Poverty in America- ABS Case Study Dee1 PDF

Title Poverty in America- ABS Case Study Dee1
Author Mateo Fabrizio
Course Professional Orientation In Psychology
Institution University of Phoenix
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Poverty in America- ABS Case Study Dee WASHBOARD ABS 200 Introduction to Applied Behavioral Science

Low income in America- Case Study “Dee” I will identify a case examine based on Dee, and lower income in America. ?nternet site write this kind of I will publish Dee’s your life, how and why completely in lower income. “I i am too very pleased to make a complaint, ” (Seccombe, 2007) Dee in my case study will show. While most knowledge poverty for the reason that individuals, we all on the outside seeking in are unable to fully grasp the causes and effects without an appreciation on the social environment in which low income exists. Lower income is experienced when playing a macro, societal level, and knowledge. To truly figure out it requires all of us to connect the two micro- and macro-level activities. Dee can be hoping to prevent programs just like welfare, and food rubber stamps or Medical planning, but you will find few options open to those in the cycle of poverty. Poverty is increasing in America. What are the causes for low income for those just like Dee, just how did they will get there? Is definitely the cause individuality, social structuralism, culture of poverty, or fatalism? In the case study I am presenting about Dee, in this paper the focal point will be on poverty and how Dee found themselves there. What events and factors occurred for her to start and stay in the circuit of low income? This study is based on a client named Dee, who lives in poverty. I will share Dees background influences that led to her situation. The fact that she will not want to except support from the govt in terms of well being, food rubber stamps, or neither does lady accept that the is the way her life will always be. Dee is a 31-year-old woman with an 11 year old daughter. “She is happy to be alive, after years of submitting to physical and erotic abuse by simply her domineering husband, jane is finally absolutely free. ” (Seccombe, 2007). It was a little while until Dee a long time to get from that place to where she actually is now. Your woman makes few apologies to get herself, “I just didn’t know that I used to be worth more than this, ” states. (Seccombe, 2007). Dee spent my youth in a home that was as well in lower income, it was destitute economically, socially, and mentally, so the woman married at age 18 to escape that environment. What the woman cares about most is her daughter, Clare. “Can the woman ever forgive me for making her live like that—for seeing her momma blood loss on the floor? To find seeing her daddy bending over myself with a such as the, laughing? From attending to all of us as we cursed each other? ” (Seccombe, 2007). For her to finally get free from that circumstance, it took the two police input and help out of her religious organization members to leave her oppressive husband. Some of those church subscribers that cared for about her finally was adamant after a intense attack by her spouse that this lady move to a safe place. They will found short-term shelter with the home of an church member’s sibling. “For the first time within a long even though, maybe permanently, Dee explained she seemed safe. ” (Seccombe, 2007). All of these elements combined leave Dee and Clare in the cycle of poverty. This girl wants to be on her individual and self-sufficient. Why is existence so hard on her? This is what clarifies the unstable situation of Dee, Clare, and the scores of others who had difficulty get together basic demands for foodstuff, shelter, and clothing. How come people poor? The video right from James Li indicates the cycle of poverty and similarities regarding my case study. This video explains the cycle of poverty for people such as “Virnie, with insufficient education, low income jobs, absence of health care, nonexistent cost-effective housing, and many more things”, likewise Dee contains faced. For this reason government dependence is transferred from technology to technology without the capability for them to obtain out. (Li, James May possibly 2007). There are numerous theories agreed to explain the nature of poverty and why so many people are insolvent in the United States (Seccombe, 2011). One other case from the video, Tammy’s story shows the similarities to my case study. It features Tammy a mom of four children living at the bottom rung of this social step ladder. She also were raised poor, and she says “it’s not her fault she has poor, this wounderful woman has been about welfare just for 18 years but wants to change that now, so she has a job but walks to work 10. 5 miles, her residence is a clutter outside and doesn’t know very well what to do to assist herself. ” (Tammy’s report, Oct twenty-four, 2006) The purpose of this case study is to show how the cy-

cle of poverty exists. “Poverty is the condition where persons maintain “a standard of living under the minimum necessary for the maintenance of adequate meals, health, and shelter” The gap among rich and poor can be widening in the United States, which raises questions regarding economic justice. ”(Kirst-Ashman 453) The purpose of the using the book, “Human Behavior in the Macro Social Environment” is to concentrate on which point of view fits the situation study. “Many clients tend not to, or understand that they tend not to, have electrical power over themselves, or the neighborhoods in which they reside. This sense of powerlessness underlies many problems in living. It can be internalized and lead to learned confusion and removal from your community. As being a social employee on Dee’s case, attempts would be to overcome the furor, and remoteness that comes with lower income in Dee’s life. A great empowerment positioning practice by simply positively influencing her feeling of worth, sense of membership in her community, and the ability to create difference in her surroundings”. Empowerment in generalist practice involves vital thinking about just how macro devices will have an effect on Dee. The social member of staff must give attention to strengths that may provide a sound basis meant for empowerment meant for Dee, and by using the advantages perspective, the social employee can give attention to resources, capacities, knowledge, skillset, motivations, knowledge, intelligence, and also other positive attributes that can be used to help Dee solve complications and go after positive adjustments and help together with the cycle of poverty meant for Dee and hopefully end it with her child Clare. (Kirst-Ashman 55) To set a plan in position to show Dee she has a “Positive good sense of self-worth and skills, “I morning important. ” “I morning capable to get things performed. ” (Kirst-Ashman 55) With Dee’s earlier childhood days experience “psychoanalytic theory highlights the impact of early existence experiences upon current emotions and tendencies. ” (Kirst-Ashman 76) Dee was raised in poverty and it is still poor 30 years in the future. What retained her right from going to school, or receiving a job? As to why did our daughter marry at 18, the moment teen partnerships are prone to failing? Is this merely part of her culture or subculture? Performed her parents and close friends encourage her to go to university? Why performed she easily get married was it to get out of a terrible situation? Does Dee’s limitations in her life, plus the choices her parents built, “the deficiency of economic solutions, her parents’ alcoholism, and their lack of psychological support, play a role in Dee’s low income? In other words, this tells us a subculture does not exist in a vacuum; it reflects both its structural surroundings as well as individual selections. ” (Seccombe, K. 2011). Based on this kind of theory Dee’s experiences via her early on childhood of living in poverty and not having self worth and positive reinforcement from her parents, has made an impact on her individuality, and how your sweetheart deals with situations she has got in her life. This kind of contributes to the advantages of to get through this struggle, work, and make a better life for her and her daughter. This means lady may need to request help and necessarily have a fear of inability and failure, she can do it on her personal. Based on the report, “The Enduring Challenge of Concentrated Poverty in America” it shows the way you understand in which and how lower income exists. This report examines the issue of focused poverty and highpoverty neighborhoods from across the country, including countryside communities like where Dee, Virnie, and Tammy live. The case studies presented, assists us to understand the mechanics of poor people living in poor communities, plus the policies which is needed to carry both in the economic popular. The target is to raise our comprehension of where and just how poverty exist. When selecting residents, and community kings, it will help the social staff to understand just how concentrated lower income affects persons and local communities and be able to help Dee. (Erickson, D., Reid, C., Nelson, L., O’Shaughnessy, A., Berube, A., Watts. C., & Brookings, We. 2008). Depending on research by “Articulations of Place, Low income, and Race” it clarifies that low income is not really exclusively an economic process, nor is it one of a kind of locations. It reveals an examination of how monetary shifts, ethnical differences, and practices of exclusion develop poverty. Your research shows having less knowledge about place and competition differences. There is decades of research upon poverty, and exactly how it plays a part in the pattern of low income. Socio-cultural hypotheses focus on persons and then say it’s the result of their behavior, psychological, and cultural traits with the poor themselves. This says that people choose to be poor and are empowered to do so by welfare. They call this position “blaming the victim” and in turn of outlining the importance of socioeconomic and institutional buildings that bring about poverty. (Lawson, V., Jarosz, L., & Bonds, A. 2010) This kind

of study just indicates a person theory and describe all of the cases of poverty neither does it teach you the case analyze of Dee, but provides an example of the thoughts more when it comes to low income. It’s imperative that you realize that anyone could become impoverished by a crisis such as an injury, health problems, or a layoff. Many of the differences between “us” and “them” are very subjective and could run away just like that in a desperate. Understanding each of our similarities will help create more rational, individual, empowering programs and interpersonal policies. ”(Seccombe, K. 2011). For Dee her mini system is accomplish functional complete for now, nonetheless she is during this process of making improvements, she is planning to make her home homier, one item at a time. Within a broad good sense, her character, emotions, values, behaviors, passions, goals, advantages, and weak points all help to make her one of a kind, but this lady needs to discover all of this again. This involves working together with her, curious about her concerns and skills, and boosting her performing. (Kirst-Ashman 26) Dee’s strumento system environment is very small , because this girl was hitched and now is definitely not, she has her Church, her job, and her daughter. She didn’t have sufficient friends because of the isolation to be abused and hiding her life. Dee’s macro program has changed since she has the help of her Church. (Kirst-Ashman 26) Dee can’t rely on her father and mother as they are “life-long alcohol and drug abusers. Her buddie was in prison, and she had not seen him in years. Dee knew that, other than the generous care from her church family which was bound to expire soon, she was on her own and was required to find a job quickly. ” (Seccombe, K. 2011). Dee as a single mom now alterations many things, when ever Dee functions nights or perhaps weekends Clare is the only person; Clare is normally on her have after institution. Sometimes, Dee can get a neighbor to observe her, nevertheless the sitter costs Dee $2. 50 1 hour, a large amount of her hourly wage. Based on the study in, “Poverty in America” it shows individual options people help to make may be adding to poverty. It states that poverty “remains pervasive to find so many causes: the way we all understand and define lower income, our marketplace, social couchette groups (such as ethnicity and ethnic groups), as well as the way the policies react to these issues. ” The research clarifies that people generally think of low income in terms of essential disadvantages just like Dees, and shows that lower income is a common characteristic of most monetary systems. The goal to raise resources is normally not one of the conditions. There is support but as monetary growth takes place it enhances increases in wages and overall benchmarks of living, but hardly ever seems to reach the pattern of low income. (Iceland, M. 2012). Designed for Dee a few may state it was a choice, because for her to marry so young just to get out of her home situation didn’t help. An abusive husband is never one’s fault. But for Dee not being able to work although married, and having to begin seems difficult without some assistance, hence, the cycle of poverty continues. There are theories to explain the cycle of poverty; four answers form “How Can We Teach you Poverty? ” (Seccombe, T. 2011). Individuality; “an individual perspective states that lower income is primarily a result of personal failings, and the poor generally have only themselves to blame for their situation. ” They argue that because everyone in theory has an matched chance to have success, those that are unsuccessful have themselves to blame, the concept virtually any individual can out of your cycle of poverty with hard work and motivation. The true secret feature of Individualism may be the focus is definitely on the individual—they say we have to change the person so that they could be more productive in society. In Dee’s circumstance and her situation Dee was wanting to find a job to enhance herself in her fresh life to higher care for Clare. (Seccombe, E. 2011). “But what can we make of Individuality, or the Traditions of Low income? Even with the widespread demand for Individualism, we come across few, if perhaps any signs, of laziness, lack of motivation, or enthusiasm with living off the public resources like welfare. Dee represents lots of women who wish to “make it” on their own and their kids, but confront odds which have been stacked against them. Lady works hard and helps you to save her cash, she says, in case you get a increase prices increase at the same time. This does not mean that Individualism has no role in poverty, there are lazy and unmotivated poor people; however , but additionally, there are some rich and middle-class people who also fit this kind of profile. Lower income and apathy are not identifiable. ” (Seccombe, K. 2011) Social Structuralism, which clashes individualism, a social structural approach says that poverty is a result of financial or interpersonal imbalances within the social structure that limit opportunities for some people. That is clearly present for Dee, millions of individuals earn bare minimum wage, that is not enough to assist a family, and as a consequence Dee hails from poverty mainly because she gets minimum

income. And the fact that she under no circumstances gets enough hours and she has infrequent hours that creates getting maintain Clare quite hard. So as an effect Clare remains to be home all alone, and completely among the 10% of 5–11 year olds, and 34% of 12–14 year olds who happen to be in “self-care”. (Seccombe, T. 2011) The culture of poverty point of view takes the characteristics of Individualism and Sociable Structuralism and suggests that the indegent have truly developed their particular subculture, with values, features, and expected values as a immediate result of the structural restrictions associated with currently in remote purses of low income. This subculture is supposed to progress a weaker family structure, and people who show a confusion and resignation toward operate. From the Fatalism perspective, low income is not really anyone’s error, but rather can be described as potential outcome of unexpected, random, or perhaps natural individuals events or chain of events. For example , a woman may be battered, which is what happened to Dee. (Seccombe, K. 2011) In conclusion, because Dee as a case study, and how and why she is in the cycle of poverty. The evidence presented within my paper coming from research hypotheses indicates that Dee can do everything in her capacity to overcome her situation. Her poverty has experience both on a macro, social level, and her earlier experiences. Therefore , of the several theories and explanations, what kind best talks about poverty? Low income is a complicated occurrence. That occurs when playing a strength level, and a personal level, as explained in the case of Dee and Clare. There are multiple explanations that can come in to enjoy for the cycle of poverty. Quite, these several theories would not “compete with each other” at all; that they seem to interact with each other to clarify Dee’s lower income. We see Fatalism, because “Dee was a battered woman, her husband sexually and yourself abused her; she would not ask for this kind of. She was obviously a victim, together little control of this situation, right up until she finally took control and fled. ” Nonetheless Dee playing few task skills and few economic options or perhaps resources. (Seccombe, K. 2011) Understanding her micro environment and encouraging her to fully re-engage in her mezzo and macro environments to help her move forward in order to find resources to recuperate from this problem will be a key component in personal strength for Dee. As a behavioral science sociable worker applying Generalist Practice to help her feel she could have control of her unique situation. Let me put together a strategy for her involving a combination out of her mini, mezzo, and macro surroundings with the focus on her mini environment, mainly because Dee acquired struggled much not assuming she was worth anything. Because of her personality qualities the micro environment will have the most impact on changing her perspective and will help her to confront the hurdles in her critical considering what steps to take next. Then analyzing her improvement and determining if the woman needs extra resources would be the next step. A single recommended program would be pertaining to Dee to find others in her community to interact, for example; to care for each other’s children while they work. There is also a strong opportunity that Dee will stay in the cycle of poverty; the girl with too very pleased to complain” and as well proud to ask for help. Young families like Dee’s need applications and procedures in place to stay socially and economically healthier and to progress to grow. Without these rewards Dee is likely to stay in lower income. We must use methods because helping professionals to work to build family members resiliency. We must move past our bias, be conscious of the macro, social strength environment, and the causes of low income. “Understanding the similarities can help create even more rational, individuals, and strengthening programs and social policies”. To have Dee focus on empowerment and stress critical thinking, for Dee, so as to not be in a situation where she gets to stay with an tourner because of cash flow. (Kirst-Ashman xxiii) To have Dee sign up for empowerment programs to aid her gain a positive frame of mind, and help her continue in her endeavors to provide a better life on her behalf and her daughter. To pay attention to her skills would give Dee empowerment to switch her circumstances for good. In the event she has produced considerable progress the social worker client relationship would no longer be needed. With a follow-up in six months to address how she is advancing, to see if your lady requires help with any fresh needs. Sources: Kirst-Ashman, E. K. (2011). Human Behavior in the Macro Social Environment. (3rd ed. ). Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. Retrieved out of http://online.vitalsource.com/ Seccombe, K. (2011). How Can We all Explain Lower income? Case Study of Dee Unveils the ...

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