Practice quiz on Chapter 15 Freshwater PDF

Title Practice quiz on Chapter 15 Freshwater
Author Akasha Diyunuge
Course Global Warming
Institution St. John's University
Pages 12
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Practice quiz on Chapter 15 Freshwater 1. Which of these classifications of water would apply to aquifers such as the Ogallala Aquifer located in the U.S. Great Plains? a.

Fresh water


Salt water




Surface water

2. A wetland near you only contains standing water during the spring months, and dries out during summer. What type of wetland is it? a.







Vernal pool

3. Which part of a pond would be located at its bottom and would have food webs based on decomposition instead of photosynthesis? a.









Water mining occurs when


water is withdrawn from an aquifer at the same rate that it replenishes.


water is withdrawn from an aquifer at a lower rate than it replenishes.


water is withdrawn from an aquifer at a faster rate than it replenishes


Which of these would be negatively affected by the construction of a dam?


Drinking water availability


Irrigation capacity


Electricity generation


Downstream wetland habitats


Which of these is not a water conservation strategy, but a way to increase water availability?






Drip irrigation


Usage of gray water


What form of human-generated pollution causes eutrophication of surface waters?


Nutrient pollution


Thermal pollution


Sediment pollution


Biological pollution

8. What form of wastewater treatment will use aeration and bacteria to remove most of the organic material before chlorine or UV light disinfects it? a.

Primary treatment


Secondary treatment


Wetland treatment


Most of Earth's liquid fresh water is found ________.

A) in ice caps and glaciers B) in lakes C) underground D) in the oceans E) in the atmosphere

10. Which of the following is TRUE? A) The majority of Earth's fresh surface water is found in rivers.

B) Most of Earth's fresh water would require desalination in order to make it suitable for consumption. C) Most of Earth's fresh water is found within 100 miles of densely populated areas. D) Most of Earth's fresh water is frozen. E) Soil and atmospheric moisture comprise the majority of Earth's surface fresh water.

11. Only about 2.5% of all the water on our planet is fresh water, and ________. A) most of this is in large, freshwater lakes B) most of this is far from where humans live C) most of this is in underground aquifers D) over half of this is extremely hard water and is nearly unusable for drinking or agriculture E) over half of this is in wetlands near coastlines and is becoming contaminated with saltwater

12. Most of the precipitation that falls onto Earth's surface ________. A) is already unusable because of acid rain B) evaporates back into the atmosphere C) either runs off to form rivers or filters down into underground aquifers D) falls in the form of ice or snow E) is taken up by plants or other organisms

13. One-fifth of Earth's total freshwater supply is in ________. A) ponds B) the ocean C) groundwater D) estuaries E) the tundra

14. An artesian aquifer occurs where ________. A) several aquifers have merged B) granite is overlain by a sandy substrate, allowing percolation into the aquifer

C) a water-bearing layer is trapped between two layers that are less permeable D) a well is dug through layers of sand and gravel into the water table E) a water-bearing porous layer of rock, sand, or gravel has accumulated groundwater over a long period of time

15. Humans use more fresh water for ________ than for any other purpose. A) drinking and cooking B) washing and home use C) agricultural irrigation D) mining and industrial processes E) electrical production

16. Which of the following best describes a floodplain? A) a region of land that is periodically flooded when a river overflows B) an area that is periodically flooded because humans have altered the landscape C) an area that is incidentally flooded when farming or mining operations change the course of rivers D) an area where flood irrigation of crops is used, such as a rice paddy E) a region of land that has been deliberately, permanently flooded due to human disturbance, such as in dam building

17. Dam removal in the U.S. ________. A) is controversial because dams provide such good habitats for native species B) will probably continue because the environmental impacts of dams are reviewed periodically C) will assist with our transition to more natural forms of renewable energy D) provides many new jobs and opportunities and so is economically beneficial E) will probably increase rapidly as we move to a more fossil-fuel-dependent society

18. One month after statewide water restrictions were put in place in May 2015, Californians ________. A) ignored the restrictions and continued to use water at the same rate B) reduced their residential water use by almost 30%

C) actually increased their residential water use by 5% compared to data from the previous year D) reduced their residential water use by almost 10% E) complained to their state legislators and were able to overturn the draconian water restriction policies

19. Why was the irrigation of Soviet cotton farming operations a problem? A) There was governmental opposition that limited water access, killing crops. B) Irrigation water came from rivers feeding into one of the largest lakes on Earth and resulted in major contamination of that source. C) It drained the Aral Sea and increased the salt content of soils. D) It angered local resort communities, which did not want farming in the region. E) It was, for the most part, not a problem.

20. Sinkholes can result from ________. A) overconsumption of water from aquifers B) building on floodplains C) flood damage and chemical erosion D) poorly drilled wells in soft soils E) substrates that become weak following rain

21. Which of the following will contribute to water conservation? A) using aerial sprays for crop irrigation B) planting non-native wetland plants for landscaping C) washing dishes by hand D) watering lawns at night, using low-flow faucets, and landscaping with native plants E) watering lawns during peak sunlight hours, when plants need water most

22. Gray water can ________. A) often be used for irrigation and watering lawns B) usually be used with little or no treatment for drinking water

C) not be used for washing cars D) be used for fish ponds and park lakes E) be used in place of tap water for drinking

23. Which of the following is one of the major pollutants of groundwater? A) acid rain B) treated sewage from cities C) agricultural chemicals D) radon E) pathogenic microbes

24. A watershed is ________. A) the area of land that drains into a river or lake B) an inland basin that connects to another inland basin C) a river that drains into the sea D) a term used to describe water stored underground E) the water held in the atmosphere prior to returning to Earth in the form of rainfall

25. "Blue-baby" syndrome is a consequence of excess ________ in the water supply. A) E. coli B) nitrates C) phosphates D) chlorine E) carbonation

26. Levees are used ________. A) to block water flow and hold water in a reservoir B) to pump water from an aquifer C) to prevent flooding and facilitate shipping

D) to transport water from a river to an urban center E) along scenic byways so drivers can get a better view of a river

27. A key characteristic of aquatic dead zones is ________. A) a lack of water B) a low concentration of keystone species C) a high concentration of urban development D) a low concentration of oxygen E) low concentrations of nitrogen and phosphorus

28. Why is grain production in the Great Plains considered largely unsustainable? A) The Ogallala aquifer is being depleted for irrigation water. B) Competition with cattle ranching is resulting in a decline in crop production. C) More and more people are becoming gluten intolerant, so there will be less and less demand for wheat, barley, and rye. D) So many pesticides are needed for grain production that streams in the Great Plains are becoming dead zones. E) The energetics of crop production in the Great Plains are such that more energy is needed to grow the crops than can be gotten from the crops.

29. A septic system is ________. A) a toxic or badly polluted waterway B) a rural method of processing wastewater C) an early version of a wastewater treatment plant D) a second level mechanism to remove bacteria at a wastewater treatment plant E) the use of natural wetlands to cleanse wastewater

30. In a municipal wastewater treatment plant, the primary treatment step includes ________. A) micro-filtering the sewage B) chlorinating the sewage

C) adding bacteria to the sewage D) letting sewage sit in large settling tanks so suspended solids can settle out E) stirring the sewage to increase oxidation

31. "Biosolids" produced at a wastewater treatment plant are often ________. A) trucked to special biohazard landfills for disposal B) used as part of the "fill" to develop wetlands into agriculture or housing areas C) loaded onto barges and sent to underdeveloped countries to use as fertilizer D) used as crop fertilizer E) placed in deep injection wells to keep it out of the water table

32. The resource allocation of the Colorado River's water is being complicated by ________. A) the rapid growth of Las Vegas B) large numbers of people moving out of Nevada C) sinkhole collapses in Arizona and southern California D) rapid growth of vegetable farms in southern Arizona E) saltwater intrusion into the Colorado estuary near San Diego

33. A recent study has revealed that chlorinated solvents, gasoline, and radioactive compounds have become significant pollutants in ________ from ________. A) groundwater; leaking storage tanks B) estuaries; fishing boats C) mangrove swamps; oil tanker spills D) coral reefs; discharge from nuclear power plants E) deep ocean currents; discharges from dams into coastal waters

34. Overpumping groundwater in coastal areas can cause ________ to move into aquifers, making the water undrinkable. A) VOCs B) suspended solids

C) hard water ions D) untreated sewage E) saltwater

35. Xeriscaping can save water by ________. A) replacing landscaping plants with rocks, sand, and sculpture B) creating wetlands instead of landscaping C) planting native or drought-resistant landscaping plants D) replacing lawns with artificial turf and gravel parking areas E) collecting rain water and storing it in cisterns or tanks

36. Recent research that analyzed the content of commercial bottled water indicates that ________. A) bottled water has no contamination from hormone mimic plasticizers B) bottled water is no safer or purer than most samples of tap water C) bottled water is generally much safer and purer than tap water D) bottled water consumes less fossil fuels in reaching the consumer than does tap water E) all surveyed brands had information about the source and how it was treated

37. Methods for desalinating sea water to produce fresh water include ________. A) treating with activated charcoal and clay B) making sea water acid to transform salts to solids C) reverse osmosis and distillation D) filtration and sedimentation E) treating sea water with salt-consuming marine bacteria

38. Artificial wetlands ________. A) are the major program for replacing lost natural wetlands B) purify water for use as bottled drinking water C) are a source of arsenic contamination in Bangladesh

D) are created using xeriscaping methods E) can help purify water and also provide wildlife habitat

39. What is the main argument against removing O'Shaughnessy Dam in Yosemite National Park? A) There are endangered species such as puffins and auklets that need the reservoir for habitat. B) The reservoir is the main source of drinking water for the city of San Francisco. C) The dam is the main source of electricity for Napa Valley. D) The dam is a registered historic national landmark, so its removal would be unlawful. E) Most visitors to Yosemite use the reservoir for parasailing and waterskiing.

40. Emergent vegetation such as cattails and reeds grow in the ________ zone of a lake. A) aphotic B) limnetic C) benthic D) littoral E) profundal

41. A 2009 study found that one-third of the world's 925 major rivers experienced reduced flow from 1948 to 2004, with the majority of the reduction attributed to ________. A) the effects of climate change B) overuse for agriculture C) overuse by cities for drinking water D) dredging operations that make the rivers navigable E) municipalities diverting treated wastewater into artificial wetlands rather than the rivers themselves

42. Oxbow lakes are always found ________. A) in agricultural areas where oxen have traditionally been used to plow fields B) alongside a river C) in association with a larger lake

D) in steep, mountainous terrain E) in areas where the process of aquatic succession has occurred

43. What percentage of Earth's fresh water is found in oceans? A) 97.5 B) 79 C) 2.5 D) 0 E) Cannot be determined from the information in the figure

44. Sinkholes can occur when ________. A) too much weight above an aquifer causes it to cave in B) the water level in an aquifer rises, pushing through to the surface C) the water in an artesian aquifer is under sufficient pressure that it breaks through to the surface D) excessive water use lowers a water table and weakens the substrate E) nonconsumptive use lowers an aquifer

45. Sinkholes are an extreme and rapid form of ________. A) aquifer B) water table C) subsidence D) artesian aquifer E) consumptive use

Short Essay Questions

1) Use the Three Gorges Dam on China's Yangtze River to illustrate the benefits and costs associated with building dams.

2) How can agricultural irrigation practices be altered to decrease loss of fresh water?

3) Discuss the environmental, quality, and economic issues associated with the manufacture and consumption of bottled water.

4) Define water pollution, point source, and non-point source pollution. Which of the two (point source or non-point source) is easier to identify? Which is easier to legislate? Which currently poses the greater threat to fresh water? 5) Describe the benefits obtained by the creation of artificial wetlands.

6) It is estimated that by 2035, half of the people in the world will live under severe water shortages. Discuss three specific strategies for conserving water. 7) How can algal growth be a problem in a freshwater system?...

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