Philosophy - Summaries - Aristotle PDF

Title Philosophy - Summaries - Aristotle
Author Jared Lafitte
Course (PHIL 1301) Introduction to Philosophy
Institution Texas A&M University
Pages 1
File Size 24 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 81
Total Views 144


This is a summary of the life and work of Aristotle. You'll understand his core contributions to Western philosophy, his key themes, and more....


Philosophy 101 Summary of Aristotle

Ar i st ot l ewasaGr eekphi l os opherdur i ngt hec l as s i c al per i odi nanci entGr eec e.Hel i v ed f r om 384t o322BC.Hewasas t udentofPl at oandcov er edav ar i et yoft opi c si nhi s wr i t i ngs .Hei sk nownf ori nfl uenc i ngWes t er nphi l os ophymor et hanmos tphi l os opher s dur i nghi st i me. Hebec amei nv ol v edi nPl at o' sAc ademyi nAt hensands t udi edt her eunt i lhewas37 y ear sofage.Hec ar r i edani nfl uenc eonmanyr el i gi onsi nhi swr i t i ngands c hol ar shi p. Hei sgener al l yc ons i der edt hef at heroff or mall ogi candi nfluenc edmuc hl at erphi l os opher sl i k eI mmanuelKant .Hei sc r edi t edwi t ht hedev el opmentofs yl l ogi s m,t hes t udyof whi c hwasc ompi l edi nt oagr oupofbook snamedt heOr ganon.Anot heroft hef oundat i onalphi l os ophi esc r edi t edt ohi mi smet aphy s i c s ,whi c hhec al l edfi r s tphi l os ophy ,f oc us edont hedi v i neandt her eal m bey ondt henat ur al .Di s t i ngui s hi nghi msel ff r om Pl at o, Ar i st ot l es awt hewor l doff or ms ,t hi ngss uc hasdi vi nenat ur e,andt hewor l dofmat t er , t hi ngst hatc anbet ouchedandf el t ,asbl ended. Ar i st ot l econt r i but edt hi nki ngar oundphy s i c sandchemi s t r yi nt er mst hats er v edaspr ec ur s or st ot hef or mals t udyofphys i c sandc hemi s t r yt oday .HewasaRenai s s anc eman t os ayt hel eas t ,wi t hi nfl uenc eonbi ol ogy ,as t r onomy ,ps y c hol ogy ,andmor e....

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