Persuasive-Speech-Outline PDF

Title Persuasive-Speech-Outline
Course Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills
Institution Daytona State College
Pages 4
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Persuasive Speech Outline

Academic Honesty: I give my word this outline and speech are my own work and I have neither given, copied, nor received unauthorized help.

Topic: Voting General Goal: To persuade Specific Goal Sentence: I would like to persuade the audience to vote and why voting is important and why to take it seriously. Thesis Statement: Obtain a greater understanding of voting by learning how voting came to be, how different groups and countries are fighting for voting, and finally how you have a voice when you cast your vote.

Introduction: (Slide 1) I. (Hook) –How many of you are able to vote when it becomes election? With your hands still raised how many of you actually voted in the last presidential election? II.

(Thesis) – Before I get started I do want to say, my speech is persuading you to vote, I’m not persuading you on how to vote! To me voting is natural right that we have, but not many other countries have this right, yet us Americans take it for granted every time an election comes up.


(Common Ground) –We all have the right to vote, as long as were 18 and registered. It once of our civil duty’s as a citizen of the United States, at least I hope that most of us feel like that. And of course, we all know that everyone complains about politics no matter what or who is elected, it’s just second nature to us.


(Credibility) –with the help from, Penn State University Libraries, Business Insider,, and Kimberly Medley which is right here in Flagler county, it is my hope that these statistics and information will get you to start thinking voting and take part in your civil duty to cast your ballot on election day.

V.(Preview) – Today, I will be pounding information about how we even got the right to vote, the minority groups that had to fight to get the right to vote, and how when you vote, you are voicing your opinion. Transition – to understand why voting is important we must understand how we even got the right to vote.

Body I. (Slide 2) – As we all know, we used to not have the right to vote. We used to be under the monarchy of Britain. It wasn’t until we had our independence from Britain that we were actually granted the right to vote by our thirteen colonies. A. Without these thirteen colonies we wouldn’t even have the right to vote. Many men died fighting for our independence which included the right to vote. B. (Slide 3) But let’s see exactly how many Americans took voting for granted during the last presidential election. According to Penn State University Libraries, only 58.1 % of those eligible to vote actually voted. *Explain graph (Describe each historical event and why it is relevant!) Transition – So now that we know how voting came to be, we now get understand what minority groups had to fight for the fight to vote. II. Let’s just take a step back and I want you to think, if you’re not a white male who owned land, your ancestors had to fight to get you and them the right to vote. (slide 4) A. Business insider reported that as early as 1950’s and 1960’s men and women of color or other races were fighting to have the right to vote. 1. (slide 5 & 6) A time line also provided by Business Insider also allows us to see the times each group were fighting for their right to vote. *Explain Timeline 2. How do some of you feel right now? Knowing that your ancestors have fought and some even died to get you the right to vote, yet you just choose not to? I’m not saying your horrible or bad for not voting, because at the end of the day, it’s your choice. I’m just saying you ancestors died to even give you that choice. Transition – Next, I want you all to pause and take a minute to think, what would you do if someone took away your voice?

III. That’s essentially what you’re doing when you don’t cast your ballot or get up to vote A. (slide 7) Nondoc worded it best in their article “Voting is your voice: Let your voice be heard”. The article also goes on to later say “no one can hear your silence”. B. (Slide 8) Don’t mess with your vote, let your voice be heard, even if most people won’t like it C. (slide 9) Kimberly Medley, a local historian who has been researching the evolution of voting said it best when in a group interview she said “voting is simple, you cast your vote, you can complain all you want about politics, but if you haven’t voted you have no right to complain because you didn’t do anything to change it.” *Why are these the rules? Well remember, if you don’t vote your taking away your voice and if you have no voice you can’t complain* Conclusion – to wrap everything up, Voting is something that all Americans should take part in when they are eligible. A. Today we gained more knowledge of how we got the right to vote, what different groups had to fight for the right to vote, and how when you don’t vote you don’t have a voice. B. When the next election comes up, I hope each and every one of us that can vote will think of our past and ancestors and have the urge to get up and let our voices be heard. Thank you!

Type of Organization – Statement of reasons

Works Cited

Funk, Bob. “Voting Is Your Voice: Let Your Voice Be Heard.” NonDoc, 7 Nov. 2018, Accessed 1st Apr. 2019. “Library Guides: Post-Election 2016 Recap & Resources: Voter Turnout.” Voter Turnout - PostElection 2016 Recap & Resources - Library Guides at Penn State University, Accessed 1st Apr. 2019. Medley, Kimberly. Group Interview. 27th Mar. 2019. Panetta, Grace. “The Evolution of American Voting Rights in 242 Years Shows How Far We've Come - and How Far We Still Have to Go.” Business Insider, Business Insider, 15 Feb. 2019, Accessed 1st Apr. 2019....

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