pn 2 lecture notes PDF

Title pn 2 lecture notes
Author Christina
Course Medical surgical
Institution Nevada State College
Pages 22
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PN 2 Exam 2 week 7 study guide Know what the secondary stage of the inflammatory response is 5. A client has a leg wound that is in the second stage of the inflammatory response. For what manifestation does the nurse assess? a. Noticeable rubor b. Purulent drainage c. Swelling and pain d. Warmth at the site ANS: B 1. The student nurse learns that the most important function of inflammation and immunity is which purpose? a. Destroying bacteria before damage occurs b. Preventing any entry of foreign material c. Providing protection against invading organisms d. Regulating the process of self-tolerance ANS: C 7. The nurse understands that which type of immunity is the longest acting? a. Artificial active b. Inflammatory c. Natural active d. Natural passive ANS: C 8. The nurse working with clients who have autoimmune diseases understands that what component of cell-mediated immunity is the problem? a. CD4+ cells b. Cytotoxic T cells c. Natural killer cells d. Suppressor T cells ANS: D 10. A nurse is assessing a client for acute rejection of a kidney transplant. What assessment finding requires the most rapid communication with the provider? a. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) of 18 mg/dL b. Cloudy, foul-smelling urine c. Creatinine of 3.9 mg/dL d. Urine output of 340 mL/8 hr ANS: C

What drugs are used to treat OA? 2. A nurse in the family clinic is teaching a client newly diagnosed with osteoarthritis (OA) about drugs used to treat the disease. For which medication does the nurse plan primary teaching?

a. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) b. Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride (Flexeril) c. Hyaluronate (Hyalgan) d. Ibuprofen (Motrin) ANS: A 1. A nurse is working with a community group promoting healthy aging. What recommendation is best to help prevent osteoarthritis (OA)? a. Avoid contact sports. b. Get plenty of calcium. c. Lose weight if needed. d. Engage in weight-bearing exercise. ANS: C

What is the post-operative care of a patient after a total hip replacement? 5. An older client has returned to the surgical unit after a total hip replacement. The client is confused and restless. What intervention by the nurse is most important to prevent injury? a. Administer mild sedation. b. Keep all four siderails up. c. Restrain the clients hands. d. Use an abduction pillow. ANS: D 7. The nurse on the postoperative inpatient unit assesses a client after a total hip replacement. The clients surgical leg is visibly shorter than the other one and the client reports extreme pain. While a co-worker calls the surgeon, what action by the nurse is best? a. Assess neurovascular status in both legs. b. Elevate the affected leg and apply ice. c. Prepare to administer pain medication. d. Try to place the affected leg in abduction. ANS: A 26. A nurse is discharging a client after a total hip replacement. What statement by the client indicates good potential for self-management? a. I can bend down to pick something up. b. I no longer need to do my exercises. c. I will not sit with my legs crossed. d. I wont wash my incision to keep it dry. ANS: C

Know signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA)

11. A nurse works in the rheumatology clinic and sees clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Which client should the nurse see first? a. Client who reports jaw pain when eating b. Client with a red, hot, swollen right wrist c. Client who has a puffy-looking area behind the knee d. Client with a worse joint deformity since the last visit ANS: B 16. The nurse in the rheumatology clinic is assessing clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Which client should the nurse see first? a. Client taking celecoxib (Celebrex) and ranitidine (Zantac) b. Client taking etanercept (Enbrel) with a red injection site c. Client with a blood glucose of 190 mg/dL who is taking steroids d. Client with a fever and cough who is taking tofacitinib (Xeljanz) ANS: D 17. A client with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) has an acutely swollen, red, and painful joint. What nonpharmacologic treatment does the nurse apply? a. Heating pad b. Ice packs c. Splints d. Wax dip ANS: B 1. The nursing student studying rheumatoid arthritis (RA) learns which facts about the disease? (Select all that apply.) a. It affects single joints only. b. Antibodies lead to inflammation. c. It consists of an autoimmune process. d. Morning stiffness is rare. e. Permanent damage is inevitable. ANS: B, C 4. The nurse working in the rheumatology clinic assesses clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) for late manifestations. Which signs/symptoms are considered late manifestations of RA? (Select all that apply.) a. Anorexia b. Feltys syndrome c. Joint deformity d. Low-grade fever e. Weight loss ANS: B, C, E

Know what Sjogren’s syndrome is and how to diagnose it

13. The nurse working in the rheumatology clinic is seeing clients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). What assessment would be most important for the client whose chart contains the diagnosis of Sjgrens syndrome? a. Abdominal assessment b. Oxygen saturation c. Renal function studies d. Visual acuity ANS: D

Know signs and symptoms of lupus and how to treat it, also know complications that can occur due to lupus 18. The nurse on an inpatient rheumatology unit receives a hand-off report on a client with an acute exacerbation of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Which reported laboratory value requires the nurse to assess the client further? a. Creatinine: 3.9 mg/dL b. Platelet count: 210,000/mm3 c. Red blood cell count: 5.2/mm3 d. White blood cell count: 4400/mm3 ANS: A 19. A client who has had systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) for many years is in the clinic reporting hip pain with ambulation. Which action by the nurse is best? a. Assess medication records for steroid use. b. Facilitate a consultation with physical therapy. c. Measure the range of motion in both hips. d. Notify the health care provider immediately. ANS: A 20. A client with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) was recently discharged from the hospital after an acute exacerbation. The client is in the clinic for a follow-up visit and is distraught about the possibility of another hospitalization disrupting the family. What action by the nurse is best? a. Explain to the client that SLE is an unpredictable disease. b. Help the client create backup plans to minimize disruption. c. Offer to talk to the family and educate them about SLE. d. Tell the client to remain compliant with treatment plans. ANS: B 28. A client recently diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is in the clinic for a follow-up visit. The nurse evaluates that the client practices good self-care when the client makes which statement? a. I always wear long sleeves, pants, and a hat when outdoors. b. I try not to use cosmetics that contain any type of sunblock. c. Since I tend to sweat a lot, I use a lot of baby powder.

d. Since I cant be exposed to the sun, I have been using a tanning bed. ANS: A

35. A client has newly diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). What instruction by the nurse is most important? a. Be sure you get enough sleep at night. b. Eat plenty of high-protein, high-iron foods. c. Notify your provider at once if you get a fever. d. Weigh yourself every day on the same scale. ANS: C

Know what actions can be taken to avoid infection after joint replacement surgery 25. A nurse is caring for a client after joint replacement surgery. What action by the nurse is most important to prevent wound infection? a. Assess the clients white blood cell count. b. Culture any drainage from the wound. c. Monitor the clients temperature every 4 hours. d. Use aseptic technique for dressing changes. ANS: D 6. What action by the perioperative nursing staff is most important to prevent surgical wound infection in a client having a total joint replacement? a. Administer preoperative antibiotic as ordered. b. Assess the clients white blood cell count. c. Instruct the client to shower the night before. d. Monitor the clients temperature postoperatively. ANS: A

Know pre-op teaching to give before hip replacement surgery 29. A client is scheduled to have a hip replacement. Preoperatively, the client is found to be mildly anemic and the surgeon states the client may need a blood transfusion during or after the surgery. What action by the preoperative nurse is most important? a. Administer preoperative medications as prescribed. b. Ensure that a consent for transfusion is on the chart. c. Explain to the client how anemia affects healing. d. Teach the client about foods high in protein and iron. ANS: B

Know the normal lab values for WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, and hematocrit

Know what Celebrex is and any contraindications 37. A client takes celecoxib (Celebrex) for chronic osteoarthritis in multiple joints. After a knee replacement, the health care provider has prescribed morphine sulfate for postoperative pain relief. The client also requests the celecoxib in addition to the morphine. What action by the nurse is best? a. Consult with the health care provider about administering both drugs to the client. b. Inform the client that the celecoxib will be started when he or she goes home. c. Teach the client that, since morphine is stronger, celecoxib is not needed. d. Tell the client he or she should not take both drugs at the same time. ANS: A

Know the stages of HIV and the values of the CD4+cell count for each like stage 0,1,2,etc. 1. The nurse is caring for a client diagnosed with human immune deficiency virus. The clients CD4+ cell count is 399/mm3. What action by the nurse is best? a. Counsel the client on safer sex practices/abstinence. b. Encourage the client to abstain from alcohol. c. Facilitate genetic testing for CD4+ CCR5/CXCR4 co-receptors. d. Help the client plan high-protein/iron meals. ANS: A

4. A client with human immune deficiency virus is admitted to the hospital with fever, night sweats, and severe cough. Laboratory results include a CD4+ cell count of 180/mm3 and a negative tuberculosis (TB) skin test 4 days ago. What action should the nurse take first? a. Initiate Droplet Precautions for the client. b. Notify the provider about the CD4+ results. c. Place the client under Airborne Precautions. d. Use Standard Precautions to provide care. ANS: C 1. A student nurse is learning about human immune deficiency virus (HIV) infection. Which statements about HIV infection are correct? (Select all that apply.) a. CD4+ cells begin to create new HIV virus particles. b. Antibodies produced are incomplete and do not function well. c. Macrophages stop functioning properly. d. Opportunistic infections and cancer are leading causes of death. e. People with stage 1 HIV disease are not infectious to others. ANS: A, B, C, D

Know what an epi pen is and why it is used. What other information should you tell the patient?

8. A nurse has educated a client on an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen). What statement by the client indicates additional instruction is needed? a. I dont need to go to the hospital after using it. b. I must carry two EpiPens with me at all times. c. I will write the expiration date on my calendar. d. This can be injected right through my clothes. ANS: A

What are beta blockers and what do they do? 2. A nurse assesses a client after administering a prescribed beta blocker. Which assessment should the nurse expect to find? a. Blood pressure increased from 98/42 mm Hg to 132/60 mm Hg b. Respiratory rate decreased from 25 breaths/min to 14 breaths/min c. Oxygen saturation increased from 88% to 96% d. Pulse decreased from 100 beats/min to 80 beats/min ANS: D

What are the signs and symptoms (clinical manifestations) of heart failure? 5. An emergency room nurse obtains the health history of a client. Which statement by the client should alert the nurse to the occurrence of heart failure? a. I get short of breath when I climb stairs. b. I see halos floating around my head. c. I have trouble remembering things. d. I have lost weight over the past month. ANS: A

What are the signs and symptoms (clinical manifestations) of a myocardial infarction? 7. A nurse assesses an older adult client who is experiencing a myocardial infarction. Which clinical manifestation should the nurse expect? a. Excruciating pain on inspiration b. Left lateral chest wall pain c. Disorientation and confusion d. Numbness and tingling of the arm ANS: C 11. A nurse cares for a client who is prescribed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the heart. The clients health history includes a previous myocardial infarction and pacemaker implantation. Which action should the nurse take? a. Schedule an electrocardiogram just before the MRI. b. Notify the health care provider before scheduling the MRI.

c. Call the physician and request a laboratory draw for cardiac enzymes. d. Instruct the client to increase fluid intake the day before the MRI. ANS: B 16. A nurse cares for a client who is recovering from a myocardial infarction. The client states, I will need to stop eating so much chili to keep that indigestion pain from returning. How should the nurse respond? a. Chili is high in fat and calories; it would be a good idea to stop eating it. b. The provider has prescribed an antacid for you to take every morning. c. What do you understand about what happened to you? d. When did you start experiencing this indigestion? ANS: C

What is a cardiac angiography and what complications can occur? 8. A nurse assesses a client 2 hours after a cardiac angiography via the left femoral artery. The nurse notes that the left pedal pulse is weak. Which action should the nurse take? a. Elevate the leg and apply a sandbag to the entrance site. b. Increase the flow rate of intravenous fluids. c. Assess the color and temperature of the left leg. d. Document the finding as left pedal pulse of +1/4. ANS: C

Know locations to auscultate for cardiac assessment 20. A nurse assesses a client who has aortic regurgitation. In which location in the illustration shown below should the nurse auscultate to best hear a cardiac murmur related to aortic regurgitation? a. Location A b. Location B c. Location C d. Location D ANS: A

Know the clinical manifestations of left-sided heart failure and what causes it? 1. A nurse assesses clients on a cardiac unit. Which client should the nurse identify as being at greatest risk for the development of left-sided heart failure? a. A 36-year-old woman with aortic stenosis b. A 42-year-old man with pulmonary hypertension c. A 59-year-old woman who smokes cigarettes daily

d. A 70-year-old man who had a cerebral vascular accident ANS: A 2. A nurse assesses a client in an outpatient clinic. Which statement alerts the nurse to the possibility of left-sided heart failure? a. I have been drinking more water than usual. b. I am awakened by the need to urinate at night. c. I must stop halfway up the stairs to catch my breath. d. I have experienced blurred vision on several occasions. ANS: C 1. A nurse is assessing a client with left-sided heart failure. For which clinical manifestations should the nurse assess? (Select all that apply.) a. Pulmonary crackles b. Confusion, restlessness c. Pulmonary hypertension d. Dependent edema e. Cough that worsens at night ANS: A, B, E Left-sided heart failure symptoms include respiratory symptoms. Orthopnea, coughing, and difficulty breathing all could be results of left-sided heart failure.

What does a S3 gallop indicate? When do you see this? And why? 4. While assessing a client on a cardiac unit, a nurse identifies the presence of an S3 gallop. Which action should the nurse take next? a. Assess for symptoms of left-sided heart failure. b. Document this as a normal finding. c. Call the health care provider immediately. d. Transfer the client to the intensive care unit. ANS: A

What is vasotec? What are things the patient should know about it? 6. A nurse is teaching a client with heart failure who has been prescribed enalapril (Vasotec). Which statement should the nurse include in this clients teaching? a. Avoid using salt substitutes. b. Take your medication with food. c. Avoid using aspirin-containing products. d. Check your pulse daily. ANS: A

What is imdur and what are things the patient should know about it?

8. A nurse assesses a client after administering isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur). The client reports a headache. Which action should the nurse take? a. Initiate oxygen therapy. b. Hold the next dose of Imdur. c. Instruct the client to drink water. d. Administer PRN acetaminophen. ANS: D

Know the normal values for cholesterol, LDL, HDL, and triglycerides 2. The nurse is reviewing the lipid panel of a male client who has atherosclerosis. Which finding is most concerning? a. Cholesterol: 126 mg/dL b. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C): 48 mg/dL c. Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C): 122 mg/dL d. Triglycerides: 198 mg/dL ANS: D

Know what Coumadin is and any contraindications 12. A client is taking warfarin (Coumadin) and asks the nurse if taking St. Johns wort is acceptable. What response by the nurse is best? a. No, it may interfere with the warfarin. b. There isnt any information about that. c. Why would you want to take that? d. Yes, it is a good supplement for you. ANS: A 24. A client has been diagnosed with a deep vein thrombosis and is to be discharged on warfarin (Coumadin). The client is adamant about refusing the drug because its dangerous. What action by the nurse is best? a. Assess the reason behind the clients fear. b. Remind the client about laboratory monitoring. c. Tell the client drugs are safer today than before. d. Warn the client about consequences of noncompliance. ANS: A 25. A client with a history of heart failure and hypertension is in the clinic for a follow-up visit. The client is on lisinopril (Prinivil) and warfarin (Coumadin). The client reports newonset cough. What action by the nurse is most appropriate? a. Assess the clients lung sounds and oxygenation. b. Instruct the client on another antihypertensive. c. Obtain a set of vital signs and document them. d. Remind the client that cough is a side effect of Prinivil. ANS: A

5. A client is being discharged on warfarin (Coumadin) therapy. What discharge instructions is the nurse required to provide? (Select all that apply.) a. Dietary restrictions b. Driving restrictions c. Follow-up laboratory monitoring d. Possible drug-drug interactions e. Reason to take medication ANS: A, C, D, E

Know what the post op care is for femoral-popliteal bypass and any complications that can occur 16. A client is 4 hours postoperative after a femoropopliteal bypass. The client reports throbbing leg pain on the affected side, rated as 7/10. What action by the nurse takes priority? a. Administer pain medication as ordered. b. Assess distal pulses and skin color. c. Document the findings in the clients chart. d. Notify the surgeon immediately. ANS: B 17. A client had a femoropopliteal bypass graft with a synthetic graft. What action by the nurse is most important to prevent wound infection? a. Appropriate hand hygiene before giving care b. Assessing the clients temperature every 4 hours c. Clean technique when changing dressings d. Monitoring the clients daily white blood cell count ANS: A 2. A nurse is preparing a client for a femoropopliteal bypass operation. What actions does the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? (Select all that apply.) a. Administering preoperative medication b. Ensuring the consent is signed c. Marking pulses with a pen d. Raising the siderails on the bed e. Recording baseline vital signs ANS: D, E

Know what a DVT is and the treatment, and the clinical manifestations 20. A nurse is caring for a client with a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What nursing assessment indicates a priority outcome has been met? a. Ambulates with assistance b. Oxygen saturation of 98% c. Pain of 2/10 after medication

d. Verbalizing risk factors ANS: B 21. A client has a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). What comfort measure does the nurse delegate to the unlicensed assistiv...

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