PORT 441 notes - second midterm PDF

Title PORT 441 notes - second midterm
Course Survey of Portuguese Literature
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Extensive class notes for second half of year. ...


BYU PORT 441 notes OCTOBER 23 Frei Luís de Sousa - Almeida Garrett RESUMO PERSONAGENS Madalena – mom Maria – daughter Manuel – second husband and Maria’s dad João – is the first husband that disappears Telmo – he is the family friend and the tutor of maria. Really good friends with Joao. Jorge – is manuels brother Romeiro - this is João when he has long hair and no one recognizes him

María - she dies from tuberculosis. It is said that ela morre de vergonha. She says that love is more important than society Is this a tragedy - probably not. Not everyone dies and the catholics believe that they are going to heaven. NÃO É TRAGÉDIA CLÁSSICA. Amor - Maria says that the love between her parents is real. Amor é mais importante do que a sociedade. Os Adereços - props O metateatro - play within a play. self-con O aparte - an “aside”. This is when the actor speaks directly to audience. This breaks the quarta parede muitas vezes O monólogo - monologue A marcação da cena - The notes for actors as to how and where they should act. Non-verbal cues. Called Blocking in English A quarta parede - The invisible wall that divides the actors from the audience In medias res - To start in the middle of the action, applies to both literature and theater


Realismo Drama é só o texto do teatro. Situação histórico Século 19. 1800-1899. ● Novos filósofos e filosofías ● Eram povo como Karl Marx, Charles Darwin e outros pensadores ● O ideia de comunismo era muito radical em portugal, porque ainda havia uma estrutura medieval de sociedade. ● Racionalismo, invés de depender de Fé vamos só usar nossas mentes ● Os conventos ficam fechados, a vida religiosa não fica mais no centro da sociedade ● Pastéis de Belém were created by the fathers who were cast out of the monasteries. Only three people know the real secret recipe

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Movimento Literário Realismo - vamos ver as coisas normais da vida. Nada especial, só o dia a dia (Reproduce reality with words) Romance é o gênero de Realismo Has to do with Verisimilitude Easy to read because of the modern language Herói problemático mas nāo é drama Naturalismo

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Não idealiza a realidade Is based on science and is faithful to scientific teachings. Even includes bad parts of the stories Humans are biological creations, not from God. (Exaggerates all the bad things of humanity)

Dama da pé-de-cabra Alexandre Herculano Herculano ● He is iberista - he is in favor of the união ibérica ● He got married old. No kids. Only wrote and lived in the campo and died Resumo ● D. Diogo is hunting and he finds a woman that he likes. He offered to marry her and give her the world and she only asked that he doesn't bless or (cross thing on chest). She has goat’s feet (sign of the devil). They have a son and daughter and two dogs. One dog kills another dog and in the moment he blesses the dog. The crazy goat lady freaks out and kidnaps the daughter and leaves. D. Diogo saves his son. ● This story is so crazy that it has to be true. He didn’t write it but recounts the old fable.

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He decided to go to war and that will earn him his forgiveness. He fica preso and the son starts to talk to the mom. Then the wild horse shows up and takes him to toledo or something. While he is there everyone dies in the city and the son and dad escape from Toledo and go back to Portugal. At the end of his life the father always goes to church and the son never does. The son says he only needs to give half of his soul to God. He never dies and has special powers

OCTOBER 30 Camilo Castelo Branco Romancista, cronista, dramaturgo, historiador, poeta e tradutor. Left his pregnant wife to live with his sister Never finished his doctor degree Goes with another lady, wife dies and child dies Goes to jail for having relationships with another woman 6 works per year 260 works Killed himself Still did a lot with his life Romances (majority), Teatro, Ensaios Anticlericalismo: when someone likes the church and the teachings but doesn’t like the people leading the church ❖ Camilo married with 16 years of age, wife is 14 years old

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Situação Histórico 1822 there is a new constitution and then again in 1826 they write another. Guerra Civil Quem tem o poder? A Nação ou o Rei

Brasileiro-- materialist, returned from Brasil with lots of money Mulher anjo e mulher fatal-- selfless, helps (mulher salvadora), vs obsessed and causes problems ● Eva--tem toda culpa por tudo ● Ave--Ave Maria, Santa, perfeita (palíndromo) Situação Literário

Camilo Castelo Branco "O Arrependimento" Plot: Starts with Dona Mafalda. The narrator is her cousin and he likes to talk to her and hear

her stories. One day her goes there and she says, “One of my relatives committed adultery. And I don't want to forgive.” This is supposed to be a moral lesson. In the story of Dona Mafalda, there are three brothers and a sister (One went to brazil and makes money(brasileiro), One stays in porto and has a son, and other has a daughter. The father of the boy die and he left his debts with his father. The brother pays the dividas and adopts the son. The son is problematic. The boy was never educated and has no morality and the sibling, the daughter is perfect and does not create problems. She is a mulher-fatal. She is 14 years old. Roberto is the son and he is 15 years old. Valentina is the daughter. Once he gets to the house he starts to behave better. Then the two cousins GET MARRIED. The brother in brazil dies and the only brother left goes back to brazil to get money and settle his debts. Nothing ever happens. He goes back to Portugal and stays in a hotel. Roberto goes to rob the hotel and he breaks into the room where his uncle/adopted father is staying. The father kicks roberto out of the house and he moves to california and makes lots of money. He writes letters to Valentina. At the end, Valentina convinces the father to let Roberto come back. When he comes back this is his REPENTANCE MESSAGE: society and its organization prevent the people from repenting and becoming better. He uses this story to almost justify his actions during his life. “Que a regeneração do homem pelo arrependimento não é utopia, e que a sociedade e a sua organização e que são as causas principais, que ocasionam que muitos dos seus membros não se regeneram” (p. 253) Last line from the story: “Pensem, e verão o corolário que tiram” Think about this story and take away what you want (p. 253) Tem elementos de realismo e também do romanticismo Valentina-- mulher ideal==romantismo This is autobiographical. He was an orphan too. He needed to repent. This is a lot like his life. NOVEMBER 1 Ana Plácido Luz coada por ferros, caps. 1 & 2 - realismo. Bc she will be a mulher anjo Personagens principais: Luis- Amigo de Fernando, amante de Adelina (Triangulo de amor) Fernando- He likes adelina (love triangle with adelina and Luiz) Adelina- filha do coronel Borges da Silveira, sem mãe. She is a mulher anjo, but she hasn't done anything great yet in the story because we only read the first 2 chapters Dona Suzana- tia de Adelina, Fala muito sobre a burguesia na sua carta, ideal v realidade Perguntas do texto

Como se descreve a mulher da história? Mulher-anjo? Mulher fatal? Mulher anjo Qual é a mensagem de D. Suzana? Como a historia representa o conflicto romântico entre o ideal e a realidade Romantismo ou realismo? Por que? Evidencias?

Situacao historica At this time in the history, Portugal and England are trading but England wants their land in between Angola and Moçambique. So they gave them Zimbabwe and Zambia to keep trading. Geração de 70: Grupo e autores famosos da época La Belle Epoque: todo de boa na europa, menos portugal; a responder, os autores de Portugal começaram escrever totalmente em realismo Because of all the problems ^^ we leave Romantismo and enter into only realismo. Dandi - Alguém que fala muito e nao faz nada, tem tempo e dinheiro de mais ● Crise de masculinidade ● Representa o declinio nacional de Portugal

Eça de Queirós "Singularidades de uma rapariga loura" - Realismo - she doesn't destroy his life or make it a lot better. Personagens Principais: Rapariga - she is a thief, não é uma mulher fatal nem anjo Marcário - He is away from home and tells the story about how he met the rapariga and her mom. He lives with his Tio and the rapariga lives across the street Mãe da rapariga Narrador - He is a viajante que passa a noite no mesmo quarto de Marcário O Tio Francisco - tio de Marcário, tem um armazém Amigo de marcário In the end of the story he never married the girl because she is a thief. While he wants to marry the girl his uncle kicks him out of the house. He goes to Cabo Verde to make enough money to buy her a ring. --Realismo porque tem muitos detalhes Mulher nao e mulher anjo nem fatal. É simplesmente uma mulher normal Momento de naturalismo: O homem tem

NOVEMBER 6 José Maria Eça de Queirós ● ● ● ●

Always had different jobs. Never was fully just an author (Journalist) Father had relationship with his wife before they were married Cenàculo: O jantar “ in significance of the last supper” but the purpose of them uniting at this place was to criticize society. Three phases, Romantic phase, Realismo phase, Princípios moralizantes

Porque Eca foi criado pelo seus avós? Filho ilegítimo O “Cenáculo” Foi o grupo em que ele participou. Criticou a vida social portuguesa, denunciando O clero. Última fase: Princípios Moralizantes. Writing about hope and how we can O que fazia o do grupo de que ele se afiliou? Criticava a vida social dos portugueses. Obras mais famosas? Crime de padre amaro e os maias

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Fernando Pessoa Alberto Caeiro had three main works: O Guardador de rebanhos….. Ricardo Reis. Para ser grande, Segue o teu destino Álvaro de Campos: Aniversário. Influenced by Walt Whitman What is a Heterónimo - it is a personagem that writes for you. It's not a pseudonym but it is another author created by Fernando Pessoa that writes. I imagine another person and I write as if I were that person. Semi-heterónimos, had more than 72. He felt that these separates him from others.

Como Fernando Pessoa Morreu? - Cirrose Hepática - alcohol poisoning Quando foi que os trabalhos de Fernando Pessoa Ganharam ampla publicação e aclamação? -after he died. Not during his life Qual heterónimo foi influenciado por Walt Whitman? -Álvaro de Campos


Situação Histórica ● ● ● ●

Phones, electricity, WWI, República em Portugal No King Doesn’t last very long Art is very different, new with curves and flowers, feminine figures Movimento Literário

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Everything is new. Eccentric. A lot of things that are eccentric- weird and out there Vanguarda - Futurismo (technology) Cubismo (Picasso) Expressionismo (the scream) Dadaismo (whatever put together)


FLORBELA ESPANCA Foi criada por um pai e _DUAS_ mães. Conhecida por: sua escrita _ERÓTICA_ e _FEMINISTA_. Quantas vezes ela se casou? _TRÊS_ Suicídio: 8 de Dezembro de 1930 aos __36_ anos

Modernismo - movimento literário ● Distanciamento de sentimentalismo ● Linguagem Cotidiana, Question everything ● Oposição às normas, numa atitude considerada “anárquica” Parnasianismo ● Supervalorização da linguagem preciosa e precisas ● Nao olhando no passado ● They wanted to recreate the past (new types of sonnets) ● FLORBELA ESPANCA - SONNET - MOST IMPORTANT - O FORMATO Simbolismo ● MARIO DE SA-CARNEIRO ● Another humanism movement ● Morte, Deus, Destino, etc um jeito cortiano ● musicalidade ● There was more symbolic language. It may be cotidiana but it is still symbolic ● NÃO O FORMATO - Parnasianismo has more to do with the format Mário de Sá-Carneiro - "Quase," "7," "O pajem"

Florbela Espanca "Esfinge," "Ambiciosa,""Meu amor . . . ," "Ser poeta"

NOVEMBER 13 Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen -She was a writer during the times of Salazar (the dictatorship) -She was the first woman to win the Prémio de Camões -Translated the works of Dante and Shakespeare while she wrote her own works -25 de abril FALTAM AS PERGUNTAS - wait till she sends the folheto Situção Histórica -

Dictatorship - Salazar was the dictator and he is supposed to be the NEW SEBASTIÃO. To save portugal. Portugal was good on the outside but on the inside it was all corrupted. Salazar era amigo de Franco (Dictator de Spain) quem era amigo de Hitler, então Alemanha nunca atacou Portugal. No mesmo tempo, Portugal era muito amigo de Inglaterra. O Neorrealismo


Luta de classes Regata de realismo e naturalismo There was a lot of influence between the social classes.


O existencialismo Afirma a liberdade e individualidade humano Usa ideias absurdas e estranhas

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen - "Os três reis do Oriente"


These are the three short stories that talk about how the three kings came to be. They are all about adoring idols and false Gods and doing the right These are the three wise men that took one present to Jesus Gaspar - He doesn't want to worship the idols. He prays to God and then he leaves. At the end he sees a star. Melchior - He has the clay tablet and no one knows what it means. They all try to understand it and no one can figure it out. At the end he sees a star. Baltasar - He is a rich guy who has a lot of stuff. A poor person comes to his house and he sees how sad he is. He then offers to give him all these nice things. The Poor man runs away. Baltazar sends his men to go find the poor men. They can only find a lot of other poor men. He then gives up his riches in search of a different kingdom. At the end he sees a star.

NOVEMBER 29 Jorge de Sena (1919-1978), "Lepra," "Purgatório," "Os paraísos artificiais," "Epígrafe para a arte de furtar" (331-339)

OS PARAÍSOS ARTIFICIAIS - He describes portugal as being this perfect nation. There is no crime. No slums. Everything is linda and perfeito. Even the birds are perfect. MESSAGE - The idea of having a perfect nation is impossible because there has to be bad parts of a nation. Because of the censura they could not describe the nation how it really was. Epígrafe para a arte de furtar - This is about all the things that were stole from him. Robed his Patria. Lídia Jorge (1946-), "Para além das estradas" -


Comes from a book called “O belo adormecido” Sleeping Beauty (but the boy version) This is the one about the piano. There is a cabin in the woods. A few families gather there during the holidays and the father plays the piano and they all sit around and listen until they the three youngest get annoyed with the sound and leave the house to escape the music. While they are in the woods they find a dog and they chase it around the woods. When they go back they rejoin the family and no one noticed they left. While they are in the woods they are chasing the “dogs” which are wolves and they are in a lot of danger. Then the Rapaz da manga Rasgada comes and saves the day. The kids don't like the boy because he is trying to scare away the Wolves and the kids think that the dogs are his pets and he treats them bad. He Kills a wolf in front of the house at the end. He is kinda a crazy person, its like he cant talk and is a mute.

Temas: ● Civilização vs natureza-- civilizacao nao reconhece os perigos do mundo ● “simetricamente” -- they do everything the same, don’t think for themselves ● piano -- form of distracting the people from the realities of life. The piano music enters the forest, but doesn’t change it. Nature is the same ● Feroz e vegetal

Maria Teresa Horta (1937-), "Branca de Neve," "Maria do Resgate"

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● DITADURA Women--vida interior…problems with lema (Deus, Pátria, Família). Women are being excluded from the “patria” Liga das Mulheres Republicanas: advogavam pelo suffragio e pelo divórcio As três Marias-- escreveram o Livro Novas Cartas Portuguesas (new from cartas of Leonor Marquesa)

DECEMBER 4 Maria Teresa Horta Onde Maria Terese Horta Estudou? Universidade de Lisboa, Na faculdade de letra. Qual é o nome do livro que “As Três Marias Escreveram? Novas Cartas Portuguesas True/False: Maria Teresa Horta Faleceu no ano passado em Lisboa? Falso, ela ainda está viva

Branca De Neve - Maria Teresa Horta This is the story about the little girl who’s mom died. Her father marries another lady and she doesn't love the girl. She finds a picture of her parents on the day they got married. She is mad at her dad, so she cuts her dad out of the photo and cuts the picture into pieces. Maria De Resgate - Maria Teresa Horta This is the one with the angels. But they are not like the normal angels that we think of. They are all terrible. The menina is scared of them. No one will save her from the anjos. MENSAGEM - exploration of the way children react to not being loved. When the people that should love them (AKA the anjos) do not love them, then the child will feel super alone. Todos os nomes - José Saramago Main Character: José Age: 40-50 years old talvez. Its doesnt say -He dedicated his life to work at the Conservatória Geral do Registro Civil. He's been there for I think 26 years. He was a super good worked and never missed work. -The place where he works has filing cabinets that reach “the darkness” and large stairs that can reach the top of these filing cabinets. -He is a super normal guy and there is nothing remarkable about him. -The conservatoria has a bunch of houses around it and they all face in and have doors that point in. -He is not allowed to use the door from his house to go right inside but he has to go out and dar a volta como o resto do mundo -He is the only one left at the conservatória and all the other workers have left. All houses have been torn down except his. -He had no family, so he was allowed to live right in the conservatory as long as he did not use the key that went straight inside the building. -To pass time at work, he collects famous people’s information. -He has this collection of information about famous people and he wanted to get the dates that stuff happened, so he breaks the rule and goes right inside the building with the key to get the needed documents. He did this a bunch of times and only at night. -He feels very justified in his actions. -One of the times he goes to get some dates he finds a a document with a Picture of a woman glued to it. He ends up falling in love with this girl and goes on a journey to find out who she is even though he doesn't know her. -Mr. José, after many years, begins to engage in social relations, begins to dare to go beyond limits, and as he says himself, begins to live. -He goes to her school and her work and then he goes to her house. He ends up stealing from people. He is obsessed with finding out information. -the only person who is named is José. Everyone else is called by what they are. (e.g. Mulher Desconhecida.) IS THIS PLACE RUN BY THE CHURCH OR GOVERNMENT???

Saramago turns the simple into the complex. Simple things can become big stories.

*Women don’t have examples of other female authors-- there is no precedent for female authors A REVOLUÇÃO DOS CRAVOS Sem sangue Os soldados trabalharam com o povo para resistir a ditadura Independencia das colonias tambem Literature after the Dictatorship ● Literatura-- focused on celebrating new liberty, also includes democratic and libertarian ideals. ***acontece uma explosão de tudo ○ Social and political functions of art ○ Identidade nacional ○ Criticar a politica atual ○ Reinvestigar national and political past (Quinto Império, Descobrimento, Exploração) E um novo ponto de vista: reconhecem que têm outros ● Hyperidentity: Eles estão fixados no passado-- Olham para o “golden age” de Portugal ● Brechtian: art-- (art “artificial,” não reflect a realidade-- chama atenção ao fato que não e real, e teatro) expose relationshi...

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