Author Geuel Cruz
Course Civil Engineering
Institution Emilio Aguinaldo College
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Labster Lab Report...


Virtual Lab Report Vectors and Scalars This lab report is for you to reflect on what you completed and learned in this simulation, and to practice your written scientific communication skills.

Sections 1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis 2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic 3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation 4. Explain any obtained results 5. Discuss the conclusions and implications


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1. Describe the overall objective and make a hypothesis. What is the overall purpose of the experiments or activities? Make a hypothesis if applicable. Hint: The purpose is often stated in the welcome message of the simulation.

OVERALL OBJECTIVE/PURPOSE The overall objective or purpose of the activities and experiments in the virtual simulation, is to have a deeper and better understanding about vectors and scalars. In vector and scalars simulation, we were introduced to the fundamental physical quantities of distance, speed, displacement and velocity. With the simulation’s thorough explanation, experiments and activities, we were able to understand and distinguish the differences between the vector and scalar quantities also to identify the magnitude and direction of a vector. The experiment’s objective is to direct a mission to the astronauts who are in the surface of planet Mars.


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HYPOTHESIS After the simulation, the students will be able to: • distinguish the components of vector and scalar quantities; • be familiar with coordinate systems like the Cartesian coordinate system; • differentiate distance from displacement, and speed from velocity; • be able to add vectors, be familiar with the Pythagorean theorem; • define vector components; • be familiar with the fundamental physical quantities; • to identify the magnitude and direction of vector quantities; • and solve basic engineering problems.


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2. Introduce relevant background knowledge on this topic. What have you learned in class or researched on your own that would help prepare for this simulation? Hint: You can review the “THEORY” section in the simulation or at if you need help.

I’ve learned new things from the vector and scalar’s simulation but already had a background knowledge about this topic as we’ve already tackled it on physics class and already has some research before the simulation. From this I’ve learned new things about the coordinate systems, cartesian coordinate plane, vectors and scalars, distance and displacement, speed and velocity, addition of vectors, Pythagorean theorem, and other vector components which are relevant topics in physics for engineers. Coordinate system is used to determine the position of any elements or points on a topological space. This is used not only by students for studies but also by engineers,


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mathematicians and physicists to solve or translate problems involving geometry and numbers. Cartesian coordinate plane is an example of the coordinate system, this uses numbers and coordinates to determine points. In the cartesian plane, there are 2 dimensional lines which are the x-axis (horizontal direction) and y-axis (vertical direction), these perpendicular lines defined the scale of axes. To use the cartesian plane, we must start at a specific point and follow horizontal line for x-axis (left or right) and vertical line for y-axis (up or down) which both crosses at the (0,0) point or the origin. The motion of an object is also a relevant topic, which includes speed, velocity, distance and displacement. These quantities are identified as either vector or scalar. Vector is a quantity that have both magnitude and direction, while scalar is a quantity that is described by only magnitude. For scalar quantity, distance and speed are the examples; distance refers to the amount of space that an object has covered in its motion while speed is the rate at which and object covers a space or a distance during the motion. For vector quantity, displacement and velocity are the examples; displacement refers to the length of position covered from its initial position to its final position after the motion and the object’s overall change in position covered while velocity is the rate at which the object changes its position with magnitude and direction in its motion.


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In vector addition, two can be added together by using Pythagorean theorem which is a method to determine the result of adding two vectors that are 90-degrees to each other and makes a right triangle. This is a formula used in geometry that involves and relates the length of the right triangle’s sides and hypotenuse. In a graphical way, vectors are added by using the head-to-tail method which is drawing two vectors where the head of the first vector will be the second vector’s (tail) starting point, then the resultant is drawn from the tail of the first vector and head of the second vector. Components of a vector is used in coordinate axes which is commonly used in the engineering field for solving problems that focuses on the forces. X-component is the force parallel to the x-axis while Y-component is the one parallel to the y-axis. A vector that is directed at angles to the customary coordinate axes, can be transformed into two parts. Each part is directed along the individual coordinate axes and these parts are mutually perpendicular. These topics are needed to have a deeper or better understanding in vectors and scalars and serves as a foundation for more advanced engineering subjects and in the engineering field. These topics serves as an overview for the future topics that will later be discussed and learned in physics for engineers.


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3. Summarize the steps taken in the simulation. Explain each step you completed including the equipment and techniques you used. Hint: You can use the “MISSION” tab in the LabPad as inspiration.


Figure 3.1 Mission Checklist


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1. Get ready to work in the lab -

Labster was first introduced as a website simulation for studies. Dr. One provided a walkthrough as a guide before starting the simulation and taught all the things we should know to utilize labster simulation. Then, the Labpad was introduced as a multifunctional tool or equipment used as a guide from Dr. One where we can view the topics at theory, relevant images at media and the checklist at mission. Then, we were instructed to wear lab coats as if we were in a laboratory set-up.

2. Welcome to Labster -

After entering the virtual laboratory, the objectives and purposes of the simulation were clearly stated. We were instructed to proceed to the control panel’s workbench 1 to know everything that happening on the surface of mars from the nearest satellite.

3. Activate the coordinate plane -

At workbench 1, there are 2 monitors are enabled to be used for the specific task of guiding the Astronauts A and B to locate the LERS-M and back to the spacecraft. We were instructed to activate the monitors at the workbench where the left monitor shows the recorded video of the surface of mars from the nearest satellite while the


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tight monitor shows the coordinate plane to locate the spacecraft, astronaut’s A and B and the LERS-M.

4. The Cartesian coordinate system -

The Cartesian coordinate system was introduced at the right monitor where it serves as the locator of the astronauts, the spacecraft and the space rover on the surface of mars. Our mission is to guide the astronauts by assigning their positions or to locate them at the cartesian coordinate system.

5. Define the coordinates -

To define the coordinates, we were asked to locate or assign the positions of the objects on the surface of Mars. The spacecraft at (0,0), astronaut A at (-300,0), astronaut B at (100, -200) and the space rover or LERS-M at (300,400). After assigning the positions , we were asked questions graded as part of the quiz which is about how astronaut A is going to go back at the spacecraft and which object or who among the astronauts where located at (100, -200) coordinates.

6. Direction of vectors -

At workbench 2 there was an assigned task about the direction of vectors to be able


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to position the arrows correctly to match point A to point B. This uses a technique of placing the papers with the corresponding vectors from left to right or from point A to B, instead of a random position in the middle. With this task, the head-to-tail method is also used to add more than 2 vectors and to connect 2 points graphically.

7. Difference between distance and displacement -

As part of the graded quiz we were asked questions regarding distance and displacement that requires knowledge and techniques to distinguish its differences using the cartesian coordinate system. Distance is a scalar quantity that refers to the amount of ground covered during the motion of the object while displacement is a vector quantity which is the object’s overall change in position with magnitude and direction.

8. Difference between speed and velocity -

Just like the last step, there were questions asked that differentiates speed and velocity. The technique to determine its difference is to have a background knowledge about the two topics which can be seen at the theory part like being familiar to the formula velocity = distance / time. Speed is a scalar quantity that refers to the rete at which the object covers a distance while velocity is a vector


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quantity that refers to the rate at which the object changes its position in its motion.

9. Addition of vectors -

In vector addition, there must be a familiarity in the Pythagorean theorem to get the resultant after adding two vectors. Another technique used to determine the result of adding vectors graphically is to use the head to tail method.

10. Vector components -

In this step, we were instructed to do tasks at Workbench 3 where we must correct the combination of the force vectors to help the rover be free from the mud hole. The technique here is to know that the sum of force vectors determines both magnitude and direction, choose the correct arrows where the components of the force will release the rover. After the task, a question regarding vector components was asked to wrap up the simulation.

11. OUTRO Scene -

After all the steps at the simulation, we were completely agreed to the question asked if we gained relevant knowledge during playing the vector and scalars simulation. Then 100% progress was saved together with our overall quiz score.


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4. Describe any obtained results. Explain any obtained results. Were these results expected or unexpected? Hint: You can use the “MEDIA” tab in the Lab Pad to find relevant images from the simulation. You can also take screenshots while you are playing the simulation.

*Next Pages*


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Figure 4.1 Determining the coordinates of the astronauts and the rover. In the figure above, the task was assigned to determine the coordinates of the astronauts A and B, the spacecraft and the LERS-M or the rover using the Cartesian Coordinate System or Cartesian plane. The figure 4.1 shows that the spacecraft is at (0,0) or the origin, astronaut A is located at (-300,0), astronaut B at (100, -200) while the space rover or LERS-M is located at (300,400). The obtained result shown in Figure 4.1 was determined because of the basic knowledge about the coordinates and the cartesian plane. The results were expected as we only need to pay close attention to the left monitor while assigning the positions of the objects on the surface of Mars in the cartesian coordinate system at the right monitor.


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Figure 4.2. Arranging the papers to go from point A to point B. In the task shown above which is to arrange the papers to go from point A to B, this is all about the direction of vectors. The position of arrows must correctly match starting from point A to B. The starting vector is pointing at the south-east part, second vector is horizontally directed, third vector is pointing towards north-east and lastly the fourth vector is directed towards south-east. With this, we can say that Point B is located at the south-eastern part of Point A, and both points were connected with the use of four vectors. The result was expected as we used the technique head-to-tail method and worked starting from the right side (point A) heading to left side (point B) instead of starting from a random position in the middle part.


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Figure 4.3 Putting the rover out of the pit. The task shown in Figure 4.3 was to help the astronauts and the rover to get out of the pit where it was stuck. At Workbench 3, the correct combination of forces of vectors must be selected to help the rover be free from the mud hole. Having knowledge about vector components and the sum of force vectors must be needed to complete this task. 100N direction of movement of Astronaut B and 70N direction of movement of Astronaut A are the correct combination of the vectors/arrows to release the rover and complete this task. The arrows with 100N from Astronaut B and 70N from Astronaut A, results to a vector sum of 170N which is the combination of vector forces that’s required to wrap up this task. The result was unexpected as we had a hard time understanding it at first, but after reading the theory part and remembering the topic, we were able to finish the task.


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5. Discuss the conclusions and implications. How do your results relate back to the original purpose and your hypothesis? Were there any systematic sources of error that could have affected the results? What did you learn? What is the importance of these findings and how can you apply them to other real-world situations? The objective or purpose of the laboratory simulation is to have a deeper understanding about the topic vectors and scalars. Through this simulation, I was able to have an overview and be refreshed about the topic as we’ve already tackled vectors and scalars even before the simulation. Being introduced to the fundamental physical quantities of distance, speed, displacement and velocity, gave me new learnings and knowledges to be used for future purposes in the field of Engineering. The hypothesis of the laboratory simulation is that the students will be able to distinguish the components of vector and scalar quantities, be familiar with coordinate systems like the Cartesian coordinate system, differentiate distance from displacement, and speed from velocity, be able to add vectors, be familiar with the Pythagorean theorem, define vector components, be familiar with the fundamental physical quantities, to identify the magnitude and direction of vector quantities, and solve basic engineering problems. Regarding the experiments and tasks of determining the coordinates of the astronauts and the rover, arranging the papers to go from point A to point B, and putting the rover out of the pit, those experiments show successful results which satisfies the overall objective or original purpose and relates back to the hypothesis.


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After experiencing the experiments, tasks, activities and questions I believe there are no systematic sources of error as everything that we need to learn about the topic of vectors and scalars was readily available. The simulation was accessible enough that doing the experiments while learning was easy. The results from the experiments and questions did not have any errors, it only helped us students be engaged in the simulation while also learning something from it. Through the thorough representation of the objective that is to direct a mission to the astronauts who are in the surface of mars, the experiments, tasks, activities and quiz questions, these gave me a better understanding in the topic and gave me new ideas to be able to distinguish the differences between vector and scalar quantities and to identify the magnitude and direction of a vector. After playing the laboratory simulation, I was able to learn new things and also to be refreshed about the topic of vectors and scalars as this simulation provided not only information but also representations of experiments and tasks that stimulates the minds of us students to be interested and have enthusiasm to learn about physics. This serves as a foundation for more advanced physics topics and subjects in the field of engineering, as it gives basic information that sparks the interests of students to study more and use the platform. Using the laboratory simulation for learning is important especially in these times where we aren’t able to have an actual lab experience. Labster serves as an alternative way of studying, that even if there are hindrances, there’s still an opportunity to


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learn new things through this platform. That’s why this remains as a beneficial or vital experience to learn so that eventually as future Engineering professionals, we’ll be able to apply these learnings to real-world situations.


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