Practice-test-des-o39neill-dl f59d4e094c2a508089670706502 ade89 PDF

Title Practice-test-des-o39neill-dl f59d4e094c2a508089670706502 ade89
Course Medicine
Institution University of Queensland
Pages 48
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DIRECTOR DJ O’Neill B.Sc., B.A., M.Ed. CONSULTANTS J O’Neill B.A., B.App.Sc Dr CJ O’Neill M.B.B.S.(Hons) Dr DW O’Neill B.App.Sc.


Des O’Neill’s GAMSAT Preparation Courses Thank you for your inquiry about our Gamsat Preparation Courses.

DIRECTOR DJ O’Neill B.Sc., B.A., M.Ed.

We have specialised in preparing candidates for GAMSAT in Australia since 1996. From 2003, we have offered our full preGamsat preparation program as a Home Study Course to candidates world-wide. As the original providers of GAMSAT preparation, we are, by far, the most popular, the most respected and the most experienced means that candidates use for GAMSAT preparation.

CONSULTANTS J O’Neill B.A., B.App.Sc Dr CJ O’Neill M.B.B.S.(Hons) Dr DW O’Neill B.App.Sc.

To help in your preparation for the forthcoming Gamsat, we recommend one of our discounted packages. Its resources are huge by any comparison ─ more than 1700 pages, 390 conceptbuilding questions in science, 2200 multiple-choice questions arranged as full Gamsat tests or under their dominant thinking skills, almost 5 kg in weight.

Successful Candidature

PO Box 2017 Ashgrove QLD 4060 Australia Ph 04 1966 7151 O/S Ph +614 1966 7151 [email protected]

We cannot give you truthful statistics on the success rate of our candidates in obtaining places at medical schools because privacy provisions since 2005 have precluded accurate collection of such data. Success rates in the ten years prior to that were exceptional and participation rates in our courses have risen by an average of 20% p.a. since then. We hope that you too will enjoy success. However, we can give you the results of a recent survey done by Paging Dr, an independent forum group, about which preparation course would be recommended by students. (Please note we have excluded the non-commercial companies from the results)

120 100

Des O'Neill's Exam Crackers


Gamsat Guru Gold Standard


Grad Med Griffiths Gamsat Review


Medired Medprep Ozimed

20 0

Section 1

Section 2

Section 3


What Packages, Products and Courses do we offer?

Red Series Science Revision Book

Green Series Practising Humanities MCQs and Practising Science MCQs Book

Pre-Gamsat MCQ Courses

Pre-Gamsat Science Revision Courses

Writing Better Essays HomeBased (6 Essay Tasks)

Writing Better Essays Home-Based (3 Essay Tasks)

Titanium Package Gold Package Platinum Package (avail Mid-Feb) Ruby Package (avail Mid-Feb) Silver Home Study Bronze Home Study

When will these courses or offers be available? Science-Revision Home Study Course

Availablethroughouttheyear. ForthosesittingtheAustralianGamsat,correctionsareavailablefrom 15Decembertomid‐March Aimtosendinyourfirstessay by15Januarytogetallsixessaytasks(12essays)finished,or by15Februarytofinishthreeessaytasks(6essays)beforeGAMSAT.

WritingBetterEssaysCourses ForthosesittingtheUKSeptemberGamsat,correctionsareavailablefrom 15ofJunetomid‐September. Aimtosendinyourfirstessay by19Julytogetallsixessaytasks(12essays)finished,or by18Augusttofinishthreeessaytasks(6essays)beforeGAMSAT. PractisingHumanitiesMCQsand PractisingScienceMCQs Brisbane,Sydney,Melbourne,Adelaide andPerthPre‐GamsatScienceRevision AttendanceCourses Brisbane,Sydney,Melbourne,Adelaide andPerthPre‐GamsatMCQs&Exam Courses

Availablethroughouttheyear. AweekendinJanuaryorearlyFebruary SaturdayandSunday9am–6pm.

AweekendinFebruaryorearlyMarch Saturday8:15am–5pm;Sunday9am–5pm.


Des O’Neill and his team Des was the Multiple-choice Coordinator for the Queensland Core Skills Test. He has been a test-developer since 1991 and is one of a very small and elite group of test makers in Australia. As the major advisor to a Queensland Government agency on the purchase of test-materials from ACER, Des was privy to much of ACER’s creative test-development work over many years, learnt much from them and developed a respect and high regard for their expertise in test-development and candidate assessment. Des has a Bachelor of Science majoring in Physics and Mathematics, a Bachelor of Arts majoring in English, and a Masters in Education specialising in assessment. An author of eight published books, he is the leader of a team of more than twenty people, all specialists in their own areas, who will help you in their various ways on your progress into a career in Medicine, Dentistry, Optometry, Podiatry or Pharmacy.

The preparation materials provided by Des O’Neill and his team are written in Australia specifically for Gamsat methods of testing and prepare you well for the task ahead.


Success of our candidates We are very proud of the number of candidates who do our courses and get scores sufficient for them to progress to interview and then on to medical, dentistry, optometry and pharmacy schools.

The historical record since 1996 shows that candidates who have done our courses have consistently filled between one-third and one-half of the relevant post-graduate places available at Australian Universities. If those who have done our course are visualised separately from the rest of the total candidature, you can easily see that those who neglect to do our courses have considerably worse odds for gaining entry. We are very proud of the number of candidates who do our courses and get scores sufficient for them to progress to interview and then on to medical, dentistry, optometry, podiatry and pharmacy schools. 354 of our candidates commenced the Graduate Medical Program in 2005. The total number of postgraduate medical places available in 2005 was 903 at eight participating universities. In the previous year 454 candidates attended our MCQs & Exam Course. Since then, privacy provisions no longer allow the collection of data that would indicate which candidates actually commenced the post-graduate medical program and any claims of more recent success-rates are simply not relevant. However, many candidates do let us know their results when they ask, soon after the results are released to them in May, for our suggestions as to which medical schools they should apply for. Today twelve medical schools, two dental schools, one optometry school, one podiatry school and one pharmacy school at Masters level accept graduates as candidates via Gamsat. The published number (May 2013) of places available to Australian/NZ candidates for post-graduate medicine in 2014 is 1564. However, only about 950 of those places are CSPs (Commonwealth Supported Places – previously called HECS Places) that require the standard student contribution of around $9,000 p.a. The remainder are either full-fee domestic places or are BMPs (Bonded Medical Places) which, in addition to the contribution of around $9,000 p.a., bond the student for four years. The nature of the bond restricts the bonded doctor’s practice of medicine at some future time to hospitals in certain geographically-defined locations. The conditions of the bond have changed over time and candidates are advised to do an internet search to find, and then read carefully, the current contract. Candidates who are aiming at a CSP need to be aware from the beginning that, with over 10,000 candidates now being reported as sitting the Gamsat, the hunt for CSPs is fiercely competitive. You should set your goals for a Gamsat score of 64 or better which should put you into the top 15% of this reasonably exclusive candidature. Overall scores at Gamsat range from about 34 to about 84 with the median around 56-58. They are not a percentage. The scores are not out of 100 and there is no such concept as a “pass”. Several of our candidates over the years have scored in the 90s for Section 3 (Science) with two exceptional candidates reporting scores in excess of 100.


Des O’Neill’s preparation courses for GAMSAT Worldwide

For Gamsat candidates worldwide including those in remote parts of Australia, our Home Study Package (more than 1700 pages) consists of: • our Prognostic Preparatory Test which is available for free • Writing Better Essays - a course of six lessons on essay writing which includes 6 tasks (12 of your essays are corrected) or 3 tasks (6 of your essays are corrected) • Science-Revision Course on Physical Chemistry, Organic

Australian Capital Cities

Chemistry, Biochemistry and Physics, with 390 concept-building questions on Chemistry and Physics and 100 multiple-choice questions on Biology with full solutions to same, to guide your science revision Practising Humanities MCQs Course with 1140 statistically-stable multiple-choice questions and five Humanities practice tests (75 questions in each) Practising Science MCQs Course with 970 statistically-stable multiple-choice questions and four Science practice tests (110 questions in each). These are in addition to the 100 MCQs that are in the Science-Revision Course.

In Australia, in addition to the Home Study Courses above, we offer a Science-Revision Attendance Course on Chemistry and Physics and a MCQs & Exam Attendance Course which includes a full trial test. These are held in Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. 

 GAMSAT for Australian and Irish entry is held in March. GAMSAT for UK entry is held in September. Please check the official Gamsat Website to learn about your eligibility to sit Gamsat, to register to sit Gamsat, the validity of your Gamsat score for an application, and to make an application for admission.


Our packages work like this You can pay by Visa or MasterCard online on the shopping cart or you can mail your order to us enclosing your Visa or MasterCard details or an Australian money order (available at the Post Office) or a cheque made out to Gamsat Preparation Courses.

When you pay for the Titanium, Gold, Platinum, Ruby, Silver or Bronze package, you receive back by mail: 

OurcurrentScience‐RevisionCoursebook OurcurrentPractisingHumanitiesMCQsCoursebook OurcurrentPractisingScienceMCQsCoursebook Otherrelevantmaterials

The lessons and appropriate tasks for Writing Better Essays, together with peer essays for each task and the markers’ appraisals of theseessays,allaredispatchedassoonaspossibleand 


Subsequent Emails: Yousendprogressivelyyoursixessaytasks(Titanium,Platinum,Silver)or threeessaytasks(Gold,Ruby,Bronze)byemail. Ourreturnsbyemaileachtimeincludecorrectionsaswellasconstructive criticismandadviceonhowtoimproveyouressaywritingskills. 

Refunds There are no refunds for non-completed tasks of Writing Better Essays or for any courses after you have received the course materials. Because we experience an avalanche of essay tasks, there are deadlines for acceptance of each task. Also, for any candidate, our team will correct a maximum of one essay task per week. As this is a personalised course on essay writing, materials supplied and relevant feedback are only available as participants complete each of the separate tasks within the available time frame. A condition of participating in our courses is an acceptance by participants that Gamsat Preparation Courses accepts no legal liability for personal injury, property damage or loss of any kind. Despite the use of Gamsat in our trading name, our company is not connected with any of the Universities or with ACER.


Some recent emails received I just wanted to let you know my excellent result from Gamsat and I am sure it’s all down to doing your course. This is my first time sitting Gamsat. I got an overall score of 75 and 81 for Section 3 which was the biggest surprise. I cannot praise your course highly enough and I will certainly recommend your course far and wide. Thanks again for sharing your insights. Just wanted to say a big thank-you. 68 in Section II was much higher than I expected and also 64 in Science, again higher than I had expected.

I sat Gamsat last year as practice with virtually no preparation and got 63 overall. I enrolled in your Titanium Package in order to prepare for the real thing this year and achieved an overall score of 72 with a big improvement to 80 in the Science. I got 79 in the essays, my thanks to your WBE markers. I improved my written communication score by a massive 13 points and my Science by 7 points. The course you offered was really valuable as were the resources and practice papers provided.

Thank you for all your courses and the preparation material you provided. It truly helped me achieve my best possible score (an overall 67 with 75 in Science). Thank you for helping me so much with my preparation. I could not have received 67 without your courses. Thanks for all the effort you put into them.

Thank you for a great course. I believe it helped me greatly. I improved my overall score by 11 points this year. I undertook your Titanium Package and found it very helpful. I got a Gamsat score of 68. I got an overall score of 67 and give credit to your weekend courses and especially to your essay writing course (scored 72).

Your essay course was amazing, hence the better results. Your MCQs are definitely Gamsat-level and thus I was not shocked by the degree of difficulty of the questions. Thank you so much for all your help. I found your course comprehensive and extremely helpful in preparing for Gamsat. On the day, I found there were no surprises which to me is a reflection of how well your course and practice questions/essays mimic the real thing.


Some recent emails received Thank you for your courses. I believe they were the key to boosting my science score up to 74 from 62 the previous year. This year my Science improved from 75 to 86 thanks to your workbooks. I went through the Science section a number of times. I appreciate your help with my studies.

Thank you for your assistance and the excellent courses you have developed over the years. I attended the Science Revision and Exam technique courses. I found them well prepared, professionally run and most importantly, highly relevant and useful. Thank you. Your course was invaluable to me and I believe it provided a fantastic set of resources, skills and hints for preparation. I doubt I could have passed without your inspired teaching. I came to you by referral and will gladly sing your praises too.

I wanted to say thanks for your excellent Gamsat programs in Science Prep and Multi-choice questions. I really enjoyed your courses, the way they were structured and the quality of the teaching. The effort you (and I’m sure the many people involved behind the scenes) put in is amazing and much appreciated by many people. The past two times I have taken the test I got an overall score of 53. Jumping from this to 64 was amazing.

I was pleasantly surprised at my Gamsat results. Having not had a science background not even in school, such a strong result in the science section 64, was not really something I expected. I owe a big thanks to your courses. I only started to learn the basics of Science in May last year and I would like to thank you for the invaluable assistance and teaching that was provided in your course. I’m sure I would not have a hope of applying for medical school if it was not for yourself and your team.


Writing Better Essays Preparing you for Section 2 of GAMSAT Writing Better Essays is a six lesson/tasks Home-based / Correspondence Course available from September to midMarch for those whose GAMSAT is in March (AU & IE) and from April to mid-September for those whose GAMSAT is in September (UK). We recommend that you start this home-based correspondence course as soon as possible. You should complete, at the very least, three of the six tasks. Lessons in essay writing are an integral part of Writing Better Essays. These lessons teach the specific skills required for success in the Gamsat essay-writing section and help to hone skills that will permanently improve your ability to write well. This course is designed to give advice on essay writing at different levels as the six tasks are progressively completed. Submitted essays are marked and then the candidate is provided with constructive and positive feedback on how to improve their individual styles. The level of advice relates to the increasing ability of the candidate and opens new vistas on essay writing to help improve performance. In addition, markers’ commentaries on essays on the same topics by peers from previous years reinforce aspects of essay organisation and style. This home-based/correspondence course has become very popular. Our team manages to keep up with the demand each working day, marking, appraising and sending back the graded essays, the correction and the advice. Allocate at least 2 ½ hours per task to read our appraisal of your essays, our corrections and advice, the peer essays on the comments you chose, our next lesson on essay writing, and to write your next two essays. In GAMSAT, the two essays (Section 2) have the same overall value in your overall GAMSAT score as the 75 multiple-choice questions in Humanities (Section 1). Most Universities require that you get above a defined score in each of the three Sections of GAMSAT. Thus you need to do well on all three Sections of the test. We have a clear policy that we do not open attachments. For each task, send your typed essays together in the same email and in the body of that email. If possible, use medium size or 12-14 point Arial as the font in the email.

The level of advice relates to the increasing ability of the candidate and opens new vistas on essay writing to help improve performance.


For each task: • • • •

your essays are graded, constructive criticism and advice are given, there is a further lesson in essay writing, and peer essays and their marker’s appraisals (from previous cohorts) are supplied.

On our shopping cart the cost is given of Writing Better Essays for six lessons and six tasks or for six lessons and three tasks. Alternatively, you can incorporate these courses into a Titanium, Gold, Platinum or Ruby Attendance Package, or into a Silver or Bronze Home Study Package at a discount. If you are very late joining our courses, please check the website as we may be able to offer you an Express Marking Service even though it is past the usual time to start our Writing Better Essays course. There will be a small extra charge for this priority marking service. You can purchase our writing better essays courses here:


Our aim in our Writing Better Essays Course is to enable you to write two good essays within a single hour. These two essays are worth one-quarter of your overall Gamsat mark. Our Complete Writing Better Essays Course consists of 6 Lessons and 6 Tasks and our Short Course has 6 Lessons and 3 Tasks. Essay tasks are accepted for appraisal in the three months just prior to your Gamsat (from 15 December onwards for Gamsat AU/IE and from 15 June onwards for Gamsat UK). You will receive your first essay task and instructions on how to complete it when the fee is paid. Here is a sample of the first

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