Plant Based Foods PDF

Title Plant Based Foods
Course Biomechanics
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University of Antelope Valley

" Why Plant-Based Foods are Better for you with Exercise."

By, Kimberly P. Smith 08/19/19



Since I've been doing a lot of research on my Capstone Project, the most important discovery I made was that no matter what type of food I ate, the only diet that worked for me was the PLANT BASED DIET. I realized that there are way too many positive benefits from eating plants. For example, my hypertension has gone down tremendously. Before, I was not eating plant food and my blood pressure was 139/90. Now it is right where normal is 120/82. There are many positive benefits from plant based diet as I will describe later on.. "They also help with mental problems such as:Autism, Anxiety, ADHD , memory loss , Alzeimers, and Dementia". "The most common physical illnesses are : Hypertension, Diabetes, Obesity, Cancer, and all other ♥ Heart Disease. These can also be prevented and or reversed with the proper "PLANT BASED FOODS" (Smith.34,2019.) . If people would just learn how to eat properly and exercise just 150 minutes a week, their health issues would be gone!.It's not always that easy for some people because they are either uneducated on the food topic or unaware, or maybe they don't want to take the time to really fix their eating habit mistakes. The last fact I want to share with you, is that from all this research, studies have shown that the PLANT BASED FOODS DIET will keep you to maintain healthy weight and it also proves that it helps with lowering the chances of cancer, hypertension, obesity, diabetes and other medical conditions. It also states that there is a longer life expectancy with PLANT based foods. However;. PLANT based foods aren't the best diet out there for everybody. There are actually a lot of other diets out there that are also considered plant based. "There are: Mediterranean, DASH, Vegan, Vegetarian,and MIND diets." " They all contain foods rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals." " These diets have been to show great heart benefits like: lower blood pressure, lower cholesterol, lower the risk of diabetes, help maintain a healthy weight, and lower the chances of any heart disease,'' says Smith. One has to know and understand their bodies and which diet is best for them.Keep in mind, the types of PLANT foods and their sources are also very important. For instance, you want to pick out the healthy plant foods, not the unhealthy plants like white rice , white bread, or white potatoes. People tend to make careless mistakes when they eat. It all boils down to behavioral changes that need to be made along with a change in the food we eat. It has been proven from centuries way back that natural PLANT BASED FOODS are the best for you !.(Gerrater,C.222, 2017). Plant based foods are : real, whole single ingredient food. It is unprocessed, free of chemical additives, and very rich in nutrients. In essence, it's the type of food human beings ate exclusively for thousands of years!( Gerrater, C. 227, 2017.) However, since processed food became popular in the 20th century, the western diet has shifted over towards ready-to-eat meals(fast food ) which is why America has so many health

PLANT BASED FOODS 3 issues today. There are so many Americans today who suffer from hypertension, obesity, cancer, Diabetes Type 2, Alzheimer's Disease, and much more!! (Leechman,S.,2017). . With these Guidelines for proper eating and exercise., you will be surprised and excited about this plant diet. You will feel healthier, go off medications, and feel stronger, (physically and mentally.) For every physical or mental problem, you can always get your natural prescription with exercise and proper nutrition with plant foods. Changing your eating habits and trying to eat healthy is hard. Then, what's even worse is finding out that your best diet plan and all your efforts have been fooling you. Please don't let this happen to you! You can learn the most common food mistakes people make(Satija, A., 2017).  ou're waiting too long to eat!: If you're skipping meals or waiting for more than five hours Y to eat, there's a chance you will binge on next meal.To solve this problem, make sure to bring snacks on hand with you in case you get tied up and won't be able to eat for a while. But make sure you don't go over the snack serving sizes too. http://hyper . ahajournal. Org (Lawler, Kennedy, 56-58,2018). You're snacking too much. Just like waiting too long to eat is not good , snacking too much is also a bad recipe for overeating! Rather than snacking too much , make three large meals throughout your day that fill you up enough. The best snacks contain a combination of: protein, fat, (good fat), and fiber. What fiber does it expands in your Gastrointestinal Tract, filling you up, and slows down the digestion process which slows down one's metabolism. This way you feel fuller longer and won't want to snack as much. h  ttp:// (Healthy Trends Worldwide, 2019). Another mistake people make is that : They're not watching or checking their serving sizes. Serving sizes are the key when it comes to a healthy diet because anything in excess is bad. One needs to understand how much a serving size is for all foods you consume so you don't end up taking more than you realized. Read more about foods most likely to be BURNED for energy rather than STORED as FAT here. h  ttp:// (Healthy Trends Worldwide, 2019). Another common food mistakes people make is that they're eating too much fruit. Fruits are sweet and high in sugar. Stock to about ½ cup serving and try to eat lower sugar fruits like berries or melon . fruit, Bananas, and (grapes) contain more water than sugar. Just a reminder that whole fruit does have fiber in it to slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream.  ( Healthy Trends Worldwide, 2019).

PLANT BASED FOODS 4 You may also be eating too much dried fruits. Dried fruit contains 90× more sugar than coated candy .Can you imagine how long it would take to burn off all those calories?Too and most likely at least ½ of it is going to be stored as fat. That's the last thing you want to do. Nowadays, people are using JUICE CLEANSER to clean out their colon. What happens here is that the juice cleanser will backfire on you! ...Since Juices are higher in SUGAR, the faster it will raise your blood sugar, you will get hungrier faster. It will be stored as fat. In other words, your fat content goes up higher, and your muscle content goes down. This is exactly what you don't want to do. (Midlife News, 2018).

You're eating too much natural sugars, ( like honey) for example. If you want to sweeten a meal, then use whole fruit like berries and melon family. Another bad food mistake people make is that they DON'T EAT ENOUGH FOID THROUGHOUT THE DAY:. Eventually , you will be so hungry that you will end up binge eating.  on't eat enough protein in their diets. : When someone eats enough protein, they stay D fuller longer.It also increases your metabolism, burns the most calories, and it's important for building muscle tissue. For future reference, 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight is only needed to meet the caloric daily intake. One can get enough protein in fish, salmon, shrimp, eggs , and egg whites, or chicken breast. If you want to choose a salad, remember not to use too much dressing. Oil and vinegar tastes just as good and less saturated fat. Use healthy FATS like Avocados in your salads and no fried anything. Fried foods contain a lot of fatty oils and eventually will clog up your arteries. This could lead to a heart attack. You never know when they're coming because, heart attacks are Silent but deadly!( Www.Midlife News Today, 2019)

From my personal experience, eating too much fruit continuously, makes my blood pressure and blood sugar elevated, even with an improved diet. The problem was, I was overeating too much fruit. The good thing about whole fruits is that they contain fiber. The fiber helps slow down the release of sugar into the bloodstream, unlike fruit juice or candy. Now, I'm going to mention and describe some great Benefits from eating Plant Based F Foods.(some physical and some mental). Keep in mind, the food products that I'm going to mention next, aren't intended to help diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.. These foods aren't intended for those people with medical conditions. Use only as directed consult your doctor before using any supplements ,and consult a Pediatrician before you give any supplements to a child he is under 18 years of age. (Healthy Trends Worldwide,,2019).



" Hypertension is one of the leading health problems in America." The cure to this problem is simple, DIET", says Dr. McDougall . Heart ♥ ♥ disease is a chronic illness like diabetes or ALZEIMERS .According to the US.Centers for Disease Control, 71 percent of all health issues spending costs goes towards treating people with these chronic illnesses. (Www.blood pressure "Foods That Lower Blood Pressure". copyright@2019/ Healthy BP Protocol). Plant Dominant diets have a profound and Universal effect on disease prevention and often oppos the potential for reversal. (Enlightened Institutions 2019), like Loma Linda University School of Medicine, are now actually offering resident physicians specialized studies in lifestyle medication based on therapeutic applications of diet. There are many plants and mineral foods out there one can eat to lower blood pressure quickly and safely(Enlightened Institutions 2019). A good example of this is to eat: tomatoes, oatmeal, bananas, salmon, beets, berries, kale and tuna. ( just to name a few). (Sptitzner ,F, 2019). "Reasons/Benefits of Plant Based Food". These Plant food diets are rich in fiber, contain vitamins and minerals that help lower blood pressure, and lower BAD CHOLESTEROL(LDL). (Blood, 2019). 



Green Tea helps with improving memory, brain function, and attention during demanding cognitive tasks. It seems as though the higher combination of caffeine and the Amino Acid, Theanine gives green tea it's status as a brain superfood. Be sure to not add sugar or ask for it unsweetened when ordering out. (Real Foods For Life,2019).  alnuts : A study that found 8 weeks of walnut snacking improved verbal reasoning in W college students. Try sprinkling them on oats and salads, stirring them into chilli, or using them in place of ground meat.(Spitzner, F., 2019). On the other hand, if you're like me, and allergic to nuts, especially peanuts, walnuts, or hazelnuts, stay away from these nuts. I ate some dried hazelnuts last week and had a severe allergic reaction with one eye shut swollen, red hives all over my arms, and was having difficulty breathing. I was in the ER and the ambulance had to inject me with epinephrine and give me Albuterol to open up my lung passageways. That was a scary experience that I wouldn't recommend to anyone. You never know when your eating a side dish that somebody makes, and they don't tell you what kind of nuts are in it!. It's a good idea to just include one of the injectable epinephrines for children and or adults on handy in your first aid kit. According to Real Food for Life, (2019) "Baked Chicken Breast" : is one of the healthier meats." "Don't eat red meat or fried meat, instead, eat baked chicken breast". "Avoid cooking it at high heat as this may cause an increase in inflammation response". Also, avoid cooking chicken breast in high fat, butter, oil, salt, or dark meat. These are high in saturated fats. "Instead serve the baked chicken breast with NUTRITIOUS sides like green beans, spinach salad for a heart HEALTHY meal." Chicken does lower high blood pressure. (Sptitzner, F. 2019).

PLANT BASED FOODS 7 DARK CHOCOLATE: CONTAINS FLAVONOIDS.  " It improves cognitive and memory. " " It enhances neuroplasticity and brain health." " It also lowers blood pressure,'' says Sptitzner. In one study(2018),healthy participants were given 28 grams(1ounce) of 70 percent CACAO CHOCOLATE, saw an increase in brain activity related to memory and cognition(Sptitzner, F. 2019). The "FLAVANOLS" in Dark Chocolate and Cocoa have known anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects(Sptitzner,F., 2019).These are just a few foods I mentioned that helps with preventing disease, Autistics, and Alzheimer's Disease.

In the mid 80's, these power foods for the brain , Dr. Neil Barnard explains that there is a "Beta Alkaline Protein with the relationship that causes loss of memory, and this protein gets in between cells of many cells that cause Alzheimer's Disease." " These plant based foods cures this problem."says, Bernard. SALMON: 60 percent of our brain is fat. "There are omega 3 found in fish which boosts up our

for brain power and

PLANT BASED FOODS 8 against neurodegeneration."says Bernard. BLUEBERRIES, RASPBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, and , CHERRIES are strong ANTIOXIDANTS and reduce blood pressure as well as lowering glycemic count for diabetics. ( Bernard,N., 2019)."There are also Flavonoids in these Berries that have shown to help support memory function.", says Bernard." In addition, Berries are rich in POLYPHENOL called ANTHOCYANIN which has metabolic benefits." , says Bernard. Berries are also loaded with fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K, and Manganese. (LeeCharman,S. 2017).

DANDELION GREENS OR LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES all contain Vitamin A, C, and 428.1g in just vitamin K alone. Leafy greens help to prevent migraines. It is best to boil them to reduce bitterness. http://VeryWell (Leechman,S,2016). Research Studies has found that a Mediterranean Diet that are rich in walnuts may help and improve working memory. (Www.Natural awakenings , 2019). One Cohort study,(2019) found that "NUT" consumption was liked to"improve processing speech, cognitive flexibility, memory, and last but not least global cognitive functions.. (Harvard Medical News, 2018).www.full lifestyle Walnuts are loaded with PHYTOCHEMICALS and POLYUNSATURATED FATS [According to a wide range of brain benefits.( Harvard Medical News, 2018). Another study found that consuming more (fish), independent of Omega 3 content, seemed to improve the volume of gray matter, the area of the brain responsible for muscle control, emotions, decision making memory, and much much more!! ( 2019 Nutrition "The Power of Brain Foods").

PLANT BASED FOODS 9 Shereen Leechman M.D. , researched studies as far as back as 2016 and looked at the (Chocolate) consumption and how it correlates with CardioVascular Disease. Spice lowers high blood pressure too (Leechman, S MD, 2017). Now, I am going to describe the power of " SUPER MINERAL FOODS "

For example, MACA: is a root vegetable from South America that boosts one's energy naturally and not by stimulation. (Lawler, M.2018). It's in gelatin form and you put one in drink and drink it.  EMP PROTEIN: This mineral, is rich in OMEGA 3 and it's an essential fatty acid. You H can put Hemp Protein Powder and mix it with a smoothie. FRESH GINGER AND GROUND: is dried TURMERIC SPICE that helps blood circulate more efficiently and boost more energy. Add this to a drink smoothie. (Lawyer, M., 2018).  HIA: is a small, white seed that helps sustain energy and a feeling of fullness. Try eating C blueberry chia breakfast pudding. Fresh LEAFY GREENS: These vegetables contain CHLOROPHYLL and with proper exercise, it's one of the best ways to create a young body.(Lawyer, M. 2018). CHLORELLA: dress water green algae taken as a dietary supplement. it is best-known as powerful energy brain booster.(Lawler M., 2019). GREEN TEA:. is rich in CHLOROPHYLL and ANTIOXIDANTS. . This tea causes a slow and steady release of energy over the course of several hours. ( Lawler, M. 2019).

Quinoa:. Is a grain and contains the mineral  PHOSPHATE and MANGANESE. . It is also great for substituting for pasta and salads. (Lawler M. 2019).

PLANT BASED FOODS 10 Again, Berries on the list. This wonderful food prevents chronic disease. POLYPHENOL lowers blood pressure, glycemic sugar index, and controls power. ANTHOCYANIN, which has great metabolic benefits.( Lawler, M. 2019).

 weet Potatoes- are tasty root vegetables and contain a lot of POTASSIUM and S MAGNESIUM. These two electrolytes and MINERALS help to control blood pressure. So, what you want to do is bake sweet potatoes and load them upon spinach and feta cheese or shredded grilled chicken and brown rice. Sweet potatoes also contain fiber, low sodium, and low fat levels. (Dietary Fiber. "Essential for a Healthy Diet". Mayo Clinic. November 16, 2018).

GARLIC: contains ALLICIN which helps to relax and dilate blood vessels. It's a great substitute for salt seasonings.( Everyday Health / Nutrition. " The Power of Super Minerals").

White Beans: Contain a lot of Potassium which is good for blood pressure in which it helps to relax the muscles in the blood vessels. ( Everyday Health, 2019).  lant Based Foods also help reduce the risk of Diabetes type two. Yet, the types of P plants and their sources are also very important.. In other words, try not to pick the unhealthy plants like white rice or white potatoes. A PLANT BASED food DIET is a way of eating foods that clean out added sugars, and refined grains, and red meat. PLANT BASED FOODS have been linked to many health benefits including: reducing the risk of heart disease, certain cancers, obesity, diabetes, autism, and cognitive decline.(McMans,2019. "What exactly is a Plant Based Diet? "). Now, I'm going to share a touching story about a man named Marc C. Ramirez who was previously living with all the complications that Diabetes brings and how the plant based diet reversed his diabetes. This is a true testimony about a man who was Diabetic Type 2 and the

PLANT BASED FOODS 11 struggles that he and his family faced dealing with the complications of diabetes. Marc tells his personal testimony on " "How I Reversed my Diabetes and Stopped All Medications With A PLANT BASED Diet". By, (Marc C. Ramirez.,2019). Marc tells his testimony about how he watched his Mother suffer from the complications of Diabetes, the problems that it caused his 8 siblings, what it caused him, and how he made the changes to do something about it. Marc was tired of all his family members dying off and he felt hopeless that the doctors were telling him he would have to take insulin everyday for the rest of his life!. The real reason why doctors don't tell their patients about plant based diets, is because there's too much money to be made in the Pharmaceutical business and they would not have as many jobs. In addition, my father also struggled with diabetes type 2. He had to completely change his diet and start exercising. He did make a change and also tried eating a plant based diet. It also worked great for him. He no longer takes. Insulin and his blood pressure went down from 160/100 to 128/ 88, and he's lost 50 pounds. He's kept the weight off now for 10 years and has never felt stronger and healthier in his life!! great!!

Marc was serious about making his health better, so he decided to give this plant based a try. He followed 3 basic guidelines in the plant based diet and stuck with it. The 3 guidelines were: Eat no animal meat, eat foods low in fat, and avoid eating high GLYCEMIC foods. .( Harvard Health Publishing . September 26, 2018 ). Marc's diet involves foods like: Oatmeal with whole fruits , fresh vegetables, nuts, whole oats and wheat, veggie burgers, pasta primavera, and veggie sub sandwiches.( just to name a few). In just 2 months, Marc was off of his medications. ( (What Marc's doctor should have prescribed him was exercise and a plant based diet.) Marc also lost about 50 pounds, felt healthier and stronger, his spirits were up, and he felt happier than he ever before. This diet reformed and changed him...

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