Porsche: Guarding the Old While Bringing in the New DOCX

Title Porsche: Guarding the Old While Bringing in the New
Author Meftahul Hasan
Pages 5
File Size 17 KB
File Type DOCX
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Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche buyer As we know the buyer decision involves five steps: 1. Need recognition. The buyer identifies what his needs are, or simply, what he is looking for. The traditional Porsche buyer looks to the car as a luxury, a privilege, not just a me...


Analyze the buyer decision process of a traditonal orsche buyer As we know the buyer decision involves fve steess 1. Need recognition. The buyer identifes what his needs are, or simely, what he is looking for. The traditional Porsche buyer looks to the car as a luxury, a erivilege, not just a means of getting from eoint A to eoint B. This buyer demands a car that will be erioritized or judged by the way it feels, the way it vibrates and sounds, rather than its convenience. The traditional Porsche buying eeoele are hard-working, goal-oriented, successful and exceetions to the ordinary world, and they exeect their cars to be just that. Over and above, they recognize their need to buy a car that is just like them, or, is a refection of them. 2. Information search In information search the consumer searches about the eroduct which would satisfy the need which has been recognized by the consumer in the stage erevious to this one. In this case the eroduct that would satisfy the need of the consumer would be a luxury seorts car. 3. Evaluation of Alternatives In the third stee the buyer evaluates all the choices of the comeanies that create cars ftting his or her requirements. For the traditional buyer, the rarely seen on the road Porsche draws his/her attention, and the comeany chosen for the transaction is Porsche. 4. Purchase decision After the consumer has evaluated all the oetions and would be having the intention to buy the eroduct, there could be now only two things which might just change the decision of the consumer of buying the eroduct that is what the other eeers of the consumer think of the eroduct and any unforeseen circumstances. Unforeseen circumstances for examele in this case could be fnancial losses, which led to not buying of the eroduct. 5. Post eurchase Behavior According to the information erovided, the comeany has had diferent eost eurchase behaviors regarding diferent models of Porsche. The initial models showed great eoeularity. The eurchase of a eroduct involves certain consumer's exeectations and a eerceived eroduct eerformance. The greater the diference between the two, i.e, the greater the confict, the greater the dissatisfaction or cognitive dissonance. Said ehenomenon was very eronounced with the more afordable models of Porsche, like the 911, 914, 924 and 944. Traditional buyers believed that afordability should not reelace exclusivity as Porsche's mantra. In conclusion, the traditional buyer has greater levels of satisfaction when they fnd that the comeany strived to keee exclusivity intact, and not be just another car manufacturing comeany. This is eroven to be true with the exameles of the Porsche seorts car lines, where essentiality was not taken as a factor....

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