PLAY Analysis Worksheet. 2017 PDF

Title PLAY Analysis Worksheet. 2017
Course Play Analysis And Aesthetics
Institution New York City College of Technology
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Worksheet to be filled for each play/ things to look for...


THE 2380

Dr. Vey

Ruby Richiez The 2380 PLAY ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Full sentences not required (except for V and VI), but please type your answers. List: Title, Author, Date of 1st Production Or Publication Tartuffe, Moliere, May 12, 1664 I. Exposition A. Time: 1660s B. Place: Paris, Orgon’s home C. Mood and Atmosphere: Rich kind of happy go lucky mood, tense in the beginning but not serious as many jokes are made, kind of silly. D. Preliminary Situation: Madame Pernelle makes her exit after chastising everyone for being against Tartuffe II. Plot A. Inciting Incident: Orgon wants Tartuffe and Mariane to marry Rising Action (List complications and major events.) 

Orgon asks Mariane to marry Tartuffe  Elmire plans to blackmail Tartuffe by allowing him to tell her how much he desires her but Elmire how much he lusts for her and is caught by Orgon’s son Damis. 

Damis tells Orgon of Tartuffes tyranny and is banished.

Orgon signs everything over to Tartuffe.

Valere and Marianne have their disagreement and almost leave each other.

B. Climax: Orgon hides beneath a table as his wife Elmire tries to get Tartuffe to show his true intentions and Orgon learns who he truly is. C. Falling Action (List major events): 

Orgon realizes that he has signed everything to Tartuffe including important documents

Tartuffe accuses Orgon

Tartuffe is taken away by the kings men

Valere and Mariane get married.

THE 2380

Dr. Vey

D. Conclusion/ Denouement (final outcomes for all major characters) Tartuffe is arrested as a fraud by and officer. The king has figured out all his schemes and wants him taken away. Orgon gets to keep everything and Valere and Mariane end up together. E. What is the play’s Major Dramatic Question? “Will Orgon realize that Tartuffe isn’t who he seems to be and has bad intentions?” III. Characters A. Protagonist (describe in four sentences, include objective & changes or development) Orgon is the protagonist, he is the head of the house and the one trying to be saved by the other characters. He is kind of obsessed with Tartuffe and wants him to join his family. His family tells him that he is up to o good but he will not listen. He signs all he has to Tartuffe and is made a fool and almost loses his home. B. Antagonist (describe in four sentences, include objective & changes or development) Tartuffe is the antagonist, a priest with malicious intentions. He like his name is a hypocrite, he speaks the religious word but would sleep with Orgon’s wife if given the chance. He allows Orgon to throw his son out and sign everything to him but is caught in the end. C. Supporting (describe in two-four sentences; function in relation to protagonist & within the structure of the play) Dorine the maid is the supporting. She tries to console Marianne when she learns the must marry Tartuffe. She helps Mariane and Valere stop fussing and stay together. She tries to help Orgon but keeps annoying him in the process. D. Minor (describe in a few words; function within the structure of the play) Cleante, Orgon’s brother in law is minor. He acts as the voice of reason. He like everyone else doesn’t like Tartuffe. He tries to help Orgon from making rash decisions. IV. Language. What kind of language do the characters use? (e.g., realistic, archaic, poetic, ethnic, contemporary, original). Give at least four examples. The characters language is similar to As You Like Its language like old English. The lines rhyme here and there and it sounds poetic at some parts. Rhyming Lines

THE 2380

Dr. Vey

Act 1 Scene 1 Damis: I can smell the outcome, and soon this coot And I will find ourselves in a grand dispute. Dorine: It's certainly a clear cause for remark When a nobody acts like a patriarch. Here Damis and Dorine are speaking of Orgon and how he follows everything Tartuffe says. Act 1 Scene 2 Dorine: I don't know whether the rumor I hear Is sly conjecture or a wicked smear. Here Dorine is speaking of the rumor of Mariane and Tartuffe getting married. Act 1 Scene 3 Dorine: Both of them are now quite fine; I'll now be going up to tell your wife Of your deep concern at this threat to her life. Here Orgon is showing how much he cares for Tartuffe. Act 1 Scene 4 Cleante: Brother, you'd be charmed if you could only see Him, and your glee would be . . . gargantuan! Here Orgon and his brother in law speak and they address each other as what they are to each other. IV. Theme (Stated in one sentence. Use your own thinking! and your own words.) The theme is twisted religion. V. Design A. What are the essential scenic elements? Bright lights to illuminate the room it all takes place in and show off the puffy gowns and makeup. The stage would be a proscenium stage so the characters can enter and exit for each scene. B. Are there other special requirements for set, costumes, make-up, sound and lighting? The play takes place in one room so a very fancy room one would imagine in a rich Paris home. A chandelier in the center and portraits hanging on walls. For costume, big fluffy gowns for the women for Tartuffe a priest outfit and Orgon and his son pants with ruffles. The women’s makeup will be very powdered and pink as for sound a song by Stromae, or anything French that can be faintly heard.

C. Are there scene changes or changes within a single set as the play progresses? The play takes place in one place in the house, there everyone exits and enters when a new scene begins or ends. D. If you were to contemplate designing a set, what colors or shapes come to mind? I’d have a set where it’s just one room where characters enter from different exits. The main entrance or exit would be where Damis exits when he’s banished. The room would be fancy with pastel pink walls, wall lamps and a chandelier hanging above.

THE 2380

Dr. Vey

V. Personal Reaction (a paragraph which honestly states your opinion regarding the play. Required: examples from the play to back up your opinions.) The play was very funny the argument with Valere and Mariane is so similar to how we act today. They didn’t want to show their real feelings and ended up almost breaking up but Dorine fixed it. The scene with Dorine and Orgon was very funny as she keeps speaking even when she’s been told not to, it’s like she’s saying little things to annoy him when really, she wants to help. The scene with Dorine and Orgon when he arrives is the best as everything Dorine informs Orgon about his wife he asks about Tartuffe. It shows how truly immersed in Tartuffe Orgon is.

VI. Author A. Quotations (at least four lines, passages, or phrases which clearly illustrate the author’s style or express ideas you wish to remember or believe to be important. Identify by Act and Scene numbers.) Act 1 Scene 1, Madame Pernelle: “He is a holy man whom all should hear” Madame Pernelle in my mind sounds like a snooty mother who disapproves of anyone who doesn’t like Tartuffe, she like Orgon believes in Tartuffe. Act 1 Scene 1, Orgon when speaking of Tartuffe says "It's too much," he said. "You're too generous;” This shows one how Orgon thinks of Tartuffe, he doesn’t see who he really is like the rest of the house. Act 1 Scene 1, Cleante says “What now? Will you not make any distinction Between hypocrisy and true devotion?” Cleante warns his brother and asks him if he truly cannot tell that Tartuffe is playing him that he’s been tricked. Important because it shows how Orgon didn’t believe his brother in law and anyone else because he was that far gone. Act 1 Scene 2 Dorine says “I've nothing to say to me. And Orgon says” Just one little word” as Orgon wants to smack her for speaking against him. This is the funniest scene and again shows how Orgon is so blind. Dorine acts as narrator through some of the play but makes the play funnier with this scene.

B. Intent (2 sentences describing your impression of playwright’s goal, plus at least four lines, passages or phrases that illustrate it) The playwrights goal was so show how blind one can be when infatuated. The playwright wants to show how we can turn on others when we refuse to believe the truth that blinds us.

Cleante: What now? Will you not make any distinction Between hypocrisy and true devotion?

THE 2380

Dr. Vey

Dorine: Wait! May you both be damned if I want this mess! Come here you two and settle this fracas Orgon: You all hate him, and now I see how my wife, Children, and maid conspire against his life Orgon: Throw yourself down and demand absolution.

OTHER ANALYSIS QUESTIONS 1. Are there special demands because of period or historical considerations, or level of society presented? The characters in the Paris France which brings along elegance and sophistication along with who they are. These people are not poor, they have maids and are well known. They are high class so the demands would be funny but played with sophistication. The jokes sound like they are said arrogantly as well as some character speech like Orgon’s mother.

2. What genre of play is this (comedy, tragedy, farce, drama, etc.)? Support your choice. The genre of the play is comedy, Moliere brings comedy with Dorine the maid. In act 1 Scene 3 Dorine is speaking to Orgon and he says to her “you're too kind, but do shut up-please do!” then Dorine says “If I didn't like you” and Orgon replies with “I don't need liking”. This is funny as it shows Dorine’s persistent and how tired Orgon is of her and the conversation. It sounds like a pesky maid badgering her master.

3. What famous actors can you see playing these characters if this were turned into a movie? For Tartuffe, I can defiantly see Johnny Depp as he usually plays a witty character that doesn’t always make sense and contradicts himself. For Orgon an older man like For Elmire it would have to be a beautiful maybe busty women due to Tartuffes attraction. For Valere and Mariane a young beautiful couple like Matthew Daddario and Emma Watson....

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