PHY DQs - DQs 1-7 PDF

Title PHY DQs - DQs 1-7
Author Tasya Wise
Course 21st Century Skills: Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
Institution Grand Canyon University
Pages 5
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DQs 1-7...


Week 1 A current strategy that I used to improve my memory in my personal life is to keep everything written in my calendar, reminders, and notes section in my phone. I find this strategy to be the most efficient because I use my phone a lot, and the notifications stay on my screen, so it is easy to remember if I continuously keep seeing the same information every day. Some strategies that I used to improve my memory in my academic life are when I am reading textbook information, and I always highlight the parts that I think are important. In my journals, I rephrase the highlight information into a way I can understand the textbook information. I also try to keep reading my journal as much as possible, like when I am completing assignments that way, the more I read the material the more it becomes memorable. My definition of critical thinking is when one actually thinks about a situation. Instead of rushing to the answer, one tends to think about all the five W's and how, consequences, outcomes of each solution, and how it is beneficial. In my personal life, the value of critical thinking is significant. I say this because the decisions that I make affect my children and husband, so I have to analyze every possible solution to a situation and evaluate the best possible outcome. In my academic life, the value of critical thinking is extremely important. I say this because I always put my best foot forward and give any assignment my best thinking process, but I try to avoid overthinking because that tends to happen a lot when I am doing academic work. In my professional life, the value of critical thinking is the key to keeping a job. I say this because the workplace can cause of a lot of critical thinking situations where one must think of all the outcomes in order to keep their job and remain professional.

Week 2 I believe in the statement "perception is reality" because most people tend to believe what they want to believe, no matter how the situation may look to other people. For example, if someone you know commits a crime and no matter the evidence presented, you still believe that person is innocent. Some of these beliefs come from what people hear, see, and think. I also know that specific life experiences can affect a person's perception. Based on how a person grows up and what is seen throughout their childhood can also shape one's opinion on life. My perception of life is based on equality and fairness because I was raised to treat everyone with respect, integrity, and equality, no matter what the circumstances are. So, in my reality, I apply this same outlook even though others might feel equality and fairness is not the answer. Allowing others to have their perceptions and realities makes room for diversity and can teach those who look from the outside a thing or two.

In the PowerPoint presentation number one, I think the presentation was very colorful and had engaging pictures. Each slide had an image that was able to give visual learners a little bit of extra help. In the slide tilted "Overview," the picture of the lion and the cat stood out to me because a person can see themselves as a lion but really look like the cat because that is their

perception of themselves. Some things that I felt the presentation lacked was more information. The slides have very simple and short information in the bullet points. The sense slide included no details on how perceptions and the senses related to one another only pictures of the five senses. The slide titled "Perception and Critical Thinking" did mention the three things that affect critical thinking, but I felt it could have elaborated more information. In the PowerPoint presentation number two, I think the presentation overall was dull looking and needed some more eye-popping colors and pictures. The slide titled "Senses" gave a nice amount of information on perception and the relation with senses. Some of the things that I did not like about the presentation is after the senses slide; it was very vague and looked like the presentation was incomplete on some of the sense's slides. There was no information on the role of perception in critical thinking and no definition of what perception is. There was only one reference mentioned. Week 3 A significant decision that I made in my life is getting married. I say this because I knew marrying my husband meant a specific type of lifestyle came with it. After all, he is in the military. My emotions played a huge role in that decision because I love him, and he is my soulmate, so I followed my heart and just did it. Another significant decision that I made was moving to Arizona. When I first got married to my husband, he was still in tech school while I was still living in Maryland with our first daughter. My husband got orders to Arizona and asked me to move with him, and I did. This decision was based on emotions because I wanted my family to be together under one roof, and it was the most logical decision. My last major decision I made thus far in my life was going to college. I say this because I never really had the motivation until I had my children, and my husband pushed me to go after my dream of being a teacher. My emotions left me feeling torn because I knew it was going to be a challenge to balance all my responsibilities. So far, so good; I learned how to manage all my other commitments and still maintain a 4.0. Emotional intelligence (EQ) is the ability to identify and control emotions in the decisionmaking process (Joyce, 2013). EQ is essential when a person decides on any aspect of life. It is always important to be able to manage and control emotions when making decisions, which allows a person to conclude the right solution (Joyce, 2013). EQ and IQ do not compare in my opinion because EQ is something that is more learned as a person grows, and IQ is more an inborn ability. My EQ helps me when it comes to making all my logical decisions in my life and also allows me to identify when I am using too many emotions. My EQ also will enable me to handle situations that bring stress. EQ and IQ are not more valuable than the other because both skills are needed to make a good decision and using all the tools to come to a solution makes people better critical thinkers.

Week 4 I found a site that lists various cigarette ads that were used to get people to smoke certain brands. One fallacy that I spotted right away was the appeal to authority. Appeal to authority is when a person of authority figure makes a claim, and people automatically assume it is true. In the ad, it has a picture of a doctor smoking the "camel" brand cigarette. Most people view doctors as authority figures and usually take their advice when it comes to health. The ad also had a massive headline with big, bold letters that said, "More doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette" So if I were a cigarette smoker, I would choose camels because a doctor smokes it, and they know what is best. Another fallacy I saw in the same ad is a hasty generalization. Hasty generalization happens when a conclusion is drawn from small sample size and does not represent the whole subject accurately. In the ad above, the headline in little words stated, "According to a recent nationwide survey," which means they only got a small sample of doctors who smoke and not every single doctor so, therefore, the conclusion that more doctors smoke camels than any other cigarette is hard to prove. The ad does not represent every doctor either because there are doctors who do not smoke cigarettes at all.

Reference Cigarettes Advertising Themes. (n.d). Retrieved from token2=fm_st001.php&token1=fm_img0002.php&theme_file=fm_mt001.php&theme_name=Do ctors%20Smoking&subtheme_name=More%20Doctors%20Smoke%20Camels

In my persuasive essay, my topic is prison reform. I felt that two of my subtopics are very factual and had no fallacies. However, after reviewing, I think that my third subtopic is a fallacy. My subtopic is "Prison should be a place of rehabilitation, not a place of torture." I felt this is a composition that is putting two or more good things together does not mean they look good together. If something is true about one part, it is true about the whole. The reason I say this is because prison and rehabilitation look good together or go hand and hand, but it is all up to that person if they want to do the steps that can help them change. For example, a person who is

known to be in an out of prison. Since that person is in prison again, they must not want to change. Week 5 The relationship between thinking and language is they are both dependent on each other. I say this because both are used during the communication process for humans. Language is used to speak while thought is used before and after you talk. Language allows many people to interrupt what is being said, which then turns into thoughts. A person must be able to understand what is being said to them (language) in order to have thoughts about what was said. For example, we, as students, have to understand what the teacher is telling us in order to process it for understanding and mastery. Suppose a person does not understand what is being said, then they cannot process. This is why thinking, and language are dependent on each other.

My parents grew in the 90s and would often use words like "home skillet," which is another word for friend. While when I was growing up in the later 2000s in the area I am from (D.C, Maryland, Virginia, or DMV for short), the slang word we would use for a friend was "Moe," which also had various other meanings along with calling someone your friend. Another slang word I would hear my parents say is "fly, "meaning something looked cool, or that person was attractive. Now we would use the term like "bad," which basically means the same thing as fly. I must say that when I left the DMV area and came home to visit, there were a lot of new slang terms that I was not familiar with, and I was looking baffled. That just goes to show that new trends are always changing.

Week 6 The difference between persuasion and manipulation is that persuasion is used for the benefit of everyone, while manipulation is used to get others to do something for personal reasons. Persuasion is getting people to do things that are in their best interest and is beneficial to the person who is doing the persuasion. In order for persuasion to work, the communication must be honest and knowing and understanding the audience (Joyce, 2013). Manipulation tends to hide its true intentions. Those who manipulate are usually aggressive, aware of vulnerabilities of the person, use specific techniques that are compelling, and have no issues with causing harm to others (Joyce, 2013). I have encountered many situations of persuasion, but one situation the stands out to me is when my husband persuaded me to move to Arizona. He explained why the move would be in my best interest and how it would be beneficial for us to be together under one roof. Joyce, D. (Ed.). (2013). 21st century skills: Critical thinking and problem solving. Phoenix, AZ: Grand Canyon University. A metaphor that is commonly used in everyday speech is "Roller coaster of emotions." This metaphor is typically used when a person's emotion is all over the place or up and down, similar

to a roller coaster ride at an amusement park. I, for a fact, use this metaphor a lot because there are some days when I am up and down. If a person did not use critical thinking when encountering this metaphor, they could wonder how emotions and roller coasters were in the same sentence. Usually, when most people think of roller coasters, they think of laughter and fun, and when most think of emotions is sometimes can be viewed negatively. I believe that most Americans are familiar with this metaphor. Still, people from different cultures may not understand the meaning at first, but with some good critical thinking skills, I think the meaning will be easily understood.

Week 7 The university's slogan "Find Your Purpose" stood out to me the most when I was doing my college search only because I struggled to figure out what I really wanted to do and enjoy doing it. The slogan made me feel like here at GCU; I would find my purpose, which I have. Many people are unhappy with their jobs or careers, but if I was going to spend money on going to school, it was going to be something that I was very passionate about. I have used critical thinking to find my purpose by giving a lot of thought to every decision I have made since I first discovered I was pregnant with my first daughter. Before, then I really was going wherever life took me. My children are my biggest motivator, just like many people. As a mother, I want to do anything I can to make sure my children have successful lives, but in order to do that, I had to find my purpose and what I really was passionate about. Growing up, I always the leader or played the teacher, helped out in the classrooms at school, did an internship on child development, and love being around children and helping. Hence, it made sense to share my abilities and love with students and become an educator.

To use ethics in my thinking means to come to decisions that are based on my ethical beliefs. From my knowledge of ethics, it is the moral principles of a person. My moral principles reflect who I am as a person and what I stand for as a woman. Critical thinking helps me think about all the possibilities involved in my decision-making process, including where my ethical beliefs come into play. In most cases, people's morals reflect who they are and what they believe is considered right or wrong. In order to form all these conclusions, the process of critical thinking occurs. Personal life experiences can also shape moral principles, which is why we, as people, are so different from one another and why everyone thinks differently....

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