Price Statistics Section of PBS is responsible for collection PDF

Title Price Statistics Section of PBS is responsible for collection
Author Rabia Liaqat
Course Elementary linear algebra
Institution Islamic University
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Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has 18 Regional and 16 Field Offices spread all over the country for timely completion of field operation at local level to make enumeration cost effective.

REGULAR ACTIVITIES OF PBS AND MAIN SOURCES OF DATA Pakistan Bureau of Statistics collects statistical data relating to various socio-economic sectors of the economy and Demographic data through primary and secondary sources. A. PRIMARY SOURCES. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Price Statistics. Labor Force Statistics. Demographic Statistics. Statistics on Social & Economic Status of Households. Mining Statistics Manufacturing Statistics Education Census Economic Census

B. SECONDARY SOURCES. (Involving other Agencies)  1. 2. 3. 4. 5.  1. 2.

Other Agencies Collect the Data Statistics on Manufacturing Industries Agricultural Statistics Social Statistics like Education, Health, Sports and Culture. Generation of Electricity Business and Communication Other Agencies Provide Data from their records. External Trade Statistics. Public Finance Statistics

PRICE STAISTICS (PBS) Price Statistics Section of PBS is responsible for collection, compilation and presentation of retail/wholesale prices as well as computation of price indices. 1. Consumer Price Index (CPI): It is the main measure of price changes at the retail level and measures inflation with monthly frequency. 2. Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI): It measures price changes of essential items on weekly basis. Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI) is computed on weekly basis to assess the price movements of essential commodities at shorter interval of time so as to review the price situation in the country. SPI comprises of 51 essential items and the prices are being collected from 50 markets in 17 cities of the country 3. Wholesale Price Index (WPI): It measures price changes at the whole sale level on monthly basis. 

Price indices are calculated as weighted averages of the percentage price changes for a specified set, or ‘basket’, of consumer products, the weights reflecting their relative importance in household consumption in the base period. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE NEW BASE

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Introduction of Rural Consumer Price Index (RCPI) for the first time in the history of the country. Introduction of National Consumer Price Index along with Urban Consumer Price Index and Rural Price Index. Introduction of Population weights based on recent Population Census, 2017. The old methodology was assigning equal weights to large and small cities. Computation of Indices based on Weighted Geometric Mean. Introduction of consumption quintiles instead of income quintiles Electronic data collection (Android Based) for the first time in the history of PBS

Since July 2016 and computing the following five indices on monthly/weekly basis: i. Urban – Consumer Price Index (UCPI) ii. Rural – Consumer Price Index (RCPI) iii. National – Consumer Price Index (NCPI) iv. Wholesale Price Index (WPI) v. Sensitive Price Indicator (SPI)

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Income quintiles on the basis of Family Budget Survey (FBS) were used in 2007-08 to determine quintile indices for different income groups Consumption quintiles on the basis of Household Integrated Income and Consumption Survey (HIICS) 2015-16 were used to determine quintile indices. CRITERIA FOR SELECTION OF CITIES

As per technical committee recommendations, all big cities were selected and an analysis was conducted for selection of medium & small cities only within all provinces. The selection of cities has been made through stratified random approach based on population, keeping into consideration the geographical representation of all the areas of the country

Basket of Goods and Services for Urban CPI: The Urban CPI for the base year 2015-16 covers 356 items in the basket of goods and services, which represent the taste, habits and customs of households living in urban areas of Pakistan. This basket has been developed in the light of results generated through the Household Integrated Income and Consumption Survey (HIICS) conducted in 2015-16. The basket of goods and services comprises of 12 major commodity groups.

Coverage of cities and Selection of markets for Urban CPI: The current Urban CPI for the base year 2015-16 covers 35 urban centers of Pakistan. Depending upon the size of the city, in a range of 1 to 11 markets have been selected from where the prices are collected from three shops in each market. The number of markets covered in 35 cities is 68.

Basket of Goods and Services for Rural CPI: The rural CPI for the base year 2015-16 covers 244 items in the basket of goods and services, which represent the taste, habits and customs of households living in rural areas of Pakistan.

Coverage of rural centers and Selection of markets for rural CPI: The new Rural CPI for the base year 2015-16 covers 27 rural centers of Pakistan. One rural center from each administrative division of Pakistan has been included in the list of rural centers. 27 markets.


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Conceptual basis of Consumer Price Collection: Consumer prices for computation of CPI are being collected from retail stores and service establishments. These are the prices at which CPI items are sold to the consumers. In Methodology of Price Statistics, PBS collects the actual prices prevailing in the market, rather than list or tag prices fixed by the manufacturers or various price-monitoring agencies. Method and Frequency of Data Collection: PBS staff located in 30 Regional/Field offices collects CPI data regularly on monthly basis. They personally visit shops, stores, and establishments according to a predetermined time schedule and collect the prices from three shops of the selected items from Urban centers and two shops from Rural centers. Prices are reported in schedules specifically developed for the purpose. The contents of the schedules include name of the city, item, its specification and unit price. Electronic Data Collection Supervision of Price Data Collection: One Statistical Officer in every Regional/Field office has been made responsible for the technical supervision of work done by the price collectors. The officer is required to ensure that technical aspects of price collection are clearly understood and instructions laid down are followed by the price collectors. For this purpose, the technical supervisor is required to visit the markets for random checking of the prices. A dashboard for the price supervisor has been developed which enables him to compare the prices of each item in different markets and monitor the change in prices as compared to last month or week. Special color schemes are introduced to facilitate the price supervisor to verify the changes occurring within and between the markets. Editing/Checking of Prices at Headquarters: Price data are checked and scrutinized at the headquarters to ensure its accuracy. In case of any doubt or abnormal variations, the Price Statistics Section immediately sought clarifications from the concerned price reporting center. CALCULATION OF AVERAGE PRICES AT MARKET, CITY AND NATIONAL LEVEL

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For Urban CPI, three quotations for each item are obtained from different shops in a market and two quotations in case of Rural CPI. For each item, Geometric Mean (G.M) of these quotations is taken as a Representative Price for that market. The City Average, price for each item is computed by taking G.M of representative prices of all selected markets of the city. The urban average price of an item is thus obtained by taking the weighted geometric mean of all 35 cities covered under urban CPI with wpc as city population weight. Similarly, for Rural, average price of an item is obtained by taking weighted geometric mean of all 27 rural centers covered under rural CPI with wpc as respective rural center population weight. Formula used for Computation of Index

Laspeyre’s formula as given below is being used for the computation of Urban CPI and Rural CPI: 𝑰𝒏 = ∑(𝒑𝒏/𝒑𝒐) × 𝑾𝒊 ∑𝑾𝒊 × 100

Where 𝑰𝒏= CPI for the nth period 𝒑𝒏= price of an item in the in the nth period., = price of an item in the base period, 𝑾𝒊 = weight of the ith item in the base period = 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒒𝒐𝒊 /∑ 𝒑𝒐𝒊𝒒𝒐𝒊 and ∑ 𝑾𝒊 = Total weight of all items. Compilation of National CPI 

Urban and Rural CPIs are used to compile National CPI. Weighted Geometric Mean is computed to obtain National CPI, using proportion of urban and rural consumption received through HIICS as their respective weights. WHOLESALE PRICE INDEX (WPI)

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the Wholesale Price Index (WPI) is designed to measure the directional movement of prices for a set of selected items in the primary and wholesale markets. Prices used are generally those, which conform to the primary seller’s realization at ex-mandi, ex-factory or at an organized Wholesale level. The wholesale prices are being collected from wholesale markets of 19 cities The WPI covers 419 items in the base 2015-16. The items have been divided into five groups. Weights: The value of marketable surplus has been used for deriving the weights of items. The value of marketable surplus is the value of item available for sale in the wholesale market, which is equal to the total value of product less consumption by producer plus imports, minus Methodology of Price Statistics Base Year 2015-16 Page 23 of 43 export if any. The weights are derived at item level (Aggregate value of items in base year) and average price of all the markets for the particular item is used for computation of WPI. Methodology of data collection: Wholesale prices of 419 items included in WPI are being collected from 19 cities as per procedure explained under CPI. The wholesale prices are being collected by the staff of Regional/Field offices from 12th to 15th of each month. Calculation of average prices at market/city level For each commodity 3 quotations from different shops of a market are obtained. Geometric Mean of these 3 quotations is taken as a representative price for the commodities in the market/city.

Social Statistics (PBS)  

The Social Statistics Section collects data from various sources, such as official records of the federal ministries /divisions /organizations, and provincial governments on regular monthly and yearly basis. The information is gathered through correspondence and staff of Regional and Field Offices of the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics in the fields of education, health, agriculture, population welfare programme, traffic accidents, crimes statistics, press statistics, museum statistics, appeals & petitions, recreational statistics, information statistics etc

Pakistan Social Measurement




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PSLM Survey is a regular activity of PBS since 1st July 2015, earlier it was PSDP(public sector development program) funded project started in July 2004 and continued up to 30th June 2015. It was designed to provide Social & Economic indicators in the alternate years at provincial and district levels. As such this survey was one of the main mechanisms for the monitoring of MDGs indicator as out of 16 targets and 37 indicators adopted by Pakistan, 6 targets and 15 indicators were monitored through PSLM Surveys, which were conducted at district level and at Provincial level respectively at alternate years. PSLM District level survey collected information on key Social indicators which is the main source of estimation of Multi-Dimensional Poverty, whereas provincial level surveys (Social & HIES: household integrated economic survey) collected information on social indicators as well as on Income and Consumption. HIES data is used by Planning Commission for estimation of consumption based Poverty. The sample size of PSLM surveys district level was approximately 80000 households and approximately 26000 at Provincial level.

Objective of Survey     

PSLM is the main mechanism to provide data for:Monitoring development plans at district level. Assessment of programs initiated under Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). Planners / Policy Makers, Research workers, Statisticians and National / International Organizations use the data. Estimation of Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) from PSLM district level survey. Estimation of consumption based poverty (CBN from PSLM/ HIES Provincial level survey).

Number of Survey  

Six PSLM District Level Surveys have been completed 2004-05, 2006-07, 2008-09, 2010-11, 2012-13 & 2014-15 Six PSLM (Social & HIES) Provincial Level Survey have been completed 2004-05, 2005-06, 2007-08, 2010-11 & 2011-12, and 2013-14

In 2015-16, special survey namely Household Integrated Income and Consumption Survey (HIICS) was conducted to derive weights for Price Indices. This survey has also provided all information related to HIES

PSLM and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)    

UN has adopted new development plan for post 2015 monitoring called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Under SDGs there are 17 goals, 169 targets and 232 indicators. The agenda of SDGs is very comprehensive and it is designed in such a way that they are addressing the individuals rather than the households so that benefits can reach up to individual level. Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) is the central Statistical organization for monitoring of SDGs with the network of 34 regional /field offices all over Pakistan.

Four sub committees were formulated for in depth review of PSLM questionnaire.    

Education Health Water Supply & Sanitation Poverty and employment

Main Sectors Covered by PSLM / HIES (Provincial Level)         

Demographic characteristics Education Health Population Welfare Household Characteristics Water Sanitation and Hygiene Household Income, Consumption & Expenditure Household Assets, Household Amenities Saving & Liabilities Incorporated Modules

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Food Insecurity Experience Scale (FIES) Out of Pocket Health Expenditure Information Communication and Technology (ICT)

METHODOLOGY Sample design of PSLM survey  

Universe: The universe of this survey consists of all urban and rural areas of the four provinces and Islamabad excluding military restricted areas. Sampling Frame: Each city/town has been divided into enumeration blocks consisting of 200-250 households identifiable through sketch map. Each enumeration block has been classified into three categories of income groups i.e. low, middle and high, keeping in view the living standard of the majority of the people. List of villages published by Population Census Organization obtained as a consequence of Population Census 1998 has been taken as rural frame. In urban areas each enumeration block is treated as PSU while in rural areas villages are divided into blocks with well-defined boundaries and maps and each separate block within village is considered as PSU. Sample Design:A stratified two-stage sample design has been adopted for the survey. Stratification Plan:

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Urban Domain: For urban domain, each administrative division for all four provinces has been considered as an independent stratum. Rural Domain: For rural domain, each administrative district in Punjab, Sindh and Khyber Pakhtunkhawa and each administrative division in Balochistan, has been considered as an independent stratum

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Selection of Primary Sampling Units (PSUs): Villages and enumeration blocks in rural and urban areas, respectively, have been taken as Primary Sampling Units (PSUs). Sample PSUs have been selected from strata/sub-strata with Probability Proportional to Size (PPS) method of sampling technique. Selection of Secondary Sampling Units (SSUs): Households within sample PSUs have been taken as Secondary Sampling Units (SSUs). A specified number of households i.e. 16 and 12 from each sample PSU of rural & urban area have been selected, respectively using systematic sampling technique with a random start. Sample Size and its Allocation: Keeping in view the objectives of the survey, the sample size for the four provinces, AJK & Gilgit Baltistan has been fixed at 1995 sample blocks (PSU‟s) comprising 28500 households (SSU‟s), which is expected to produce reliable results at provincial level with urban and rural break Down. Data Quality and Reliability Measures Data quality in PSLM Survey is ensured through a built-in system of checking of enumeration work by the supervisors in the field. Teams at the headquarters, supervisors and field staff at Regional/ Field offices thoroughly review and edit the questionnaire to check the inconsistency or omissions. In case it requires further clarification or it is not properly filled, the household is again revisited to maintain high quality of data. The entire data entry and data cleaning was carried at the PBS headquarter Islamabad. To determine the reliability of estimates Coefficient of Variation (CV’s), confidence interval and standard error of important key indicators are also worked out

Labour Force Statistics  

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Pakistan Bureau of Statistics has been carrying out Labour Force Survey (LFS) since 1963. The questionnaire and methodology of the survey have been undergoing pertinent improvements through the forum of “Panel on Labour Statistics” comprising all important stakeholders to keep current with best practices. The questionnaire was revised in 1990 to include probing questions on marginal economic activities, likely to be carried out mostly by women and tend to go unrecorded with conventional questions. The questionnaire was further improved in 1995 to reckon with the size and composition of migration and informal sector. The scope of the survey was extended in 2001-02 to take the stock of occupational safety and health of employed persons. The questionnaire was further articulated for undertaking 1st quarterly LFS 2005-06. Last meeting of the Panel was held to review the questionnaire and methodology of the LFS 2014-15. LFS 2017-18: The survey’s sample size comprises of 43,472 households divided up into four distinct, nationally representative samples, each enumerated in a given quarter. Objectives

1. The major aim of the survey is to collect statistics on the various dimensions of country’s civilian labour force as a means to pave the way for skill development, planning, employment generation, assessing the role and importance of the informal sector and, sizing up the volume, characteristics and contours of employment. The broad objectives of the survey are as follows: 2. To collect data on the socio-demographic characteristics of the total population i.e. age, sex, marital status, level of education, current enrolment and migration etc; 3. To acquire current information on the dimensions of national labour force; i.e. number of persons employed, unemployed, and underemployed or out of labour market; 4. To gather descriptive facts on the engagement in major occupational trades and the nature of work undertaken by the institutions/organizations; 5. To profile statistics on employment status of the individuals, i.e. whether they are employers, own account workers, contributing family workers or paid employees(regular/casual); 6. To classify non-agricultural enterprises employing household member(s) as formal and informal; 7. To quantify the hours worked at main/subsidiary occupations; 8. To provide data on wages and mode of payment for paid employees; 9. To make an assessment of occupational health and safety of employed persons by causes, type of treat...

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