partners in the process of knowledge sharing.

I. For me the only thing he should not do on stage is when he is entering the stage because I noticed that when he entered the stage he rushed to it and that is inappropriate and sometimes he mumbles words so I think that is not also considered in stage. But he is perfect in public speaking that’s why he won. J. There was a single journey in this speech about self-exploration, but it was also broken into smaller sections. The combination of 5 stories exists. The first time he was broken, then when the second time he was arrested, and then when he woke up by her mom's shameful tears. He used a moving way to tell his father and his father sail him along the way. He found an accountant to give him a job then he went back to school and after graduation he felt confused about life. His dad brought him to this strange place with strange people talking strange, then he found out that he can speak so he became a teacher and met the love of his life.

2. Darling of the Crowd by Edmondo Navarro A. Her voice quality or her voice pitch is so high because normally she’s a girl but she is good in speaking, her tempo is fast but has a good rhythm which means that the audiences can understand what she’s saying even if she speaks fast. B. I noticed some stops and pauses from her tough phrases, at first, I though it will ruin her speech because if we stop or pause in the middle of thought phrases the sentence will no longer be said properly but I was wrong because she delivered her speech in a very good way. C. In terms of rate the rate of her words is sometimes short and sometimes long because she was doing a declamation speech and she was being sarcastic all of the time which means she was speaking fast and the rate of her words are short. In terms of force she is using her force in an appropriate way in a declamation speech because when you are doing a declamation speech you must be powerful and also loud so that the audience can hear you. I thought that she was using her force too much because it is too loud in my ears but I was thinking that it was because of the poor audio of the video.

In terms of pitch her pitch was high because she’s a girl normally a girl’s pitch is high but, in her part, she used her pitch in a very powerful way the way she uses it can be deceiving. She draws the attention of the audiences and make them laugh in her sarcastic way of saying the words. D. In terms of articulation she utters words in a very different way because it was the character she was trying to portray, maybe it was a part of her speech. Her syllable duration is sometimes long like the letter r she uttered it too long but I think she knows that because she was trying to be sarcastic and lively so that the audience will like her. E. In terms of blockings on stage and bodily behavior, she moves quickly in the stage because she was portraying a character, a very hard character so that she needs to move and move. F. She often uses facial expression because facial expression is the key determinant of the meaning behind the message and when you speak, your face tells more clearly than any other part of your body about your attitudes, feelings, and emotions. She uses facial expression in a very sarcastic way and it will make you laugh because she was imitating a character that has a unique personality. She also maintains eye contact to audiences to let them feel her emotions and let them feel is lively feeling. G. She uses different and unique hand gestures but it is necessary for her to do that because it is really needed to portray the character that she was imitating. Her hands are not stable because she uses it every time she speaks and I think that is necessary because she was doing a declamation speech. H. It was a declamation speech so she dressed according to the character she will portray. She dressed like an elegant girl but in a Filipino way because it was the character that she was imitating. I. The things that she should not do on stage is when she speaks so fast and sometimes she mumbles and I couldn’t understand the word that she was saying. But overall her speech was good and lively. J. For me the character that she was trying to portray was a sarcastic one and a too exaggerated character because the emotions was too strong. The story of the character she was trying to portray was she was going to the PGT audition, while going to it she

rode a public jeepney that was full of people and when she entered it the driver rush it too early. Then she arrived at the audition but she did not know that it was not a PGT audition but instead it was a activity for a lucky me advertisement....

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