Physci - FIDP PDF

Title Physci - FIDP
Author Rodimar Ramirez
Course emergency response
Institution Coe College
Pages 6
File Size 246.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 102
Total Views 126




Fl exi bl eI nst r uct i onalDel i veryPl an( FI DP) Whatt oTeach? Cont ent

Cont e nt St andar d

WhyTeach? Mos t Es s ent i al Topi c s

Per f or manc e St andar d

Lear ni ngCompe t e nci es

Compl et e

3rdQuar t e r How the elements found in the universe were formed

The learners should be able to...

The learners demonstrate understandin g of... 1. the formation of the elements during the Big Bang and during stellar evolution 2. the distribution of the chemical

make a creative For mat i on ofEl e me nt s representation of the i nt heBi g historical Bangand development St e l l ar Evol ut i on of the atom or the chemical element in a El eme nt s timeline and I s ot opes

give evidence for and explain the formation of the light elements in the Big Bang theory 1.

give evidence for and describe the formation of heavier elements during star formation and evolution 2.


write the

KUD Most Cl ass i ficat i on Es sent i al

How t oAssess?

How t oTeach?

Hi gherOr de rThi nki ng Ski l lt oAsse ss

Hi ghes tEnabl i ng St r at egyt oUs ei n Dev e l opi ngt heHi ghes t Thi nki ngSki l l st oAsse ss Enabl i ng Fl exi bl e Gener al Lear ni ng St r at egy St r at egi es ( FLS)

KUD RBTLe v el Fl exi bl e Cl ass i ficat i on Asse ssment Ac t i vi t i es ( FAA) Per f or manc e Che c k( s)

elements and the isotopes in the universe

nuclear fusion reactions that take place in stars, which lead to the formation of new elements describe how elements heavier than iron is formed 4.

Per f or manc eTask:

Gr ade: Cor eSubj ectTi t l e: Cor eSubj e c tDe s cr i pt i on:

Cul mi nat i ngPer f or manceSt andar ds:

Semest er : No.ofHour s/Semest er : Pr er equi si t es( I fneeded) :None


Per f or mance Task

Essent i alTopi c 1st Quar t er

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2nd Quar t er s 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Asynchr onous

For mat i veAssessment Onl i ne Synchr onous Hybr i d

Di st ance Bl ended Offli neRemot e I nper son

Per f or man ceTask

Essent i al Topi c

For mat i veAssessment Lear ni ngMat er i al sPr esent at i onSt r at egi es Onl i ne Di st ance Bl ende Onl i ne Di st ance Bl ended d 1st i Offli ne I nSynchr on Asynchr on Hybr i d Offli neRemot e I nper son 1. Async Synch Hybr Quar t er d Remot e per son ous ous onou hr ono r s us 2. 3. 4. 5. 2nd 6. Quar t er 7. s 8. 9. 10 .

ACTI VE Fl exi bl eLear ni ngMat er i al s...

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