Prescription writing - Pharmacology is a branch of medicine, biology and pharmaceutical sciences concerned PDF

Title Prescription writing - Pharmacology is a branch of medicine, biology and pharmaceutical sciences concerned
Author Remon Hanna
Course Pharmacology
Institution Medical University-Pleven
Pages 5
File Size 172.4 KB
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Pharmacology is a branch of medicine, biology and pharmaceutical sciences concerned with drug or medication action, where a drug may be defined as any artificial, natural, or endogenous (from within the body) molecule which exerts a biochemical or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ, or ...





Pleven, 2020

PRESCRIPTION. PRESCRIPTION WRITING. A medical prescription is a written order from a doctor to a chemist including instruction for preparing and dispensing medicines to a certain patient. The prescription represents a mechanism through which a treatment modality is provided to the patient. A prescription order may be written and issued by a physician, dentist, veterinarian, or other properly licensed medical practitioner. The prescription for each patient is a unique entity, designating a specific medication or medications for a specific patient at a specific time. While the prescription can be written on any piece of paper, it usually takes a specific printed form. That form possesses blank spaces for the necessary information. Such blanks are often supplied to the physician in the form of a pad containing approximately 100 blank forms. This is a typical printed form for outpatients. In the hospital setting, drugs are prescribed on a particular page of the patients hospital chart. A prescription order follows a definite pattern that facilitates its interpretation. All prescription orders should be correct, unambiguous, without crossing out and signed clearly for optimal communication between prescriber, pharmacist and nurse. It is required that a medical prescription in Bulgaria should be in Latin. COMPONENT PARTS OF THE PRESCRIPTION The prescription consists of seven parts. Their Latin names are: 1. INSCRIPTIO Here are written: the name and the surname of the doctor, the hospital, clinic or polyclinic, their address and the date. The date prescribed is important from the standpoint of ascertaining the life of the prescription. The prescription of narcotics and controlled substances are governed by special laws and regulations it cannot be filled more than 10 days from the date of issuance; but the order for children - 7 days after the date on which such prescription was issued. 2. PRAEPOSITIO (SUPERSCRIPTION) consists the message to the chemist. It includes only the expression Rp./ an abbreviation for Recipe, the Latin for Get (Take thou) 3. PRESCRIPTIO is the main part of the medical prescription, the doctor’s order. Here are the names of medicinal substances, the medicinal forms and the dosages. a) brand name (proprietary name) or generic name ( INN - international nonproprietary name) may be used. The medicinal substances are required to begin with a capital letter and to be in the Genitive case. All the preparations and names of elements end in -um, Gen sg. -i The salts end in Gen. sg. -atis (sulfate); - itis (nitrite); - idi (chloride) b) the medicinal form can be placed in the beginning of the prescription or after the drugs name. c) the dose is noted after the substance or medicinal form. The strength of the medication should be written in metric units. Example: Rp./ Tab. Paracetamoli 0,5 (or 500 mg)

# Rp./ Vitamini B12 in ampullis 0,500 mg 4. SUBSCRIPTIO (SUBSCRIPTION) In this part are written, if is necessary, the directions to the chemist for the way of preparation and the number of doses to be supplied to the patient or the medicinal forms. Example: Rp./ Tab. Paracetamoli 0,5 Da scatulam №2 ( D. scat. №2) = Give 2 blisters # Rp./ Vitamini B12 in ampullis 0,500 mg Da tales doses № 10 (D.t.d. № 10) = Dispense such doses 10 in number. 5. SIGNATURA (MARK, LABEL)

Notes are written in Bulgarian. The sugnatura is intended direction to the patient. It provides instructions as to how the medicine should be taken by the patient. This information must be sufficient to allow the patient to understand fully the amount of drug product to be taken and the frequency and manner of administration. If the drug has to use externally only or to be shaken well before using, or it is a poison, such facts are included. Example: Signa (S.) one tablet three times a day (Ter-in-die/t.i.d./three times daily) Signa (S.) one tablet when necessary (Pro re nata/p.r.n.) 6. NOMEN MEDICI Signature of the doctor may be put on the marked place or after the last drug and is identification data. 7. NOMEN AEGROTI Name, address and age of the patient. This part serves to identify for whom the prescription is intended. The full name and the address are required by law on all prescriptions for controlled substances. The age of the patient is a good additional piece of information, especially with pediatric pаtients where dosage calculations have to be double- checked for safety. This part may be located on the marked place or after the last drug on the back of the form blank. PRESCRIPTION TYPES The prescriptions can be classified as compounded and non-compounded. Compounded prescription, also called formula magistralis (from Latin word magister - teacher) or extemporaneous prescription is order requires mixing of one or more ingredients (active medicaments) with one or more pharmaceutical necessities (vehicle, suspending agent). The physician selects the drugs, doses, and pharmaceutical form that he desires and the pharmacist prepares the medication according to his art. The names of each drug are placed on a separate line directly under the preceding one. The order of ingredients is as follows: Remedium basis The basis is the principal drug and gives the prescription its chief action. Remedium adjuvans. Adjuvant. As the name suggests, the adjuvant is a drug that aids or increases the action of the principal ingredient.

Remedium corrigens. Corrective. The corrective modifies or corrects undesirable effects of the basic or adjuvant. Remedium constituens. Vehicle. The vehicle is the agent used as a solvent in the solution, to increase the size and volume, or to dilute the mixture. The most potent or principal drug is written the first, the other ingredient second, and the vehicle last. Example: Mixtura eunervina: Rp./ Kalii bromati (bromatis) 6,0 Rem. basis Luminali-Natrii 0,6 Rem. adjuvans Sirupi Menthae 60,0 Rem. corrigens Aquae destillatae ad 300,0 Rem. constituens Misce fiat mixtura Da.Signa. Take 1 tablespoon3 times daily after eating. # Rp./ Potassium bromate 6,0 Luminal-Sodium 0,6 Syrup of peppermint 60,0 Distilled water up to 300,0 Mix to obtain mixtura (form in the nominative) Give. Note. Take 1 tablespoon3 times daily after eating. Example: Antacid powder with anesthesine: ………Rp./ Anaesthesini ……….Bismuthi subnitrici aa 3.0 Magnesiae ustae 40.0 M.D.S. A half of teaspoon while eating. Rp./ Anesthesini Bismuth substrate of each 3.0 Magnesium oxide 40.0 Mix to obtain powder Note (Mark thou). A half of teaspoon while eating. Non-compounded prescription or fomula officinalis (officina is Latin word for workshop) does not require mixing of two or more ingredients to obtain a finished product. The precompounded order consists a drug or mixture of drugs supplied by a pharmaceutical company by its official or proprietary name and, if it contains more than one substance, the specific ingredients need not be listed. SYMBOLS AND ABBREVIATIONS USED IN PRESCRIPTION aa is the abbreviation of ana partes aequales (in equal quantities), exprissing “the substances are in equal quantities”. ad is used to express “add to get the whole weight of the preparation” or “up to”, when the drugs are soluted in a neutral substance. q.s. - quantum satis means ‘ as much as is it necessary”. D.t.d. № - da tales doses means “dispense such doses … in number”. D. scat. № - da scatulam - give … blisters. M.D.S. - Mix, give and note

M.f. + the medicinal form in nominative - Mix to obtain. Verte! - when should write on the back of the form blank and should be written near the bottom of the prescription form, at right angle. Some abbreviations of medical forms are: pulv. (pulvis) - powder; ung. (ungventum) - ointment, unguent; sol. (solutio) - solution; supp. (suppositorium) - supository; tab. (tabletta) - tablet. UNITS OF MEASUREMENT USED IN THE PRESCRIPTION The strength of the drugs should be written in metric units. Quantities of drugs are measured in grams, milligrams, and micrograms. The gram (g) is the basic unit of weight in the metric system.One one-thousandth of a gram is 1 milligram (mg). One one-thousandth of a milligram is 1 microgram (g) or 1 mcg. One thousand grams is a kilogram. The litre is the basic unit of volume in the metric system. We use commonly the millilitre (ml), which is one one-thousandth of a litre. The unit cubic centimetre, or cc, is used equally to ml. The strength (%) of a solution is usually expressed as the quantity of solute in sufficient solvent to make 100 ml; for instance, 20 % potassium chloride solution is 20 grams of KCl per 100 ml (g/100 ml). The gram is equal to the weight of 1 ml of distilled water of 4o C (Celsius) in a vacuum. PHARMACOPEIS AND FORMULARIES Book of standards for drugs and devices, known as pharmacopoeia and formularies are referred to collectively as drug compendia. A pharmacopoeia or a formulary is a book containing a list of medicinal substances (drugs) and articles (devices) with description, tests and formulas for preparing the same, selected by a recognized authority. The recognized authority which issues these standards in most countries is governmental. Official drug compendia have been recognized as standards of purity, quality and strength by a governmental agency of the country....

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