Political condition of india on the eve of Babur PDF

Title Political condition of india on the eve of Babur
Course Society and Culture in Medieval India
Institution Jamia Millia Islamia
Pages 9
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Political condition of india on the eve of Babur...


POLI TI CALCONDI TI ON OFI NDI A ON THE EVE OF BABUR’ S I NVASI ON I nt r oduct i on: Bef or et heBaur sconquer ed I ndi a,t hepol i t i calsi t uat i on i n t he count r y was exceedi ngl y unst abl e .On t he basi s oft he Tuz uki Babur iand ot herhi s t or i calsour ces,i ti s possi bl et o r econst r uctt hepol i t i calsi t uat i oni nI ndi aont heeveofBabur ' s i nvasi on.' I ndi a wasa conger i esofSt at esatt hebegi nni ng of t he16t h cent ur yandwasl i ke l yt obeeasypr eyf oran i nvader wi t ht he mi ghtand de t er mi nat i on t o at t empther conquest , ' saysDrI swar iPr asad. Thedi si nt r egat i on oft heDe l hiSul t anat ebegan wi t ht hedeat h ofMuhammedbi nTughl ugi n1526.WhenI br ahi m Lodiar r i ved t ot het hr oneofDe l hii n1517,hi spowerdi dnotext endbeyond t heci t i esofDe l hiand Agr a,aswel lasDoab and Jaunpur ,as we l las par t s ofBi har ,Bayana and Chandar i .Theor i stwho be l i evesi nt hedoct r i neoft he" Di vi neRi ghtt oRul e. "Thecour t he pr esi ded ov erwas subj ect ed t o st r i c tdi sci pl i ne,whi ch he at t empt ed t o enf or ce.Al loft he haught y Af ghan nobi l i t y who used t o shar eI br ahi m' sf at herand gr andf at heron t hecar pe t wer ef or ced t ot ake a humbl i ng posi t i on i n hi s dur bar ,wi t h t hei rar msf ol ded acr osst hei rbr east s.A publ i cdecl ar at i on by t he sul t an decl ar ed t hat ki ngshi p i s not based on bl ood r e l at i ons and t hat al l of hi s nobl es wer e hi s vassal s and ser vant s.TheAf ghan peer sat t empt ed t ocl ai mt hei ri nher i t ed r i ghtandher espondedbyi mposi ngsever epenal t i es.Ther ef or e, manyoft hehi ghes t r anki ngLodi ,Lohani ,Far mul i ,andNi yaz i Af ghansr oseupi nr evol tagai ns thi m,andhewasf or cedt ouse f or ce i n or der t o put an end t ot hei r upr i si ng.Ther e was si gni ficantc onst er nat i onandwor r yasar esul toft hi s. Sever aldi sgr unt l ed nobl esj oi ned t oget hert o assi s tAl amkhan Lodii nhi sc l ai mt ot het hr oneofDel hi ,whi chwasendor sedby t he Sul t an.The Gov er noroft he Punj ab,Daul atKhan Lodi ,

defied t he Sul t an' s aut hor i t y and conduc t ed hi mse l fi nt he mannerofa def ac t or ul eroft hepr ovi nce.Upon t hedeat h of Dar i yaKhan Lohani ,whoseson BaharKhan ( BahadurKhan) decl ar ed Bi har ' si ndependence,t he nobi l i t y ofBi har banded t oge t hert osuppor thi m.Af ghansr ebe l l ed atJaunpuraswe l l , t hi st i me under t he l eader shi p ofNasi r Khan Lohani .As a r esul t ,t heLodiKi ngdom wasmuchdi st ur bed,andt heSsul t an suffer edasi gni ficantl ossi ns t at us.Hecamei nt oconfli c twi t h Rana Sanga ofMewar ,who ul t i mat e l y conquer ed hi m.Hi s deat h,whi ch occur r ed i n Apr i lof1526,was f ol l owed by a per i od ofunr estt hatr esul t ed i nt heki ngdom ofGuj ar atbei ng si gni ficant l yweakened.Hi sson,BahadurShah,succeededhi m aski ngi nJul y1526,andhequi ckl yest abl i shedhi msel fasan ambi t i ousandsuccessf ulr ul er . Mewar Mewar was ye t anot her f or mi dabl ef or ce i nI ndi an hi st or y . Chi t t orser v ed ast henat i on' scapi t al .Ther ei gni ngf ami l ycan t r ace i t s or i gi ns bac kt ot he 6t h cent ur y A. D.The dynast y pr oduced a numberofnot abl emonar chs,t hemostnot abl eof whi ch wasRana Kumbha ( 14331468) ,who had a pr omi nent posi t i on i nt hehi s t or yofI ndi a.Hef or t i fiedt hede f encesofhi s empi r e by est abl i shi ng numer ous f or t i ficat i ons,and he al so beaut i fiedhi scapi t albyaddi ngmagni ficentst r uct ur e s.Havi ng vanqui shed t he Sul t an ofMewar ,he was abl et o cr eat et he Mewar iEmpi r east he domi nantpoweri n cent r alHi ndus t an. Babur ' scont empor ar i eson t het hr oneofChi t t ori nc l uded t he f amed RanaSangr am Si ngh,al soknown asRanaSanga,who r ei gneddur i ngt hesameper i od.A f amouswar r i orandgener al her o,hewaswounded asmanyasei ght yt i meswi t h a swar d andal ancedur i ngt hec our seofahundr edbat t l es.TheRaj put Chi efSanga,i ncont r astt ot hemaj or i t yofhi speer s ,possessed t he i nst i ni t s ofa pol i t i ci an and a s t at esman.He had cl ever l y conver t ed t hesoci alpr eemi nenceenj oyed byhi sf ami l yamong t heRaj put soft hear eai nt ohi spol i t i calsupr emacyi nt hes t at e of Raj st han t hr ough cunni ng and cunni ng. He was

accompani ed by t wo hundr ed Raj putchi ef sf r om hi s vassal s t at es.OneofRanaSanga' sambi t i onswast oes t abl i sh Hi ndu sov er ei gnt yov ert hecapi t alci t yofDe l hi .Appar ent l y ,i nor dert o car r youtt hi sambi t i ouspl an,hemadeapr omi set oBaburt hat hewoul di nvadeI br ahi m Lodi ' sar eaf r om t hesi deofAgr awhi l e Baburat t ackedI br ahi m Lodif r om t henor t h.Asar esul t ,Rana Sangawast hemostpower f ulHi ndu r ul eri n nor t her nI ndi a,i f nott heent i r ecount r y . Si ndh Dur i ng t he fir s tquar t eroft he 16t h cent ury ,t he pr ovi nce of Si ndh wasaweakandi neffect i vest at e.When Muhammadbi nr ul eTughl ug' scamet oan end,i tbecamea sov er ei gn st at e.I t wast heend oft heSumr a dynas t y ,whi ch had est abl i shed i t s domi nanceov ert hepr ovi ncei nt hel at e14t hcent ury ,andShah Beg Ar ghun,Gover norofKandhar ,who was underpr essur e f r om Babur ,was cast i ng wi st f ulgl ances t owar ds Si ndh.I n 1520,af t erbei ng f or ced t o abandon Khandart o Bahur ,Shah Begshi f t ed hi sat t ent i on t oSi ndh,wher ehebeatt heSumr as and t ook cont r olof t he pr ovi nce.Hi s son, Shah Hussai n, sol i di fied hi s aut hor i t y and even annexed t he ci t y ofMul t an. Babur ' si nvasi on occur r ed ata per i od when t he Ar ghuns i n Si ndhwer eatt hehei ghtoft hei rpower . Bengal Bengalwasaf er t i l er egi onoft hewor l d.I twasasov er ei gnst at e r ul edbyt heHusai nidynas t yt hr oughoutt het i meper i od.Fi r s t ki ngoft hi sdynast yand capabl emonar ch Al auddi n Husai n ( 14931518) r ei gned f r om 1493 t o 1518. He pushed t he boundar i esofhi sKi ngdom al lt hewayt ot hebor der sofOr i ssa, andheencr oachedont ot het own ofKamat puri n Kooch Bi har , whi ch was on t he bor der wi t h Assam. I n consequence of pr ovi di ng sanc t uar yt o Hussai n Shah Shar giofJaunpur ,he camei nt oconfli ctwi t h Si kandarLodiofDel hi ,butwasf or c ed t o make peace and agr ee t or es pectt he east er nf r ont i er of

Bi har .Hedi edi nt heconfli ct .I nNusr atShah,hi sson,whowas acont empor ar yofBaburwi t h whom hehadt ocomet ot er ms, he wr ot e:Nusr atShah was a capabl er ul erwho was al so a suppor t er of Bengal il i t er at ur e. I n accor dance wi t h hi s di r ec t i ves,t he Mahabhar at a was t r ansl at ed i nt o Bengal i .The pr ovi nce was r i ch,and t he peopl e wer e,f or t he mostpar t , happyt her e. Mal wa Mal wa,Guj ar at ,and Mewarwer et hr ee pr omi nents t at es i n Cent r alI ndi at hatwer evyi ngf orsupr emacyatt het i me.Mewar hadr i sen t ot het opoft hepol i t i calhi er ar chybyt hebegi nni ng oft he 16t h Cent ur y ,and Mal wa had achi eved i ndependence undert hel eader shi pofDi l warKhan Ghur i .However ,i n 1435, MahmudKhan,t hemi ni st eroft heGhur iKi ng,ascendedt ot he t hr one and se tt he gr oundwor kf ort he est abl i shmentoft he Khi l i j i Dynast y . Mahmud Khi l i j iwas a capabl e and ac t i ve monar ch who r ul ed wi t h ent husi asm. Mohmud I I , Babur ' s cont empor ar i es on t he Mal wa t hr one, was a weak and i ncompe t entr ul erwhor ei gnedal ongsi dehi m.Whi l ehewasi n power ,Mal was came under t he i nfluence ofMedi niRai ,a val i antRaj putChi efwhowaschosen Pr i meMi ni st erand who de l egat ed cr uci al posi t i ons of t r ust and r es ponsi bi l i t y t o member sofhi scl ansmen.TheMusl i m nobi l i t ywer eenr agedby t hi s and at t empt ed t o ov er t hr ow t he Medi ni Rai wi t h t he assi s t ance oft he sul t an ofGuj ar at ,butwer e unsuccessf ul . Medi niRai ,ont heot herhand,wasabl et owi nt heal l egi anceof Rana SongaofMewar ,whohel ped hi m def eatMahmud I Iand t r anspor thi m as a pr i soner t o Chi t t or .Usi ng t ypi calRaj ut gener osi t y ,t heRanawasabl et ol i ber at ehi sr oyalhost ageand r ei nt egr at ehi mi nt ohi ski ngdom.Ev ent hi sactofki ndnesswas unabl et o pr eser v e Mal wa, whi ch r emai ned di s t r act ed by f ac t i onals t r i f et hr oughoutt heyear . Guj ar at

Guj r atgai ned i t si ndependence f r om t he Ot t oman Empi r ei n 1401.Mahmud Begr ah was a r enowned monar ch ofGuj ar at whor ei gnedf r om 1605t o1607.( 14581511 )Zaf arKhan,t he r ul erofGuj ar atatt het i meofhi si ndependenceandascensi on t ot het hr oneundert het i t l eofMuzaffarShah,hadsever edt he pr ovi nce' st i e swi t ht hecapi t alofDe l hii n 1401.Ki ngMahmud Begar ha oft hi s dynast y was r egar ded as one oft he mos t ext r aor di nar y ki ngs i n hi st or y( 14581511) .Muz affarShah I I was t he monar ch of Guj ar at dur i ng t he t i me of Babur ' s i nvasi on,havi ngascended t ot het hr onef ol l owi ngt hedeat h of MahamudBegar hai n1511.Thr oughouthi sr ul e,hewasf or ced t ocombat . Punj ab Accor di ngt ooffici alr ecor ds,Punj abwasapr ovi ncewi t hi nt he Ki ngdom of De l hi . Howev er , Sul t an' sr e l at i onshi p wi t h t he pr ovi nce' s gover nor ,Daul atKhan Lodi ,was notposi t i v e.As soonashewasf r eeofhi scur r entdi fficul t i es,henot i fiedDaul at Khan t hatt heSul t an waspl ot t i ngsome t hi ngbad agai nsthi m and t hathe i nt ended t ot ur n hi s at t ent i on t ot he Punj ab as soon as he was f r ee ofhi s cur r entt r oubl es.As par tofhi s pr epar at i ons f or decl ar i ng hi si ndependence, Daul at khan summoned Badurt oassi sthi mi n hi spl ans.Sot heSul t anat e ofDe l hi ' s nor t her n wes t er nf r ont i er pr ovi nce was unabl et o mountanysor tofdef enceagai nstan i nvadi ngf or cef r om t he wes t . Kashmi r Shah Mi r z a est abl i shed t heaut onomousKi ngdom ofKashmi r i n 1339,maki ngi tt hefir s ti ndependentki ngdom i nt hewor l d. I ti sl ocat ed i nt he nor t heast er nr egi on oft he pr ovi nce of Punj ab.Or i gi nal l yf r om Af ghani st an,ShahMi r z awasaMusl i m expl or erwhohad enl i s t ed i nt heser vi ceoft heHi ndu r ul erof t he Happy Val l ey .He ascended t ot he t hr one i n 1339 and cr eat ed t he gr oundwor kf or t he est abl i shment ofa Musl i m dynas t y . Zai nul Abi di n was t he mos tr enowned Sul t an of

Kashmi rdur i nghi sl i f e t i me( 142070) .TheAkbarofKashmi ri s a we l l deser ved ni ckname f or hi m because he pur sued an enl i ght ened and l i ber al pol i cy of r e l i gi ous t ol er ance and s ponsor shi pf or Sanskr i tl i t er at ur e.Anar chy er upt ed i nt he af t er mat h ofhi sdeat hi n 1470.Becausei twasl ocat ed al ong di s t ance away f r om Del hi and was i n a st at e of di sar r ay . Kashmi r di d not have a si gni ficant i mpac t on t he pol i t i cal l andscapeofnor t her nI ndi a. Or i ssa TheHi ndu Ki ngdom ofOr i ssawasal ar gemonar chywi t hgr eat monar chswhor ul ed ov eradi ver sepopul at i on.Tot hi sday ,no Sul t an ofDel hihasbeen abl et oeffect i ve l yconquert her egi on. Or i ssa,ont heot herhand,di dnothav easi gni ficanti mpac ton t he pol i t i cs ofnor t her nI ndi a.However ,i tser ved a v al uabl e pur pose i nt hati tser v ed as an effec t i ve bar r i er t o Bengal ' s adv ancei nt ot hesout her nhemi spher e,whi chwasagoodt hi ng. Khandesh Khandeshwasf oundedbyMal i kRj aFar uqi ,whoi sal soknown asMal i k Rj aFar uqi .A l i t t l evi l l agesi t uat ed i nt heTapt iRi ver Val l ey Khandesh has been a sov er ei gn st at e si nce t he l ast decade oft he f our t eent h cent ur y .Mal i k Raj a,t he dynast y' s f ounder ,wasaMusl i m.Hehadacal mr ei gnanddi edi n 1399, accor di ngt ol egend.Fr om t hebegi nni ng,t heSul t ansofGuj ar at wer e adamant about consol i dat i ng t hei r domi nance ov er Khandesh and t he sur r oundi ng r e gi on.As a r esul t ,t he t wo ki ngdomswer eal waysatwarwi t h oneanot her .Fol l owi ngt he deat h ofDaud i n 1508,Khandesh wast hr own i nt ochaosasa r esul tofast al emat ebe t weent wor i valcl ai mst ot het hr one,one ofwhi ch was suppor t ed by Ahmadnag ar and t he ot her by Guj ar at ,whower efight i ngf orcont r oloft heki ngdom.I tt ooka l ong t i me, but event ual l y Sul at an Mohamud Begar ha of Guj ar at a wassuccessf uli n havi ng hi s nomi nee Adi lKhan I I I i nst al l edon t het hr oneofKhandesh.I n 1520,hedi edandwas r epl acedbyhi sson,MuhammadI ,whor ei gnedunt i lhi sdeat h

onAugust25t h.Khandeshdi dnotpl ayasi gni ficantr ol ei nt he pol i t i cs oft he per i od because ofi t s di st ance f r om De l hiand poorcondi t i on.

TheKi ngdomsoft heDeccan TheBahmaniKi ngdom oft heDeccan,cr eat ed i n 1347 ast he r esul tofa t r i umphantupr i si ngagai nstt het r ynni calr ei gn of Muhammad bi n Tughl ug,spanned f r om Ber ari nt henor t ht o t he Kr i shna i nt he sout h and was known f ori t s pl e t hor a of r oyalpal acesandt empl es.A ser i esofcapabl er ei gnscommi t t ed t hemsel v esi nanever endi ngbat t l eagai ns tt heHi nduKi ngdom of Vi j ayanagar , whi ch was l ocat ed t ot he sout h of i t , and event ual l ywon.I mmedi at e l yf ol l owi ngt heassassi nat i on oft he gr eatmi ni st er ,Mahmud Gawan.TheBahmaniKi ngdom began t ocr umbl ei n 1481,when t heShah ofI r an wasdeposed.Upon i t sr ui ns,fiveaut onomouski ngdomsar ose:Ber ar( 14841557) , Ahmadanagar ( 14891633) , Bi j apur ( 14891686) , Gol kunda ( 15121687) , and Bi dar ( 15261590) . Ber ar was t he most power f uloft hese) . Vi j ayanagar : I twasundert her ei gn ofMuhammed Bi n Tughl aqi nt he14t h cent ur y t hat t he Hi ndu empi r e of Vi j aynag ar came i nt o exi st ence. I t was a smear campai gn agai nst I sl am i n t he sout her n Uni t ed St at es.Babur ' scont empor ar i eson t het hr one i nc l udedKr i shnadevaRaya,t hegr eat estmonar c h pr oducedby Vi j ayanagarandt hemos tnot ewor t hyki ngi nt heent i r ecount r y t hr oughoutt heepochunderconsi der at i on.I naddi t i ont obei ng agr eatsol di erandgener alwhoexpandedt heboundar i esofhi s Ki ngdom by def eat i ng hi sr i val s and nei ghbour s ,he was a cul t ur ed pat r on of l i t er at ur e and ar t who i nfluenced t he pol i t i cal ,economi c,and cul t ur aldeve l opmentoft he c ount r y . Thi sKi ngdom wasati t sz eni t hatt het i meofBabu' si nvasi onof Nor t her nI ndi a.Expat s and di pl omat sf r om t hr oughout t he

wor l d wer et aken aback by t he count r y' s weal t h,pr os per i t y , and power .Vi j ayangardi dnothaveasi gni ficanti mpacton t he pol i t i cs of Nor t her n I ndi a; r at her ,i t pl ayed an i mpor t ant f unct i on i n pr ev ent i ng Musl i m e xpansi on sout hwar d and pr eser vi ngt heanci entr e l i gi onandcul t ur eofSout her nI ndi a. Al loft heses t at es,nomat t erhow ent husi ast i ct heywer eabout est abl i shi ngt hei rpar t i cul ardomi ni on,wer eper pet ual l yatwar wi t h one anot her .Because ofRaj putambi t i ons t o es t abl i sh aut hor i t yov erDe l hi ,notonl ywast hepol i t i calexpansi onoft he i nt er nal l y di vi ded Sul t anat e ofDel hisuccessf ul l y bl ocked by Raj putc hi val r y underRana Sanga,buteven t he Sul t anat e' s v er yexi st encewasi nj eopar dy .I nr eal i t y ,Sul t an I br ahi m had suffer ed a cr ushi ng de f eat at t he hands oft he Si sodi as of Mewarandhadbeenf or c edt oabandonhi spl ansf oraggr essi v e i nvasi on.I ncent r alHi ndust an,t heMusl i m ki ngdomsofMal wa and Guj ar athad suffer ed gr eat l yatt hehandsoft heRana of Chi t t or ,who had a par t i cul ar l y bad r eput at i on.A bl ockade er ec t ed by t he Hi ndu monar chs ofOr i ssa and Assam i nt he east had pr event ed t he Musl i m Ki ngdom of Bengal f r om expandi ng i t st er r i t or y .As f arast he Deccan was concer ned, t heemi r at eofVi j ayangarhadt husf areffect i ve l yr es t r ai nedt he sout hwar d expansi on of t he Bahmani Empi r e and i t s successor s,t hefiveKi ngdomsoft heDeccan.Asar esul t ,Tur ko can be f ound i n ev er y ar ea ofI ndi a.Af ghan and i ndi genous Musl i m Chi ef shad been ar r est ed and wer ef or ced t o fightf or t hei rver ysur vi val . Concl usi on As a r esul t ,byt hebegi nni ng oft he16t hc ent ur y ,I ndi a wasacompet i ngcol l ec t i onofst at es.Theemper or soft heI ndi an Empi r e mai nt ai ned a l ar ge ar my i n or der t oe xt end t hei r t er r i t or y .Becausei twasbui l ton f eudal i sm,t hei rpol i t i caland mi l i t ar y or gani sat i on suffer ed f r om i nher entweaknesses as a r esul t of t hi s. The ki ngs of I ndochi na wer e compl et el y uni nf or medofsuper i ormi l i t ar yt ec hni ques,such ast heuseof

ar t i l l er y , whi ch had become r at her popul ar wi t h t hei r count er par t si n Cent r alAsi a by t hi st i me.An i nvasi on f or ce wi t ht hepowerand r esol v et oat t emptherconquestwoul d be l i ke l y pr ey i n such a si t uat i on,and I ndi a woul d be an easy t ar getf ort hem. ....

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