Principles of Behavior Modification last descusion questions PDF

Title Principles of Behavior Modification last descusion questions
Author Wendy Keith
Course  Principles of Behavior Modification
Institution University of Central Florida
Pages 3
File Size 26.9 KB
File Type PDF
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last discuse questions...


Pl easebeSUREt or eadChapt er s16,17,18,and19BEFOREwor ki ngont hi s di scuss i on. Lear nedbehavi or swor kbes twhent heyocc uri nnat ur al set t i ngswi t hnat ur al r ei nf or cer s.Whi l emanybehavi or scanbel ear nedi nar t i fici alset t i ngswi t har t i fic i al r ei nf or cer s,t heycanonl yr emai nper manenti ft heycont i nuet obeatl eastocc as i onal l y r ei nf or ced.Nat ur al set t i ngsl endt hemsel v est ot hi satl eas toccas i onal r ei nf or cement .

Pl easeans wert hef ol l owi ngques t i onsi ncompl et es ent encesandnumbery our ans wer s . Par tI 1)Pr ovi deanex ampl eofposi t i v er ei nf or cementi nanar t i fici alset t i ng( usi nganar t i fici al r ei nf or cerandanar t i fici alset t i ng) . 2)Defi nest i mul usgener al i zat i on. 3)Ex pl ai nhowy oucoul dt r anf ert hel ear ni ngi n#1)t oanat ur alset t i ngus i nganat ur al r ei nf or cer .Gi v eanex ampl e. 4)Ex pl ai nhowy oucoul dgener al i z et heSTI MULUSi n#1)t oot hersi mi l arst i mul ii na nat ur als et t i ng.Gi v eanex ampl e. 5)Ex pl ai nhowy oucoul dgener al i z et heRESPONSEi n#1t or es ponsesofc onsi der abl e phy si cal si ml i l ar i t y .Gi veanex ampl e. 6)Ex pl ai nhowy oucoul dgener al i z et heRESPONSEi n#1t or es ponsesofMI NI MAL phy si cal si mi l ar i t y .Gi veanex ampl e. 7)Expl ai nhowy oucoul dgener al i z et heRESPONSEi n#1t or esponsest hatar e f unct i onal l yequi v al ent .Gi v eanex ampl e 8)Whati sabehavi or alt r ap? 9)Expl ai nwhyi ti sv er ybenefi ci alt oc r eat eabehavi or alt r api nmai nt ai ni ngl ear ned behavi or si nnat ur alset t i ngs.Gi v eanex ampl e. 10)Expl ai nwhyi ti sbenefic i alt ogi vet hec ont r olofar es pons e( behavi or )t ot he i ndi vi dualwhoi st oper f or mi t .

Par tI I

Ant ecedent sar eevent st hatocc urbef or et hes t i mul ust hatsi gnal sar es pons e( a behavi or )i st ooccur .Forex ampl e,di r t ydi shesi sas t i mul ust hats i gnal st her es pons eof

was hi ngt hedi shes.I fwashi ngt hedi shesi sf ol l owedbyget t i ngapi eceofpi e( posi t i v e r ei nf or cement ) ,t hent hei ndi vi dual wi l lbeexpect edt owashdi shes( t hedesi r edbehavi or ordesi r edr esponse)mor eof t en.Buti naddi t i ont ousi ngpost i ver ei nf or cement ,wecan al sost at ear ul e( s omet hi ngwest at ebef or eweseet hedi r t ydi shes)t hatwest at eev er y dayaf t erdi nner .Thenev enbef or ewes eet hedi r t ydi s hes,t her ul e( t heant edecent ) i ncr easest hel i k el i hoodt hatwewi l lact ual l ywasht hedi shes.Forex ampl e, Ant ecedent / St i mul us/ Res ponse/ Consequenc e:Af t erdi nner ,y out el ly our s el ft her ul e," I fIwasht hedi shes,Iwi l lgetadel i c i ouspi eceofpi e"( ant ecedent ) /Di r t ydi shes ( st i mul us) /Washt hedi shes ( r espons e) /Getadel i ci ouspi eceofpi e( cons equence) .I n t hi sc ase,t heant ecedent( t el l i ngy our sel fwhatt oex pectbys t at i ngt her ul e)act ual l y i ncr easest hel i k el i hoodofwashi ngt hedi shes( r esponse) .Pl easeanswert hef ol l owi ng quest i onsi nc ompl et es ent encesandnumbery ourans wer s . 1)Gi v eanex ampl eofposi t i v er ei nf or cementt haty ouf eelwoul dwor kf oroneofy our par ent s. 2)St at ear ul et hatcoul dnat ur al l yocc uri nas i t uat i ont hatocc ur sr i ghtbef or east i mul us i spr esent . 3)Showt heAnt ecedent / st i mul us/ r es pons e/ c onsequencesequence. 4)Whyar er ul espar t i cul ar l ybenefic i al whenr api dbehavi or alchangei sdesi r ed? 5)Whyar er ul espar t i cul ar l ybenefic i al whenconsequencesar edel ay ed? 6)Whyar er ul espar t i cul ar l ybenefic i al whennat ur alc onsequencesar ehi ghl y i nt er mi t t ent ? 7)Whyar er ul est hati ncl udedeadl i ness i gni ficant l ymor eeffect i v et hanr ul est hatdo not .Gi veanex ampl ei ny ourexpl anat i on. 8)Rul esar eonl yonet y peofant ecedent .Anot hert y peofant ecedenti sagoal .Expl ai n usi nganex ampl eofhowusi ngagoalasanant ecedentt oas t i mul uscani nc r easet he l i k el i hoodofper f or mi ngadesi r edbehavi or . 9)Whyar e" doy ourbes tgoal s"i neffect i v easc ompar edt or eal i st i c,spec i ficgoal s ? 10)Whyar epubl i cgoal smor eeffect i v et hanpr i vat egoal s ? 11)Whyar egoal sWI THf eedbackmor eeffect i v et hangoal sWI THOUTf eedback.Gi v e anex ampl e. 12)Anot hert ypeofant ecedentt oas t i mul usi smodel i ng.Descr i bei tandgi vean ex ampl e. 13)Whyi si tbenefic i al t ous emul t i pl emodel sr at hert hanone ?Gi v eanex ampl e. 14)Anot hert ypeofant ecedentt oas t i mul usi sphys i calgui dance.Descr i bei tandgi v e anex ampl e.

15)Anot hert ypeofant ecedentt oas t i mul usi ssi t uat i onal i nducement .Des cr i bei tand gi v eanex ampl eusi ngs i t uat i onal i nducementofhowy oucoul dgetsomeoneal r eady cook i ngThanks gi vi ngdi nnert oal socooks omet hi ngonl yy oul i k e( l i k es paghet t i and meat bal l s)t hati snott y pi cal l ymadeonThank sgi vi ng. 16)Usi ngsi t uat i onali nducement ,ex pl ai nwi t hanex ampl ehowy oucoul dmovean act i vi t y( l i k es t udy i ng)t oanewl ocat i onasanant ec edentt oas t i mul us. 17)Usi ngsi t uat i onali nducement ,ex pl ai nwi t hanex ampl ehowy oucoul dr el ocat e peopl ei ny ourcur r entorpastwor kenvi r onmentasanant ecedentt oast i mul usf or get t i ngas peci ficpr oj ectdone. 18)Usi ngsi t uat i onali nducement ,ex pl ai nwi t hanex ampl ehowy oucoul dc hanget he t i meofanact i vi t y( s uc hasac hl d' sbedt i me)asanant ecedentt oas t i mul usf orget t i nga chi l dt ogot osl eep. 19)Defi newhati tmeanst ouseMot i v at i onasanant ecedentt oast i mul us . 20)Gi v easi mpl eexampl eofaMot i v at i ont oas t i mul usi ndi cat i ngt hef ol l owi ng sequence:Mot i v at i on( ant ecedent ) /St i mul us/Response/ Consequence...

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