Power of Race Illusion 3- viewing sheet 2 PDF

Title Power of Race Illusion 3- viewing sheet 2
Author Raquel Kipnis
Course Screening Race And Ethnicity
Institution Indiana University Bloomington
Pages 3
File Size 31.9 KB
File Type PDF
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questions based on hour long video called Power of Race Illusion 3 ...


Scr eeni ngRace&Et hni ci t y–Fal l2019 MSCH212 Race:ThePowerofanI l l usi on Epi sode3–TheHouseWeLi veI n Vi ewi ngWor ksheet Compr ehensi onQuest i ons 1. Whowasal l owedt obec omeanat ur al i z edc i t i z enbef or e1954andwhowas n’ t ? Whatr i ght sandpr i v i l egesdoc i t i z enshav et hatnonc i t i z ensdon' thav e ?Whatwer e t hec ons equencesf ort hos edeni edc i t i z ens hi p? Bef or e1954i fy ouwer ewhi t ey ouwer eaut omat i c al l yanat ur al i z edc i t i z en.Ev er y one el s eunf or t unat el ywasnot .Thes ewhi t epeopl ehadpr i v i l egessuc has ,bei ngabl et o v ot eandbei ngabl et oownl and.Theyal s ower enotal l owedt ohav et hes amej obs t hatwhi t epeopl ewer eabl et ohav e.Ont heot herhand,nonc i t i z ensdi dnothav e t hesepr i vi l eges .Thatbasi cal l ygoeshandandi nhandwi t ht hecons equencest hat nonwhi t epeopl ehadbecaus et heydi dnothav easmanyoppor t uni t i esaswhi t e peopl ewer egi v en.“ Tobewhi t ewast ogai nt hef ul l r ewar dsofAmer i c anc i t i z ens hi p. ”


Howdi dEur opean“ et hni c s ”bec omewhi t e ?Whatc hangesmadet hi sposs i bl e ?

Thet er m“ TheMel t i ngPot ”whi chmeantt hatAmer i cai sacount r ywher epeopl e f r om al ldi ffer entpar t sofEur opecomet ol i v eandvi s i tandi tc r eat esonebi gc ul t ur e ofpeopl e.Yet ,peopl eofc ol orwer enev eri ncl udedi nt hemel t i ngpot .Si nc eal otof Eur opeanswer ecomi ngt oAmer i c abyl awt hecour t shadt odi s t i ngui s hwhoi swhi t e andwhowasnotunderl aw.Amer i cancour t shav et hepowert odi st i ngui s hwhoi s whi t eandwhoi snot .Theydes i gnat edt hatAr meni ansar ewhi t e.

3. Howdi df eder al hous i ngpol i c i esi ns t i t ut i onal i z es egr egat i onandweal t h di s par i t i es ? Thi spol i c ygav el oanst oAmer i c anss ot hatt heycanpur chas ehomes. Nonwhi t eswer enotal l owedt oownt hei rownhomess ot hi spol i c ydi dnotev en appl yt ot hem.Mostoft hemoneywentt obui l di ngadi v i debet weenwhi t eand bl ac kf ami l i es .Thi sonl yencour agedmor es egr egat i onbec ausewhenwhi t e peopl es eet hatapol i c ys uc hast hi sonei sonl yas s i st i ngwhi t epeopl ei tmak es t hem becomemor er aci s t .Youcoul dnotev engetapos i t i v ef eder alhous i ng pol i c yappl i edt oy oui fy oul i v edt oocl os et oanonwhi t ef ami l y .Onc et her ewasa wal lputupbet weent hehomes ,t henmor t gageswer eappr ov ed.

4. Whydopr oper t yv al uesgodownwhenanei ghbor hoodc hangesf r om whi t et o nonwhi t e ?Whopl ay sar ol ei nt hi s ? Thef eder alhousi ngadmi ni st r at i onwr i t er ss ai dt hati ft her ear eupt ot wo nonwhi t ef ami l i est hatwantt ol i v ei nanei ghbor hoodt hepr oper t yv al ueswi l l go down.I nt he1930’ st her ewasanat i onalappr ai s als y s t em t hats howedwhat l ar geofar ol er acepl ay si nr eal es t at e.

5. Whathappenst omeasur esofr aci aldi s par i t i esi npl acesl i k eeducat i onand wel f ar e r at eswhengr oupsofs i mi l ari ncomeANDweal t har ecompar ed? Maj or i t yofAmer i can’ shel dt hei rmoneyi nhomeequi t y .Thati st hei rs avi ngs bank ,t heyar ebas i c al l yl i vi ngi ni t .Whi t epeopl ewer egi v enweal t handacc es st o pr oper t ywhi l enonwhi t eswer enot .Ul t i mat el y ,whi t epeopl ec angetagov er nment l oanandpas sdownahomet oy ourchi l dr enorhel pt hem bedebtf r eei nt he f ut ur e,pas si ngonweal t h.Wher eas ,nonwhi t epeopl edi dnothav et heopt i ont o dot hes amef ort hei rc hi l dr enal lbecauseofr acespol i c i esandpr act i ces .Ev en wi t ht hes amei ncomeswhi t epeopl ear emuchweal t hi ert hanbl ackf ami l i es .

Di scussi onQuest i ons 1.I nt heear l ypar toft hi sc ent ur y ,As i ani mmi gr ant swer enotel i gi bl ef orc i t i z enshi p,no mat t erhowl ongt heyl i v edi nt heU. S.Whati st hel egac yoft hos el awsi nt er msofhow As i anAmer i cansar evi ewedt oday ?Whatr ol edoesr acepl ayi nc ur r entU. S.pol i cyon i mmi gr at i onandgr ant i ngofc i t i z enshi p?Howi souri deaofc i t i z ens hi ps t i l lt i edt or ac e ? As i ansusedt onotbeel i gi bl et obec i t i z ensoft heUni t edSt at esbecauset heywer enot c ons i der edt obe“ whi t e” .I not herwor ds ,t heydi dnotbl endi nt ot hemel t i ngpot .Lat eron t hec our twast ak i ngupac asewi t haSout hAs i ani mmi gr antandU. SAr myv et er anwho pet i t i onedf orc i t i z ens hi pandaf t ert hi sent i r ecas et hecour tes t abl i shedt hatSout h As i ansar ei nc l udedi nt heCaucas i anr ace.I ni t i al l y ,As i answer enotal l owedt obe c i t i z ensbecauset heypos edasat hr eatandwer e“ t oodi ffer ent ” .Thes eday s ,As i ans pl ayav er yl ar ger ol ei nAmer i c a.Somepeopl efi ghtf orourc ount r y ,somepeopl eown l ar gecor por at i ons ,et c .Amer i cai smuc hmor el eni entonr acenowt hani tus edt obe andnowI ndi ans ,bl ack s ,As i ans ,et c . ,c anbeci t i z ensoft heUni t edSt at es.Though,t he i deaofc i t i z ens hi pi sst i l lt i edt or acebecaus ehi st or i c al l ywhi t epeopl ehadanadv ant age ov eranyot herr aceandsomei ndi v i dual sar es t i l l awar eoft hatandusei tt ot hei rpower .

2.Comment i ngont hei deat hatt heU. S.i samel t i ngpot ,s oc i ol ogi s tEduar doBoni l l aSi l v asay s ,“ Thatmel t i ngpotnev eri ncl udedpeopl eofcol or .Bl acks ,Chi nes e,Puer t o Ri c ans ,et c .coul dnotmel ti nt ot hepot . ”Thi nkaboutt hephr as e“ mel t i ngpot ” —what doesi ti mpl y?I ft hi sdoesnotappr opr i at el ydes cr i bet heU. S. ,whatmet aphorwoul dy ou us et odesc r i bet heU. S. ? WhenIt hi nkoft hephr ase,“ Mel t i ngPot ” ,It hi nkofanyt hi ng,nomat t eri t ssk i nc ol or ,al l bl endi ngt oget her .Af t err eadi ngmor eaboutt hi sphr aseIl ear nedt hati tmeantonl y whi t epeopl e.Nowaday sl ooki ngatt heUni t edSt at esmydefi ni t i onofamel t i ngpot woul dbev al i dbecaus et her ear es omanypeopl eofdi ffer entr aces ,andi ti s ac cept abl e.Wher eas ,backt hent hec our tgott odeci dewhowoul dr ecei v ewhatr i ght s bas edoni ft heyar ewhi t eornot .Eduar doBoni l l aSi l v a’ sdefi ni t i onIdonott hi nk desc r i best heUni t edSt at esatal l ....

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