Period 2 Review Sheet PDF

Title Period 2 Review Sheet
Author Anonymous User
Course A History of the United States Since 1877
Institution Florida State University
Pages 5
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A review of period 2 in us history...


Period 2 (1607 – 1754) Review Sheet Chapters 2 – 3 Chapters of the American Pageant Textbook


Wel comet oPer i od2!Thi sper i odaccount sf orr oughl y10% oft he ex am.Unl i k eper i od1,y oucoul dv er ywel l enc ount eraLongEs sayor DBQ t hati sbasedsol el yont hi st i meper i od.

Pot ent i alShor tAnswerQuest i ons/ EssayTopi csI ncl ude:  Compar i ngandCont r as t i ngdi ffer entBr i t i s hCol oni es( Chesapeak eandNew Engl and,f orex ampl e)NewEngl and:f oundedbymos t l yPur i t ans ,agr oupof l i k emi ndedi ndi vi dual s .Thes ecol oni est endedt obec l osekni tandhad l ongerl i f eex pect anci est hanot herEngl i s hcol oni es .Theeconomywasa mi xoff ar mi ngandt r ade.Chesapeak e:r el i edoni ndent ur eds er v ant s i ni t i al l y ,l at err epl acedbyAf r i cans l av es .St apl ec r opsl i k et obacco,r i ce,and s ugarmadet hecol oni espr os per ous .  Compar i ngandCont r as t i ngEur opeanCol oni z at i on( Engl andandSpai n,f or ex ampl e)bot hoft hecol oni z at i onbot hwentt hr ought heNat i v esi nsome t ypeofway .Spai nt r i edt ochanget heNat i v e’ sr el i gi on/ wayofl i f eand Engl andwer emor eaggr ess i v ebyj ustcomi ngt oAmer i caandt aki ngov er l and.Howev ert heSpani s honl yt houghtwasmoneyandEngl andwasl and andcas hcr ops . S  Reasonsf ort hegr owt hofsl av er yandi t sc onsequences( CheckoutTHI v i deo) Hi ghEur opeandemandf orcashc r ops( Tobacco,sugar ,andr i c e) ,Di fficul t yi n ens l avi ngNat i v es ,andl ackofi ndent ur edser v ant swer et her easonsf orgr owt h ofsl av er y .Al sot hecons equencesf ort hem wer er aci sm,s l av esmadeupt he maj or i t yoft hepopul at i oni nc er t ai ns t at es( Sout hCar ol i na,Mi ssi ss i ppi ,Vi r gi ni a, et c . ) ,ands l av er esi s t ance( r unni ngaway ,f aki ngsi cknes s ,br eaki ngt ool s) .

Whywer et heseyear schosenf ort hi sper i od?

F I R S T !

1607mar k st hebegi nni ngoft heest abl i s hmentofper manentEngl i shcol oni eswi t h J amest own,Vi r gi ni ai n1607.Engl andbecameas i gni ficantcol oni z erdur i ngt hi s t i meper i odandcompet edwi t hot herEur opeanc ount r i es.Fur t her mor e,1754mar ks t hebegi nni ngoft he7Year sWar( Fr enchandI ndi an)pr edomi nant l ybet weent he Engl i shandt heFr ench.

Keyvocabul ar yt er mst oknow f ort hi st i meper i od: Char act er i st i csofSpani shcol oni zat i on-f ocusedonconv er t i ngNat i v esand gai ni ngweal t ht hr ought i ghtcont r ol ov ercol oni es.( Thi nk3Gs-per i od#1) Char act er i st i csofFr enchandDut chcol oni z at i on-f eweri nhabi t ant st hanot her count r i es.TheFr enchandDut c hf ocusedont r ade( especi al l yf ur ) ,al l i ances,and i nt er mar r i agewi t hNat i v eAmer i cans . Char act er i st i csofEngl i shcol oni zat i on-col oni eswer ebasedonagr i cul t ur e. Engl i shcol oni ess awal ar genumberofmenANDwomeni nhabi tt hecol oni es .The Engl i shhadr el at i v el yhost i l er el at i onswi t hNat i v eAmer i cans .

Puebl oRevol t-Nat i v eAmer i canr ev ol ti nt hel at e17t hcent ur yi npr es ent dayNew Mexi coagai ns tt heSpani sh.TheSpani s hwer eexpel l edf orov er10y ear s .Once t heyr egai nedc ont r ol ,t heSpani shbegant ot ak eamor eaccommodat i ngappr oach t oNat i v esandal l oweds omer el i gi ousaccommodat i on. TheEnl i ght enment-Ti meper i odt hatf ocus edonr easonandk nowl edgeand pr omot ednewi deasaboutgov er nment( nat ur al r i ght s,consentoft hegov er ned, s epar at i onofpower s) .Thes ei deashel pedi nfluencet heAmer i canRev ol ut i on. Mer cant i l i sm -Economi cpol i cyt hatf ocusesonmaki ngmoneyf ort hemot her count r y .Thi spol i c yf av or saposi t i v ebal anceoft r adef ort hemot hercount r yandt he acc umul at i onofgol dandsi l v er . Angl i ci zat i on-Pr oces sofcol oni esbecomi ngandact i ngBr i t i s h.Thi swas i nfl uencedbypr i ntc ul t ur e( newspaper sandwr i t i ngs)andcommuni t i esbasedon Engl i shmodel s . Char act er i st i csofNew Engl andcol oni es-f oundedbymost l yPur i t ans,agr oupof l i k emi ndedi ndi v i dual s .Thesecol oni est endedt obec l osekni tandhadl ongerl i f e expect anci est hanot herEngl i s hcol oni es .Theeconomywasami xoff ar mi ngand t r ade. Char act er i st i csofmi ddl ecol oni es-Thesec ol oni eswer et hemostdi v er se r el i gi ousl yands awt hemos ti mmi gr ant sf r om Eur ope.Theeconomywasbasedon gr ai n. Char act er i st i csofsout her ncol oni es-TheChes apeak e( Mar y l andandVi r gi ni a) r el i edoni ndent ur edser v ant si ni t i al l y ,l at err epl acedbyAf r i cans l av es.St apl ec r ops l i k et obacco,r i ce,andsugarmadet hecol oni espr os per ous.

Watch THIS video on Period 2 before you proceed. (Less than 10 minutes) 1. For each of the following countries, provide a brief summary of the goals/characteristics of colonization in the Western Hemisphere. Please make sure you include the DEMOGRAPHICS – makeup of the population. Want more info? Check out THIS video.  Spain: Spain became the early leader in exploration. They settled in South America in the SW US. The Spanish sought out precious metals including gold and silver. Most Spanish settlers were men, leading to racially mixed population with the natives. Mestizo is the mix of the Spanish and Native ancestry, in Mullato is a mix of Spanish and African ancestry.  Dutch and French: The Dutch established trade posts in NY. Dutch sent few Europeans to settle and formed alliances and intermarried with natives. Samuel de Champlain founded in Quebec, which was one year later from Jamestown. Most of colonists were men. The French focused on fur trade with Natives. The French had no representative assembly.  English: The permanent settlement was Jamestown in 1607. They settled along the Atlantic which is present day US and Caribbean. The English applied the same tactics used in Ireland

towards the Natives. England sent; large amounts of men and women to colonize colonies and focused on agriculture, and had hostile relationships with Natives. 2. How did characteristics of British colonization differ from Spanish colonization? Natives were seen as “savages to the English, and they were excluded from settlements. Whereas the Spanish lived among the Natives. 3. What were three reasons for the development of the slave trade? Racial superiority, lack of indentured servants, and natives were harder to enslave are reasons for the development of slave trade. 4. Why can the Pueblo Revolt be seen as a WATERSHED event in Spanish colonial history? (Make sure you know WATERSHED!) Need info on the Pueblo Revolt? Check out THIS video. The pueblo revolt was seen as a water shed event as a result of the rapid religious consumption by the newly introduced Spanish. 5. What does Anglicization mean? What are examples of this occurring? The English cultural and societal spread to the colonies; can be seen through the result of the Protest Reformation and spread of enlightment ideas. 6. What is Mercantilism? How did colonists get around this policy? Mercantilism is a system in which colonies could only trade with their said country of origin, enforced by bans and taxes. 7. How did the Enlightenment encourage colonial resistance? Encouraged free thought and for standing up for what is right 8. What were three reasons for the growth of slavery? Answers to the following questions on slavery can be found HERE. Rapid and expansion of tobacco, rice and sugar plantations expansion of plantations required a large and hardworking labor force. Indentured servants declined due to Bacon’s Rebellion 9. Why did African slavery replace Native American slavery on the Encomienda System? The system put in place by the Spanish, the encomienda system, gave Spanish explorers and missionaries the ability to enslave natives and use them as labor force, this was ineffective because of the dwindling Native population and the rapid spread of disease in the Native population. 10. Why did African Slavery replace indentured servitude in the English colonies AFTER 1676? (Turning Point in American History) This was a result of Bacons Rebellion, which was made up of many indentured servants who were taken advantage of. 11. What were two examples of slave resistance? STONO’s Rebellion & NTC Conspiracy of 1941 12. Complete the table below on the characteristics English colonial regions. (Think politics, economics, religion, demographics, labor systems, etc. If you need further assistance, watch THIS video and THIS video.


Both 


New England 

Family run farms

  

House of Burgesses

Rural settlements

Protection of Catholics Built on agriculture

Lower life expectancy

Indentured servants

Only white male land owners

Smaller town

Shipbuilding, whaling, merchants

Higher life expectancy than other regions

Town hall meetings


Document Analysis “For we must consider that we shall be as a city upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us. So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken, and so cause Him to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a by-word through the world.” - John Winthrop, 1630 Need help with this document? Check out THIS quick video. 1. How does Winthrop view his people? As God’s chosen people 2. What would happen to Winthrop’s people if they did not follow through with their mission?

Lose support of God, be made an example of 3. What is the Purpose of Winthrop’s speech? To explain to Puritans why they came to MBC “God requireth not a uniformity of religion to be enacted and enforced in any civil state; which enforced uniformity sooner or later is the greatest occasion of civil war, ravishing of conscience, persecution of Christ Jesus in his servants, and of the hypocrisy and destruction of millions of souls.” - Roger Williams, “A Plea For Religious Liberty” - 1644 Need help with this document? Check out THIS quick video. 1. How does Williams view religious toleration? As a positive and Necessary to avoid problems 2. How does this differ from John Winthrop? Winthrop was NOT in favor of religious toleration 3. What is the Purpose of Williams’ speech? To allow communities to develop that are religiously tolerant “Be it enacted ... no goods or merchandizes whatsoever shall be imported into, or exported out of, any colony or plantation to his Majesty, in Asia, Africa, or America ... in any ship or bottom, but what is or shall be of the built of England, Ireland, or the said colonies or plantations ... and navigated with the masters and three fourths of the mariners of the said places only ... under pain of forfeiture of ships and goods.” - Navigation Act, April 1696 Need help with this document? Check out THIS quick video. 1. What is the Purpose of this Act? To control trade with the English Colonies 2. When England loosely enforced this law, that was an example of……. Salutary Neglect 3. What are implications of England loosely enforcing this law? (Think long-term consequences…..) Emboldens colonist to resist future taxes/ laws due to increased freedoms 4. Who is the Intended Audience of this document? English colonies...

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