Prepare and Enrich Report paper PDF

Title Prepare and Enrich Report paper
Author greg nutter
Course Premarital and Marital Counseling
Institution Liberty University
Pages 6
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Prepare and Enrich a mock counseling session of one couple....



PrePare/Enrich Couple Analysis

Submitted to Dr. Ron Hughes

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the completion of

PACO 603 Premarital and Marital Counseling


Gr egor yW.Nut t er


Demographics for the couple

As a facilitator, one has chosen Peter Downy and Rita Reyes to go through the prepare enrich program. One has chosen this couple for the simple fact that they are a couple who are in dire need of premarital counseling. Rita Reyes comes into the relationship a year after a divorce in which the marriage lasted all but three months. Rita Reyes also brings into the relationship Two children from her first serious relationship from high school. Moreover, Peter Downy comes into this relationship never having a serious relationship; nor having been exposed to any parenting.

Both Rita and Peter have been raised by their biological parents, and thus have seen the outcomes of what a healthy marriage looks like; however, both are on the fence when it comes to faith as Rita is open to the Christian life and Peter shy’s away from it as a pastor’s kids. When it comes to their own families' view about the marriage both families are unhinged about the two becoming one. Rita’s family feels that her engagement is too soon after her failed marriage, but yet gives their blessing. Now on the other hand Peter’s family sees this engagement as unhealthy, unrealistic, and damaging to their son. In the case of Peter’s family, many aspects come to play in the family’s disagreement with Rita’s two children, a failed marriage, and her ethnicity.

Couple Type

In this section, one will evaluate the couple types vitalized, harmonious, conventional, or conflicted. “Based on the PCA scores across the core categories, this couple is best categorized

2 as a Conflicted Couple. They disagree and have concerns about many aspects of their relationship. Conflicted couples often struggle to communicate well with one another and have difficulty resolving issues. They should concentrate on improving their communication and conflict resolution skills.”1 The strengths that the couple scored high in are sixty in relationship roles, forty in leisure activities, and forty in conflict resolution. However, when it comes to the couple's weaknesses, they score a zero in two categories Financial Management and spiritual beliefs. The couple also scores twenty across the board on Step Parenting Expectations, Communication, Family & Friends, and Sexual Expectations.

Possible Strengths and Growth Areas

Choosing one topic that one believes needs special attention in counseling with this couple is their Spiritual beliefs. This is of the utmost importance not only to the marriage but for eternity. The lack of spiritual belief on the behalf of Rita is due to the lack of spiritual leadership by Peter. Peter, understanding the title of spiritual head does not slip his mind as he understands the role of being raised in a Christian home with a father as a pastor. Rather, Peter wishes to abstain from the faith and his mandate as a future husband. On Rita’s part, her lack of understanding keeps her seeking not necessarily the Christian faith, but any god that meets her needs at that moment. When it comes to Rita her pitfall is direction and the absence of adequate leadership from her mate, and her family.

Before, one says “I do” one must become aquatinted with the designer of marriage, Christ. Without the proper understanding of the designer of marriage, one can never fully reach 1 Prepare Enrich, Facilitator Report (Prepare Enrich, 2021), 4,

3 the pinnacles of a healthy relationship, as we are called to be the bride of Christ. It is through the Christian faith that we find the roles of both man and woman, and how each is to function in these roles as well the reasoning for the marriage; in a sense, the Christian faith offers a blueprint to a healthy marriage that will produce longevity.

Circumplex Model/Family Map

According to the Circumplex Model/Family Map, “Rita Reyes grew up in a family that was Somewhat Connected. These individuals experienced some family closeness, with plenty of freedom to be an individual and pursue outside relationships.”2 The closeness that Rita experienced was somewhat available to her; however, the aspect that bonds a family, faith was not available for one to experience a vital component to her current relationship. This is the opposite of what Peter experienced according to the Circumplex Model/Family Map “Peter grew up in a Very Connected family. Individuals in this type of family likely felt very close to one another. Most healthy families are connected and enjoy being together yet permitted some independence of their family members.”3 In contrast to Rita, Peter grew up in a Christian home that births oneness; however, being that Peter wishes to abstain from the faith this strength of clones will never reach its fruition as oneness cannot exist apart from the designer, Christ.

SCOPE Personality Scale

2 Ibid 3 Ibid

4 In the SCOPE Scale, Rita and Peter both scored low in organization as the SCOPE Scales states that those who score low in this area are likely to be more spontaneous. This seems to be true as Rita is willing to enter into relationships acting more on spontaneous emotions than authentic love. Moreover, the SCOPE Scale states “They may also be less careful, less focused, and more likely to be distracted from tasks. They are often easy-going and prefer not to make strict plans. These individuals do not enjoy settings in which they are required to conform to strict guidelines. When out of balance, they could appear careless or disorganized.”4 This will seem to be true as Peter abstains from faith as he feels that faith in the confines of the church is too strict, more man-made, and less like Christ. This lack of organizations on both parts is alarming as marriage itself is a thought-out matter wherein both must seek to allow give and take to reach equilibrium, and thus grow mature and reach the oneness as described in Genesis 2:24.


Based on the Prepare-Enrich facilitator report, there is much more to premarital counseling than just the foundation of biblical precepts. The issues of financial, sexual gratification, blended families, social, and family play a distinct role in forming a well-rounded marriage. Though one can be skilled in the exegesis of the Scriptures to counsel one must be skilled in the area of counseling, and when combined with the foundation of the Scripture the entire story of marriage comes into full view. With this realization one is confident in saying that there is more that needs to be learned to adequately perform premarital counseling to get the two to become one as stated in Genesis 2:24 “For this reason a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”5 4 Ibid 5 Unless otherwise stated all Scripture comes from the NASB



Enrich, Prepare. Facilitator Report. Prepare Enrich, 2021...

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