Pre lab exp 2 - pre lab report on identifying unknown using stoichiometry experiment PDF

Title Pre lab exp 2 - pre lab report on identifying unknown using stoichiometry experiment
Author Amjad Samra
Course General Chemistry I
Institution University of New Mexico
Pages 7
File Size 165.3 KB
File Type PDF
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pre lab report on identifying unknown using stoichiometry experiment...


Identifying unknown using stoichiometry Experiment 2 Experiment performed on 2/22/2021 Chemistry 1215L section 12 Hypothesis: The only difference between sodium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate is the amount of CO2 produced during the reaction. Since the CO2 production is the only component of the reaction that would cause a significant change in pressure, the pressure measurements of the reactions of both unknown chemicals with HCl can provide a direct link to the stoichiometry of CO2.

Chemicals and hazard: Chemical name Sodium chloride Sodium carbonate Hydrochloric acid water Carbon dioxide Sodium hydrogen carbonate

Molecular formula NaCl Na2CO3 HCl H2O CO2


Molar mass

Amount used

58.44 g/mL 105.989 g/mL 36.458 g/mL 18.01528 g/mL 44.01 g/mL 88.007 g/mL

‘product’ 25 mL 50 mL ‘product’ ‘product’ 25 mL

Lab safety:

Hazards of sodium chloride: Inhalation: May cause mild irritation to the respiratory tract.

Ingestion: Very large doses can cause vomiting, diarrhea, and prostration. Dehydration and congestion occur in most internal organs. Hypertonic salt solutions can produce violent inflammatory reactions in the gastrointestinal tract. Skin Contact: May irritate damaged skin; absorption can occur with effects similar to those via ingestion. Eye Contact: Causes irritation, redness, and pain. (For salt concentrations greater than the normal saline present.) Managi ngExposur et osodi um chl or i de: Inhalation: Remove to fresh air. Get medical attention for any breathing difficulty. Ingestion: If large amounts were swallowed, give water to drink and get medical advice. Skin Contact: Wash exposed area with soap and water. Get medical advice if irritation develops. Eye Contact: Immediately flush eyes with plenty of water for at least 15 minutes, lifting upper and lower eyelids occasionally. Get medical attention if irritation persists.

Hazards of sodium hydrogen carbonate: Res pi r at or y I fsodi um bi car bonat edus ti nt hewor k er ’ sbr eat hi ngz onec an’ tbecont r ol l edwi t h v ent i l at i onorot herengi neer i ngmeans ,wor k er sshoul dwearr espi r at or sordus t i onalI ns t i t ut ef or mas k sappr ov edbyacer t i ficat i onor gani z at i on,suchasTheNat Occ upat i onal Saf et yandHeal t h( NI OSH) ,f orpr ot ect i onagai ns tt hi sc hemi cal . Sk i n Pr ot ect i v egl ov esandc l ot hi ngs houl dbewor n. Ey es Si ncesodi um bi car bonat ei smost of t enseeni napowder l i k est at e,c hemi cal s af et ygoggl esshoul dbewor nandanar eat owashey esands ki ns houl dbe l oc at edi nt hewor kar ea.I ft hi schemi c al get si nt oawor k er ’ sey es ,i tc ancaus e mi l dt omoder at ei r r i t at i on.

Managi ngExposur et oSodi um Bi car bonat e: Ev ent houghs odi um bi car bonat ei sr el at i v el ysaf ecompar edt oot herc hemi cal s i nt hewor kpl ac e,aswi t hanyc hemi cal ,al lunneces sar yex posur es houl dbe av oi ded.I nt heev entex posur eoc cur s ,t hef ol l owi ngs t epsshoul dbet ak en: 1)Ey eCont act Fl us hey eswi t hpl ent yofwat erands eekmedi calat t ent i oni fi r r i t at i onocc ur s . 2)Sk i nCont ac t Was hsk i nwi t hpl ent yofs oapandwat erands eekmedi cal at t ent i oni fi r r i t at i on occ ur s . 3)I nhal at i on I ndi vi dual shoul dber emov edf r om ex posur eandi mmedi at el ymov edt oanar ea wi t hf r es hai r .Seekmedi cal at t ent i oni mmedi at el yi fanybr eat hi ngdi ffic ul t y occ ur s . 4)I nges t i on Dr i nkpl ent yofwat erandseekmedi cal at t ent i oni fdi scomf or tper s i st s

Handl i ngSodi um Bi car bonat eSpi l l s: I fsodi um bi car bonat espi l l s ,i tc anber ecov er edandr eusedi fcont ami nat i on hasn’ tocc ur r ed.Vacuumi ngorwets weepi ngar er ecommendedt oav oi d di s per si ngdust . i r onment al I ft hec hemi cal hasbeencont ami nat ed,cont acty ours t at e’ sEnv Pr ot ect i onAgenc yf ordi sposal pr oc edur ess pec i fict oy ourar ea. Pr operSodi um Bi car bonat eSt or age Sodi um bi car bonat eshoul dbes t or edi nat i ght l ycl os edcont ai nerandpl acedi n acool ,dr y ,wel l v ent i l at edar ea.Keepawayf r om ac i ds ,ex ces si v eheatand moi s t ur e.

Hazar dsofSodi um car bonat e:  I nhal at i on-Seekf r eshai r .I fv i ct i m’ sbr eat hi ngi sdi fficul t ,admi ni st er oxy gen.I fbr eat hi ngi sabs ent ,gi v ear t i fici al r es pi r at i onandseekmedi c al at t ent i oni mmedi at el y .  Ey eCont ac t-Chec kf orandr emov econt actl enses .I mmedi at el yflus h ey eswi t hpl ent yofwat erf oratl eas t15mi nut es .Seekmedi cal at t ent i on.

 Sk i nCont act-Fl us hs ki nwi t hpl ent yofwat erandcov eranyi r r i t at edsk i n wi t hanemol l i ent .Remov econt ami nat edcl ot hi ng.Getmedi calat t ent i on.  I nges t i on-DoNOTi nduc ev omi t i ng.Loos ent i ghtc l ot hi ng.Nev ergi v e anyt hi ngbymout ht oanuncons ci ousper son.Seeki mmedi at emedi cal at t ent i on. St or i ng&Di sposi ngofSodi um Car bonat e Keepsodi um car bonat ei nacool ,wel l v ent i l at edar eaawayf r om anysour c esof moi s t ur e.Keepanycont ai nerwi t ht hi schemi calt i ght l yc l os ed.Donotst or e abov e24° C( 75. 2° F) .Thi sc hemi cal mus tbedi sposedofi nac cor dancewi t h f eder al ,s t at e,andl oc alenv i r onment alcont r olr egul at i ons .

Hazar dsofhydr ochl or i caci d: Sk i nCont act–I fhy dr oc hl or i caci dcomesi nt ocont actwi t hy ourski n,flush i mmedi at el ywi t hpl ent yofwat erf oratl east15mi nut es ,andr emov eany cont ami nat edc l ot hi ng.I nc aseofs er i ouss ki ncont act ,us ewat er ,adi si nf ect ant s oap,andant i bact er i al cr eam.Seeki mmedi at emedi c alat t ent i on. Ey eCont ac t–I fhydr ochl or i cac i doraci di cmi st sgeti nt oy ourey es ,i mmedi at el y fl us hwi t hpl ent yofwat erf oratl eas t15mi nut es .Seeki mmedi at emedi c al at t ent i on. I nges t i on–I fs wal l owed,donoti nduc ev omi t i ng.Seeki mmedi at emedi c al at t ent i on. I nhal at i on–I fy oui nhal ehydr ochl or i caci dv apor sormi s t s ,s eekf r es hai rand medi c alat t ent i oni mmedi at el y .

Hydr ochl or i cAci dSt or ageandDi sposal Hy dr oc hl or i cac i dshoul dbes t or edi nacool ,dr y ,wel l v ent i l at edar eaawayf r om s our c esofmoi s t ur e.Keepawayf r om i ncompat i bl emat er i al ssuc hasox i di z i ng agent s ,or gani cmat er i al s ,met al sandal kal i s .Hy dr oc hl or i caci dhast heabi l i t yt o cor r odemet al l i csur f ac es .Keepcont ai nert i ght l ycl os edands t or ei nas af e pl ac e.

Hazar dsofwat er :Noser i oushazar ds. Hazar dsofcar bondi oxi de: I nhal at i on:Tak eI ncaseofoxy gendefici ency :t ak epr ecaut i onst oensur ey ourownsaf et y bef or eat t empt i ngr es cue( e. g.wearappr opr i at epr ot ect i v eequi pment ) .I fbr eat hi ngi s di ffic ul t ,t r ai nedper sonnelshoul dadmi ni s t eremer gencyoxy gen.I ft hehear thass t opped,

t r ai nedper sonnelshoul dst ar tcar di opul monar yr es usci t at i on( CPR)oraut omat edex t er nal defi br i l l at i on( AED) .I mmedi at el ycal l aPoi sonCent r eordoct or .Tr eat menti sur gent l y r equi r ed.Tr ans por tt oahos pi t al . Ski nCont act :Notappl i cabl e( gas) .Li quefiedgas:qui c kl yr emov ev i ct i mf r om s our ceof cont ami nat i on.DO NOTat t emptt or ewar mt heaffect edar eaons i t e.DO NOTr ubar eaor appl ydi r ectheat .Gent l yr emov ecl ot hi ngorj ewel r yt hatmayr es t r i c tci r cul at i on.Car ef ul l y c utar oundc l ot hi ngt hats t i ckst ot heski nandr emov et her estoft hegar ment .Loos el y cov ert heaffect edar eawi t hast er i l edr essi ng.DO NOTal l owv i c t i mt odr i nkal coholor s mok e.I mmedi at el ycal l aPoi s onCent r eordoct or .Tr eat menti sur gent l yr equi r ed. Tr ans por tt oahospi t al . EyeCont act :Notappl i cabl e( gas) .Li quefiedgas :i mmedi at el yandbr i eflyflus hwi t h l uk ewar m,gent l yfl owi ngwat er .DO NOTat t emptt or ewar m.Coverbot hey eswi t hast er i l e dr es si ng.DO NOTal l owvi ct i mt odr i nkal c oholorsmok e.I mmedi at el yc al l aPoi s onCent r e ordoct or .Tr eat menti sur gent l yr equi r ed.Tr anspor tt oahos pi t al . I ngest i on:Notappl i cabl e( gas) .

Gener alpr ecaut i onandpr ot ect i on: Wear safety goggles, and gloves always while in the lab and stick to the dress code of the lab.

Mat er i al susedf ort heexper i ment :      

Er l enmey erfl as k 3s yr i nges Ver ni ergaspr ess ur es ens or Labquest Lapt op Beak er

Pr ocedur e: 1.Wears af et ygoggl es ,gl ov esandmak es ur et ohav ey ourmaskon 2.Label y ourchemi cal s 3.Get125mLEr l enmey erfl as k

4.Ont her i ngs t andconnectt het ubet hati sc onnect edt ot heneckoft he 125mLEr l enmey erfl ask 5.Connectt het ubet ot hegaspr ess ur esens orandputi ti nt he Er l enmey erfl as k 6.Gass ens ormus tbeatc hannel 1( connectgaspr es sur es ens ort ol ab ques t ) 7.Connectt hel abques tt oy ourl apt op 8.Connectt heUSBt ot hel apt op 9.Opent heLogger Pr os of t war eony ourl apt op 10. Cl i ckonex per i ment‘ changeuni t ’ 11. Cl i ckonl abquest2ands el ectat m 12. Pi cks omebas eusi ngabeak er 13. Fi l l 1mLofNaHCO3 i nt oy ours y r i nge 14. Sc r ewi tatt hec or kandi nser tt he5mLofbasei nt ot he Er l enmey erfl as k 15. Tur nt hest opc or kt os t opt hefl owi nt ot heEr l enmey erflas k 16. Rec or dt hev al ueofpr es sur e 17. Dot hes amest eps( 11, 12, 13and14)butwi t h2mLofbas e 18. Keepr epeat i ngt hes ames t epswi t h3mL4and5mLofbas e 19. Rec or dt hev al ueofpr es sur eaf t erpour i ngeachamounti nt ot he fl ask 20. Pi cks omeaci dus i ngabeak er 21. Fi l l 5mLofHCl i nt oy ours y r i nge 22. Sc r ewi tatt hec or kandi nser tt he5mLofaci di nt ot heEr l enmey er fl askt hathast hebas ei ni t . 23. Tur nt hest opc or kt os t opt hefl owi nt ot heEr l enmey erflas k 24. Rec or dt hev al ueofpr es sur e 25. Dot hes amest eps( 19, 20, 21and22)butwi t h4mLofac i d 26. Keepr epeat i ngt hes ames t epswi t h3mL2and1mLofac i d 27. Rec or dt hev al ueofpr es sur eaf t erpour i ngeachamounti nt ot he fl ask 28. Swi r l t heflaskal i t t l ebi tsot heaci dandbas esol ut i onmi xwel l t oget her 29. Wai tf ort hel oggerpr oc ur v et obec omeas t r ai ghtl i ne 30. Cl i ckst op,t henr ecor dt hedat a 31. Subt r actt hei ni t i al v al ueofpr es sur ef r om t hefi nal onet oobt ai n t hec hangei npr ess ur e

32. Cl eanev er yt hi ngont het abl eus i ngawetnapki n 33. Spi l lt heaci dandbas ei nt ot hechemi cal sc ont ai ner( onl ywat er goesi nt ot hesi nk ) Not e:i fy ous pi l l aci d,addbaset oi tt oneut r al i z ei tandv i cev er sa....

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